It wasnt Chapter 1. Sally Jackson Bashing. He had the first step down, there were others though. What fun? Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (44) Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (42) The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (16) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (4) Critical Role (Web Series) (3) The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue Series - Mackenzi Lee (3) "Anyway, as cute as that girl is, I want to play my video game. I let myself smile, then looked down, my cheeks heating up again. Next was He thought for a long moment, remembering what Katara had done. Jason said while they were playing video games (don't ask me how he got those, I honestly have no idea). She shifted her feet uncomfortably, and I checked myself. But when her half-brother barges . Coming to the beach reminded me of Percy, and well that was never good. It was streaming the water. Read Chapter 4 from the story Percy Jackson: Genderbent by cooter1335 with 11,304 reads. "Whatever. anyone I could just be here for a friendly chat." She said, and smiled. Luckily, they also give him a awesome power to overcome every obstacle. I rolled my eyes. He neared it, then heard shrieks and screams from inside. camphalfblood. What he didn't expect was for the 7-year-old to be so friendly and hyperactive. Were all Idiots. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher Work Search: He wanted to be like her, he wished so much he was like her. Festus clicked out a message, and Leo nodded. but it was a stream albeit a shaky one. Even Leo stopped complaining to think about that for a second. The Prophecy Comes True #leo For without this show, Perseus Jackson would have lived a far different life. "Hey, Nico." He raised his hands carefully, pulling at the water and willing it, He didnt want to promise that. Perci looked uncomfortable at the mention of that. Until he is captured by S.H.I.E.L.D and has to interrogate his own son. I told Jason as he rummaged around for the remote. ##I HAVEN'T READ BOO WHEN I STARTED THIS SO I'M NOT GOING TO FOLLOW BOO##, #annabethchase He was increasingly hungry but decided to go check on Annabeth's cabin first. 19 parts. Ongoing. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson | Action Adventure Fanfiction Greek Friendship Gods Genderbend. I said, and she looked down on me. Definitely not in part because Nestra was apparently best friends with her in the future and Artemis is really curious how that happened. Now Percy has to save the world which apparently now includes Greek not-so-myths all whilst trying to defy the fate of heroes. I smirked. Mom! he yelled, racing towards her with a big grin. #percy kirkos, TheLordoftheDisc, Thefriendyouhata, MakarHunt, 1890laylai1990, NanamiElin, kevinsayshi, Ferakin, Rest_In_Peace_4th_Wall, Ike_a, NinjaMonkey1999, Spiced_Appl3, via_the_cryptid, cncman, FandomsandFanfic, Banana_Bread_Buns, G1llyweed, birdey_ttunes347, StuValiant04, Seisha, estherox123, BloodOrThunder, amilaaaaaa, Blacki_Blackouti, RandomPerson2386, Wayv_Gravvy, Number_Seven, alien_pansit, Maracim, SerenaEmeraldKopis, SheepOS, Faedra, NexaNyx, Ashalyn, Alpha_Trickster_Kat, Gorloxianfang, Dark__Raven, kamesita, eastgalaxy, LivelyandLate, Flower_Bear75, giacomo273, Blacephi, SofieIsGrey, Signed_anonymous, Kingof3gen, Houbifighter, august_low, WowSweetReading, TheGuyfromThere, and 5257 more users Who was Perci? ), Come yell at me on my tumblr: @Percabeth4LifeCome chat with me on discord, (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). Bad summers that will cause their worlds to collide. "How did she get claimed? "She's so much like Percy." . She had been waiting for me on Half-Blood Hill. Bath time was to clean mom always said. linkffn(11396276; 4606270; 11862560) To Reach Without is the best written and most serious of these. I sat down on the sand and stared at the sea, thinking out the daughter of Poseidon. #piper I blurted out. A month or so after the ending of The Trials of Apollo, Hecate shows up in new Rome. A month or so after the ending of The Trials of Apollo, Hecate shows up in new Rome. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Woah pause the feed a second. Nestra makes a T with her hands, What did you mean about me the me of this world dying to defeat Tartarus?. Haunted in his dreams by his swiss cheese fractured memories of past lives and echoes of past wounds, watch as Percy tries and tries and tries to not only find his missing stupid-pretty blonde, but be recognized by him as well. At least he wasnt being forced to stop all together. Archery was pretty much my worse subject. She smiled, I just scowled. , he loved the way they could also use each others tricks) and tied her up. Percy stared and blinked several times then exclaimed "You're lying!". I snorted. #hoo "Did you say yes?" How could she survive in the moral world alone for this long, being a child of the Big Three? Cute Percy Jackson. 25. Leo said angrily to Jason. "But seriously, even her name is like Percy's. I asked her, and she started to explain. he replied. She smiled. Work Search: Though in a world full of greek gods and goddesses, I should have known better. He found delight in Suki, who wielded her fans fiercely and was herself through all danger. "You got that right." He loved Sokka, with no powers but a quick wit and a skill with weapons. Please consider turning it on! "I have that effect on people." Three Old Ladies Knit Socks of Death Don't forget to leave a review, they feed my soul. That was until he met the Marauders. Why would I? Big time.Yaldabaoth is down, Maruki is no more. 26. It is not finished. "Yeah, but the others are laughing and joking." Or is it the feeling you get when you sit curled up on the sofa with a good book and a warm drink, wrapped in a blanket? Triton has a mortal sibling. A blur of laughter and Leo shouting later, an annoyed looking Leo sat down, plotting who was going to be his next victim. Reyna was seated beside Nico, looking like this game was a waste of her time. He raised his hands carefully, pulling at the water and willing it A prophecy may always come true but that didn't mean you had no control. Had he imagined it? Percy stared, confused at them. Please read Things Aren't Always What They Seem To Be for context! "Um" Percy stammered, looking at the faces around the room. The Council agrees, Zeus said. Fate showed her cruelty by destining you to bring my demise.. The Lives Lost to Make a Legend (Yes the title is a parody of those stereotypical YA titles), This fic is marked as finished, even though it isn't actually done. Percy looked at the wicked faces of his friends, and the downright evil face of Leo, and came to a decision. Vax had been happy to get the text from Percy inviting him over to some cottage. Plus, it's always good to have someone to blame when your life goes wrong." Now imagine someone who is genderfluid just trying to get into their dorm room. Come see, come see, look, look, look!. And now he's enrolled in therapy. Percy, a street cat with special powers, gets pulled into the Fates' schemes. Completed September 26, 2019 Naclil. I let a ghost of a smile touch my lips. Azula, tricked her into getting over the water and froze her and used that breathing trick (one from "Stop trying to play matchmaker, Grace. In this crossover we will explore those questions and many many more. With realms heavily protected by each Olympian, Percy must navigate his way through Aphrodite's treacherous realm in order to help Olympus. 37. You're lucky, you don't have to sleep with Percy yet. "Percy! Stop it! Jase and Piper wanted to see Leo. After two years, Magnus had grown rather content with his life. He bit his lip, staring at the water. Katara had to hide it to be safe, but she showed it quickly too. She said once she recovered. 38. Especially since he was born with this, and the gods have no idea he has such a gift. Harry Potter Never Went to Hogwarts. ! She said hurriedly before running down the beach. 12. Percy couldn't say no. 5. "Stop, Percy, please!" Annabeth's voice. It was squareish though. "Thanks." When he went into the ice Percy was ten. Is that all? As I left the door, I heard Jason shouting at Leo. It did it! There is nothing wrong with Percy. #camp The water was perfect, though it always was for Percy. I said, and she laughed. Percy frowns at his teammates-turned-friends. "Umyes? . The next day, Percy woke up and simply went out of his cabin in his rumpled orange Camp Half Blood shirt and track pants. He needed more. She sighed. "What are you doing here? At least he's always ten steps (and ten years sometimes) ahead of his enemies. Sure, this girl had saved her life, but still he was her boyfriend. "I am not! Watching the child crying themselves to sleep. After a second of searching for the culprit of the screaming, she wasn't surprised to find that the . Her frustration outweighs the tiredness and she sits up in a huff, scanning the room for any traces of her personal space heater. Work Search: "Zoe, please be my girlfriend!" Percy, a street cat with special powers, gets pulled into the Fates' schemes. "PERCI!" 39. The water crashed into him making him yelp, almost knocking him over. How would this change the fate of the world with the Giant war approaching? 13. 27. Remember having these thoughts about a certain green-eyed black-haired son of Poseidon? Prompt: a night of summer starsRestriction: dotwork, June 2021 submission to the Drarry Discord Drawble Challenge, tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Potter, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Peverell, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger/Original Female Character(s), Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley - Relationship, Jason Todd has never done anything wrong ever so says Harry Potter, almost on the level of Morticia and Gomez, I am TERRIBLE at writing fight scenes please forgive me, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Inappropriate Use of Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Drawing silk jackets and other accomplishments, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House)/Therapy, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, tw: there will be mentions of hate for those of different identity or sexuality, tw: there will also be descriptions of said hate for identity and sexuality, tw: there will be sensitive topics that could cause one to react in a negative manner, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley/Original Female Character(s), Nymphadora Tonks/Original Female Character(s), Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s), I see your Gryffindor Common Room And I Raise You Genderfluid Harry, They find out about horcruxes and destroy two, no one knows who the chosen one is but all assume it's harry's twin, you could look at it that way if you want to. #grace it's not until like. But for once she is not alone and many over great people have overcome this quest with gold medals. Harry and Sev are arguing and Harry bursts out that hes not a boy.An honest conversation about Harrys gender follows, Harry explores harrys gender identity, since now that the war is over, theres actually time for that. +22 more. #unorthodox The guy was somewhat awkward (Y/n) thought. He dragged her to the water, ignoring her giggles at his excitement. That's what happens to Harry in this, Harry gets to Hogwarts, and Harry can't get into the common room. "So what was her curse?" Especially knowing that in a few years, it might be destroyed and forever stained with grief and the blood of his family. Watch as Harry hides it and see how certain professors react to finding this out. Maybe hed imagined it? I know it wasn't much, but she didn't hand me over to the Aphrodite cabin. I think Percy would be the best bet." We promised that we wouldn't leave each other again, but we said only for a week unless something really bad happened. A playground where the kids have shotguns, claws and sharp teeth, and are constantly fighting to get their turn in the sandbox and the slide. #girdle He liked to pretend he was Katara at home, but didnt really have the water to do it. Who are you?" However, Harry and two other people begin to feel a tug that soon made them vanish into thin air. I shuddered. Lana Jackson - 18 years old, girlfriend of Anderson 'Andy' Chase, daughter of Poseidon, one of the greatest heroes of all time, the most difficult quest that she has ever faced. Life When all is Well Happy Reading. She asked, a trace of worry in her eyes. "Even Annabeth?" Percy has a rather bad habit of being able to see the future. After the war with Gaia, all I wanted to do was relax and have a peaceful rest of my life. That ensured that Camp Jupiter would always have a leader, though as a general rule they never left for longer than a week. #half-blood "I saw Aphrodite on my walk. How would Percy's life change with memories of his past life affecting him? Truly, it could be viewed as strange that something as simple as a mere TV show could change a persons Fate, but it did. I asked her. "Woah-" Percy started as he was dragged. He whooped, spinning happily, then turned back to the water to make it go back out, only to realize hed stopped doing the movement so the water had stopped moving. Then I remembered her words when I asked what she was doing here,I needed to escape the torture. In a shaky but steady movement, a line of water spiraled up and up, then towards him when he pulled his hands in. did it The faint scent of perfume hung in the air. the world theirs by birth and conquest. pushed And then there was the one he loved the most, his favorite character Katara. The Hotel of Sandy Moons A girl by the name of Persis Jackson but everyone calls her Perci is thrown into a world of gods and monsters. Annabeth shot him a smile and squeezed his hand, as if sensing what he was thinking. He was more focusing on how good it felt to be together with his friends, in his normal gender. She had a lopsided grin and a hint of humor in her eyes. His feet were spread, turning slightly to the side. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (26), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (44), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (42), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (16), The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue Series - Mackenzi Lee (3), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (2), House of Night - P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7), it's just our bringing up that gets us out of hand, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) & Magnus Chase, All of the main demigods are mentioned/appear, Alternate Universe - No Gods (Percy Jackson), I've made the decision to ignore the timeline. Hazel always went with the both of them. Percy, I need you to promise me something. He was in awe of Toph, who was firm and determined and turned her disability into her greatest strength. I sighed and rolled my eyes. This story was inspired by that tumblr post by lesbianralzarek "'I could fix him' yeah? Hazel was next to Reyna, trying to sniffle a giggle on the back of her hand at the expression on Leo's face. If anything happened between them, Piper would be heartbroken. That's something. well I could accept him as he is. He waved his hand over the water, grinning as the waves rocked. We Find out the Truth, Sort Of The girls stared at him, then broke down in laughter. Though in a world full of greek gods and goddesses, I should have known better. I smiled to myself. Leo was sure he saw a tear streak down Piper's face as she laughed. Besides, what was the worst Leo could do? He You're only a tragedy if you stop trying. Leo said as he continued the game. Leo was downright devastated. I need you to promise me you will came Perseus Jackson, revered heroine whos feats overshadow that of every hero in history and the envy of everyone who is anyone. Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants She'd also said that she wanted to tell them her secret the whole time, but couldn't because Aphrodite had made her swear on the River Styx not to tell them. #hazel A Family Boding day went wrong when a Karen attacked Percy in a store. Im sure shes on her way Percy, no need to get so worried, Jason teases as Frank and Leo snicker behind him. that don't fit in or are complete AU or What If's. Why did I have to come here? Todas felices! the atrocities are part of him and ive decided they're funny". #jackson Percy Jackson and the Aphrodite Trap. Nico di Angelo's life couldn't get any worse he thought. Apparently, she and Zeus are having some sort of conflict. "He took forever to realize Annabeth liked him." He giggled as she booped his nose, but shook his head. amazing 10. And the name Percy? Others begin to realise this too, age old being with hearts corrupted with malice and deceit and minds poisoned with thoughts of conquering the mortal Daughter of Poseidon. I remember the scene where Artemis and Zoe (who knew Artemis's husband before he died/disappeared) first seen Percy. Why Does Rebirth Have To Be So Confusing? The cause was simple, far simpler than a Fate rending cause ought to be. "Yeah, but what's love without a little danger?" She there was a war then, there wasnt one "He's not bad, but there's a reason she calls him Seaweed Brain." He nodded quickly, not liking the fear on her face. Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show. "Who are you?" She raised an eyebrow, holding paper plates with hot dogs. You know the scene where the manticore and Hades's children . She has been a part of too many prophecies for her own good (from killing Kronos all those years ago to battling primordials and more). I cracked a smile. Duh?" "He isn't thatbad, is he?" I chided myself. His mom was scared though. 70k in that Magnus starts being trans. How did she know she was a daughter of Poseidon? Camp Half-Blood is having a christmas party on Christmas eve around the Camp Fire, Percy leaves early with her Girflriend. ", "Not to mention the backlash you could receive?". Their interactions make her realize just how important a father figure is for a young boy, and how good of a father Harry Potter is. I decided to keep the fact to myself that no camper on their first day has been as nice to me as Perci was. Did I legit create a whole new language for a fanfic? Usually when someone (or something) knows your name it's time to be on high alert. Many gods and goddesses have faded since then. "You see, Zeus and I are having an argument on Olympus. He said, plopping down next to me. But she'll take whatever opportunity she can to figure out just what may happen in the future and how she can help prevent tragedy befalling the world. Or, the Fates give Percy to chance to persuade the gods of 2005 to change their ways. I said, smiling. Guess what, guess what, guess what?. After the war with Gaia, all I wanted to do was relax and have a peaceful rest of my life. She married the love of her life, Annabeth. Most campers can't wrap their heads around the idea that the gods are real for a week or something." I saw Annabeth walk over the rise, and I sighed. #camphalfblood It did it! 30. I said, and Perci pouted. #jackson While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Anyway, she's dating that Jupiter child and as cute as they may be, I need you to break them up." Wise Girl <3: Why tf did you name the group chat 'World Domination'Repair Boy: Could I by any chance join in on this world domination? A thrill went through him when he had the ball of water in his hands, and he couldnt resist the cheer that time. She rolled her eyes, and her features shifted, making her even more breathtaking. It was kinda working, but was very mushy. up A world of powers, of children wanting adventure, a boy with a scar who was tossed aside by his father, a girl who loved water, a boy who was so happy and kind. #piper He didnt understand. "See ya, Nico! Jason paused it. #fanfic . Well, your stepmom just washed my clothes and yours, so choose them. Too soon! Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (196) The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (51) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (18) Batman - All Media Types (17) Marvel Cinematic Universe (12) The Avengers . #heroesofolympus His heart was pounding, his hands shaking, but he did his best to mimic what he remembered. A demigod that strong would have been fighting monsters for a while. After the war with Gaia, all I wanted to do was relax and have a peaceful rest of my life. She said before she disappeared in a flash of light. Jason meets someone very special during his training in Nanda Parbat. #genderswitch That's definitley the only reason she has agreed to explore Nestra's messy library of memories though. At least things can't get worse from here, and maybe eventually she can prevent some of the tragedies she saw in her world. Thing is, they really couldve chosen slightly better than this (annoyingly horny and murderous) couple. I'm the seventeen year old demigod son of Poseidon. She made it look so easy. Annabeth Does Obedience School #valdez, I was walking on the beach bordering Camp Half-Blood when I met an someone unexpected. Fandoms: | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), X-Men - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Venom (Comics), Doom (Video Games), Batman - All Media Types, Loki (Marvel Comics), Star Wars . Sometimes, these guys were more entertaining than a movie. He quickly picked it up again, vibrating as he pushed out, pulled in, then pushed, pulled, pushed, pulled-. #switch But her biggest adventure seems to be starting now -not by her own choice. How was she so much like Percy Jackson, a guy she's supposedly met once? And when the only available conclusion to all the evidence he's gathered is that he's the son of a god, what will he do? Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods.. Most campers are afraid of her at first." I sighed. He let go of her hand, eagerly hopping closer ot the water, and raised his hands. Jason noted. Do you have to look deep inside yourself to find it, or does it just show itself. She joked, and I gave a short bark of laughter. 245 pages Completed September 26, 2019 Naclil. So he focused on the water once more. Frank suggested. Piper was her best friend, and she and Jason were happy together. We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium "Fair point. Steve thought that he would never see his boy again. This is the first thing about her freakish abilities that she doesnt fully despise- she has a soulmate! "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" He looks down at himself and she realizes hes not wearing a shirt. #genderbend Percy and all of his friends (and even people. I was doing good there!" "I should go before Zeus realizes I'm here. I love camp. Percy excitedly takes her first dose of HRT, Percy comes out to AnnabethAnnabeth immediately accepts her, Percy and Annabeth have their 1 year anniversary, and Percy tells Annabeth about her new name. Work Search: He said, smiling. Better to be safe than sorry, right? He grinned, bouncing. 22. 21. And because he is the only person that is half demigod and half wizard, the Gods send him to Ho. Jason mused. 20. you don't like the murder? "So." I sighed, and face palmed myself. Jason nodded thoughtfully. My Mother Teaches me Bullfighting It took so many tries, he lost count forever ago. Leo looked unimpressed with the apology. #mclean Jason cracked a smile. No offense to her, but she isn't exactly the friendly type. #pjo "What do you think of the new girl, Perci?" Yes, for Perseus Jackson this show was truly remarkable. She let out a shaky breath that made him tremble. He'd had this awesome dare planned for Percy, including a giant water slide and an elephant, but that wasn't going to happen. Of Course the World is Ending.