Amy Ong Tsui, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and director of the Carolina Population Center, is named the Institutes director. L G Abreu acknowledges support from Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel SuperiorBrasil (Capes; finance Code 001), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico, and Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais. Jacob Adetunji oversees the design, management, and execution of the Family Planning programs data initiative. The immunity conferred by past infection should be weighed . The foundation in 1999 funded an institute at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health called the Bill, Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. that a WHO/UNICEF campaign to administer neonatal tetanus vaccines to women of childbearing age was really a disguised population control programme. According to the bishops, the vaccines were laced with a hormone that would cause repeated miscarriages and eventual sterility. The Institute takes a lead role in advancing the demographic dividend (economic benefits from an increase in working-age population and decrease in mortality and fertility rates). Passionate Impact story teller for improving public and private investment in development programmes. More than 200 million women and girls in low- and middle-income countries who want to avoid pregnancy arent using a modern method of contraception. Learn about where we work around the globe and the programs we've created to address urgent issues in global health, global development, and education. But while these themes have fed the imagination of QAnon, Pizzagate and anti-vaccination proponents since January, conspiracy theories involving Gates actually have a much longer history. One 2016 study found that the notorious Tuskegee Study, wherein hundreds of black men were left with untreated syphilis so U.S. government researchers could track the progress of the disease, led to such mistrust of the medical establishment that it. for more than 330,000 unnecessary deaths. Soon, powerful figures across Africa were making similar claims, undermining vital public health projects in the process. Its goal: Expand access to quality family planning information, services, and supplies through advocacy. Dr. Sanjana Bhardwaj leads policy and advocacy work related to family planning; maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition; and primary health care systems. Six leaders are chosen for Ingenuity Fund support for their family planning ideas and will complete the Global Leadership Accelerator course. Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation? His concept of population sustainability is about how to save children through improved health care services, including access to vaccinations. As the head of PRI put it, The population controllers will stop at nothing to stop African women from having children. By 2014, the Rebecca Project was focusing full-time on the scourge of Depo-Provera. Building on the Bloomberg School's global public health leadership, the Institute's work translates science into action . Were expanding our investments in research and development to create new and better options that are informed by a deep understanding of what women and girls wantand what prevents them from using contraception. media reporting that falsely suggested Gates planned to test his vaccine in South Africa.) The Rebecca Project, a small, Washington-based nonprofit focused on issues disproportionately affecting women of color, hadnt been involved on either side of the abortion fight. Subscribe to The Optimist to get weekly updates on the latest in global health, gender equality, education, and more. Bill Gates talks to reporters about the annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in New York, Feb. 22, 2016. . He pointed to a line chart in the video that showed an inverse relationship between the improvement of health care andthe annual growth rate of the world population between 1980 and 2100. The same conservative Catholic network the Rebecca Project had allied itself with published numerous stories amplifying the bishops accusations and casting doubt on the governments response. To do this, we need to trust women and girls to make the decisions that are right for them and offer them services and products that align with their preferencesones that are affordable, convenient, and respectful. Bill Gates's wife, Melinda Gates has been quoted supporting population control via expanded access to contraceptives. To hold decision-makers to account and expand the conversation on family planning, we work to elevate the voices of new and existing family planning champions in the spaces where they can have the most impact. But Diamond and Silk werent alone. But while these themes have fed the imagination of, In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a. : a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit population experiment. The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S.-educated communications officer for another Gates-funded initiative by the Ghanaian government and Columbia University to use mobile phones to improve health care access for rural women and children. Forbes reported that through vaccination, Gates is hoping to save "the kids already born," not to "prevent births" or kill off kids, as the poster claims. By reimagining existing products and developing new technologies, we aim to expand the range of contraceptive options available to women and girls, at a price they can afford. For example, in 2015 Gates gave $383,000 to the Poynter Institute, a widely cited authority on journalism ethics (and an occasional partner of CJR's), earmarking the funds "to . Nomi Fuchs-Montgomery leads the Family Planning teams work to sustainably scale up proven, high-impact practices. One of the greatest public health successes to come out of the covid-19 pandemic was the development of safe and effective mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.1 2 3 4 Approximately 92% of fully vaccinated Americans received an mRNA based vaccine, marking the first time that this vaccine delivery system has been used at scale.5 In the first year alone, all covid-19 vaccines are . Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, accessed Jan. 20, About National Bureau of Economic Research, Dec. 2016, Population Growth and Carbon Emissions Lancet, July 14, 2012, Demographic change and . cut ties with the pair. that misinformation about Gates has become the most widespread of all coronavirus falsehoods trending online. Click here to sign up for our fact-check text chat, Protest in Netherlands in response to gas extractions, not COVID-19 regulations, Altered image shows Sylvester Stallone with T-shirt message mocking Biden, Fauci, Fact check: A newspaper front page featuring a Bill Gates quote and a teaser for a piece about 9/11 is not proof the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, Fact Check-Bill Gates quoteabout vaccines and population growth has beentaken out of contextagain, False Bill Gates depopulate with vaccines news a conspiracy theory classic, Screenshot of Sovereign Independent July 2011 edition, Fact check: Bill Gates was not arrested by the US military, They're called the Good Club - and they want to save the world, With Vaccines, Bill Gates Changes The World Again. Genocide! Silk explained. These shifts demonstrate the need for an expanded pool of donors and more sustainable funding for family planning. African Twitter influencers posted threads linking him not just to population control but the entire history of colonialist medical violence. Everyone deserves accurate information about COVID-19. Manpreet Singh oversees strategy and operations for three foundation teams: Family Planning; Maternal, Newborn & Child Health; and Nutrition. Theyre fantasies, but theyre fantasies that give expression to real things in their lives.. But the current attacks on Gates and his foundation are now broadcasting the same themes to a massive global audience. Enabling women and girls to be agents of their own health is crucial to overcoming harmful gender norms. The foundation has committed US$280 million per year from 2021 to 2030 to develop and improve contraceptive technologies, support family planning programs that reflect the preferences of local communities, and ensure women and girls are in control of their own reproductive health. At that point, around the 38-minute mark of the video, she notes: And it is not Population Control, thats a naughty word these days. Deputy Director, Program Advocacy and Communications. CLAIM: A video clip shows the original name of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control. Gates, who has announced that his $40 billion-foundation will shift its total attention to fighting COVID-19, has been accused of a range of misdeeds, from scheming to profit off a vaccine to creating the virus itself. In response to these and other conspiracy theories, including their contention that the virus was a plandemic, Fox Nation reportedly cut ties with the pair. Were heartened to see that many places have adapted to these challenging times by expanding telemedicine and updating guidelines so contraceptives are readily available and women can continue to safely access family planning care. In announcing the process via a Massachusetts Institute of Technology news release in December 2019, its inventors suggested the injection method was mainly to aid developing countries . 9/19/16. Tech Startups, Bill Gates talked about using vaccines to control population growth, here is the unedited 2010 TED Talk video, Oct. 6,2021 YouTube, Bill Gates on Population Control , Aug. 15, 2011 that he had uncovered the smoking gun confirming their long-held suspicions. . on use of elevation-adjustedHb for anemia assessment and possible need for intervention among SAC. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity Created by C.S. The Depo-Provera story caused a national scandal. Matt Nohn is an urban economist and development planner with 20 years of progressively responsible work experience across over 40 countries. Geoffrey Lamb "Bill and Melinda Gates . Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines,health care, reproductive health services,we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) was formed in 2000 by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda. In many cases, current methods dont meet their needs. In 2015, Mudede told parliamentarians, Western countries are bent on curtailing the population of the darker races of the world. According to a parliamentary committee, Mudedes campaign panicked Zimbabwean women, who flooded into clinics to have contraceptive implants removed.