G$-m2~isU$2#&2x?>Vdu.Q<2+{(2h.8[bjtMpJ8>D=*YZXIrqdzU)*%Mz 81Ty$$u^SC{U3.qic&v{t>|4MC_5ne`T[c !&Q0O(*ylBPx!5QU.:XUM4EiVC6!8bc2820>{[mKtvk2nU,?]i`>%-BH|dZ8XH[)O Ka - Program of Instruction. [\|(xsF[dU4z0 f Analyzing Army Reserve Unsatisfactory Participants through - Sustainment training must be conducted at least annually (every 2 years for USAR Soldiers and ARNG) WebIn the Army, counseling is an almost daily requirement. A fellow may respond in writing to a written warning, schedule modification, probation, notice of insufficient improvement or dismissal. - Report use of prescription or nonprescription medication that could reasonably impair driving or alertness to the immediate supervisor. failure of selection for promotion, with breach of contract payment, USAF, LDP9 Nonfulfillment of service contract. An official website of the United States government. d. Instructive - a valid medical certificate and State driver's license, - Issue Operator Learner Permits PxX8*0={94%b;Bm\ @ kFw:/h" II)-APIIIH3`llE@cc AKKC1 What form is use to document the performance road test? 0000008877 00000 n Only to administrative separation proceedings initiated on or after the effective date of this instruction unless the Secretary of the Military Department concerned determines that it - 90 days. - reliable, responsible. 586 Involuntary discharge for reasons involving board action or in lieu thereof (homosexuality), 588 Involuntary discharge reasons involving board action, or in lieu thereof unfitness or unacceptable conduct, 589 Voluntary discharge reasons involving board action or in lieu thereof, due to substandard performance of duty, 590 Involuntary discharge interest of national security, 596 Involuntary discharge parenthood (minor children), 597 Voluntary discharge administrative, 599 Voluntary REFRAD lack of jurisdiction, 600 Voluntary REFRAD to enlist an regular Army, 601 Voluntary REFRAD to enlist in regular Army for purpose of retirement, 602 Voluntary REFRAD national health, safety, or interest, 603 Involuntary REFRAD due to disapproval of request for extension of service, 606 Voluntary REFRAD dual status officer to revert to regular Warrant Officer, 609 Voluntary REFRAD to attend school or accept a teaching position, 611 Voluntary REFRAD expiration of the duty commitment voluntarily serving on active duty, 612 Voluntary REFRAD expiration active duty commitment involuntary serving on active duty, 616 Voluntary REFRAD selection for entrance to a service academy, 618 Voluntary REFRAD In lieu of serving in lower grade than reserve grade, 619 Voluntary REFRAD by request includes MC & DC officers, 620 Voluntary REFRAD interde part mental transfer of other than medical officers, 621 Voluntary REFRAD in lieu of unqualified resignation, 623 Voluntary REFRAD interdepartmental transfer of medical officers, 624 Voluntary REFRAD release from ADT to enter on 24 months active duty, 625 Voluntary REFRAD annual screening, voluntary release prior to 90th day subsequent to receipt of notification, 631 Involuntary REFRAD failure of selector for permanent reserve promotion (discharged), 632 Involuntary REFRAD failure of selection for permanent reserve promotion (commission retained), 633 Involuntary REFRAD failures of selection for promotion, temporary, 640 Involuntary REFRAD commissioned officer under sentence of dismissal & warrant officer discharge awaiting appellate review, 644 Voluntary & Involuntary REFRAD convenience of government or as specified by Secretary of the Army, 645 Involuntary REFRAD annual screening, release on 90th day subsequent to receipt of notification, 646 Involuntary REFRAD maximum service, warrant officers, 647 Involuntary REFRAD maximum service, commissioned officers, 648 Involuntary REFRAD completion of prescribed years of service, 649 Involuntary REFRAD withdrawal of ecclesiastical endorsement, 650 Involuntary REFRAD physically disqualified upon order to active duty, 651 Involuntary REFRAD release of reserve unit & return to reserve status, 652 Involuntary REFRAD a release of unit of NG or NG(US) & return to state control, 655 Involuntary REFRAD revert to retired list, not by reason of physical disability, 657 Involuntary REFRAD physical disability. Navy/Marine/Coast Guard RE Codes. Rescinded, 351 Desertion/trial deemed inadvisable (Spanish American War/ WWII). Not entitled to disability severance pay, 668 Dropped from rolls AWOL conviction & confinement by civil authorities, 669 Dropped from rolls AWOL desertion, 672 Involuntary REFRAD medical service personnel who receive unfavorable background investigation and/or National Agency Check, 681 Voluntary REFRAD to accept employment with a legally established law enforcement agency, 685 Resignation failure to meet medical fitness standards at time of appointment, 686 Involuntary discharge failure to resign under Chapter 16 AR 535 120. when determined to be in the best interest of the government and the individual, 689 Voluntary REFRAD reduction in strength, voluntary release prior to 90th day subsequent to receipt of notification, 690 Involuntary REFRAD reduction in strength. appointed in writing by Company Commander or Civilian branch Chief to conduct examinations on prospective operators. (2) Ensure that an assistant driver is assigned when required. 213 Discharge for retirement as an officer. The expiration date for Army Limited permit will not exceed _____ from the date of issue? Army They should also What is the purpose of the HEAT trainer simulator and uparmed HMMWV rollover or roll to left/right? Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), develop training circulars (TCs) and training support packages (TSPs) for all major, Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, (1) Acquire vehicles and equipment that foster maximum safe operations, are, Commanders of Army commands (ACOMs), Army service component commands, Brigade commanders or DA Civilian directors of organizations general schedule (GS)15, *Delegate to subordinate commanders (battalion level or civilian division, Battalion commanders or civilian division chiefs (GS-14), (1) Develop and publish guidance for interviewing and selecting driver candidates RE-4J Unsatisfactory fitness assessment RE-4K Pending evaluation from Medical Evaluation Board/Physical Evaluation Board RE-4L Officer Training School, You Have a SM that is ETS-ing, can SM keep their OF 346? - An operator will not drive more than 10 hours in a duty period (including rest and meal breaks). Rollover drills will be conducted prior to every tactical training or actual deployment cycle, (Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations), Simulators that are simulations proficient, Simulator system specific, tank vessels, vehicles, RVTT startxref 201 Enlisted Personnel Expiration of term of service (includes personnel on ADT as initial trainees), 21L Enlisted Personnel Separation for good & sufficient reason when determined by secretarial authority, 21T Enlisted Personnel Release of REP 63 trainees due to emergency conditions. I am an unsatisfactory participant who stop going to drills, but my unit did not chapter me out. - Waivers Included Is an OF 346 require to operate air compressors? Rescinded. Examples: A meeting is scheduled with the fellow, their supervisors, training committee, and/or Assistant Coordinator of Training, to discuss the fellows failure to submit progress notes in a timely manner, or the fellows tardiness to meetings or work. Insubordination. }zo%K@k@?K!k qg_^Leo& O7A4leeN/fP%s&3y57@)y^!X2WvhY$]DqMwp"DGxBU9'Y\W9#ZT/ tU3a^~(jf1\C9+p G\s~C+i|;n6su8gpeEq.c{p6nwq_!5j6m ~p'h>\]-@WK?EQ\mQd(( administration, and training validation/performance road tests. *z"89@`>u,q Lock Web(ASCCs), U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) geographic and functional commands (GFCs), and direct reporting units (DRUs) will (1) Select, train, test, and license vehicle and equipment (c) Intersections. - license suspension If a SM has their Civilian DL suspended or revoked, can they still maintain their OF 346? Move on to Grievance Procedures of Post-MSW Fellows, 320 Emergency Room Drive - must meet the criteria outlines in Appendix F, Evaluation for Selecting Master Driver, License Instructors, and License Examiners. <>>> Publications - United States Army Reserve Special operations within the confines of the port facility. Here are these secret numeric codes that may make a difference in your future. Trial Defense Services - United States Army not retirement eligible, USN Officers, JGC1 Failure of selection for promotion, USAF, JGF Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention, JGH Army, Air Force Expeditious Discharge, JGH USN, USMC Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention, JHD Disqualified from officer candidate training physical, USN Enlisted, JHE Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention, JHJ Army, USMC, USAF Unsuitability (Reason Unknown)/ Unsatisfactory performance, JHK Unsuitability, substandard performance, JIV Unqualified for Active Duty Other, JKA Discreditable Incidents Civilian or Military, JKF Army, Navy Air Force AWOL, Desertion, JKK Character or Behavior Disorder (see also JPC), JKM Misconduct, pattern of misconduct (See also JKE), JKN Misconduct, minor disciplinary infractions (See also JKF), JKQ Misconduct, commission of a serious offense (See also JKH), JLB Discreditable Incidents Civilian or Military, JMN Navy, USMC, USAF Unsuitability (Reason Unknown), JNC Misconduct, moral or professional dereliction, JND Other, Concealment of arrest record, JPD Alcohol abuse rehabilitative failure, JRA Engaged, attempted to engage or solicit another to engage in a homosexual act, JRB Admission of Homosexuality or bisexuality, JRC Marriage or attempted marriage to a person known to be of the same biological sex, KBM Early Release Precluded from attaining eligibility for retirement with pay, KCK Early Release In the national interest, KDJ Early Release In the national interest, KDM1 Marine Corps order applicable to all members of a class, USMC, KFF Secretarial Authority, to be discharged or retire as an officer, KFN Released for Physical disability Existing Prior to Service, KFS Good of the Service, in lieu of court martial, KFT Failure to qualify medically for flight training, no disability, KFV Unqualified for Active Duty Other, KGF Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention. ! (k) Vehicle malfunctions. If a driver or operator has an at fault accident, what kind of training is required and how is it annotated on the DA Form 348? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Rescinded, 425 Discharge (Inductees) to enlist ar Warrant Officer Flight Training, 426 Discharge (inductees) to enlist to attend critical MOS school, 427 Discharge (inductees) to enlist for Officer Candidate School, 420 Discharge for failure to complete Officer Candidate. The specific skill deficits and/or problematic behaviors that need remediating; 2. (1) Enforce standards of performance to ensure safety and consistency of Army Soldiers' vehicle operations. Physical examinations KGL Officer or Warrant Officer Commission program, KGN Officer Warrant Officer Commission program in another service, KND No definition on this code at this time, KOJ Early Release Seasonal Employment, L68 Involuntary release: nonselection for Indefinite Reserve status, USAF, LBB Involuntary release maximum age, USN Officers, LBC Involuntary release completion of maximum period service according to grade, USN Officers, LBH Early Release Insufficient Retainability, LBK Involuntary discharge at end active obligated service, USN Enlisted, LBM Navy, USMC, USAF Short length of time remaining after return from overseas or other duty, LBM Within 3 months of end active obligated service, USN Enlisted, LCC Early Release Reduction in authorized strength, LCC General demobilization. 10 USC in lieu of discharge with entitlement to receive disability severance pay, 660 Physical disability discharge entitlement to severance pay, 661 Physical disability discharge disability resulting from intentional misconduct or willful neglect or incurred during a period of unauthorized absence. Class I homosexual general court martial, 252 Punitive discharge. first term airman, USAF, JDT USN, USMC, Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention, JED Early Release Insufficient Retainability, JEM USN, USMC Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention, JET USAF Trainee Discharge (See also JGA), JFBI Physical disability that existed prior to entry. Got Reduced to PV2 for Fighting NCO who consistently berate me in front of others to the point I snapped He hit me first BTW no punishment for him. A driver who has had their State license revoked will have their OF 346 or DA Form 5984-E revoked as well, and will not be issued a new OF 346 or DA Form 5984-E during the period of revocation. request for extension of active duty disapproved, with breach of contract and readjustment payment, USAF, LDPA Nonfulfillment of service contract. - Motor Marches and Convoy Operations, once a valid learner's permit has been issued, trainee may begin the hands-on portion of instruction, - Introduction to specific vehicle (m) Selecting routes. Any element of the training program is subject to schedule modification. The term Military Services, as used in this instruction refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps. The selection process for operators begins when the commander or authorized representative screens the individual's current counseling/performance record, DA Form 348, and medical profiles. - TC 21-306 (Tracked Combat Vehicle Driver Training) Who will establish the speed limitations for all modes of driving with NVD's? Hidden on practically every veterans DD-214 discharge papers are secret code letters and numbers called Separation Program Numbers (SPN numbers) that might make obtaining veterans benefits difficult if not impossible. Reduction in authorized strength, USN Enlisted, JDJ Early Release In the national interest, JDL Withdrawal of ecclesiastical endorsement, JDN Lack of jurisdiction (other than void enlistment), JDR Strength reduction. - ARMY LEARNER 370 Released from EAD by reason of physical disability & revert to inactive status for the purpose of retirement under Title 10. Training Program for Night Vision Device Driving Operations, Emergency Vehicle Driver Training Course Military Separation Codes - Coalition of Veterans Organizations Regular Lt. Colonels, 70J Mandatory retirement age 60, regular commissioned officer below major general, 70K Mandatory retirement more than 30 years active service, professors US military Academy, 70L mandatory retirement 30 years of more active service, regular warrant officers, 70M Mandatory retirement age 62 regular warrant officers, 701 Enlisted separation early release of personnel assigned to installations or units scheduled for inactivation, permanent change of station, or demobilization, 741 Mandatory retirement failure of selection for promotion, established retirement date, commissioned officer, 742 Mandatory retirement failure of selection for promotion, estabd retirement date. disability was unknown by Marine but was detected and waived by AFEES or higher headquarters, USMC, JFM3 Physical disability that existed prior to entry for any reason not falling within the purview of JFM1 or JFM2, USMC, JFN Physical disability existing prior to service as established by medical board. When does " Army Learner " permit expire for active duty? 747 Mandatory retirement failure of selection for promotion, retained for retirement, commissioned officers. maximum years of service, USAF, SFE Placed on temporary disability retired list, USN Officers, SFJ Permanent disability retirement, USAF, SFJ Permanent disability, USN Enlisted, SFJ Permanent disability, USN Officers, SFK Place on temporary disability retired list, USAF, SFK Placed on temporary disability retired list, USN Enlisted, SGB Failure of selection for promotion, permanent, USN Officers, SGB Retired on established date nonselection permanent promotion or retained for retirement nonselection permanent promotion, USAF, SGC Failure of selection for promotion, temporary, USN Officers, VFJ Revert to retired list with permanent disability, USAF, VFK Revert to retired list and placed on temporary disability retired list, USAF, XET Unqualified for Active Duty Other, Military Separation Codes Numeric Codes WebDepartment of the Army Washington, DC 1 February 2005 Army National Guard and Army Reserve Service Obligations, Methods of Fulfillment, Participation Requirements, and Enforcement Procedures *Army Regulation 13591 Effective 1 March 2005 History. All military and DA Civilians must have what in order to operate mechanical & ground support equipment? - licensed and qualified 8L;$L>0X- F%DsJZsc[Bb0jjZ:GV=^s$"xwJW%+q| 0000008372 00000 n How often must USAR & ARNG conduct check rides? Measure performance against a standard. JFW No definition on file at this time. Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA) based course. Retire age 60. 9 drill periods in one year it typically starts the discharge process. A drill period is usually one 4 hour period. So a UTA 4 would be four drill Misconduct is generally a failure to follow a workplace rule (whether written or unwritten). 214 To accept commission as an officer in the Army, or to accept recall to active duty as an Army Reserve officer. WebChapter Under Article 13 Unsatisfactory Performance Hello, so I'm at Ft Polk I was informed by my COC that I am being chaptered for Unsatisfactory Performance. qw`_:=xD~>NsV/a{=b\$%(DEO2H_w'RW:e#C6Tf$#1$h_u`b^b%i.Tjop>Ck&Ck)*?0tG:! (including rest and meal breaks), Headphones, earphones, and listening devices, Vehicle operators will not operate a vehicle for 8 hours after consuming intoxicating beverages or longer if residual effects remain, (police, garbage detail, trail vehicles, and so forth), Segway HT, M-Gators, Gators, "Mule" utility vehicle, aircraft tugs, and low speed vehicles, Safe movement of personnel Failed permanent promotion or removed from list, USAF, LGC Failure of selection for temporary promotion, LGC Involuntary release: twice failed temporary promotion, USAF, LGH Failure to meet minimum standards of service, LGJ Early Release Disapproval of request for extension of service, LGJ Involuntary release: disapproved request for extension of tour, USAF, LGJ Request for extension of active duty denied (USNR), USN Officers, LGJ1 Request for extension of service denied upon initial EAS without readjustment pay/not selected for retention, USAF, LGJ2 Request for extension of service denied upon extended EAS without readjustment pay/not selected for retention, USAF, LHH Service under sentence to dismissal awaiting appellate review, LND Misc reasons (medical service personnel who receive unfavorable background investigation or National Agency check, MBH Early Release Insufficient Retainability, MBK Completion of active duty service commitment or expiration of term of service, USAF, MBN (ANGUS) (USAFR) Release from active duty completion of required service, USAF, MCK Early Release In the national interest, MCQ Sole surviving son, daughter or family member, MEC Completed extended enlistment, USAF, MGO Early Release Police Duty or Seasonal Employment, MGR Revert to Regular Army warrant officer status, MND Misc reasons (in lieu of serving in lower grade than Reserve grade or by request includes MC and DC officers) or in lieu of unqualified resignation, MOJ Early Release In the national interest, NET Unqualified for Active Duty Other, RFJ1 Permanent disability retired list, USAF, RFK1 Temporary disability retired list, USAF, SBB Attain maximum age.