Due to the large number of requests we receive, Arizona Science Center is unable to individually acknowledge receipt of your request and not all requests will be granted. Click to enjoy the latest deals and coupons of Bearizona and save up to 10% when making purchase at checkout. Imagine the pageantry and excitement that would have been yours as a guest of the realm ten centuries ago. Search Log in. Direct mail donation requests are sent out once because of printing and mailing costs. Due to high donation demands we only donate to local Fountain Hills Charities and Organizations. Monetary donations are only made through the Arizona Coyotes Foundation Grant process. Current Specials & Events - Closed for Private Event 1/8 7pm-Close. Call Map Hours Search - Cart. Scottsdale Arts offers a limited number of ticket donations every year, and we welcome your request. Submission of a request does not guarantee approval. If your organization would like to be considered for a donation, please submit your request on organization letterhead via U.S. Since 1992, the Taco Bell Foundation has reached more than 4 million young people across the country and has awarded more than $110 million in Live Ms Scholarships and grants to youth-serving nonprofit organizations focused on education and career readiness. We do not provide financial donations. Midway through your drive, you will jump off the bus for a unique backstage experience and viewing of our wolf training sessions. Other restrictions may apply. What they donate: Depends on request, e.g. Open 365 days a year, including holidays More animals are exhibited in Fort Bearizona, a beautiful 20-acre walk-thru area, along winding paths which is more of a zoo typesetting. STAY UP TO DATE FOR THE LATEST & GREATEST DEALS. Do more good with a complementary auction basket! If you are asking for a representative of the winery to be present at your event, we need a minimum 90 day advance notice. Contact Information. While we strive to help as much as possible, most donations cannot be fullfilled. Go backstage and meet some of our animal ambassadors and their friendly keepers. In-kind Donations are granted on a first come first served basis to qualifying organizations.Please complete the below application to be considered for the Harkins Theatres In-kind Donations Program. This up-close experience will fill your camera roll as well as your heart. We'd love to hear from you. Make a Donation. If your request is accepted, Arizona Science Center will mail the General Admission passes, along with a letter outlining the description, terms and restrictions of the donation to the main contact listed for the organization at the organizations address. Event/organization is located within 40 miles of a Cobblestone Auto Spa. We truly appreciate you being our customer and thanking you for choosing Cobblestone Auto Spa! Online fundraising appeals can be sent on a weekly or even daily basis. Many of our guests stay even longer. The theatre will not make an outright monetary contribution. Click on Locations in the menu at the top of this . Camp Verde, AZ 86322 Responses will be made only to groups that are selected for a donation. ZOO OPEN: 9AM - 6PM | AQUARIUM OPEN: 9AM - 7PM. Please provide information on your good work and tell us how you will Promotional passes, once provided to the charitable organization, are good for one year from the event date provided. A few important notes before you submit your request: Arizona Stronghold receives dozens of donation requests per week and we have a very limited donation budget. Check Race Times. Have you received a donation from us in the past 12 months? Arizona Science Center All Rights Reserved, About Us Requests for individual/family support. We look forward to hearing about your mission. Built in the late twenties, the layout and character of these courses has been refined over many decades, providing golfers a stately and distinctive experience. 386. from. You can buy Bearizona tickets online or in person. View wildlife in spacious, natural environments that foster memorable and educational encounters with animals. Chick-fil-A Seneca loves to give back and is proud to be a community partner. Desert Botanical Garden. Please allow 10 days for a Cobblestone representative to contact you regarding eligibility. The official website for Arizona Athletics at the University of Arizona in Tucson. 110. Non-profits can apply for a cash grant online with the Kroger donation request form. Please complete the form below and submit your request at least four to six weeks prior to your event. Visitors will drive through more than three miles of Ponderosa Pine Forest viewing North American animals in natural habitats when they visit. Donation Requests; Plan a Party; Contact; 1085 Baker Lane, Asheville, NC 28803 Map Hours. If you would like to request a Donation Box of Socks, please fill out the Donation Request Form below: Requests must specify how the donation will be used and the date by which the donation is needed. The animals at Bearizona have ample area to roam and may not be visible at all times. 2017 LEGOLAND Discovery Center Arizona. Chat with our silly umbrella cockatoo, Mozart, pet a goat, kiss a camel. 4.1 Send more than one online donation request. Will I see all of the animals in the park. All fields are required unless indicated otherwise. Requests are reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. All donation requests must be made online a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the event date. After each drawing, the selected organizations will receive an email informing them of their status. Connecting with our communities is important to all of us at Black Bear Diner. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive text message alerts and emails from Cobblestone up to 6 messages per month. We create magical experiences through three programs: Only requests from Arizona 501(c)3 organizations will be considered. Get up-close to elusive animals while driving through the park. Reduction: as much as 20% Off | Bearizona Promo Codes. Please allow up to four (4) weeks for a charitable donation request response. We do not grant or send passes to individuals. Dine in our themed restaurant, Canyonland Restaurant. Arizona Stronghold Vineyards is a proud supporter of many dedicated non-profit organizations. Kimpton Hotel Palomar Phoenix Donation Request Form Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Pick Organization Country and Type * Country: * Organization Type: Organization Search Enter the organization name or tax id to search for organization: State/Province: Manually enter organization info Organization Info . Donation requests must be made online (no written, phone, or email requests) REQUEST GUIDELINES Business Office: Update your cookie settings for this site. Stadium Videoboard Message and Fan Experiences, Military & First Responder Single Game Offers. You will be notified of our decision by email within two weeks of your request. As an Arizona company, we help local non-profit organizations that are making our communities better places to live and work. Through our outreach program, Arizona Snowbowl offers in-kind and cash donations, services, labor, equipment, and hosts events. individual/corporate Walk teams, marathons, etc. Charitable giving is based on individual restaurant donation budgets. Zoo Tickets. How long does it take to go through the park? We are happy to support our community by providing complimentary Senita Club memberships or guest passes for Arizona-based nonprofits. tastingroom@azstronghold.com. Many of our guests stay even longer. Please feel free to reach us by using the following contact information: By e-mail: arizona@sealifeus.com. acknowledge this donation at your event. To handle this volume, we use this content of this form to make the decisions. If the request is accepted for submission to the donation committee you may be contacted by staff for any additional information needed. Please feel free to drive through the drive-thru portion of the park a second time to ensure that you get to see the best levels of activity from each species. 1023 N. Main Street More animals are exhibited in Fort Bearizona, a beautiful 20-acre walk-thru area, along winding paths which is more of a "zoo . Bar & Grill: (480) 837 . Get the latest discounts, promotions, & exclusive benefits delivered straight to your inbox, Designed & Developed by Pure Salt Websites. Our animals survive because of you, our heroes. The organization requesting the donation will be contacted by email, regardless of whether or not the request is approved. Never stop imagining. Thank you for reaching out to us. What is the purpose of behavioral enrichment? School Partnership Program. You will be notified of our decision by email within two weeks of your request. This drive through wild animal park is still being created so there are a few animals missing (artic wolf, sheep?).. All requests must be submitted through email to info@verdecanyonrr.com or U.S. mail to 300 North Broadway, Clarkdale, AZ 86324. Please click here for more information. Qualifying organizations may apply for four admit one movie passes once every 12 months. | Enjoy unique experiences with animal ambassadors in our Walk-Thru Fort. ZIP / Postal Code. Due to the high volume of requests, we cannot donate to charity walk/run teams. Desert Botanical Garden. The most reliable way to save a few dollars per ticket is to visit Bearizona on a weekday. Yes, housekeeping will visit your suite each day to tidy up (remove trash, pick up towels, straighten beds, etc.) Because of the large volume of requests, monetary sponsorships are limited. Must be an Arizona-based nonprofit. Please provide your request one month prior to your event . Just another site bearizona donation request. We welcome donation requests for Donation Boxes of Socks to support special events such as fundraising dinners and Buddy Walks. Register 2023 DonationMatch, Inc. All rights reserved. *If you receive an error upon submitting this form, please make another attempt using a different browser. All donation requests will be reviewed as quickly as possible. The flyer must be attached to be considered for a donation. We do our best to help everyone but we do have budget and resource limitations. Donation funds are limited. The other facilities requested animals from Bearizona and none involved. Procedures: All requests must be submitted in writing on the organization's letterhead and be accompanied by a COMPLETED Donation Request Form (below) at least twelve (12) weeks prior to event. Requests can only be submitted by completing the donation request form below and must be received a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to your event. Simply provide some basic information to get started. | Accept Once a donation request has been received, it is initially determined whether the organization falls within the our charitable guidelines. Our YourCause portal is a more efficient process so that we can serve you better! Submit your request four to six weeks prior to your event. If for some reason we are unable to participate in this event, we invite you to contact us again regarding your next event. Once a donation certificates for bearizona online donation request. Donation Request Policy Thank you for thinking of Bashas' Family of Stores as a possible source of help for your charitable endeavor. Kids' prices are for ages 4-12. No written, phone, fax or email requests will be accepted. The APS Foundation is donating 229000 to complete the. Provide opportunities for visitors to look through telescopes and experience the joy of viewing celestial objects with professional-grade equipment. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Bearizona is approximately 160 acres. It is the policy of the Verde Canyon Railroad to donate a gift pass, not money, to charitable causes. Are there restrictions on the donated passes?