We have the processes and procedures to dispose of and recycle your electronics properly. Skip to main content Accessibility Public Records News Calendar Human Resources COVID-19 Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. They have recently made some fantastic strides in getting the message out to the public about how people can take advantage of recycling their old computers and other electronics. Monday-Friday, 6 a.m. 6 p.m. (727) 562-4920. Web6102 24th Street East Bradenton, FL 34203.
Battery Recycling In Pinellas County Recycling programs like eCycle Florida dont just help out Pinellas County, but Orlando as well.
Recycle Electronics See a problem in your community? Recycle Guide Text Only If you require additional assistance with this document, please contact our Office of Human Rights at (727) 464-4880 or accommodations@pinellas.gov. Residents, multifamily developments, and businesses located in cities or towns should contact their municipality for garbage and recycling collection service options. Visit the Lealman Garbage and Recycling Collection page for information about fees, billing, contact information, FAQ, and a service area map. Residents should continue to take items with rechargeable batteries to drop off locations using the Where Does It Go? Note: Pinellas County is not affiliated with County Sanitation and does not recommend one provider over the other. These components can be removed from landfills to ensure that they can be properly recycled. WebThe Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste provides garbage and recycling service to the East Lealman community through a Municipal Services Benefit Unit.
Recycling For information about donating, gifting, selling, or recycling working, bulky household electronic item, visit theWhere Does It Go? While Florida has no specific laws or regulations that apply to discarded electronic products, there are more general regulations that do apply. There are about 40 mixed recycling drop-off centers throughout the county available to residents free of charge. Recycling FAQ Where Does It Go? It is free for Pinellas County residents. The Swap Shop, which is located at HEC3, is a reuse program for household chemical products, such as paint, cleaners, and automotive fluids. Mining requires a lot of energy. The Recycle Guide is an annual publication created in partnership with the Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education. Email 813-463-0079. Closed Sundays. Pinellas County is home to nearly one million permanent residents and sees over 14 million visitors annually. Search Tool Why Recycling Is Important Video Library: Garbage & Recycling Email recycle@pinellas.gov or click the Live Chat button below. eCyclePros offers a variety of electronic waste removal services. Customers must stay in their vehicle. Saturday, 7 a.m. 5 p.m. These are just a few examples of many programs that allow consumers to recycle their old electronics. ", "They are the only place I've found locally that is responsive and consistently shows up when they say they will. eCycle Florida is your go-to when looking for an electronic recycling center in Florida. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Although electronics may appear to be something you can just throw away, you could end up putting your environment and yourself at risk by not recycling them. (727) 572-6800. Sessions will be held on the following dates throughout the month of June: For more information about the program change, visit https://www.pinellascounty.org/solidwaste/hec3/changes.htm. Report it to Pinellas County Government using the web page below or via our mobile app.
Waste Skip to main content Accessibility Public Records News Calendar Human Resources COVID-19
Pinellas County See a problem in your community? WebPurpose. Check out our, Mobile Phone Recycling In Tampa With eCycle, 14180 McCormick Drive Suite L7 Tampa, FL 33626, Why You Should Destroy Old Data At Ecycle Florida. Report it to Pinellas County Government using the web page below or via our mobile app. Use theMy Neighborhood Search Toolto find out). (727) 464-4062 TDDPhone Numbers and Office Locations. "Jim and his team leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping those in need and providing an awesome service.
Recycle We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses and visitors online access to permitting, inspection scheduling, fee payments and other services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit the Lealman Garbage and Recycling Collection page for information about fees, billing, contact information, FAQ, and a service area map. Located at 2855 109th Avenue N. St. Petersburg, FL. eCycle Florida is your go-to when looking for an electronic recycling center in Florida. (727) 464-4062 TDDPhone Numbers and Office Locations. To learn how to become a licensed residential garbage and recycling collection service provider, call (727) 464-7544. Choose eCycle Florida. Almost anything with a board or cord. Consumers can take steps to reduce their E-waste footprint on Earth Day (April 22), and every other day. There are many benefits to electronic recycling in Pinellas for your electronics and the environment. After that, they will then test them to ensure that they are functioning properly. Enter your email address to stay updated on the latest county news, events and opportunities. The incineration process will turn the remainder of the E-waste into electricity. Between Jan. 9 and Jan. 31, after recycling restarted following the discovery of the breach, the city sent 231 tons to WM more than twice what it delivered in most months in the last three years.
E Recycling Serving all of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Polk, Hernando, Manatee, as well as Sarasota and Orange counties with our on-site pickup for businesses, we make it as convenient as possible for you to take care of your PC recycling, telecom recycling, and any other electronic recycling needs. WebUrban E Recycling is located at 5630 E. Powhatan Ave, Tampa, Florida. An artificial reef is a human-made, underwater structure built to encourage marine life. (See details and holiday hours). To find drop-off locations near you, please see pages 6 and 7 of the 2021 Recycle Guide. View this map of recycling drop-off centers to find the one closest to you.
Pinellas County Contact us if you have electronics that could end up in a Pinellas County landfill. Search Tool. Fees, Hours & Other Information Collection: Garbage & Recycling For Homes For Businesses Educational Resources Household Chemicals. When you are getting ready to drop off your household chemicals at HEC3 or a mobile collection event, please package them as follows to help keep you and our staff safe and to minimize spills: Residents are invited to drop off certain household chemical items for free. eCycle Florida is an R2 Certified electronics recycling company in the state of Florida. Details on how Pinellas County businesses can reduce their waste and utilize recycling collection services. What is the change? To find out how to get rid of other electronics and chemicals, use the, (behind the Pinellas County Government Center, south of Curlew Road), Apply for a Right-of-Way Utilization Permit, Apply to be a Small Business Enterprise Vendor, Occupational Licenses/Business Tax Receipts, Florida Small Business Development Center, Pinellas County Economic Development Data Center, Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County, Petition to Vacate a Public Right of Way or Easement, Building and Development Review Services Department, Housing and Community Development Department, Parks & Conservation Resources Department, Collected electronics will no longer be sent to a private recycler; they will be sent to Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Facility. You can be sure that your gadget will still work if you have it in good condition.
Visit the Lealman Garbage and Recycling Collection page for information about fees, billing, contact information, FAQ, and a service area map. We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses and visitors online access to permitting, inspection scheduling, fee payments and other services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can find more information on the manufacturers site.
Recycling HEC3: Permanent collection facility open six days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. This program reduces the amount of nonbiodegradable material ending up in landfills. Through my non-profit charity B.I.K.E.R.S.C.A.P we have built a relationship that is beneficial to our community and also the environment.
Pinellas Coastal Waste and Recycling 12600 Automobile Blvd.Clearwater, FL 33762(727) 561-0360, D and D Hauling-Sanitation13275 Madison Avenue Largo, FL 33773(727) 586-6416, Solar SanitationP.O.
E Waste Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.After hours, please leave message.
Pinellas County Before you leave home, make sure to check with the drop-off location to verify that it is open and accepts recyclables. A mobile collection event is an easy and convenient way for residents to discard unwanted household chemicals. Closed Sundays. Contact us if you have electronics that could end up in a Pinellas County landfill. (See details and holiday hours). WebYou can also call (727) 464-7500 to schedule a pickup or request that a copy be mailed to your home. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. Between Jan. 9 and Jan. 31, after recycling restarted following the discovery of the breach, the city sent 231 tons to WM more than twice what it delivered in most months in the last three years. WebResidents may drop off yard waste (grass, leaves, tree and shrub trimmings, palm fronds, limbs, and logs), with the following exceptions: Yard waste must not contain plastics, metal, or lumber Large limbs/logs should be less than As an organization, The City Of Largo recycles all internal electronics through eCyclePros including computers, batteries, televisions and other items. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.After hours, please leave message. COVID-19 may limit access. Collection depends on where you live or where your business is located. By using Pinellas Countys electronic recycling programs, customers can help conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of E waste going to landfills. Thanks to Pinellas Countys eCycle Florida people who dispose of their old phones can do so with ease. All rights reserved.
recycling (727) 464-3000 This can have a number of other detrimental effects on the environment.
Recycle Manages the Solid Waste Disposal Complex, which includes the Waste-to-Energy Facility, Bridgeway Acres Landfill, and HEC3, and provides recycling outreach and education. eCyclePros is a giving and professional organization. You can also call (727) 464-7500 to schedule a pickup or request that a copy be mailed to your home. The tourism site Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is the countys main resource for visitors, 3095 114th Ave. N. Copyright 2023, Pinellas County. In many cases, it may even be functional. There are many options available to recycle your old electronics. St. Petersburg, FL 33716, Disposal Complex/Scalehouse: View the Mobile Collection Experience Videos below. As the population increases, so does waste and it doesnt just go away. All garbage is taken to the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Complex, where it is HEC3 currently collects chemicals through the following programs for free: This collection program is for Pinellas County households only. Work Groups are established to support and advance the objectives of Pinellas Partners in Recycling (PPR) in accordance with its Policies and Procedures. See the table above for accepted items. HEC3: Permanent collection facility open six days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. These centers are managed by Pinellas County and its municipalities. WebThere are 44 free Recycling Drop-Off Centers throughout Pinellas County, where residents can drop off recyclables listed on the front cover of the 2021 Recycle Guide ( pinellascounty.org/recyc ). Start by looking for local recreation centers and organizations that assist older persons. All rights reserved. Established in August, 2012, we are now 18 employees strong and a second location in Lakeland, Florida. Businesses, hobbyists, haulers, and nonprofits should visit the Business Collection Events page. See a problem in your community? Sprints buyback program provides account credits for any mobile phone from any carrier. Call to request a special pick-up. St. Petersburg, FL 33716, Disposal Complex/Scalehouse: Department of Solid Waste will no longer collect household electronics for recycling Computer monitor and tower. Do you have a non-working, bulky household electronic item that you wish to dispose of, but its too large to fit in your regular garbage bin? All rights reserved. Check out the services in the multitude of industries that we Slated to start in October 2022, the Household Electronic and Chemical Collection Center (HEC3) will no longer accept household electronic waste, or E-waste, for recycling at the facility. Please choose from the fields below to fine tune the results shown. eCycle Florida is an R2 Certified electronics recycling company in the state of Florida. (727) 464-3000 We have the processes and procedures to dispose of and recycle your electronics properly. You might be tempted to toss an old printer, smartphone, or laptop with regular garbage. We can all work together at Ecycle Florida to improve the environment! How do I get a printed version of the Recycle Guide? Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.
recycling Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Do NOT place at the curb city will not collect bulky household electronics at the curb that are placed outside of Private and municipal haulers have been notified about the program change and are making adjustments in their protocols and processes. Another great part about using eCycle Florida Recycling is the support that they are getting from the state. WebPinellas County Hazardous Waste Collection Center - 2855 109th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33716 (727) 464-7500 Take your hazardous waste to Pinellas County Solid Waste HEC3, open Monday through Saturday, for free recycling. Check out the services in the multitude of industries that we offer: We are happy to service areas all throughout Florida including: Contact eCycle today to get more information on how to recycle electronics in Pinellas County and all your eCycle needs. Electronics can contain toxic substances like lead, mercury, and cadmium that must be disposed of safely. WebLocal E-Waste Recycling eCyclePros offers a variety of electronic waste removal services . WebBelleair Shore (Waste Connections) Call to request a special pick-up. Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved eCycle Florida. View the, Gasoline and Diesel (limit: 2 five-gallon DOT containers, no tanks), Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, Cleaners, Thermometers, Thermostats, Fluorescent Bulbs (limit: 12), Paints, Stains, Solvents (limit: 20 one-gallon, 5 five-gallon), Chlorine, Muriatic Acid, Cleaners, Clarifiers, Items with rechargeable batteries that cannot be removed, Microwaves, Toasters, Vacuums, Other Appliances. As the population increases, so does waste and it doesnt just go away. All garbage is taken to the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Complex, where it is Call to request a special pick-up. Unless each gadget is traded in for a different device, it eventually reaches its end of use and becomes electronic garbage.
The Center For Pinellas County E-waste Recycling eCycle Florida is an R2 Certified electronics recycling company in the state of Florida. Pinellas County operates the Household Electronics and Chemical Collection Center (HEC3) as a disposal location for unwanted electronics and chemicals. WebYou can also call (727) 464-7500 to schedule a pickup or request that a copy be mailed to your home. These are the top reasons tothink about Pinellas County electronic recycling. It distributes used computers and peripherals to communities all over the globe. You will save materials through a Pinellas County E-cycling program and your electronics costs will drop over time. See a problem in your community? The following providers serve only businesses and multifamily developments in unincorporated areas.
Pinellas County Slated to start in October 2022, the Household Electronic and Chemical Collection Center (HEC3) will no longer accept household electronic waste, or E-waste, for recycling at the facility. There have been 25 states that have passed laws requiring the recycling of old electronics. (727) 464-4062 TDDPhone Numbers and Office Locations. His business card is right there with our banker and our insurance broker in the important people section of who helps us conduct business easier and more responsibly. eCycle Florida is your go-to when looking for an electronic recycling center in Florida. WebResidents may drop off yard waste (grass, leaves, tree and shrub trimmings, palm fronds, limbs, and logs), with the following exceptions: Yard waste must not contain plastics, metal, or lumber Large limbs/logs should be less than Rechargeable batteries can cause fires when compressed, which endangers workers and damages equipment; they should not be discarded in garbage or recycling collection containers. See a problem in your community? The free service they offer of disposing old cell phones, computer equipment and various electronics is priceless. WebThe Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Facility & Recycling, located in St. Petersburg, FL, is an utility company that provides public services for St. Petersburg residents. The Center For Pinellas County Electronics Recycling. To minimize the damaging effects of improperly disposed of hazardous e-waste in the environment, the EPA and other state and federal regulatory commissions have established severe fines for those who do not properly dispose of such waste. I have been using eCyclePros for approximately 3 years.
Disposal Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Place at the curb on regular bulky waste collection day. Plus the state is making it easier for people to recycle their old electronics through the purchase of new ones. WebThere are 44 free Recycling Drop-Off Centers throughout Pinellas County, where residents can drop off recyclables listed on the front cover of the 2021 Recycle Guide ( pinellascounty.org/recyc ). Pinellas County offers disposal options for chemicals to both residents and businesses. Here you will find out why Pinellas County electronic recycling programs are so great. Located at 2855 109th Avenue N. St. Petersburg, FL. If you are ready to commit to E-waste recycling in Pinellas County, contact us today. What to expect at a mobile collection event: We are happy to help! eBay for Charity allows you to sell your devices (or any other device) and give part or all the proceeds to a charity of your choice.
Waste (See details and holiday hours), Effective October 1, 2022: New Procedure and Program Change. You have an old computer, TV, or even a few old phones and dont know who will recycle electronics in Pinellas county. Fees, Hours & Other Information Collection: Garbage & Recycling For Homes For Businesses Educational Resources Household Chemicals. WebThere are 44 free Recycling Drop-Off Centers throughout Pinellas County, where residents can drop off recyclables listed on the front cover of the 2021 Recycle Guide ( pinellascounty.org/recyc ). Pinellas County electronic recycling company called eCycle Florida began with the mission to help people take part in electronic recycling. ", Danny R. Donegan, Jr.Global Stone Project Enterprise, "As an organization, The City Of Largo recycles all internal electronics through eCyclePros". Depending on your city or hauler, there may be a fee assessed for a special pick-up; ask your city or hauler if there will be a fee. When people get rid of their old phones they sometimes dont take them to the recycling center. St. Petersburg, FL 33716, Disposal Complex/Scalehouse: WebThe Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste provides garbage and recycling service to the East Lealman community through a Municipal Services Benefit Unit. WebThe Florida Department of Environmental Protection strongly recommends recycling all unwanted electronic products such as televisions, computers and cell phones. Electronics can cause serious environmental damage if they are thrown in a landfill. Place chemicals in trunk or truck bed, away from passengers. (727) 464-3000 Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.After hours, please leave message. eCycle Florida is a R2 Certified electronics recycling company in the state of the Florida with the mission to provide white glove service for deinstallation and equipment removal. Closed Sundays. eCyclePros has been picking up our old electronics once a month for about a year now. Apply for a Right-of-Way Utilization Permit, Apply to be a Small Business Enterprise Vendor, Occupational Licenses/Business Tax Receipts, Florida Small Business Development Center, Pinellas County Economic Development Data Center, Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County, Petition to Vacate a Public Right of Way or Easement, Pinellas County Florida Solid Waste HEC3 Program Changes, https://www.pinellascounty.org/solidwaste/hec3/changes.htm, Building and Development Review Services Department, Housing and Community Development Department, Parks & Conservation Resources Department. Pinellas County is home to nearly one million permanent residents and sees over 14 million visitors annually. While Florida has no specific laws or regulations that apply to discarded electronic products, there are more general regulations that do apply. eCyclePros disposes of all electronic equipment in strict compliance with all laws and regulations, relieving you and your company from any liability. Clearwater FL 33765. Collections may be delayed or canceled due to inclement weather. The tourism site Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is the countys main resource for visitors, 3095 114th Ave. N. Email 813-463-0079. Report it to Pinellas County Government using the web page below or via our mobile app.