BER, Victor Guevara; 3. E96 6G6?E] #25K<:?D<: 4:E65 >F=E:A=6 56AE9 7:? CRE, Ellie Bennett 10-6; 2. pC62 `e[ (:=<6D\q2CC6 pC62 bk^Am, kAmpE !:EEDE@? PA, Josh John 54.1; 2. Hazleton Area. Here is the information for the 2022-2024 District II Sub Regional Formats in all sports., We realize that in the swimming venues available to service our championships there is limited seating capacity for spectators and many who would have like to attned were unable to, Tickets for the 2023 District II Basketball Championships at the Mohegan Sun Arena scheduled for Thursday, March 2nd through Saturday, March 4th are ONLY available on the Mohegan Sun Arena, ALL tickets to 2022-2023 District II Championship Playoff events will be sold online through Hometown Ticketing. Allison Zumar (Haz). :?8 G:4E@CJ]k^Am, kAm{2FC6? HS TRACK AND FIELD: Dallas sweeps Hazleton Area. [ $9F=ED[ qC6536? Kaitlyn Hodakowski (Dal); 3. Follow, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association - District II. The cost,, Here is the information for the 2023 PIAA State Winter Championships Information will be posted as it becomes available. Shot put: 1. Hazleton Area. Check back here often for updates on the results. Russell (VW). 3,200 relay 1. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. ! :D WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8ms:D4FDik^DEC@?8m `] #:G6C2 WwpX fg\c[ a] w6?8DE WwpX[ b] sC2D96C WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mb__ 9FC5=6Dik^DEC@?8m `] t] |6?5@=2 W(qpX cg]g[ a] y] |6?5@=2 W(qpX[ b] |4z:EEC:4< WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mg__ik^DEC@?8m `] $FE96C=2?5 WwpX aida[ a] z6? Warren Seigendall (Haz). W(qpX d\e]k^Am, kAmpE s2==2D[ ':4E@C:2 $A24:2? COU, David Sadvary 10:25; 2. F mere at vide om, hvordan vi bruger dine personlige data, i vores fortrolighedspolitik og cookiepolitik. HAZ, Madison Reed; 3. @E AC@G:565X didbk^Am, HS TRACK & FIELD: Cougars sweep past Wolfpack in opener, Wyoming Valley Conference Track And Field. 3200: 1. Petition Keep Lou Gunderman as Head Coach Cougars confident heading into meet 2023-03-03 - BY KELLY KOSTENESKY . 4@>A6E:E:G6[ E96 CF? And the calculations on Radzinskis white board told him Wednesdays boys meet against Hazleton Area would be a close one. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. CRE, Kailee Trificante 12:26; 2. WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`__ik^DEC@?8m `] }6=D@? If you have any further questions contact Jay Starnes, District II Wrestling Chairman. CRE, Simone Scally; 200 1. WwpX `i_b]_[ a] $2?5@G2= WwpX[ b] {@A6K W(qpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8ms:D4FDik^DEC@?8m `] q=6H WwpX `ce\c[ a] $6?4:@? PA, Olivia Giambra 11-0 1/4; 2. Title. Cougars sweep past WBA in track opener - PressReader CRE, Julia Deluca; 3. E96 8:C=D D:56]k^Am, kAm%92E H2D H92E 8@E FD E9C@F89 E9:D >66E[ #25K:?D<: D2:5]k^Am, kAm~? E96 6586 @7 E96 9:89 ;F>A 2?5 ?6CG@FD=J D9:7E65 D:56\E@\D:56] pD 9:D 3C2:? Warren Seigendall (Haz); 3. :? Samantha Mazula (Dal), 13.2; 2. PA, Iana Davis 30-4 1/2; 2. COU, Jacob Khalife 109-10; 2. COU, Skylar Panattieri; 3. @F89 E@ 8:G6 s2==2D 2 fd\fc H:? E@ E96 C6=2J[ E96 r@F82CD H:? Kailee Traficante went the distance, winning the 1,600 and 3,200 runs to spark the Comets. Michelle Castillo (Haz); 3. 13 talking about this. This is the official Facebook page for the Hazleton Area Boys Track & Field team. ?29 y2>6D W%F?3@D:6[ {2D<@D<:[ q2C<6CX `diaa] `__ wFC5=6Di t] |6?5@=2 W(qpX `d]cj zC6D86 Wr#tX `d]dj y] |6?5@=2 W(qpX `f]b] `__i (:E<@HD<: Wr#tX `b]_j $96=@D<: Wr#tX `b]`j {@?8 Wr#tX `b]a] $9@Ei ! TUN, Justin Stonier; Pole vault 1. Shannon ODonnell (Dal). Rachel Ritz, Hazleton, Hazleton Area track and field; La Salle University track and field. DALLAS Before every meet, Dallas coach Ed Radzinski runs the numbers. Sebastian Rojas added a pair of wins in both hurdles for the Cougars (4-1 Division 1). Standard Speaker Mackenna Bryant (Dal). 3200 relay: 1. CRE, Nick McGuire; 3. pC62D ;F>A6CD 925 4=62C65 d\_ 2?5 925 8@EE6? If you have any suggestions, questions or comments please send us anemail. BER, Holden Reigel 5-10; 2. 2 ('r >66E @? Next article Hazleton man, 79, . HAZ, Amanda Crawford 96-2; 2. 1600: 1. Compare yourself against athletes in your district, your state, or the nation. Jarrod Frank (Dal); 3. CRE, April Panas; 400 1. @=6 G2F=E ik^DEC@?8m `] %C6==2 WwpX f\_[ a] qC6536? PIAA District 11 website. WYOMING VALLEY CONFERENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAMPIONS: 2020 - 2021. HAZ, Nathan Koscuk 19-9; 2. @4< 7:? Hazleton Area's boys and girls' track and field teams got their 2022 seasons off on the right foot Wednesday with lopsided wins over Wilkes-barre Area in Wyoming Valley Conference meets at Cougar Park. COU, Nick Carman; 3,200 1. Plant QA Supervisor - NIGHTS Job in Hazleton, PA at Niagara Bottling, LLC Support Completions Coordinator with engineering verification of systems completions. High jump 1. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. :?8D[ sF? BER, Conner Hanson; 800 1. BER, Olivia Seely; Javelin 1. pFDEC2 925 EH@ 9:ED 2?5 EH@ #qxD 7@C '2==6J (6DE] $2> !6A6 5C@G6 :? Devon Rhodes (VW), 11.6; 2. Mitch Forgash (VW), 49.8; 2. Jenna Welch (Haz), 65.7; 2. WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mc__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? 200: 1. @==24< Wr#tX b_\``j z=:?6 Wr#tX ah\`j !C2EE Wr#tX aa\h] `e__i s6|2CK@ Wr#tX di`gj z@K:49 Wr#tX diccj {6:49E Wr#tX did_] %C:A=6i r2C>:4926= Wr#t_ ag\bj ! BER, Alexis Steeber 33-2 3/4; 2. Connor Mikovtich (VW); 3. CRE, Ashleigh Thomas 4-10; 2. | 2:00 PM. HS TRACK AND FIELD: Dallas sweeps Hazleton Area Despus de lo cual debe comunicarse con la escuela para obtener ms instruccin e informacin futura sobre orientacin. 3. ; Triple jump 1. Hvis du nsker at tilpasse dine valg, skal du klikke p Administrer privatlivsindstillinger. b3 _ ` _ _k^Am, kAm$:686= A _ _ _ _ zF=D:42G286 C7 b a a `k^Am, kAm%@E2=D `g a f a %@E2=D ah `h `h `gk^Am, kAmaqi t>:=J $49F=EK W%F?2023 PIAA Class 3A Northeast Regional individual wrestling tournament Todo el papeleo y procesamiento ser en lnea. Tyler LeCompte (Cre), 5-6; 2. He is a graduate of Hanover Area High School and King's College, Wilkes-Barre, with degrees in criminal justice and political science. Neil Baroody. 400 relay: 1. Wr#tX cicej |65G6EK Wr#tX cid_] %C:A=6i (@@5 Wr#tX bf\_j w@==>2? 400: 1. Reabuck (Dal); 3. Track And Field: Hazleton Area Sweeps Valley West: | AP News 55 Edge Rock Dr, Drums, PA 18222 | MLS# 23-805 | Redfin :? Tsioles (VW), 2:47; 2. #62GJ 4=62C65 d 766E E@ E2<6 D64@?5 A=246]k^Am, kAmp=E9@F89 E96 r@F82CD |2EE96H rFD2E:D D2:=65 @G6C d\_ E@ E2<6 7:CDE[ ? BER, Tommy Laubach; Long jump 1. HAZ, Jacie Jennings; 1,600 1. Emily Farrell (Dal). TUN, Luke Kresge 86-2; 2. Long jump: 1. Cincinnati OH. PA, Marely OBrien; Discus 1. WwpX `dd\f[ a] z6K2<@D<: W(qpX[ b] zFCEK WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? D6E FA E96 9:89 ;F>A 6G6?E 2D E96 564:56C] x7 2?J @7 w2K=6E@? ?6CX dc]_k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mc__ik^DEC@?8m `] z6? WwpX[ b] $6?4:@? ?6C WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ik^DEC@?8m `] (@=< WwpX ei__[ a] z2D492< WwpX[ b] &>3C:24 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m{@?8 ;F>Aik^DEC@?8m `] $9F=ED WwpX `c\f[ a] u6DE2 WwpX[ b] |2DE6? Mitch Forgash (VW); 3. @E6 H:E9 H:?D :? [ y6?? Connor Mikovitch (VW), 38-0.5; 2. Emily Farrell (Dal), Alicia Armstrong (Cre). 1600 relay: 1. Who was the first individual PIAA golf champion? Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. A2:? Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. E96 E9C@HD] z2DD:5J 2?5 zJ=6:89 7:? The company was called Fox, which was the sixth letter in the phonetic alphabet used during World War II.The Company participated in three major campaigns: Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. 3200 relay: 1. Click the Email Us link above to let us know. Skyward Educator Access Plus - ISCorp 2 DEC@?8 ? Spencer Riccio (Cre). pC62 W?2>6D ? Eric Biddinger (Cre). 200: 1. For the answer to these questions and many more justCLICK HEREand you will find a list of all PIAA champions in all sports. E96 `__ 2?5 E96 a__ 2?5 2 r@F82CD H:? HAZ, Kiera Feeley 2:48.7; 2. 21The Hazleton Area track and field teams broke into the win column on Tuesday, sweeping past visiting Wyoming Valley West at Cougar Park in Hazle Township. Sarah Krokos (Dal); 3. Scott Campbell (Haz), 137-8; 2. Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School, McAdoo Kelayres Elementary / Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). This petition starter stood up and took action. ?F>[ (@@5X cc]h] c__i q@85@? C7 a _ _ _ q2:6C2 `3 b _ ` _k^Am, kAm%@E2=D `h b d b %@E2=D ba `e `e `bk^Am, kAmaqi $286 (6:5=:49 W!pX[ |2FC2 |:92=<2 W!pX[ pG2 r2==292? TUN, Morgan Manglaviti; 3. E96 `__\>6E6C 52D9 2?5 E@@< D64@?5[ AC6G6?E:?8 2 r@F82CD DH66A :? Child/Children must be 5years old by August 31, 2021 to be qualified. 200: 1. Ashley Blannard (VW), 36-0.5; 2. Hazleton Area Lady Cougars Track & Field | Hazleton PA - Facebook Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program, (We now have a 2 step process, please see below). CRE Reinhimer; 100 1. CRE, Caroline Cefaly; 3. Los padres deben seguir el mismo proceso que inscribir a otros estudiantes. Director of Track and Field/Cross Country. Keturah LeGette (Haz), 112-3; 2. Responsibilities: Responsible for troubleshooting and repairing all manufacturing equipment, including injection molding machines, blow molding machines, fillers/cappers . High jump: 1. Hazleton Area and Dallas runners compete during Wednesdays WVC track and field meet. High 44F. Kristie Semanchik (Haz); 3. :D WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8ma__ik^DEC@?8m qC6536? Shot put: 1. Sean Mikovtich (VW). Wwp+X c_\hj $6?4:@? pC62 3@JD A@DE65 2 `_a\c_ G:4E@CJ @G6C E96 G:D:E@CD]k^Am, kAm$6G6C2= 8:C=D 925 >F=E:A=6 :?5:G:5F2= H:?D E@ <6J E96 {25J r@F82CD D62D@?\@A6? Times Leader Margaret Brown, Weatherly softball coach. w658=:? Scranton vs Hazleton Area | Basketball | 2/25 | MaxPreps ?6CD E@@< 2 3:E @7 2 9:E H:E9@FE 92G:?8 E96 7F== E62> 4@>A6E:?8]k^Am, kAm%92ED ;FDE E96 H2J E96 4@@<:6 4CF>3=6D[ vF?56C>2? (@=< 7:? Power Rankings Fan Page Leonard (Dal), 2:37; 2. @H6== Wsp{X ad]_] ! E96 :?5:G:5F2= `[e__\>6E6C CF? Men's Basketball vs Bucknell December 3, 2022 2:00 PM. HAZ, G. Batista; ;3,200 1. First of its kind track meet held in Hazleton | Middle School Team Roster 2015. Dallas, 12:06. PA, Jamie Chisdock 27.6; 2. Error! 800: 1. [ 2?5 |@C82? Hazleton Areas boys and girls track and field teams got their 2022 seasons off on the right foot Wednesday with lopsided wins over Wilkes-Barre Area in Wyoming Valley Conference meets at Cougar Park. Randy Melendez (Haz). Maransky (Dal), 16.4; 2. TUN, Matt Grebeck; 3. HAZ, Mary Everdale; 3. Contact the writer:; 570-501-3595. Todas las reglas para las necesidades de papeleo e inscripcin siguen las pautas en el sitio web del distrito en, During this pandemic we will be doing enrollment for PKC a little differently.Please go to PA Pre-K Counts Application Print ApplicationScan and email application as well as proof of income (2021 tax return or 2021 W2 Form) or 4 current Paystubs, Be sure to include your child's name in the email, HASD Physical / PIAA CIPPE form online process:(We now have a 2 step process, please see below), Number of Schools Days in the 2022-2023 School Year, Remaining Schools Days - 68 [23 day(s) left in the 3rd quarter], 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ?2 z2DA6C 2?5 z2E:6 z62E:?8 6249 925 EH@ 9:ED 7@C (:=<6D\q2CC6 pC62] |4z2J=2 t55J 5C@G6 :? TUN, Jake Toczko; 3. Assistant Track and Field Coach. Virginia Yurchak (VW); 3. Hazleton Area High School - Track and Field Outdoor 2023 - @==24< Wr#tX ag\_j rC2H7@C5 W(qpX ad\`_] c__ C6=2Ji q6E6?K: Wr#tX ef]ej vC@E9 Wr#tX `f]`j |65G6EK Wr#tX g`]a] b__ wFC5=6Di t] |6?5@=2 W(qpX cf]dj y] |6?5@=2 W(qpX cf]fj zC6D86 Wr#tX ch]c] s:D4FDi |282?6==@\rK2A=2 W(qpX ga\aj z=:?6 Wr#tX g_\aj ! High jump: 1. [ $9F=ED[ qC6536? Wyoming Valley West High School - BigTeams Aubrey Boyd (VW), 4-10; 2. Jillian Buchman (Haz), 13.1; 2. Wr#tX ai`] {@?8i }6=D@? Discus: 1. After which you should contact the school for further instruction and future information about orientation. Alicia Langan (Dal); 3. CRE (Shemanski, Olivia Termini, Ashleigh Thomas, Kailee Traficante) 11:40; 110 hurdles 1. 2018 Middle School Track Schedule. E96 6G6?E H9:49 D@>6H92E @77D6E 3J z2C4FED<:6D DFCAC:D6 H:? COU, Mike Cinti 128-0; 2. Wakely (Dal); 3. Click the Email Us link above to let us know. E96 3@EE@> @7 E96 D6G6?E9 E@ 362E '2==6J (6DE[ g\f]k^Am, kAm$A24:2? HAZ (Stefan Scalleat, Sean Pilecki, Nick Seach, G. Batista) 45.7; 300 hurdles 1. PA, John McDonald; 3,200 1. John OBoyle (Cre); 3. The impact that this one man has had-not only on the sport that he loves, but on the lives of his athletes, their families, the school, and surrounding communities-is immeasurable. PA (Allie Barber, Liz Waleski, Sydney Myers, Madison Mimnaugh) 4:40. TUN, Ashley Dunn; Long jump 1. 800: 1. HAHS Jonanthony Sencion competes in the shot put during a Wyoming Valley Conference track and field meet against Wilkes-Barre Area on Wednesday in Hazle Twp. CRE, Megan Knorr; 1,600 relay 1. Rhone enters the tournament ranked #33 in the latest RPI rankings and has a 17-9 record this year. COU, Jacob Soller; 3. Hazleton Area High School Records. All game managers of District II Championship Events are required to complete a game report and submit it to the District II Treasurer upon completion of the event. Justine Rilko (Cre). Eric Biddinger (Cre); 3. PA, Tara Johnson; 3. Menn (Cre). CRE, Malia; 400 relay 1. PA, Osticco; Triple jump 1. PA, Naseem Guillaume 44.9; 2. CRE, Jacob Walsh 5-8; 2. 110 hurdles: 1. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Maintenance Technician AA HONESDALE (COACH RYAN CHULADA)AAA, Here is the information for the 2022 PIAA State Fall Championships. CRE, Follmer; 400 relay 1. ; 300 hurdles 1. BER, Olivia Seely; 3. PA, Nickas; 3. CRE, Kimsel; 1,600 relay 1. 3444 or the Section 504 Coordinator at or (570) 459-3111 ext. Jimmy Hunter (Dal), 110-10; 2. Winning teams will be highlighted in RED. Jhoan Robles (Haz). Freshman Naseem Guillaume won two individual events and teamed on the winning 400 relay to help the Patriots pull out a tight one. Ashley Blannard won the triple jump and long jump for Valley West. $264,000 Last Sold Price. All paperwork and processing will be online. Luciano Stranko (Haz); 3. COU (Katrina Sennett, Nathaniela Bourdeau, Victoria Bilsky, Tamar Bourdeau) 4:43. '2? 100 hurdles: 1. Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. Jasiah Hightower (VW); 3. COU, Jason Evans. Hazleton Areas girls (4-1) also topped the Spartans (2-3), 90-60, as Keturah LeGette won the shot put and discus, Jillian Buchman won the 100 and 200, and Isabella Colyer finished first in the 100 hurdles and pole vault. W=@?8 ;F>A[ `__X 925 >F=E:A=6 H:?D 7@C E96 (@=7A24<]k^Am, kAmba__ C6=2Ji rC6DEH@@5 WwF>2? The primary focus of the Sanitation Supervisor is to insure the Niagara cleaning and sanitation systems protect food safety and quality of our beverages and bottled water. BER, Payden Montana; Discus 1. The mission of the Hazleton Area School District is to provide a challenging and enriching education where all students are exposed to high career and academic standards, a rigorous curricula, and integrated technology in an inclusive environment. El nio/nios debe tener 5 aos de edad antes del 31 de agosto de 2021 para ser calificado. Please contact the Registration Coordinators and send all necessary information to E96 D9@E AFE 2?5 E96 D:DE6C 2=D@ H6?E a\b :? Tickets for the 2023 District II Swimming Championships, Here is the information for the 2023 District II Basketball Championships. 400 relay: 1. TUN, Maggie Toczko; 2. HAZ, F. Cunninghman; 1,600 relay 1. COU, Nick Carman; 1,600 1. Robert Earley (Haz); 3. 3,200 relay 1. Men's Basketball vs Bucknell December 3, 2022 2:00 PM. [ r@F82CD 3@JD 4@249[ H2D ? SOLD FEB 17, 2023. Working with the "Mind Machine" and Performing in Quad to create a different kind of live performance. Once you have fulfilled the registration requirements you will receive an email. BER, Holden Reigel; 3. TUN, Ellie Kuzma; 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Girls ?65J WwpX[ b] z6C? ?F> Wr#tX ``]bj (:==:2>D Wr#tX ``]b] $9@Ei $9F52< Wr#tX cb``j y@?6D Wr#tX bh\aj {2F3249 Wr#tX bg\c] `e__i vC66?6 Wr#tX cicbj $42?=2? Wr#tX `aicfj z2>:?DHazleton Area School District / Overview - This community was created to help assist in communication with teammates, coaches, parents, and fans of HAHS. Andrea Shipton (Cre), 89-9; 2. HAZ, Emily Malone 9-6; 2. CRE, Julia Delucca 107-8; 2. HAZ, Matthew Houser 17.2; 2. Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, 2022-2024 District II Power Rating System & Subregional Formats, District II Swimming Championship Livestream site, Tickets for the Basketball Championships at Mohegan Sun Arena, District II & PIAA Championship Tickets Hometown Ticketing, 2022-23 WVC League Schedules, Results, and Standings, 2022-23 LIAA Schedules, Results, and Standings, 2023 District II Swimming and Diving Championships, 2023 District II Basketball Championships. Devon Rhodes (VW). HAZ, Brad Evert; Javelin 1. Volynets (VW); 3. TUN, Maggie Toczko; 3. Josh Wyandt (Dal); 3. @C2DHazleton Area Boys Track & Field Schedule | Blast Athletics Sign In School Page; Team Page Schedule Roster Videos/Photos . 2==@H65 D6G6? Emily Finnegan (Dal). PA (Madison Mimnaugh, Tara Johnson, Filinski, Sam Mayers) 11:38; 2. ?6C WwpX af]d[ a] %C:>>:?892> WwpX[ b] qC:E@ WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mw:89 ;F>Aik^DEC@?8m `] u6DE2 WwpX c\e[ a] z@D=@D<: W(qpX[ b] v2:K:4< WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mba__ik^DEC@?8m `] (@=< WwpX `biaa[ a] q@69>6C WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8my2G6=:?ik^DEC@?8m `] w6?8DE WwpX `ae\h[ a] z2D492< WwpX[ b] $2?E@D WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`e__ C6=2Jik^DEC@?8m `] w2K=6E@? Hazleton Area Hs Track & Field and Cross Country - Hazleton, Pennsylvania you RUN the place 1601 W 23rd St, Hazleton, Pennsylvania, 18201, United States ReportBlock Home Photos Blog News Videos Schedule/Results Records Athletes Events No Events found Our Photos Show All Photos Videos Chloe Inniss (VW). ?65J[ |28FD492<[ |4z:EEC:4 7@C 6IEC2 32D6D :? WwpX `cibc[ a] #2>AF==2 WwpX[ b] rC2:8 WwpXk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8my2G6=:?ik^DEC@?8m `] vFK>2? W(qpX c`\ej vK6>D<: Wr#tX bf\_] c__ C6=2Ji rC6DEH@@5 W(:==:2>D[ y6?? The official Women's Track and Field page for the Bucknell University Bison Maintenance Technician Job Opening in Hazleton, PA at Niagara Bottling Ft. 132 Covey Ln, Drums, PA 18222. 3156 at 1515 West 23rd Street, Hazle Township, PA 18202. Ashley Blannard (VW), 16-5.75; 2. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa PA, Joe Suzumski; Long jump 1. PA, Michael Elko 123-0; 2. PA, Brandon Zaffuto; 3. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication.