You are intensely involved with each other, and the attachment runs deep. Myself and the other people I know with this placement all have some form of an anxiety disorder. Lmao this post talks sm about Libra Mars. Ive had Lilith conjunct NN with a couple people before, and its a HEAVY aspect. They like to call the shots in the relationship and are very bold in how they love you. Make sure to look at the degrees of your Venus itself and the degree of the house it falls into! Cancer Mercury and Libra Mercury friendships are so underrated imo. Thinking about the time my co-worker liked my other co-worker and she tried to flirt with him by asking for a bite of his icecream and he told her to get her own. Libra degrees also date to marry, and this can unfortunately make them victims of love-bombing because once they hear that their partner wants to marry them and sees them as their soulmate, thats all they need to hear to fall in love. Also Virgo degrees? The sextile and trine act similarly to the conjunction, but with less intensity. They are also are very nurturing in love and want to nurtured. Majestic creatures. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. Scorpio degrees when in love, will do anything for their partners. Communication is a very important part of your sex life. Also she loves kids, and he wants nothing to do with them. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. The couple matures as a result of this relationship. It will be difficult for this couple to understand each other emotionally, and the relationship will be full of mixed signals. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Unaspected moons tend to be very emotionally cold and closed off, or just have a hard time dealing with emotions in general. They want to make life easier for their partner. a cruise, a restaurant on the water. With conscious effort and enough time, you will be able to reach a peaceful and balanced phase of life. With Composite Moon square or opposite Composite Pluto, the intensity of emotions can be off the charts, and it can be extremely difficult to get them under control. Theyre also very big on self-expression as well, and are the types to shower you in compliments and be vocal in their love for you. The conjunction between the Moon and South Node in the Composite Chart indicates a significant past-life connection. I feel like Scorpios tend to use the Cancers to heal themselves and they tend to form trauma bonds with Cancers. This relationship makes the couple feel ALIVE. Your relationship will open up windows into your own emotional natures that may have been previously either closed or only slightly open. My old boss whos also a Cancer got a lounge chair and would bend it all the way back and put a giant cushion on it and sleep in the back room. Mars in the 1st house overlay in synastry is no fucking joke man, I have it with this girl I like and I literally cannot speak around her because Im in such a state of yearning. The sextile and trine act similarly to the conjunction, but with less intensity. Hey guys, its been a while, decided Id start back up with a degrees in Venus post! Even when they do try to be compassionate and care for others, their actions are misconstrued as stifling and people try to distance themselves from them. Since the Moon is in a square aspect with Pluto, its energy is imbalanced and causes emotional strainin your life. The conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter in the Composite Chart indicates a positive and generous couple. Improving your communication will help avoid a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts. Not really an observation but Eros and Lilith persona charts can tell you what youre into s*xually. I think he has moon pluto minor aspect. I could also see alternatively, an unevolved Gemini degree might struggle with communication. They have a protective instinct and try to keep all their close ones safe. For Mars in the 12th, its a very cosmic synastry placement and theres a very strong connection here. This is due to their connection to the Underworld through Pluto. Posts: 3130From: AsiaRegistered: Nov 2018, Copyright 2000-2021 Descendant. Moon Sextile Pluto - Synastry, Transit, Composite. The effects of Moon semi-square Pluto on our lives are very similar to that of Moon square Pluto. The opposition between the Moon and Mars can bring frustration and fascination. Water sun/mars + fire moon or vice versa. They show a different side to their partner than they do to everyone else- i.e. What happens when the Moon and Pluto are conjunct in a couple's composite chart. All in all, mastered Cancer degrees are your traditional and soft romantics and your unevolved Cancer degrees are clingy overly emotional bitches. Try to trust your partner and express your attachment in healthy ways. Every single person I know including myself have this and give scary death stares. The couple may encourage each others laziness and poor eating habits. Posts: 8223 From . Moon Square Mars is an underrated sex appeal aspect tbh. The two of them may have fell in love very suddenly and unexpectedly, but keeping a consistent, stable relationship will be very difficult. Pisces degrees in love are intense and mysterious. My composite with H, using his noon chart, features moon opp Pluto, moon trine Saturn (Saturn sextile Pluto). You irritate each other and know how to get under each others skin. Composite charts are very similar to natal chartsexcept, they chart the nature and course of a relationship between two people instead of one person. Sun Square Moon individuals tend to struggle with mental health issues, some celebrity examples: Kanye West, Heath Ledger, Selena Gomez, Jodie Foster, and so on. Ive noticed ALOT of Capricorn suns have issues with their father. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. It can be very uncomfortable if youre not familiar with such strong energy, and you guys can feel very drawn to each other, but not know why. There could be a feeling that fate brought you together. This is a pretty hard degree to have Venus in, but once the person masters this placement, they are bold and not afraid to show love. ^ he has sun semisquare pluto, mercury and mars trine pluto. Also as soon as yall start talking to a Cancer degree, theyre looking at houses on Zillow for you guys to move into and are already thinking of names for your kids. The two of them truly like being around each other. Theyre ruthless, whether its for a good cause or a bad cause. I do not really count the 7 degree square of Moon to Pluto as a big major thing in our composite, but the crossing of those squares is interesting. However, What I had with my ex was even a much stronger attraction and we had venus parallel pluto and a venus to mars double whammy with soft aspects plus sun trine moon and moon conjunct moon and a huge stellium in the 1h in composite involving valentine conjunct magion, sun, mars and PLUTO all sextile Neptune conjunct Agapenor and Neptune . The conjunction of composite Moon and Pluto means that your feelings will be extremely intense, and the relationship is not likely to be a casual one. They need to learn how to do acts of service for their partner but not to the point where they spread themselves too thin. The opposition and square between the Composite Moon and Neptune can be very challenging and confusing. Men influenced by this aspect frequently go through cycles of understanding and evolution. This doesnt mean that your relationship will be all hearts and roses. It is important for each person to recognize and value the other in this relationship. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Sagittarius degrees in Venus are likely to date and/or marry people who are of a different culture than them, from a different country, etc. They are perfectionists by natureand have amazing careers as they keep trying to outdo themselves at every turn. Aggression is very typical of this aspect and even normal communication can turn violent if people influenced by this aspect start feeling that something is going to go awry with their plan. These are wonderful aspects to see in a Composite Chart. Hello! I was wondering if you were familiar with the Asteriod Psyche. The Scorpio degree also rules pregnancy, like Cancer, they likely dream of having kids with their partner or adopting (if theyre into that sort of thing of course). These two cannot be indifferent to each other due to the strong emotions they arouse in one another. If this problem persists, please report it to us on our support forum! Ive also noticed Asteroid Sappho making aspects to angles, personal planets, or in angular houses in sapphic women as well. :). Every little thing they say and every nuance affects the moon person. The attachment will be deep. Hope this helps! I noticed from your bio that you have many cancer placements, as do I! At least at first. Having a Moon square Pluto aspect in a composite chart is a sign that the bond between you is very strong and you have a desire to stay together. Having a Moon square Pluto aspect in a composite chart is a sign that the bond between you is very strong and you have a desire to stay together . Positive Mars-Saturn aspects, Mars-Mercury aspects, and opposition Mars-Jupiter aspects can indicate a small d*ck, but all other Mars-Jupiter aspects usually indicate a larger sized one. Most often, their problems with expressing their emotions stem from a dysfunctional home or toxic relationships. CompositeChart:SunJupiterAspects In relationships, they can also be cold and have a hard time opening up, similarly to Scorpio degrees. However, with this placement mastered, a Gemini degree in Venus is both a communicative and intellectual lover. Be careful not to smother each other or express too much possessiveness if it is based on fear. Not necessarily super famous..just a singer of any sort? I'd say in a composite chart this is an intense placement. Since Apollo conjunct ascendant deals with power and people looking up to someone, I have people trying to take my power away and fight me for it if you will. Youd think with the Scorpio energy itd be a piercing gaze, but Ive always seen individuals with this having a very soft gaze. She's definitely a wild card, can be very scary even, when she's mad. Being with each other is your happy pill. IF you still want to be with this guy then check for positive aspects to/from your composite moon and try to use thoose aspects to ease the 'bad' plutonian stuff. The square between the Moon and Venus can bring friction to the relationship, as well as fascination. I had to monitor my obsession by avoiding the urge to stalk him when I didn't know where he was/what he was doing. Working through arguments in a constructive way will help you in the long run. Composite Venus to Composite Mercury Engaging in these kinks in your sex life is a healthy way of exercising these tendencies as they will become a healthy outlet for them. i work as a therapist in a psychiatric facility so its emotionally taxing :(, omg. People with this aspect have a high libido and enjoy a very active sex life, often with multiple partners. All I can say is it is very emotionally intense and close with us, the bond is so deep and intimate, but there is also some controlling/jealous tendencies on both our parts. ive never met someone else with this and yeah ive heard i can be pretty wild LMAO. The conjunction between the Moon and Neptune in the Composite Chart indicates a relationship full of idealization and fantasy. Learning self-control and practicing self-awareness can helpthem overcome the issues of their past. Moon Square Pluto And in the composite: Moon Conjunct Pluto Sun Square Pluto Venus Square Pluto Mars Trine Pluto Jupiter Trine Pluto Neptune Sextile Pluto I've read up on some pretty horrific experiences regarding these combos, and I'm on the alert not to hurt her, as I would never intentionally do so. Its not as blatant however, its more hidden. These are wonderful aspects to see in a Composite Chart. I have an 8th house stellium in my Eros chart and it makes sense, Ill just leave it at that. These individuals will be SUPER attracted to each other and will be inseparable. Ego forces run high between you, because something about your interaction makes you constantly challenge each other. Cap risings have big or unique teeth. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0. Moon in the 8th individuals have soft eyes. Toxic Positivity may feature in this relationship, where problems are brushed to the side or ignored. . Ive been wondering about a post you made about obsessive and stalking aspects in synastry and one caught my eye, since its one I have with my current crush. For those who like stability and constancy, this relationship may be too unpredictable. Ive also seen this take a dark turn and Ive seen people theyve met online get obsessed with them and start stalking them. Like Gemini degrees, Aquarius degrees prefer to date someone theyve been friends with. Both of you need to stay vigilant of your behavior as you often engage in manipulative behavior without realizing it. People with Pluto in the 7th, Saturn in the 7th, an afflicted or unaspected 7th house ruler, and Scorpio in the 7th, Ive noticed tend to get into relationships later in life, i.e. This degree also deals with expansion and abundance, they want to build something with their partner, whether it be a business, a life together, a family, etc. Cancer suns and Scorpio suns I just dont dig as a couple and heres why. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. The couple feels happy and energetic in each others presence, as everything feels new and fun when they are together. CompositeChart:MoonJupiterAspects Also Scorpio degrees in Venus are very magnetic and have a charm to them like Libra, but theirs is a much darker charm. Rip. These are good aspects to see in a Composite chart, as it increases the responsibility and commitment of the couple, without feeling like a burden. Ex: one person has cancer in Venus the other has a Venus moon. You will find yourself maturing and growing constantly. The conjunction between the Moon and Mercury indicates a relationship where the intellectual and the emotional are blended. Through each other, you will experience some powerful emotions, as your attachment to each other is intense. Composite Moon Conjunct Pluto The composite chart is created by taking the midpoint between pairs of each of two person's natal planets (in this case Moon and Pluto) and using them to create a new, third chart. Hello! As a couple, they will bounce back and forth between being too intellectual or too emotional in their communication with each other. Like Virgo degrees, they also love helping their partner and doing things for them. Hello! hope ure doing good, im so sorry to ask but I hope you can help me out. Ive noticed Cancer placements if sleepy and not near a bed theyll try to make their own makeshift bed, like when I was at school between classes I would line up a bunch of chairs next to each other and lay down and use my backpack as a pillow. CompositeChart:MoonPlutoAspects Timothy was raised by his father and suffered bullying as a child, but as an adult, he would say that the US government was the ultimate bully. I spent over an hour looking at different charts of sapphic celebrities and that was the general consensus. Id also appreciate feedback regarding my marriage and weather or not I will be relocating anywhere other than where I live now (Cairo-Egypt)? Try to hold on to that energy and dont let fear drive your actions. The conjunction between the Moon and Venus is one of the best aspects to see in a Composite Chart. Powered by Infopop 2000 Ive noticed a lot of politicians and famous people have planets at 0 degrees in their chart. Not allowing him to probe too deeply into my life by being honest right off the bat. Scorpio moons have the bedroom eyes. :) For the theory, I think its a good place to start, but it goes a lot deeper than that. This of course can be an issue because their partners may feel like they dont know who they are or their true feelings for them. People with this aspect can be a little obsessive and are very persistent once they set their sights on something. Its weird how certain aspects play out. Gemini rising stares are underrated. Moon square Pluto can be a very intense aspect to have in your natal chart. However, possessiveness based on fear of losing one another can be a big issue in this partnership, perhaps more dramatically expressed on the part of the female. just anything creative. Ive noticed this more in men though. There is a deep sense of responsibility and duty to each other. Taurus degrees, you must be mindful of when youre showering your partner with affection and luxuries that theyre going to return it in a way that they know how to. The Synastry and Composite are the most important charts in relationship astrology. A square aspect is formed when 2 celestial bodies form a 90-degree angle with each other in an astrological chart. This relationship might be quite toxic, but it will be hard for the two of them to part ways without a lot of ugliness. I could also see an unevolved Leo degree still wanting attention from other people, and not wanting to give that up, because lets face it, Leo degrees do love praise. In the Composite Chart, the Moon represents how the couple processes and expresses feelings and emotions. Because of this, I think this also is an anxiety placement since theres so much overthinking and not being able to move on from past events. They may feel that the way they express love is not valued by the other. They arouse each other emotionally and sexually quite easily, which can lead to many arguments and even more make-up sex. A Moon square Pluto aspect in your synastry chart is an indicator that this relationship was meant to be. Regardless, once a person masters this placement, they will give you their best and will aim to make you feel your best. Intense relationships like yours always start off with very positive energy but deteriorate over time as the energy fades. The primary issue faced by the sun square pluto composite chart is that partners seek to control the relationship itself, given that feelings for each other are profound and deep, usually developed after the relationship has begun with very intense feelings. I could also see this manifesting as someone whos very close with their father or their father plays a very big role in their life and perhaps what career theyd want to pursue. With this being in the 10th house Id say you take a very compassionate approach to your work and you likely want to pursue a career that involves helping others, perhaps therapy or something in the medical field. <3333, hey im okay ty for asking :) ive just been super burned out lately, im trying to work on the new post, just really tired from work. If the individuals arent careful either one or both individuals can control each other. A lot of typical masculine traits are associated with Moon square Pluto. They are a happy, adventurous, fun-loving couple who love to make each other laugh. There is nothing wrong with needing each other, but if that need leads to distorted expressions of attachment, such as manipulation or obsession, you will need to get a handle on it at an early stage before you drive a wedge between you. Uranus brings many unpredictable changes to this relationship, which can be very upsetting for the couple. Maybe Ill do a post about it. This is also what I do with every crush I have, the amount of poems Ive written for girls Ive had a crush on, oh my god. The emotions run deep in this relationship, but if the bond is properly developed this can be a soulmate type of connection. one person asking out the other) in the Composite chart are: North Node in the 7th, Vertex in the 7th, Juno in the 7th, asteroid Valentine 447 in the 7th house, asteroid Frigga 27 aspecting Venus, and Vertex Conj. Ty in advance and sorry for making this long! There will be a lot of conflict during this period. Taurus degrees must learn that everyone has their ideas of love and it may or may not align with their idea of it. You also might be seen by others as very sweet and compassionate, but withdrawn. When one of the partners needs support and understanding, but cannot rely on the other partner to provide this. How the opposition between the Moon and Pluto operates in a composite chart. Virgo degrees in love are allll about acts of service. Mercury in the 8th house individuals LOVE to read smut and write their own. This aspect can increase the likelihood of living together, or building a family. The conjunction between the Moon and Pluto in the Composite Chart indicates an emotionally intense and transformative relationship. Hi, Ive heard that the asteroid Psyche deals with where our soul feels at home and if it aspects someones Eros in synastry its typically considered a soulmate aspect. I will say since youre talking about weird things happening with you guys, and your mention of his Mars in the 12th house and Lilith conjunct NN, it does make sense. It basically means that the Lilith person is there to bring out the dark side of the north node person and it also gives a lot sexual tension (the two people I had this with couldnt keep their hands off me). You also might give off a motherly aura. This is of course, unevolved Leo degrees. This is seen in the charts of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, AOC, FDR, Bernie Sanders, etc. CompositeChart:MoonMercuryAspects Moon square Pluto presents itself as a bundle of contradictions in women. It squares Venus/Mars (12th house) and Moon (6th house), composite Mars in the 12th, of course being its ruler. Those with Sagittarius placements in the big three tend to make friends with those of different cultures, religions, races, nationalities, etc. Now do I think having someones moon sign as your Venus is a great sign of romantic attraction or being drawn to each other? It is likely that at least one of the partners feels very unappreciated by the other. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Overall, Libra degrees are romantic and creative lovers when evolved. Hope this helps! Some downsides of Virgo degrees? For the downsides of Aquarius degrees, since theyre unique and have an unusual approach to love, it maybe hard for them to find people who they feel truly get them. Ive noticed people with their Mars at 0 degrees tend to not be very s*xual or dont care much about it, like it happens when it happens, sort of attitude. This can lead to hurt feelings and arguments. The opposition and square between the Composite Moon and Jupiter can magnify the generosity and positive feelings within the couple, but it may also feature the wastefulness and neglect described in the conjunction aspect. Both of you might have had traumatic relationships in the past and you want to hold on to what you have with each other. You may find yourself engaged in a power struggle in a personal or professional relationship and a lot of repressed feelings will come to the surface. When people influenced by this aspect find people they can be close with, they form a very intense bond with them. It can indicate the couple does not have good emotional communication. cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. As for marriage and relocating Id have to look at more than what you showed me. Hello! The emotional person may find the intellectual person very cold and unfeeling, while the intellectual person will find the other partner overly sensitive. One or both of you may be manipulating, controlling, and you can bring out the darkest emotions in one another. This couple will find themselves at odds throughout their relationship, as they will trigger each others tempers. Gemini degrees in love are the types who prefer to be friends with someone before dating them. The square between the Mars and Mars acts somewhat like the opposition, but does not have as many benefits. One sibling is very selective about who they wanna date and isnt interested in searching for love meanwhile the other one is on 8 different dating apps LMAO. The couple is very attached to one another, and breaking up will be very difficult. However, you will emerge as a better person after going through this turmoil as a more self-aware and positive person. Something went wrong. There is certainly an attraction between the two, but a long-term commitment will require compromise. So if they feel theyre not getting an appropriate amount of praise from their current partner, theyll look elsewhere. However, with an evolved degree in Sagittarius, they are intelligent and adventurous lovers. I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry talked about a lot. Reaching a balance is key here. For example, if your sun is at 25 degrees gemini and your partner's sun is at 25 degrees cancer, the composite chart sun would be at 10 degrees cancer. I think Cancer + Pisces works well and Cancers with earth signs. Theyre definitely the type to be able to hide an proposal well, and truly surprise their partner. Moon-Jupiter aspects give big/prominent boobies. This is a very exciting and stimulating relationship overall. This isnt a bad thing at all, as the couple will show each other different ways to love, but it may take some compromise and mutual understanding to truly appreciate one another. See if you have any Nessus aspects touching your moon/pluto square or even Mercury making hard aspects to to Pluto. Obviously this isnt always the case, but I dont see them as the perfect soulmates that everyone says they are. They have to be very mindful of this and not get attached too quickly, and let the attachment grow over time. Scorpio degrees will also spend a lot on their partner and be generous with gifts and affection (of course after they warm up to you lol).