min-height: 240px!important; margin-left: 50%; } width: 1.5em; } flex-shrink: 0; } Underneath of car is in excellent shape. border-top-right-radius: 0; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #ffe5c3; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; Nice find though. color: #fff; } width: 50%; } .navbar.is-light .navbar-item.has-dropdown.is-active .navbar-link { Pacemaker. box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(50, 152, 220, 0.25); .table th.is-warning { color: #fff; } color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.3); } .turbo { background: #bd0202; } You guess there will be very few surprises? color: #fff; } .left > div { margin-left: 25%; } margin-left: -0.375em; background-color: #effaf3; 2 door coupe Hudson whats not to like. .button.is-info.is-inverted:hover, .button.is-info.is-inverted.is-hovered { Options $0. } box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(54, 54, 54, 0.25); } Agree that the 262 and later 308 were better engines. /* Carousel font-weight: bold; background-color: #0a0a0a; position: absolute; .grid-card .detail.p span.power abbr, .column.is-offset-2-fullhd { flex: auto; .hero.is-warning .navbar-link.is-active { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } .input:hover, .textarea:hover, .select select:hover, .is-hovered.input, .is-hovered.textarea, .select select.is-hovered { .box { .button.is-danger.is-inverted.is-outlined { .table th.is-info { .pagination.is-rounded .pagination-previous, 30+ days ago. text-align: left!important; .navbar.is-success .navbar-dropdown a.navbar-item.is-active { .message.is-light .message-body { .column.is-offset-5-fullhd { .navbar.is-light .navbar-end .navbar-link::after { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; font-weight: bold; border-color: transparent; .navbar.is-danger .navbar-end .navbar-link::after { margin-right: 1.5rem; .select.is-small { Lets start a GoFundMe page for this and the owner of the Packard Caribbean convertible for a wash and detail. margin-left: 33.3333333333%; } .hero.is-white.is-bold .navbar-menu { color: white; .column { flex-grow: 1; } So they were stuck with that structure until their last version, as an ugly retrimmed Nash. --columnGap: 1rem; } } } Save the original, numbers matching powertrain and restomod the car. margin-top: 2px; flex: none; padding: 5px; } color: #4a4a4a; } border-color: transparent transparent #fff #fff !important; } margin-left: 80%; } .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined { font-weight: normal; .pagination.is-right .pagination-previous { .navbar-item.has-dropdown { .filterlist a.is-danger i { color: #f89d0e!important; } text-decoration: underline; } border-color: transparent; position: absolute; There is no rust thru any-where on the car. For 1948 to 1953 Hudson. This powerplant features side valve valve gear, 8 cylinder layout, and 2 valves per cylinder. background-color: white; .is-inline.input, .is-inline.textarea { .grid-card .detail span, pointer-events: none; } .grid-card > .image-old { .manufacturer { .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-12 { align-items: stretch; color: black; color: #3298dc; } line-height: calc(1ex / 0.4) !important; } .home-page .columns.main { /* visibility: hidden; */ flex-grow: 1; It remains a distinctive and interesting car, and this 1949 Commodore Club Coupe looks like it would be a great restoration project. .column.is-3-touch { .hero.is-fullheight { It has been sitting for many years, so most likely the motor is stuck. padding-left: var(--columnGap); .button.is-dark.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-dark.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-dark.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-dark.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { margin-top: 10px; z-index: -20; color: gray !important; 1949 Hudson Commodore. margin-left: 20px; border-color: white; flex: none; Lots of Chevys and shoeboxes laying around that can be updated and have a slushbox added, but please not this one. .pagination.is-rounded .pagination-next { table.specstable caption { @media screen and (min-width: 769px), print { width: 100%; } .manufacturer .rss { .tag:not(body) .icon:last-child:not(:first-child) { Hudson Commodore-Super 2gen years, types and editions catalogue (1948-1952), Commodore 482 Convertible Brougham (1948-1948), Commodore 484 Convertible Brougham (1948-1948), Commodore 492 Convertible Brougham (1949-1949), Commodore 494 Convertible Brougham (1949-1949), Commodore 502 Convertible Brougham (1950-1950), Commodore 504 Convertible Brougham (1950-1950), Commodore 6A Convertible Brougham (1951-1951), Commodore 6A Convertible Brougham (1952-1952), Commodore 6A Hollywood Hardtop (1952-1952), Commodore 6A Hollywood Hardtop (1951-1951), Commodore 8A Convertible Brougham (1952-1952), Commodore 8A Convertible Brougham (1951-1951), Commodore 8A Hollywood Hardtop (1951-1951), Commodore 8A Hollywood Hardtop (1952-1952), Super 481 Convertible Brougham (1948-1948), Super 491 Convertible Brougham (1949-1949), Super 501 Convertible Brougham (1950-1950), Super 5A Convertible Brougham (1951-1951). --columnGap: 0.25rem; } } max-height: 200px !important; proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights. Keep me in the conversation via email. .navbar.is-link .navbar-brand .navbar-link:focus, position: relative; box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px -4px #333333; $ 20,000. padding-right: 2.5em; } .gas::after { color: whitesmoke; } order: 3; } .column.is-offset-5-widescreen { Flat Head 6 Automatic. text-shadow: none; Classics on Autotrader is your one-stop shop for the best classic cars, muscle cars, project cars, exotics, hot rods, classic trucks, and old cars for sale. padding-top: 12px; background-color: #f2f2f2; .grid-card > .detail { .button.is-black.is-loading::after { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0; Out of 159,000 cars produced in 1949, only 28,600 were Commodore eights. .field.has-addons .control:last-child:not(:only-child) .button, .tools-page .not(footer) ul a { } .navbar.is-link .navbar-end > a.navbar-item.is-active, height: 1.5em; margin-left: 80%; } /* The rest of the interior looks to be in wonderful condition, and once again, some solid work with quality cleaning products would make the world of difference. .column.is-1-touch { There is a time for natural environment and this aint it. } margin: 0; transform: translateY(-5px) rotate(-45deg); } .notification pre { color: #cc0f35; } display: block; padding-left: 0; .button.is-link.is-outlined { @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px) { position: sticky; margin-left: 33.3333%; } border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } display: none; color: #fff; } border-color: transparent transparent #48c774 #48c774 !important; } color: #fff; } color: #f89d0e; .navbar.is-black .navbar-start .navbar-link:hover, .button.is-large { .navbar.is-transparent .navbar-link:hover, Body styles were trimmed to Sedan, Club Coupe, and Convertible. Steering wheel center for 1948 and 1949 Hudson Commodore. padding: 0.5em 1em; } .notification.is-info.is-light { } .image-old img { 1949 Hudson Commodore 4-Door Sedan. .columns.is-variable.is-5-desktop-only { .navbar.is-dark .navbar-brand .navbar-link { border-color: transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) !important; } background-color: white; Look at the picture, but what a great smooth, fast, ride it was. .columns.is-variable.is-1-desktop { color: black!important; } background-color: black; margin-left: -0.375em; text-shadow: none; .media-content { .hero.is-danger .subtitle strong { background-color: whitesmoke; } There was little difference in the cars because the six was a bit smoother running than the eight. .list .list-item .fa-chevron-right { color: #fff; } .select:not(.is-multiple):not(.is-loading)::after { flex: none; padding: 4px; .hero.is-light a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-light a.navbar-item.is-active, } } color: #0a0a0a; } nav.main-nav a:hover { top: 84px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } flex: none; height: 1.3rem; box-shadow: none; background-color: whitesmoke; background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); } padding-top: 0; .navbar.is-info .navbar-brand .navbar-link { Still, I really like these cars and this should be a prime candidate for restoration. .hero.is-warning .navbar-item, .button.is-white.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-white.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-white.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-white.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { padding: 0; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .navbar.is-white .navbar-dropdown a.navbar-item.is-active { } background-color: black; .file-icon .fa { .hero.is-warning .subtitle { border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } .navbar.is-white .navbar-brand .navbar-link:focus, site. font-size: 38px; box-shadow: none; } .grid-card > div.card-head a { z-index: 1; } font-size: 28px; } justify-items: right; background-color: black; .models-page .maninfo-left { background-color: #f2f2f2; .select.is-success select:focus, .select.is-success select.is-focused, .select.is-success select:active, .select.is-success select.is-active { .column.is-offset-half-fullhd { border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } color: #919191; } View all Hudson Commodore-Super 2gen versions & production yearsVisit us on Facebook ! flex: none; The 2023 Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing Is Luxury Muscle. */ .column.is-one-fifth, .column.is-one-fifth-tablet { .navbar.is-black .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar.is-black .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar.is-black .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item.is-active, border-color: transparent; width: auto; } z-index: -20; .hero.is-info .tabs.is-boxed a, .hero.is-info .tabs.is-toggle a { border-color: transparent; color: white; } .column.is-12-mobile { But before that, dont push the clutch pedal down, as you can do some serious damage to the cork clutch linings. Dealership. content: counter(my-counter); } .button.is-white[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-white { font-weight: bold; .navbar.is-spaced .navbar-dropdown, .navbar-dropdown.is-boxed { The H-E-T club also can supply 8oz bottles of clutch fluid. margin-left: 91.6666666667%; } .navbar-item img { .columns.is-variable.is-2-desktop { .navbar-menu { min-height: 160px !important; 3) Detailed Performance Review, 1949 Hudson Super Six Two-Door Brougham Drive-Master (s-aut. } width: 66.6666%; } .tag:not(body).is-primary.is-light { background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #fa0a62 0%, #f14668 71%, #f7595f 100%); } } .tabs.is-toggle li:last-child a { color: currentColor; } .file.is-primary:hover .file-cta, .file.is-primary.is-hovered .file-cta { padding-bottom: 0; He also fitted a White truck 12 volt generator (the MG was 12 volt in 1939, two 6 volt batteries in series under the back seats), late 30s Buick headlights, it had been hit in the rear and had early 50s Ford truck taillights. top: 100%; .level-right { For petes sake wash it so you can see how nice it is. .home-page .data { margin-left: 20px; background-color: #363636; color: #fff; } box-shadow: none; .navbar.is-success .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar.is-success .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar.is-success .navbar-start > a.navbar-item.is-active, width: 2rem; } color: #fff; } div.m2 > a.man { Hudson began postwar automobile production on August 30, 1945. border-color: black; } .navbar input, .navbar select, .navbar textarea, .navbar textarea { } border-color: transparent transparent #ffdd57 #ffdd57 !important; } flex: none; justify-content: center; } .navbar-item.is-active .navbar-dropdown, .navbar-item.is-hoverable:focus .navbar-dropdown, .navbar-item.is-hoverable:focus-within .navbar-dropdown, .navbar-item.is-hoverable:hover .navbar-dropdown { border-color: transparent; .column.is-offset-one-quarter-widescreen { div.grid-card, .car-page .grid-card , .search-results .grid-card{ .columns.is-gapless:last-child { background-color: white; .control.has-icons-right .select select { .control.is-loading::after { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; .grid-card .card-head, label.stable-toggle { @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .hero.is-primary .subtitle a:not(.button), margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } } .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined { flex: none; background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(224,239,249,1) 0%, rgba(216,225,231,1) 13%, rgba(181,198,208,1) 22%, rgba(181,198,208,1) 34%, rgba(242,246,248,1) 100%);*/ Edit options. color: #ffdd57; } max-width: 960px; } } --columnGap: 0.25rem; } } color: #dbdbdb; If a person was to bring cash, Im sure the seller would throw in a car wash. .column.is-offset-three-fifths-widescreen { counter-increment: my-counter; .hero.is-white .navbar-item, border-color: #363636; } margin-left: 50%; } .column.is-1, .column.is-1-tablet { . margin-right: 0.75rem; } } .column.is-offset-7-widescreen { --columnGap: 1.75rem; } } .list .list-item .fa-trash-alt:hover { That said, there were several aftermarket accessory parts makers who offered polished Stainless Steel fender skirts. } .navbar.is-success .navbar-end .navbar-link.is-active { Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for For 1946-1949 Hudson Super Series Stop Light Switch SMP 75682NK 1947 1948 at the best online prices at eBay! border-bottom-right-radius: 0; .hero.is-light .navbar-link { border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); overflow-x: auto; label.filter { font-size: 0.9rem; padding-right: 3rem; } label.stable-toggle a, margin-right: 0.75rem; } background-color: transparent; color: rgba(122, 122, 122, 0.3); } /*.car-page .first > * { display: none; } } flex: none; top: auto; } margin-left: 33.3333%; } .file-label { width: 75%; } You can see it shine under the dust??? padding: 0; NOS 1948 Hudson Commodore - Front Running Light Chrome Bezels PAIR | eBay Motors, Parts & Accessories, Car & Truck Parts & Accessories | eBay! border-color: transparent; .column.is-7, .column.is-7-tablet { .column.is-offset-3-touch { flex-shrink: 1; } right: 16px; color: white; } .super::after { display: block; background-color: black; .control.has-icons-left .select.is-small ~ .icon, .control.has-icons-right .input.is-small ~ .icon, border-color: #e1b560; Beautiful next to rust free body and fl, 1950 Hudson Commodore 6 New 350 Chevy Power with 350 Tranny and Lincoln rear end. color: #f89d0e; } --columnGap: 0.75rem; } background-color: #f2f2f2; height: 100%; } .table tbody tr:last-child td, .select.is-danger select { overflow: hidden; .column.is-four-fifths-widescreen { .button.is-link.is-outlined[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-link.is-outlined { .button.is-warning:focus:not(:active), .button.is-warning.is-focused:not(:active) { This Hudson is dressed in a two-tone grey and white paint livery with beautiful chrome accents, updated halo headl. .natur::after { --columnGap: 1rem; } .navbar.has-shadow { margin-bottom: -110px; } border-color: #0a0a0a; .buttons.has-addons .button:not(:first-child) { background-color: #fff; color: #3298dc; } .navbar .button, .navbar input { background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #ffaf24 0%, #ffdd57 71%, #fffa70 100%); } } .columns.is-variable.is-8-touch { .pagination, flex: none; color: currentColor; } width: 100%; } margin: 0; Brougham and sedans were of a fastback design while convertibles and coupes were notchbacks. flex-grow: 0; The bid currently sits at $2,500 with seven days left to go, but if you can't wait, there's the option to take . transition: all 0.5s ease; border-color: transparent; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; color: #fff; } flex: none; color: #3298dc; } flex-wrap: wrap; min-width: 2.5em; } border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } border-color: transparent; max-height: 240px; --columnGap: 1.5rem; } } z-index: 30; } background-color: white; padding: 5px; Would like to see it washed and in daylight. color: #f89d03; background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); } .button.is-link.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-link.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-link.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-link.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { .specifications-page .column.left + .column { .tools-page table, .tools-page table th { .models-page .columns.reverse { flex: none; height: 3rem; flex-shrink: 0; font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; justify-content: flex-start; .home-page .data h2, .home-page .data a.modellink { [11][12] display: flex; } font-weight: bold; .level-item .subtitle { .level { color: #f89d0e; font-size: 1.4rem; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } .maninfo p { color: #fff; } display: block; box-shadow: 0 1px 4px -2px black; display: inline-block; } margin-left: -0.75rem; } } .navbar.is-light .navbar-end .navbar-link:focus, The incorporation of material or any part of it in any other web-site, electronic retrieval system, publication or any other work (whether hard copy, electronic or otherwise), also the storage of any part of this site on optical, digital or/and electronic media is strictly prohibited. width: 83.3333333333%; } padding-top: 1rem; } position: relative; --columnGap: 0.75rem; } } border-color: transparent; margin: 2px; } border-color: transparent; table.specstable { height: auto; margin-right: auto; } background-color: #ffdd57; .button.is-info:active, .button.is-info.is-active { .message.is-white .message-header { color: #fff; } .hero.is-white .tabs a:hover { color: #947600; } .tag:not(body).is-delete::before { It looks like there will be potentially very little work required to bring the body and interior back to life, and if the drive-train can be revived, I can think of fewer things finer than cruising down a country road on a sunny Sunday behind the wheel of this car. .navbar-content { text-shadow: rgb(0,0,0) 1px 1px 0; display: flex; .file.is-boxed.is-large .file-icon .fa { margin-right: -10px !important; } A door that is out of alignment at the top To move the upper section of the door ahead or back, 3. or bottom may be adjusted by loosening the screws loosen the upper hinge screws, to move the lower section . .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined { background: #f89d0e; .electric { background: green; } border-width: 2px 0 0; background-color: whitesmoke; .button.is-success.is-light:hover, .button.is-success.is-light.is-hovered { padding-right: 3rem; manufactured by Hudson in United States. .navbar.is-danger .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover, .field.has-addons .control .select select:not([disabled]):focus, Whats not to like about a 2dr Hudson? background: #172f48; background-color: #2f2f2f; .navbar.is-white .navbar-end .navbar-link { This basic styli. .hero.is-primary strong { padding-right: 32px; .columns.is-variable.is-8-mobile { margin-left: auto; flex-basis: 100%; top: 0.5rem; } font-size: 0.75rem; padding-top: 0.05rem; } .column.is-offset-11-mobile { .models-page div.grid .grid-card { "link" Sign up for our free daily email and youll never miss another find: V8 Swapped! position: sticky; .navbar.is-warning .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus, .column.is-offset-12-widescreen { This beautiful coupe currently calls Antwerp, Ohio, home, and is up for auction here on eBay. .hero.is-dark a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-dark a.navbar-item.is-active, border-color: #fff; nav.main, nav.main .navbar-dropdown { color: white; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } } margin-top: 10px; width: 1em; } left: 0; width: 100%; } .table th.is-selected a, border-color: transparent; text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px; width: 48.5px; If I remember correctly these had polished stainless steel fender skirts if so hopefully they exist cause theyd be hard to find. flex: none; As a marketing promotion, Hudson had plastic specialists use scaled-down blueprints to develop transparent models of the Commodore Eight sedan to demonstrate and promote the design and construction of the cars.[16]. .navbar-item.is-tab:focus, .navbar-item.is-tab:hover { } .specifications-compare .main .header { margin-top: 0; } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: 100%; .hero.is-white.is-bold { flex: none; .navbar.is-black .navbar-burger { font-weight: bold; .select.is-primary select:hover, .select.is-primary select.is-hovered { border-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; border-color: transparent; margin-right: auto; border-color: transparent; .hero.is-danger .subtitle a:not(.button), @media only screen and (max-width: 1199px) { margin: 2px; display: flex; padding: 4px; width: 16.6666666667%; } box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(72, 199, 116, 0.25); } @media screen and (min-width: 1408px) { font-size: 80%; flex-wrap: wrap; } .file.is-light:focus .file-cta, .file.is-light.is-focused .file-cta { .button.is-black:active, .button.is-black.is-active { width: 83.3333333333%; } margin-left: calc(-0.5em - 2px); } .search-terms-display .or { color: #3366cc; } z-index: 4; } PS: look at the additional photos on Craigslist. .button.is-success:focus:not(:active), .button.is-success.is-focused:not(:active) { margin-left: 20%; } padding-top: 0.05rem; } --columnGap: 0.5rem; } They were smooth and had enough torque. display: block; .message.is-info { .petrol::after { background-color: whitesmoke; .columns.is-variable.is-5-fullhd { .hero.is-warning strong { opacity: 0.5; } margin-left: 33.3333%; } Hudson 1949. .navbar.is-primary .navbar-brand .navbar-link.is-active { background-color: black; width: 66.6666666667%; } opacity: 0.9; } } .button.is-black.is-inverted.is-outlined { .navbar.is-light .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus, outline: none; } .input, .textarea, .select select { .hero.is-danger .navbar-menu { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(72, 199, 116, 0.25); } function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} flex: none; Totally unnecessarybreaks up the lines. For sale! box-shadow: none; .tile.is-8 { --columnGap: 1.5rem; } } background-color: black; .columns.is-variable.is-3 { border-color: #48c774; } .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-full { border-radius: 6px; display: block; margin-top: 0; margin: 4px; .file.is-dark:hover .file-cta, .file.is-dark.is-hovered .file-cta { margin-right: auto; margin-left: 60%; } .column.is-four-fifths-fullhd { width: 50%; } .diesel::after { .tweetbar { color: black; @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { background-color: whitesmoke; padding-bottom: 0.05rem; } The Hudson Commodore is an automobile that was produced by the Hudson Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan between 1941 and 1952. .specifications-page .grid a.man { Condition Very Nice . color: white; } box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.25); display: grid; Hudson-Mania on Barn Finds. Back in the 70s while walking to school, I would always pass a small yard enclosed in cyclone fencing that housed two early Hudsons that had been professionally converted to custom pick-ups. .notification.is-black { gtag('js', new Date()); background-color: whitesmoke; h1 { .is-grouped label { .select.is-loading::after { .column.is-offset-11, .column.is-offset-11-tablet { .table td.is-white, position: absolute; .column.is-11-fullhd { margin-left: 4px; .hero-buttons .button:not(:last-child) { .message-body pre { color: #fff; } background-color: whitesmoke; margin-top: -5em; overflow: hidden; .file.is-large { text-align: center; .grid-card { .hero.is-warning .navbar-menu { Rep, Georgia Registration Only Per Prior NC Title Specially Constructed North Carolina State Issued VIN C, The Hudson Motor Car Company was an automobile manufacture that produced vehicles in Detroit, Michig, 50 Hudson Commodore ? .car-page .hero .level { } border-width: 2px; It is in Mr. Averagemans garage. .button.is-dark.is-inverted[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-dark.is-inverted { flex-wrap: wrap; .field-label.is-small { .hero.is-danger .subtitle { Low Retail $5,275. width: 75%; } input.checkbox:checked + label.filter::before, border-color: #999999; .hero.is-warning .tabs.is-boxed a, .hero.is-warning .tabs.is-toggle a { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(72, 199, 116, 0.25); } color: white; } This Hudson is dressed in a two-tone grey and white paint livery with beautiful . .file.is-boxed.has-name .file-cta { } @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { .column.is-three-quarters-mobile { .help.is-light { top: 100%; color: #fff; } border-color: transparent transparent whitesmoke whitesmoke !important; } color: #f89d0e !important; flex-grow: 1; padding: 0; background-color: white; color: #fff; } .specifications-compare table.specstable .modelrow th.divider a { color: #ffffff !important; text-shadow: none; } .button.is-light.is-inverted[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-light.is-inverted { .navbar.is-warning .navbar-item.has-dropdown.is-active .navbar-link { margin-top: 70px; Detailed Search Interface on the Home Page, 1949 Hudson Super 491 2-Door Brougham all versions specifications and performance data, 1948-1952 Hudson Commodore-Super 2nd generation catalogue. border-color: #3298dc; } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } font-weight: bold; position: relative; border-color: #fff; .message.is-light { margin-left: 25%; } width: 80%; } I guess, because it could take the torque of a bigger engine, and, being GM, it might be a lot easier to mount up against the Olds V8. .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-2 { .car-page .ad-tag { width: 91.6666666667%; } .internal-nav { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } color: white; .select select[multiple] option { nav .stable.tag { margin-left: 12px !important; background: #f89d0e; font-weight: bold;} max-width: 45vw; display: none; } text-indent: 3px; } } background: #000000aa !important; background-color: #f2f2f2; .columns.is-variable.is-8-tablet-only { .tile.is-7 { Mystery solved? border-top-right-radius: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; .hero.is-dark .navbar-link:hover, .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { .hero.is-success .navbar-menu { .navbar.is-info .navbar-item.has-dropdown:focus .navbar-link, justify-content: center; border-color: #363636; border-color: transparent; .legal p, .about p { flex: none; pointer-events: none; } } max-width: 16em; } max-width: 180px; } color: white; Please No . color: #0d0d0c !important; .data > * , .data h2, .data h3, .data a.modellink{ margin-left: 83.3333333333%; } div.columns.bottom-half { color: whitesmoke; } } } #carousel h1 { .button.is-primary.is-inverted.is-outlined { margin-left: -2px!important; } color: #f89d0e !important; If you mean the skirt continued with the body molding design to the rear that may be true. .icon.is-small { padding: 0 2rem; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) {