Stop Saying 'Same To You' OR 'Wish You The Same' | Learn 15 Better Responses To Wishes & Greetings In English #greetingsinenglish #englishwishes #learnengli. Besides, it pays to keep one's energy positive even when others are being dickheads. Diaphragm _____ 3. The idea of being blessed is very much like the idea of being lucky. Note that this lepers praise was heartfelt: he glorified God with a loud voice (17:15). If she isnt just ignore her. Anytime I go to answer with even "I'm excellent" or "I'm doing great" I'll get a weird look in response. I have no idea what "blessed" has to do with out of town training. Parent. Press J to jump to the feed. Please do not remove any watermarks, crop, or edit any of my images without first obtaining written permission. - Unknown. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our community--including opportunities for you to get involved! If you are you could return by saying "blessed be". Then comes the progressive loss of fingers and toes, until in the end a whole hand or a whole foot may drop off. If they had lost fingers and toes, they were restored. Furthermore, just as this awful disease of leprosy separated the leper from the community, so sin causes distance and rupture in human relationships, often among family members. God does indeed lavish blessings upon us, but not in the way most of us like to think. (He was priest of God Most High.) The idea of "blessed and highly favored" comes from the gospel of Luke. *With thankful heartsThe leper was giving thanks to Him (17:16). ". So, be nice as well. Luke is the only gospel to use this word in addressing Jesus, and every other time it is used by the disciples. In uttering this cry, these lepers take their proper place under the Lord Jesus sovereign authority. No creo que Susana _____ (seguir) sobre los consejos de su mdico. These Africans understand what thanksgiving is and why its difficult for us: at its core, thanksgiving is an act of humility. You Too. I don't get offended. Cookie Notice B: You were blessed. Hezekiah must have been so happy and excited! Its so difficult to be a FreeThinking Atheist in my part of the world (Nigeria) funny thing is I was born this way, idk it would be nice to connect with like minds , stubbled upon this site searching for polite way to reply god bless you , well hope to hear from you . While the physical disease was horrible, the terrible social consequences in ancient Israel only added to the misery. Jesus had healed him and he was going to make it known! God bless you and I answer, Yes, she does! Love the And may the tooth fairy and Paul Bunyan bless you! Ill be using this one. Thank you for being there for me, through thick and thin. The first time I hear that phrase was from a pagan friend of mine. Unless they're being obviously snarky or obnoxious about it, I try to take it in the spirit it's meant. If your tradition requires it, then feel free to incorporate it in ways that feel natural and comfortable and appropriate. Praise God and Praise Jesus Christ our Savior. Paul tells us that Christ broke down that barrier of the dividing wall, so that we who formerly were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel now have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Eph. This means that if you buy a book from our resources page or a book review blog post, we will earn a small percentage. to the Lord. You will stay in the place of blessing when you live obediently. 14). BaalOfWax follows a NeoWiccan tradition, and he says. I usually say "Ta, have a good one yourself". If you want to make them feel good, say these. If you can feel gratitude for just being alive right now, then what makes blessings so exclusive when it comes to gratitude? #CaliforniaForward. Some think "God bless you" started when Pope Gregory said it to those who sneezed. I need nothing to start my day if I have you. As Hezekiah came to the end of his life, God sent the prophet Isaiah to him to tell him this was the end. Blessed be is like saying Amen to someone I think! But, in spite of that, the cleansing of these lepers pictures what God does to the souls of those who call out to Him for salvation. "Thanks, you have a good day, too." It is important to understand how to respond properly to Gods abundant blessings. Most of the time the intentions are good. Without faith it is impossible to please God. And you have yourself a terrific day!". If before his voice had been hampered by leprosy, it was freed up now and he exercised it with full force! Wigington, Patti. If you are not open to such a blessing: "Blessed are all the Lord's children." Either of those would work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 4. Its also a cop-out, perhaps from fear of confrontation or that well-known atheists feeling of Oh, whats the use?. Ive gone ahead and emailed you. As I have never heard the expression. Only the One who made us . but over all here is some great things to say when this is stated to you! Current Location. I say thanks. They mean well. This money is used to help meet our operational costs. "Blessed Be." Attribution for excerpts should include a clearly visible link to You hope for them to be blessed too. They grumble about having to eat the same old cereal, forgetting that many would gladly exchange places with them and eat anything for breakfast. But it sounds like you're talking more about insincere, even sarcastic people who may be making snide remarks. So if the word blessed means to be made holy or consecrated, then I suspect that most people dont mean to use the word in its literal sense. If my life is not marked by frequent praise to God for His many blessings, I am not being obedient. No, I dont mean right after a car accident, I mean being grateful that youre just alive right now. The mans position on his face at Jesus feet also shows the proper attitude of humility that should characterize those who have been healed by His mercy. We have many other blog posts where you could share experiences and thoughtful advice. 02 "I can't wait to see you again.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is part of a longer ritual which is included in some Gardnerian Wiccan initiation ceremonies. In the Bible, leprosy is a dreaded disease that is a picture of sin. Wishing you a very happy Sunday! I Am So Blessed To Have You In My Life Quotes: There are people whose presence in our lives are blessings. I thought you were posting about people insinuating religion into their well-wishing. 2 Kings 20 Hezekiah immediately begins to pray. If someone says "Blessed be" to you, what would you say in return? Can I use this word like this: The addressal by the C.E.O. They complain about their jobs, forgetting that many would be grateful just to have a job or even to have the bodily strength to go to work. To be oblivious to the fact that God is blessing you or, even worse, to take credit for His blessings as if you earned them by your own efforts, would be to slight God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, Jesus calls him a foreigner (only occurrence of this word in the NT), a word that was on the signs prohibiting foreigners from passing the inner barrier of the temple (Josephus, Antiquities 15.11.5, 417; Jewish War 5.5.2. I don't take it to mean they're pushing their religion on me. this is also mentioned by @JonLarby in the comments. Give Him glory! Saying that youre lucky actually seems to be a bit more accurate (and humble, for those who like that word better) and overall inclusive, than saying that youre blessed. For more information, please see our People said "you are(were) blessed" sometimes to me, or by the end of texting message, some would ending up with "blessing". Grace is getting what we do not deserve; mercy is not getting what we do deserve. Gratitude is always a good thing. Some people don't think so. THANKS! But even though in one sense all ten lepers illustrate saving faith, in that they took Jesus at His word and acted upon it personally, in another sense the nine fell short of saving faith. We all are prone to say, I may have my faultsafter all, Im only humanbut Im not a terrible sinner. The blessing is in the seed.". Have a blessed Sunday! But that didnt stop them from raising their voices and crying, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! The gracious Lord Jesus will never turn a deaf ear to a cry like that! But only one of the ten, a Samaritan, turns back to glorify God and give thanks to Jesus for His great mercy and power. Otherwise, its a matter of personal preference. Next. Deltoid muscle _____ 2. Required fields are marked *. Thanks Griffin, Ive gone ahead and emailed you. Sometimes, even those who have been healed of life threatening situations use their new life to focus on self instead of the one Who extended their lives. Wow! How often have I seen someone use Gods blessings as an excuse to live in self-will and disobedience to the Lord! :o). Before Isaiah had left the building, the Lord tells him to go back to the king and say that his prayer was heard. but any sort of kind statement after will work, marry meet something like that I forgot I dont study wicca anylonger! If The Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do? Es ridculo que t ______ (tener) un resfriado en verano. So, I agree with you some people are saying "I want you to know that I'm religious" or "I want you to know that I'm a Christian". I love when believers dont know the expressions of other religionssays a lot doesnt? Thank you is definitely a more appropriate reply. The thankful leper represents the full fruit of saving faith, namely, lips that give joyful thanks to His name. This is a GREAT reminder! Yes, an alternative-to-what-theyre-accustomed-to-hearing reply takes time and may have consequences, but its important. The Lord was unhappy with Hezekiahs response to these great blessings. I just respond with a smile and say something like "You have a happy day, too.". United States. And may Oden lead your battle. Although it appears in some Pagan paths, its typically more likely to be used in a NeoWiccan context. First, it puts you above them as far as to who is the better person in the situation. The fact that this man was a Samaritan shows that the way of salvation is open to all who will call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. To simply say "Thank you" to someone who has wished you such would not be wronggiven the circumstances. At least where I live (CA) blessings often have no religious connotation at all. I feel you. While prayer will last for this life only, praise will continue throughout eternity. thanks, you too! Not good! Let the world know how good God has been to you. What was his response? Lets never allow Gods generous blessings tohinder our relationship with Him. Hebrews 13:15-16 states, Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. This is not the hill I'm going to die on. How can a habitual grumbler learn to be a person of praise. He should put his affairs in order because he was going to die. where can i find red bird vienna sausage? So do we! Praise Openly. Like many other phrases in the Pagan lexicon, there is no universal rule that you must use Blessed Be as a greeting or in a ritual context, or even at all. God blesses obedience. 4 Answers aaja Come. (accessed March 5, 2023). Me molesta que mis padres no ______ (cuidar) su alimentacin.. 3. 6 Answers They say Kali Ma Theyre referencing this scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: What is the best response to Blessed be? Does this mean addressing to a crowd? Start with the salutation. Notice the exchange that happens: Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named . Praise God often for His blessings in your life. But after reading and watching The Handmaid's Tale, it does creep me out a bit. By the way: the Greek word for 'blessed' can also be translated as 'happy'. But, if this is a phrase rooted in the sacred, should it be used in a more casual context? I don't get offended. Youre not stupid, you chose the word blessed rather than grateful for a reason. Just as these lepers did not first try to clean up and make themselves presentable, so we are to come to Jesus just as we are. How are you? There follows ulceration of the hands and feet. Express your answer in terms of x. If you always feel gratitude, then is it intellectually inconsistent to single-out a certain circumstance as a moment to be grateful? Further obedience? It is in our brokenness, in our failings and shortcomings, in our grief and hardship, that we are most aware of God's compassion and love. You could also connect with the Humanist Community of Central Ohio on Facebook. To be blessed, in other words, is to be special; but logically speaking, in order to be special there must be people who are not-special. At the very least, stop, look at the person directly, and say in a calm, clear, friendly voice, I appreciate your intention but Im not religious (or better, Im an atheist). By using this response, you are making clear that you are already blessed and do not want anything else given to you. God blesses us then we take the blessing and run after some verbal thanks. Your email address will not be published. Now, heres the kicker: The Bible wants all of us to see ourselves in our natural state before Christ as spiritual lepers in His sight. 4. Check attribution guidelines at The more benign form is limited to this skin discoloration in a number of places, and even untreated cases heal in from one to three years. If you're that person who likes to stay in the space of gratitude, saying, "I'm blessed," will showcase your appreciative nature. Blessed be thy feet, which have brought thee in these ways,Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar,Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be,Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty,Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names of the gods. Truly, we serve a generous and compassionate God! It is the proof of our faith. Brian Kaplan, MD Whole Person Medicine and Reverse Psychology It all depends on the sincerity of the question Later, in describing the experience, he told how frightened he was and how he had even finally knelt and prayed. they are not going to look down on you if your not on their band wagon as i know some christans do! Unfortunately, Hezekiahs response was pride. 34:6-7). We may be fooled into thinking we're happy for a while, but eventually it will fold in on us because true happiness can be found only in a relationship with our Creator. 10:12-13). I doubt if he understood the deity of Jesus, but nonetheless, he took the proper place of worship at Jesus feet. Although on level it is a benign way of wishing you well, it's also a "dog whistle" technique by which they are sounding you out to determine whether you are part of their "tribe." Big blessings should be answered with big praise, gifts, surrender, etc. If so, where. This is a tutorial/how to play "IM BLESSED", by Charlie Wilson ,featuring TI. Even when I know the person saying "Have a blessed day" probably means "Be blessed by God", I simply take it as a kind gesture wishing me well. Oct 15, 2019. More generally?Reason be with you.My common sense is tingling.Live long and prosper.May the force be with you.Eat, Drink and be merry.May the odds be ever in your favour.We are Groot. Your email address will not be published. He is full of mercy. But if youre grateful because youre blessed, then why not just say youre grateful instead? He is the eternal God who willingly left the glory of heaven to come to this sinful earth and suffer and die for us. " "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. So I mentally re-translate it as 'happy'. "You are a blessing to my mornings.". I'm So Lucky To Have You Too "I'm so lucky to have you too" is a simple response. Take every opportunity to mention God's name in a positive way. Sometimes on Family Guy when there about to take someones heart out they say, calimar or maybe its spelled different. Assuming you want to be generally nice to people: For pagans: "Thank you, and you as well. Context is all the information surrounding the language that is being discussed. To think that you are basically okay in Gods sight is a sure-fire way to receive nothing from Him. Blessed be? The Pagan community tends to be divided on this; some people use it on a regular basis, others feel uncomfortable saying it because it's just not part of their liturgical vocabulary. This is the only way that we can come to God for deliverance from the leprosy of sin, to acknowledge that we deserve Gods wrath, but to appeal to His great mercy. Discuss the difference. and our 5 Answers There is no word like addressal. Jonsblond ( 7802) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . God wants us all to see that our hearts are deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. If these lepers had thought, We may be sick, but were not all that bad, they wouldnt have cried out to Jesus for mercy. My favorite and oft-heard response to my answer is,Well, god/the lord/Jesus bless you anyway. To which I always respond, And may the tooth fairy and Paul Bunyan bless you!. The choice to use "Blessed Be," or to not use it at all, is entirely up to you. I sometimes wish people blessings, meaning I hope good things come their way. Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation,, remind myself that Praise the Lord is not just a slogan or something nice to do; it is a. Id love to reply, Talking donkey says Thank you., I guess the best response would be blessed be WHAT?, Your email address will not be published. Entrepreneur. 2. Praise? Derrick is a past president of the Humanist Community and winner of the Humanist of the Year award. He teaches us that . Wigington, Patti. . Thank you for your interest and comments! They received the temporal benefit of healed bodies, but it is only to the one thankful leper who returned that our Lord proclaimed, Your faith has saved you [literal, 17:19]. That is kind of them. A simple and uncomplicated response. I do also see that "have a nice weekend" sounds awkward, might be better if "good" is used. Then how can I reply? But. JavaScript is disabled. I'm blessed. Just as these lepers did not just believe intellectually, but had a faith that obeyed Jesus word, so we must exercise personal obedient faith in Him with regard to His promise to save us from our sins. 3. Put it this way: If you were the only person in the world, the idea of feeling blessed would be kind of meaningless. The phrases origins are a bit more murky. I see. to the empployees was very informative. while making the Vulcan hand sign. But, suddenly by the Lords power, they all were restored to perfect health. Like any phrase designed to check on our welfare, we can simply respond by talking about how we feel and using "thank you" to show our appreciation for the wishes. As the Puritans rightly stated, the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever on account of His blessings of salvation toward us who deserved His judgment. At least they are not saying kiss my behind., Responding to bless you, you could say, I dont need to be blessed if you wanted to be rude, or if someone says, have a blessed day, you could say, you have a good day too. You could also say, I dont believe in any religion, so Im just going to say thank you. If someone says, Ill pray for you, I might say thank you, but Im not religious., To bless you or have a blessed day, I say nothing really. Because of this, I question the authenticity and motive behind those who claim that theyre blessed but say it means theyre grateful. by Colin Brown {Zondervan], 2:463-466). Today like many days I been told have a blessed day by someone just being friendly. I just say "thanks." I would love to join in too , Thank you . I would agree half the time. Best, John Doe. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine. Someone asked, Did God answer your prayer? Oh, no, the man replied. I just accept it, usually it is just someone being friendly. Thanks for commenting Malcolm, we have several meetups listed at each and every month. Why is my internet redirecting to and how do I STOP THIS. Its basically saying that God (an all-knowing, most powerful being in the universe) has focused on your well-being more than others because you are that awesome? Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members. Situation 1: A:I am going out of town for training next week. He restores and heals our souls. Jimmy aaja, jimmy aaja. Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, "Blessed Be." Thank you for your comments, Gary. The only proper response is to glorify Him from a thankful heart. Why would God bless me this way? (Matt 6:6) Thank you for your teachings! It's not worth causing a stir over. Im not wiccan myself, but my sister is. They are wishing you something that they feels has value. I interpret it as have a nice day. To Ill pray for you, I say, Thank you, Ill think for you., I usually just smile and say thanks. Its an honest intention. I am not worthy. Psalm 8 This is how we should feel in response to our gracious Lords many blessings. Derrick enjoys hearing from others about ways to take a Humanist approach to life and also likes reading, exercise, music, art, gardening, food, and visiting with friends. Surely the answer is no, but thats okay because people are not grateful by default. All the best, Craig Dear Martha, I am very well, thank you. May God hear all your prayers and grant them all! Thank them. Its important to keep in mind that Wicca is a newer religion, and many of its terms and rituals are rooted in Thelema, ceremonial magic, and hermetic mysticism. The Mosaic Law prescribed that the person be cut off from society, including his family. @OwlInASack I have experimented with telling a few people who wish to "bless" me: "Thank you, I appreciate your kind thought but I don't believe in blessings."