Price$4,000 - $4,500. Our desire is sound and proper movement, sweet, outgoing and compliant temperaments, the dog must also be free of health defects. German Pinschers Home; Males; Females; Litters; Contact Us; GCHS CH Clefell's Romeo (Import from Finland) x GCH CH Nevars Zealous Temerity . German Pinschers Home; Males; Females; . Out of Dark Angels Only One Covergirl. We are owner-exhibitors of German Pinschers and members of the German Pinscher Club of America. The Romeo x Zellie puppies are 12 weeks old. Breeders/Owners: Norma Cacka and Patty Cacka-Williams, Ch. Forgot account? This sport celebrates the joy of sniffing, turning your dogs favorite activity into a rewarding game. Hi, I'm Christine Bixler. Breeder/Owner Norma D. Cacka. 3 expected litters. They make great running or biking partners, love canine competitions, and are very affectionate with . Our goal is to produce beautiful German Pinschers with correct temperament, good health, and able and willing to do any work asked of them- even if that is "only" being a loyal family companion. German Pinschers Home; Males; Females; Litters; Contact Us; Females . A Little About us. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Learn more. If you're interested in a puppy from Iron Heart Kennels, please apply. Leon (Rhapsody's Game Changer) wins two Best of Breeds from the classes and Best of Winners at the June 2022 AKC shows in Topeka, KS! Bred by Christina Steffan. Pet Store. Breeder of Junior World winner, multiple national winners, multiple westminster winners, top agility and scentwork competitors. We are members of the German Pinscher Club of America. We thank our friends for these opportunities. We have learned so much about the breed through these two dogs and met some great people. AKC Champion Bloodline. We showed and finished our two GPs and are looking forward to doing more in the breed. They are a courageous breed that learns quickly and is always willing to rise to the occasion. Budon German Pinschers Phone: 302-545-3394 Newark, DE Georgia Yvonne Perry Y Not Pinschers Phone: 404-610-9117 . x]s7N~Jva$J1kCS^F,\HRlfv5=~Ix4{g;{'f*jklVvk5|~/>N[b>G^~Zv~M{tn~@_Y'om;:.xmH^l8SND.$WGo5Co/G>$n?F/\=Q_ The German Pinscher is an agile and athletic, high-energy breed who requires ample daily exercise for his physical and mental well-being. German Pinschers have been a part of our lives for over 14 years. Dog Breeder. Some vets . STANDARD. Always Breeder-Owner-Handled. <> Always Breeder-Owner-Handled. German Pinschers have the same good looks as a Doberman but are not a smaller version of that breed. We are owner-exhibitors of German Pinschers and members of the German Pinscher Club of America. Conformation Agility Barn Hunt Rally ObedienceScent Work. Show More . Sire: CH NEVARS PULSAR TEMERITY Dam: GCHB CH NEVARS QUERIDA MIA ZU DEN WOLKEN. The German Pinscher is a medium-sized dog with a muscular square build. To have your puppy pictures featured on this page, please email them to the webmaster. They are Canine Good Citizens, AKC STAR certificate earners, Therapy Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs, Service Dogs, and companions. We are dedicated to breeding multi-purpose German Pinschers. endobj These dogs can be intense due to their high energy and intelligence, and they need an active owner to match that pace. GCH CH Nevars Yes I Can Temerity "Thumper" the sire of twelve AKC Champions, one RN and one RATN in four litters. German Pinscher Puppies. ;7L/b}'R0+OGV[j!J'. Co-Ownerd by: Ryanne Dolan & Lyn Stuby. Temerity German Pinschers. What is a Preservationist Breeder? . Karstan's Super Cookie Kloeber (1988), Ch. 12 weeks old. German Pinscher Champions we have shown for other people. There are four approved colors of German Pinschers: Black and red, red, Isabella (fawn) and blue. Males / Females Available. According to long-time breeders the black dogs tend to be more reserved while the reds are more outgoing, almost silly. Pet Service. If you have any questions, we are always happy to discuss the breed and our dogs with you. The sleek, no-frills German Pinscher is among Germanys oldest breeds and the prototype of other pinscher breeds. We thank our friends for these opportunities. This energetic, super-intelligent dog was at first used as a rat catcher but can be trained for all types of canine work. Other German Pinschers. German Pinscher Club of America: Colorado Kennel Club: Rocky Mountain All Terrier Club: Lighthouse Kerry Blue Terriers: Nevar German Pinschers: Temerity German Pinschers: Harmony Cairns: Kennel Velvety Bedlingtons (SWE) BlueLambDog Photography or. al pitching leaders 2021 ed helms cornell commencement speech transcript ed helms cornell commencement speech transcript Top 5 GP in the USA 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2017 GCH CH Nevars Yes I Can Temerity "Thumper" the sire of eleven AKC Champions, one RN ane one RATN in four litters Honored to be an AKC Breeder of 50 or more AKC Champions and Titlist from fully Health Tested parents. Reg German Pinschers. Click on the links below to see photos of more dogs we have shown. Puppies available occasionally Docking Rd, Topeka, KS 66615 1 0 obj Meret's Ton of Trouble CDX, CGC (1994), Ch. These two had fun at the Santa Barbara Dog Shows with a 3 point AKC championship major win! Owners will need either a local vet experienced in ear crops or an experienced GP, Doberman, Boxer, Schnauzer or Dane breeder/owner who can support you. In 2011, after several years of research, we decided to add a new breed to our home. The breed is medium sized and robust, with a strong prey . In August we brought home our first German Pinscher, Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel). They can hike all day, aided by extremely sensitive senses. Related Pages. Amy Issleib Temerity German Pinschers Phone:816-853-7939 Cameron, MO Owned by: Amy Issleib & Lyn Stuby Owned by: Donna & Mitch Morgan, CH Nevars Underestimated Temerity(3 years old)Am & Can CH Nevars Unmentionables Temerity In 2011, after several years of research, we decided to add a new breed to our home. New . See more of Temerity German Pinschers on Facebook. Once you apply, Jill will get back to you about availability, pricing and next steps. German Pinschers have proven themselves worthy in theconformation ring, as well as in agility, obedience, rally,tracking, scentwork, and more. The German Pinscher is a versatile dog that can excel in any venue. It was used in stables to hunt and kill vermin and to keep horses and livestock healthy and safe. Sired by Bluehen's Gold Rock Quarry. stream Bluehen's AlleyFighter Bonelli (1995), Breeders/Owners: Norma Cacka and Dawn Bonelli, Ch. In 2015, we added our second German Pinscher, Nevars Xtreme Temerity, (Mayhem). endobj The specific German Pinscher breed was first created in the 19th century. Rhapsody German Pinschers Phone:785-217-3737 Topeka, KS Co-Owned by: Bev Creed, Amy Issleib & Lyn Stuby Co-Ownered by:Lois Croley, Charlene Dwyer & Lyn Stuby, CH Nevars Pyxis Temerity Locate and mark rats (safely hidden in tubes) in this event that mimicks the German Pinschers historic role as a rat catcher. See more of Temerity German Pinschers on Facebook. German Pinscher Puppies. The German Pinscher has found a new niche as a companion and watchdog of ideal size and loyal temperament. German Pinschers areshown in the Working Group andat a maximum 20" at the withers, are the second smallest dogs in that group. /`|< . Owned by: Nicole Kesserling Owned by:Todd & Amy Issleib and F. Lynann Stuby, CH Nevars Upfront Temerity (13 months old)CH Nevars Unchained Melody of TemerityCGC The GPCA is the official AKC national breed club for the German Pinscher. Website designed by NotaLottaWebDesign Todd and Amy Issleib The NotaLotta Ranch. Hale Pohaku Kennels. show other breeds or show other people's Min Pins or German Pinschers. Enjoy luxurious comfort on deck, and indulge in the premium amenities found down below in the expansive cabin space. Other Breeds. Huckleberries N . Neither the GPCA nor its members will be held liable for any individual breeders actions. A dog breeder who focuses on the future of the breed by fully health testing all of their dogs used for breeding, selecting individuals that will meet the original purpose of the breed with great temperaments. show other breeds or show other people's Min Pins or German Pinschers. OFA Temerity. Dunroamin Perm. Silver GCH CH Nevars Stop N Stare at Temerity. After showing several dogs to their championships or grand championships in AKC Conformation, we bred our first litter at the end of 2016. We hope you enjoy looking through our website and learning more about our dogs and the German Pinscher breed. Fifth generation Pinscher Schnauzer cross : Dam of two champions from her only litter . SIC Code 75,752. Race against the clock and through an obstacle course in this fast-paced and rewarding sport. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. WS53444601 3/9/2016 Breeder: ANGELA RENNEKE & RICHARD RENNEKE. 2014 & 2015 #3 German Pinscher in the USA*. Barbara Lane. Romeo Zellie (Click here for Pedigree) These puppies are DM and VWD free by parentage and will be tested for D Locus since Zellie is Dd. 1. ). Join us for our yearly show, when we celebrate all aspects of the German Pinscher with competition events, educational seminars, and more. Dogs we bred, owned or co-owned and are retired. . ]LG-(IgOfe!DWg5 ?fKlZ:G8QQ!$Gy$b#VYlTs9-1-/z]c dC#EC]QYxT c;qS?K`3}W{c?mmn~nx?H]e %GlANpTfYU:*=mGu`0Ym?9Xmf7]geY&+u~W~>%=%i{c%mEdd! CH Dark Angels Give Me All Your Lovin (German import) "Emma" 2018 Sired by Ayson iz Doma Kupidona. We only. Sire: Daveren's Life of the Party; Dam: Daveren's Tribute to an Amazing Dream; . NAICS Code 81,812. 2018 Westminster/AKC Invitational results. You'll be asked to provide information about yourself and what you are looking for so the breeder can help you find the right match. The cost is an additional $500 to crop. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, ncourage and promote quality in the breeding of the purebred German Pinschers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection; t. o encourage the organization of independent local German Pinscher Specialty Clubs; to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the German Pinscher shall be judged; to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed and to encourage sportsmanslike competition at dog shows and all AKC events; and to conduct sanctioned matches, specialty shows, obedience trials, and tracking tests under the rules of the AKC. Check back often for updates! They are the older breed and were used to develop the Doberman. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Not now. Bold and prestigious, the 33 Express makes a statement worthy of conversation. It is the buyers responsibility to independently verify any/all claims made by individual breeders. 7 talking about this. In 2015, we added our second German Pinscher. About us. Atominis Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Log In. These dogs were first bred by a tax collector from the 19th century, named Louis Dobermann.In those days, tax collecting was a dangerous job. The finest in conformation, health and temperament. I'm the breeder behind Witzend Pinschers located in Columbiana County, OH. Pet Service. Template Copyright 2011, designed by Design provided by Free Website Templates. 2 0 obj Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, 2018 Westminster/AKC Invitational results. As the most popular pinscher-type dogs, the Doberman Pinscher has become one of America's most popular breeds. Linda / Allen Anderton Lindee German Pinschers Phone: 480-325-1212 Mesa, AZ, Karen Radcliffe Desert Moon German Pinschers Phone: 520-575-0645 Oro Valley, AZ, Bud & Donna Turner Budon German Pinschers Phone: 302-545-3394 Newark, DE, Yvonne Perry Y Not Pinschers Phone: 404-610-9117 Winston, GA, F. Lynann Stuby NeVar Kennels Phone: 317-831-7887 Martinsville, IN, Jessica / Eric Blatt Rhapsody German Pinschers Phone:785-217-3737 Topeka, KS, Sharon Morgan / Kathy Dorwart Windamir German Pinschers Phone: 301-751-1648 / 301-932-1011 Welcome, MD, Amy Issleib Temerity German Pinschers Phone:816-853-7939 Cameron, MO, Nina Coppinger Enceepinschers/show/pet//pet/show Phone: 732-682-4829 Howell, NJ, Jill Eastman Daveren German Pinschers Phone: 505-699-7253 Stanley, NM, Angela Renneke Von der Wolken German Pinschers Phone:505-662-3209 Los Alamos, NM, Daniel / Jill LaPorte Iron Heart German Pinschers Phone: 585-278-4262 Rochester, NY, Allison Chappo Greystone German Pinschers Phone: (440) 387-9296 Wakeman, OH, Barbara Lane Regalane German Pinschers Phone: 541-352-5552 Parkdale, OR, Mike / Velda Barkman Taysha German Pinschers Phone: 817-235-7033 Azle, TX, Celia & Eugene Jobb Bonfire Kennels Phone: 804-798-4111 Ashland, VA, Lee Short Black Forest German Pinschers Phone: 434-258-8761 Forest, VA, Kimberle Schiff Oakwood German Pinschers Phone: 845-346-6716 Tenino, WA, Lorraine Shore Immer Treu German Pinschers Phone:360-808-6877 Carlsborg, WA, Judy Vandervort ReVival German Pinschers Phone: 360-870-2597 Olympia, WA. Maintained by Jessica Smith. Disclaimer While the breeders on this list are GPCA members in good standing, under no circumstances does the GPCA guarantee the services of said members. Their temperament is described in the standard as vivacious but some can be aloof. After showing several dogs to their championships or grand championships in AKC Conformation, we bred our first litter at the end of 2016. They Are Exceptional Working Dogs. Owner:ANGELA A RENNEKE & RICHARD M RENNEKE. Topeka, KS, USA Highly trainable, multi-talented, and exceptionally keen-sighted, the German Pinscher thrives off of rigorous physical activity. No matter what color they need continuous training and mental stimulation. Pet Service. Find German Pinscher puppies for sale. Entrepreneur. Pet Service. The German pinscher is a medium-size working dog breed from Germany that has a short, smooth coat and a lean, muscular build. In 2011, after several years of research, we decided to add a new breed to our home. or. German Pinschers have highly developed senses, intelligence, aptitude for training, fearlessness andendurance. Nevars Don't Go Away Mad Temerity "Maddie" Preservation breeder of top quality German Pinschers. Title Holders Bred By Temerity German Pinschers. Good Dog helps you find the German Pinscher puppy of your dreams by making it easy to discover German Pinscher puppies for sale near you. Ch Bluehen's Walk The Line "Walker" 2007. Sire: Aden: Dam: . Silver AKC Breeder of Merit. Am Can GCH CH Temerity Lightning Bug CGN TT All rights reserved. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. Given the brains and brawn of this massive dog, it's easy to see why the Doberman is regarded as a top guardian.. Website designed by NotaLotta WebDesign Todd and Amy Issleib The NotaLotta Ranch. Some of the Min Pins We Have Shown For Other People. Affectionately referred to as the GP, the GermanPinscher is a medium-sized, short-coated dog, elegantin appearance with a strong square build and moderatebody structure. Sep-01- 2021 - CH Nevars All Avenging Hero vd Wolken x GCH CH Temerity Like Cowabunga CH Temerity Case Closed (12 months old) CH Temerity Nothing Comes Close BCAT (12 months old) . In August we brought home our first German Pinscher. Creating puppies that will be good family members in . Temerity . The Schnauzer is considered a rough-haired Pinscher and it is also known to be an excellent . %PDF-1.5 About us. Search hundreds of German Pinscher puppy listings from Good Dogs trusted German Pinscher breeders and start the application process today. Many people familiar with Working dogs regard this smallest member of the Working group as a terrier in temperament. scroll down to see all of them . Forgot account? We invite you to join today. Photographer. <>>> {MHEd/JYDzy 2019 St. Louis GSCA National. German Pinschers are full of energy but are highly trainable. Out of Bluehen's Waughline. Award of Merit at German Pinscher Regional Specialty during Nationals Weekend 2019; Basic Info. Click on the links below to see photos of more dogs we have shown, Co-Owned by Jessica Issleib and Norma Cacka. Aftercare is the responsibility of the new owner which entails stitch removal, weeks to months of taping and posting ears once they are healed. With that in mind, we spend a tremendous amount of time raising each litter to be the best it can be, focusing on nutrition, genetics, epigenetics and scientifically-backed developmental and enrichment protocols. . We are thankful to their owners for exhiniting our puppies to these titles. How to get a puppy. We are owner-exhibitors of German Pinschers and members of the German Pinscher Club of America. show other breeds or show other people's Min Pins or German Pinschers. The Regal 33 Express is the have-it-all cruiser prepared for unforgettable adventure, whether it's a day at the beach or a weekend on the water. The GPCA became the AKC National Parent Club in 2002. Leon (Rhapsody's Game Changer) finishes his UKC Championship as we start to get back into the show ring, and he also finishes his Advanced Trick Dog title! He was bred by Lyn Stuby (Nevar) and Amy Issleib (Temerity). Template Copyright 2011, designed by Design provided by Free Website Templates. Sire: Romeo: . Home of champion German Pinschers. The objectives of the German Pinscher Club of America are to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of the purebred German Pinschers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection; to encourage the organization of independent local German Pinscher Specialty Clubs; to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the German Pinscher shall be judged; to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed and to encourage sportsmanslike competition at dog shows and all AKC events; and to conduct sanctioned matches, specialty shows, obedience trials, and tracking tests under the rules of the AKC. 3 Little-Known Facts About German Pinschers. It is muscular and powerful for enduranceand agility. Olympus Leads -Kangaroo Leather Leads & Collars. bryan edwards 40 time pro day; joints involved in a plank; how to speed up edgenuity videos 2020; fake reasons to go to the hospital; bennis and nanus leadership theory We are dedicated to breeding multi-purpose German Pinschers. Bred by: Todd & Amy Issleib and F Lynann Stuby, Co-owned by: Todd & Amy Issleib and F Lynann Stuby, Sired by: GCH CH Nevars Yes I Can Temerity, Sired by: GCH CH Temerity Remarkably Irresist-A-Bill, Out of: CH Yaraccitta Meet Miss Magnolia (Import Finland), Co-owned by: Amy Issleib and Janell Porter, Bred by: Todd and Amy Issleib and Lyn Stuby, Co-owned by: Todd and Amy Issleib and Lyn Stuby, Dam of two champions and one RATN in her first litter, Sired by: GCH CH Nevars Cause For Applause, Out of: GCHB CH Nevars Okalani Kamalii Wahine Ka Nalu Temerity, Co-owned by: Velda Barkman and Amy Issleib, Sired by: GCH CH Nevars Yes I can Temerity, Out of: GCHB CH Nevars Querida Mia Zu Den Wolken, Bred by: Amy Issleib, Andela Renneke and F. Lynann Stuby, Co-owned by: Amy Issleib, Andela Renneke and Lyn Stuby, Sired by: Sanny Monkey Minneapolis (Russia), Out of: Bluehens Solidgoldgntleman ROM* (1988), * Min Pin Club of America Hall of Fame Sire of over twenty AKC Champions. You can contact us easily by email or Facebook message. Create new account. Each breeder on our Breeder List is a member of the GPCA and has signed the GPCA code of ethics. Website designed by NotaLottaWebDesign Todd and Amy Issleib The NotaLotta Ranch. Both have full health . Rhapsody German Pinschers. The GPCA is a member of the American Kennel Club, and as such, is the only national German Pinscher breed club which is recognized and sanctioned by the AKC. 3 Rivers KC Sunday, September 17, 2016 7 3 Daveren's The Party's . While our primary goal for each litter is to keep a puppy we can show in the AKC conformation ring, most of our puppies are placed as pets or working prospects. German Pinschers have been a part of our lives for over 14 years. Temerity. . German Pinschers German Pinschers, Sweepstakes (Puppy 69) Dogs 5 1 BARCHEN VON DER WOLKEN. Males / Females Available. (Import Australia), Co-owned by: Frank and Eileen Schenck, Amy Issleib & Lyn Stuby, 2016 GPCA National Specialty Award of Merit, Sired by: CH Xitamiz Moltaz HOF (Import Sweden), Sired by: CH Laatain Baron HOF (Import Finland), Co-owned by: Todd & Amy Issleib and Lyn Stuby, Co-owned by: F. Lynann Stuby and Amy Issleib, Bred by: Amy Issleib & Sharon Asher & Diane Austin, Co-owned by: Byron Porter, Sharon Asher & Amy Issleib, 2011 GPCA National Specialty Winners Bitch, Dam of three AKC Champions from one litter, Co-owned by: Amy Issleib and Jessica Issleib. CH Calvaxar . GCH CH Nevars Yes I Can Temerity "Thumper" the sire of twelve AKC Champions, one RN and one RATN in four litters. Topeka, KS, USA; Please email for # . We are owner-exhibitors of German Pinschers and members of the German Pinscher Club of America. Highly trainable, multi-talented, and exceptionally keen-sighted, the German Pinscher thrives off of rigorous physical activity. Maryland. Our versatile German Pinschers are successful in conformation, obedience, rally, agility, barn hunt, Fast CAT and CAT (lure coursing), scentwork, nosework, tracking, dock diving, weight pull, herding, farm dog, and trick dog competitions. Click on the links below to see photos of more dogs we have shown, Co-owned by F Schenck & E Schenck & Lyn Stuby, Sired by GCH CH Dark Angels Red Aden Energy (Import Germany), Out of CH Ravenred's Annie Oakley (Import Australia), Co-owned by Frank & Eileen Schenck & Lyn Stuby, Out of Ch Ravenred Annie Oakley (Australia), Out of Ch Mercedes vom Awarenring (Austria). Yarracitta Dhalma Pilccunen (Finland), Co-owned by: Amy Issleib and Janell Porter, Fifth generation Pinscher Schnauzer cross, Dam of two champions from her only litter, Co-owned by: Amy Issleib and Todd Issleib, Out of: CH Ravenred Annie Oakley HOF