of my hand did not care about cut hand But mad till this day I was a dog handler in Vietnam 67-68. Sold by kragsr4c07 in Great Falls Buy Now! Fortunately I was able to run down a medic with some antacid. Interesting article but a really dumb question? Service. Click Here for web printable Marlboro Cigarettes from C-Ration Accessory Pack. After a short naval round almost blew us away, I smoked too many of those Lucky Strike four packs and suffer today as a result. Pall Mall, Luckies, Winston, Salem and Benson & Hedges Menthol were five of the brands found in Vietnam era field ration packets. $50: VE-1125 Vietnam Grenade Carrier. If you read this and you would like to try it,just give me a call at 1-800-347-2823 and i would be happy to send you a free bottle. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Development began in 1938 with the . Thanks for summing up all the C-ration experiences. Broight back some memories for me from my year in the bush. I had a couple bites but couldnt get the rest down. We already carried 4 5 quart canteens to keep hydrated until the next resupply. It woul heat a bunch of c-rats. C-Ration Pizza - Vietnam Soldier We would get a hot meal maybe onced a month. Havent heard that in eons. Other then that, fantastic blog! Dear Chrissy, My two favorites were green eggs and ham and yes, ham and lima beans. made it somehow. Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click HERE and choose the one item best describing you. The K-ration, developed by University of Minnesota physician Ancel Keys, provided three complete and balanced, 3,000-calorie meals in compact packages. Now I know why I lost 40 LBs. A few of the troops didnt like to drink beer. The daily ration of 3 meals provides approximately 3600 calories." There were 4 choices of meat in each B group. Abovecrew members on a UH-1 helicopter deliver C-rations to soldiers in the field during the Vietnam War. Once lit it would put out a decent flame..my favorite was spiced beef.but had to be served hot.cold it sucked. U.S. Army photo To eating our faithful C rations. Cigarettes disappeared from rations in 1975, but their legacy was a . Beans an winnies the best.ham and eggs always green no way I would eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted March 31, 2018. These reminiscences take me back. When absolutely necessary, Id empty the water and spoon in a can of cheese, melting it together with a ball of C-4. Philip Morris K Ration Cigarette Pack, WWII Repro $ 4.00; Repro 1942 Lucky Strike Green Cigarette Pack $ 12.00; 1941 Repro Lucky Strike Cigarette Pack $ 12.00; Half and Half Tobacco Box, Repro $ 5.00; Zippo 1941 Black Crackle Lighter Reproduction $ 34.00; WWII Old Gold Cigarette K Ration Pack Dont forget to stir before putting over fire. In 1975 they stopped putting cigarettes in rations which raised hell with US troops everywhere. The foil pieces are 1.75"x1.75" and 1.75"x6" in size. after this became the way of doing it. Anyway, you made my day this morning. Potable water ( without iodine tablets mixed) was difficult to obtain in the field. Warrant officer. Items; Share. Ill never eat C-Rations again, but I can remember when I was glad to have them. As an infantry soldier in Vietnam, C-Rations was my sole source of nourishment for at least 300 of the 365 days I served in-country. (LogOut/ Old Marine. We have a great picture of my father, brother and i with our pup tent set up in the back yard cooking C-Rations on my dads small portable 1 can cook stove. As an infantry soldier in Vietnam, C-Rations was my sole source of nourishment for at least 300 of the 365 days I served in-country. Great articlebrings back many memories of the bad old days. yes crissie it was a mess kit one side flat other side had two compartments and you had silverware so to speak. Four can openers are provided in each case of 12 meals. Id get an onion from FSB mess tent and chop them up into whatever meat I was eating, thank god LURPs became widely available for the 2nd half of my tour because I just couldnt stomach Cs other than the fruit. Ur full of it Old Marine. C-packs also contained cartons of Cigaretts, M&Ms and other favorites, The accessory pack with each meal was sealed in a foil pouch. Required fields are marked *. Overlooked Military Surplus -- Vietnam era Field Gear Thumbnail Display It had a flavor I can not duplicate to this day. However, brilliant military minds said we could not eat there and our 12 hour shifts were intense preventing us from taking a journey to the other side. When did they stop putting cigarettes in C-Rations? - TimesMojo He vowed to hang on to it until the day he retired, storing it in a box with other mementos. (LogOut/ Crash fire. All individual empty cans and trash were buried prior to leaving the table unless he had another use for one of the cans. During the monsoon season or in areas with rivers and streams, this is a moot point as water is plentiful! Only down fall was it was instant heart burn. Then there was the white worms in red sauce. A must have item for your helmet display, uniform or gear. Ive often wondered since who made those peaches and if their product is still available. Gen. Walter S. McIlhenny son of the 2nd company president of McIlhenny Company from his experiences with C-Rations as a soldier during WWII came up with the idea to send soldiers copies of the Charlie Ration Cookbook filled with recipes for spicing up C-rations with Tabasco Pepper Sauce wrapped around two-ounce bottles of Tabasco Pepper Sauce along with a handful of a P-38 type can openers all in a waterproof canister. (Obviously some supply sergeant made himself a bunch of money.) I miss the guys I hope all are doing well. They came sealed in foil . I wish that cigarettes were never part of those C-rations. It tasted like delicious warm and moist cake fresh from the bakery. Fishing? I got out of the field with 12 days left and went to Song Be. THEY WERE STILL GOOD. In 1922, the ration was reorganized to consist of 16 ounces (450 g) of meat (usually beef jerky ), 3 ounces (85 g) of canned corned beef or chocolate, 14 ounces (400 g) of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, coffee and sugar. 1969 Vietnam Meal Combat Individual C Ration Spaghetti - YouTube 5 Bizarre Superstitions US Troops Believe About Their Rations As a Army pilot, I knew this well. Who could ever forget about C-Rations? Hot or room temp, either way I always got a major bought of heart burn shortly after consuming the spiced beef. At the time no one wanted the egg I found that these meals are easy and quick to prepare and they rehydrate []. Due to health concerns, cigarettes were eliminated from the MCI accessory packs in 1975. So, I have no military or Nam stories to tell, darn it! He dared anybody gutsy enough to join him, and retired Lt. Gen. Paul T. Mikolashek, who was theU.S. ArmyEurope commander when Moak served overseas, took an even bigger piece. Meal, Combat, Individual ration | Vietnam War | Fandom To you and to all the crew chiefs and gunners, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you. I was at minimum weight then. Same when I came out of the field and started eating mess-hall chow regularly. i was in from 1966 to 1972. i never ate a c ration that was younger than me. Of course it was not their faults, soldiers , at first and second to be fair they needed to go home with their families. $100.00 Vintage Complete Sealed Vintage Complete Sealed Vietnam Era Us C Rations Accessory Packet Wspoon Vintage Complete Sealed Vietnam Era Us C Rations Accessory Packet Wspoon. Gen. Walter S. McIlhenny. Corporal. These were the times that made it ok. ate a lot as a kid . Packages of 20 cigarettes each are the same as the regular civilian packs and were sold in US Army operated PX stores. I destroyed my taste buds eating my Moms cooking. We burned and buried the last ones in the system in1986 in the Sinai desert. Jerry. [] the bread and voila a toasted cheese sandwich. Original Vietnam era US Military C Ration white plastic Spoon.From C Ration 382314172092. [1] Although officially a new ration, the MCI was derived from and very similar to the original C-Ration, and in fact continued to be called "C-Rations" by American troops throughout its production life as a combat ration (1958-1980). Moak got the drab olive can as a Marine helicopter pilot off the Vietnamese coast in 1973. The Meal, Combat, Individual (MCI) was the name of canned wet combat rations issued by the United States Armed Forces from 1958 to 1980, when it was replaced by the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE). Military C-Ration Peanut Butter Can Unopened Cinderella Foods Inc Dawson Ga $13.00 $17.05 shipping Remembering Vietnam: Heating C-Rations with a Pinch of C-4 Reflections: Smoke 'em if you got 'em - The Campaign for the National Well presented and will share with fellow Vietnam veterans and family. What I have here are various types of B units from year . This is the official Quartermaster's description of C-Rations used in Vietnam "The Meal, Combat, Individual, is designed for issue as the tactical situation dictates, either in individual units as a meal or in multiples of three as a complete ration. Steve Miller Pleasure speaking to you. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are describing a military mess kit, but they were not used by most GIs in Viet Nam. Mass-2 Marine attached to the 3rd Marine Div. During the 1960s C-ration cigarettes were identical to the sample packs of four that tobacco salesreps handed out to the public. Each usually consisted of a can of some basic course, a can of fruit, a packet of some type of dessert, a packet of powdered coca, a small pack of cigarettes, and two pieces of chewing gum. Ron Perron Only once was stupid enough to eat the WHOLE LRRP ration at onne, swells up pretty big after the water goes down! Welcome back. Used to put them on the voltage regulators to heat. 1 for 5 5 for 20 20 for 40 Keep an . C Ration Cigarettes (1 - 3 of 3 results) Price ($) Any price Under $25 $25 to $100 $100 to $250 . Reblogged this on Cherries A Vietnam War Novel and commented: Heres a blast from the pasta favorite article by visitors posted over 4 yrs. Life-saving use of rations! Opening a claymore , take a ball of c 4, light it A second or B unit might include peanut butter and crackers, chocolate, gum, cigarettes, salt, pepper, and sugar, among other items. Ham and eggs were definitely the worst.with the consistency of the congealed fat from a canned ham but ham & mothers referred to ham & lima beans. Technically, the C-ration of the Vietnam-era was a different thing than the World War II C-ration, but troops still called it a "C-rat," and it was very similar in packaging and content. Ad vertisement from shop noviopera. about fruit cocktail. Every C-Ration meal contained a single four-pack of cigarettes; ten different brands were primarily offered, but like the meals, some were more popular than others. Yes I remembered those olive canned food because my dad, VNs regime Officer before 1975, let me tried > canned of chocolate in foil, cake, peach, M&M, shredded pork ( ? During World War II, C-Rations included a cigarette packet of nine cigarettes. Now you could use an ammo box with a thousand rounds instead of the standard ammo box and metal feed chute limited to 300 rounds. The one in the marines was stationed in ChuLai. We called it Coco mo. Old wolfhound hereA/1/27.66,67,68..no one mentioned the hobo stove which when out of heat tabs or C-4 we would open a can of peanut butter. I found this very interesting Thought it was really good. A typical . The photo above shows an original VN era Marlboro cigarette pack from a . One thing I remember about Cs was the fruit. New Reproduction C-Rations Available. C $19.38. Cigarettes were bad for your health along with bullets. Often got Cs that had been packaged right after the Korean war. Used extensively during World War II. This would include various survival items and rations. Most of them were manufactured the year I was born, or the next after. Every thing else not to bad. The only drawback was that hot water was needed to make the meal edible, however, the weight of extra water was offset by the lightweight meals. You did a great job with this. Tastes just like it always did, Mikolashek mumbled with a mouthful of cake as Moak laughed and clapped. Well not like from our great restaurants. Forty years later, Henry A. Moak, Jr., still loves his pound cake. Cigarettes. Years later I wonder if the paint was lead based? I flew as a Crewchief on a UH-1C Gunship. Vietnam C Ration Cigarette : Top Picked from our Experts The military marches on its stomach - Sidney Daily News We were supplied by air drops and you ran to the pallet to get the best c ration unit. Being from MN was my home connection. Even for me being a FNG they were a treat but I didnt appreciate them as much as the old timers did. I agree almost entirely with you assessment of taste and quality and preferences, with one exception: I was a combat photographer with the First Air Cav, and made it my personal mission to photograph an op from each of our original 8 infantry battalions , all of our artillery battalions, and the engineer and cavalry units, plus every company in the Aviation brigade. We had would get rations of beer and soda dropped off often in the jungles. USMC. I had 2 brothers in the military, one in the marines, one in the army. These things have left a deep impression on him, and he recalls to those memories fondly, despite the trying period his country was facing during that time. You could boil a canteen cup of water with a pea-size ball of it in 30 seconds. $100 VE-546 Choice Vietnam Jungle Boots, size 12. Oh, the memories. And how did those taste? US Army K-Rations, 1941-1945. | Minnesota Historical Society Thanks Freddy Wright. I got ham and eggs. Thank you in advance! or Best Offer +C $14.58 shipping. We got Cs from both the old menu (1950s and early 1960s) which included such delectable stuff as ham & mothers, beef & rocks, canned bread and so forth. Very interesting. Dec 18, 2011. The new menu (late 1968 onward) included good stuff like beans & weenies. Our operation moved from the Air Force sector to the other side of the Air Base about a million miles away from our Mess facility. Pingback: A brief history of coffee in the US military, Your website really help me and my grandson doing a paper on me. Give me an address and Ill send you one. Using a John Wayne (a P-38) pierce a series of closely spaced holes around the top and bottom rims of the can. I do! PHU BAI, CAMP CARROLL, NAM 66/67. noviopera From shop noviopera. Others were downright awful (Ham and Lima beans) and passed over left behind for the Cherries when it is their turn to pick out meals. just outside of Da Nang, we were working with the KMC. took the fire extinguisher and use it to get our cokes cold. Today still add sugar to store hot ccco mix and eat it. Open can of peaches with P-38. I would save my fruit and pond cake and trad for their rations of beer. a b -1-a unit was the topstobasco was the best.didnt have much time to cook in the 4th inf .but there were times ! Use the removed lid to cut 4 thin slices from the biscuit, toss the unused biscuits. At times we actually had to buy cases of C-rats in Phan Thiet where there was a thriving black market. son of the 2nd company president of McIlhenny Company from his experiences with C-Rations as a soldier during WWII came up with the idea to send soldiers copies of the Charlie Ration Cookbook filled with recipes for spicing up C-rations with Tabasco Pepper Sauce wrapped around two-ounce bottles of Tabasco Pepper Sauce along with a handful of a P-38 type can openers all in a waterproof canister. It was a common thing to trade C rations for cigarettes. c ration cigarettes for sale | eBay Three of us hailed a cab & that older gent stopped & bought us a six pack. shows storage age and wear and is still sealed. (LogOut/ t004. c-4 was the best for heating, some 4th inf. 2. Hot BBQ beef. Greg Dearborn says: Moak joked earlier this week that he hoped the can wouldnt explode. Web Printable Paperwork - HardScrabble Farm C Ration for sale | eBay These meals came in a case containing 12 meals. Each ration was composed of a B-unit and a M-unit; total weight was approximately 7 pounds. Thank you for your time. Stand tall and thank you for your service. The only thing I miss was the instant coffee with the creamer and sugar. The small cans included in the meal were ideal for making a stove. DD345 - Liberty Pass. I have great memories of C-Rations. iI LOVE C RATION WISH I HAD SOME NOW I ATE THEM EVERY DY WHEN I WAS IN NAM I W THERE FOR 18 MONTH WIT THE 101 ST ABN. PDF Vietnam Era C-Ration Cigarette Pack - HardScrabble Farm I was a helicopter crew chief in 1967 with the 25th Infantry out of Cu Chi. Cigarettes were eliminated from rations in 1972. Remember C-Rations? - CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website Given the risks we do everything possible to ensure that overly aged rations are not consumed, said Lawrence Levine, a spokesman for the Defense Supply Center in Philadelphia. This isnt Larry Craft from Pittsburgh, is it? Toilet paper and mosquito juice in band on our steel pot to keep them dry. I do recall being thirsty. My Vietnamese would give me a rice ball, or a cooked and salted ballof chicken, or some fish with Nuoc Maum sometimes I carried a can of chili when I could get it at the PX in Saigon. Only hot meal was the last morning for chow. Vietnam War C-Ration Cigarette Pack Lucky Strike Repro Opens in a new window or tab. Mostly they were awful but I was lucky. Sometimes I auction off a pack of cigarettes and the highest bidder will give me a whole C-Rat meal. Yes they did in WWI, WWII and right up to Vietnam. Within shouting distance of us was a huge Marine Mess. Smoke, if you got 'em.C-Ration cigarettes 4.5 out of 5 stars (128) Camel Cigarettes C-Ration Vietnam Era Vietnam 2 Quart Canteen M1967 Cover Mint 1972 Air Defense Artillery Guidon 1st of the 59th Sleeping Bag Carrier Strap Assembly Vietnam era Vietnam Era Flyers Kit Bag 1972 Vietnam era 1968 Lubricating Oil Tin O-190 Vietnam era 1971 Medium Weapons Oil Bottle Vietnam era 1969 Rifle Bore Cleaner Never told 2nd Lts about the hazards of heating an un-opened can. Although officially a new ration, the MCI was derived from and very similar to the original C-Ration, and in fact continued to be called "C-Rations" by American troops throughout its production life as a combat ration (1958-1980). He jokingly staggered back a few feet and loudly cleared his throat, while one person yelled out, Eeww, gross!. And my brothers. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vietnam war C-Ration Cigarette Pack Winston Repro at the best online prices at eBay! When did the military discontinue cigarettes in the C ration? With this type of stove only half a Trioxin heat tab was needed to heat the meal and then the other half could be used to heat water for coffee or cocoa. The Food Service Officer (Canadian Major) thought she got a deal on them. View history. CIGARETTES and MATCHES | K RATION | K-RATION Excellent !! We used to make stoves by using a can opener to open up the two sides of a small can on both sides (which were then pushed in). Ham and Limas was the favorite for this purpose. There were times I ate the Cs and the dates were from the Korean years. The popular meals and cans of pound cake, peaches and fruit cocktail were prized and worth their weight in gold many soldiers hoarding them to barter for items during evening chow breaks; only one of each are included in every case of meals. A whole heat tab had to be used. TM 21 1965. Great site thanks for the memories. Click Here for web printable Vietnam Boarding Pass. It was illustrated by Fred Rhoads. . Each menu contained approximately 1200 calories and consisted of: One canned meat course One canned fruit or cake Ha, ha! 'C-Rats' Fueled Troops During and After World War II Right? The 4-Pack Cigarettes Package of Toilet Tissue C Ration Packaging. I wanted to see more of his brave journey. In the fall of this year I will be in a paramedic program. Larry, as a young WO1 pilot just reporting to Nam, making and using the crew chief stove was one of the first thing my crew chief taught me to do. The dilemma here is that water is required for these and at almost three pounds per quart; the extra weight is a consideration. Ive been missing those Olive can food image and its opener tool. God bless you and I hope that this note finds you well, Sir. Bill McD God bless you all. "The bread was awful. Never know when you may have to open a can of crackers! We never had cold meals. Contents:12 ounces of bacon or one pound of meat (usually canned Corned Beef), two 8-ounce cans of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, a packet of 1.16 ounces of pre-ground coffee, a packet of 2.4 ounces of granulated sugar, and a packet of 0.16 ounces of salt. I got to Vietnam in July 1967. C-Rations were developed in 1938 as a replacement for reserve rations, which sustained troops during World War I, and consisted chiefly of canned corned beef or bacon and cans of hardtack. Vietnam Us Army Usgi C Ration Boxes Sold by militarydepotga in Woodstock Buy Now! Close to Mom!s chocolate cookie mix before she put on the cooking ban to bake. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! Once I got some pancakes that had been stuffed down an elephant rubber. He would flatly refuse to eat canned Spam when I was a young girl, saying it reminded him of those C rations! At An Khe and Bong Son. General Delivery Silver Springs Fl.34489 USA Thanks for your interesting accounts, and for your service. Silly me ! FOR SALE! The 1st Inf Div was not allowed beer in the field due to some previous incident. Answer (1 of 10): I served in the Regular Army, Feb. '61- Feb. '64 and saw many brands of 5 cigarette packs in the C-Rations that we were issued. We had c-rats (MCIs) in basic and in Germany on FTX until about 83, then we got MREs over there. I was an US ARMY Veterinary food inspector from 1967 to 1987. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Vietnam C Rations and Stuff - Pinterest My favorite meal was SPICED BEEF and GRAVY with crackers and cheese. 2.03M subscribers Subscribe 129K 9.7M views 6 years ago Check out this full review of a Vietnam War MCI or "C Ration"! Message me for more detailed photos and orders in bulk. The military teaches you to be a thief . Loved the article brought back a lot of memories. Nov 16, 2013 at 2338hrs, Being an MACV Advisor C-rations always tasted good when ever we had a chance to beg some. Thanksgiving and Christmas 1967 saw one beer per guy allotted to the troops. $45: VE-1225 Vietnam Boxed lock and keys. In 1925, the meat ration was replaced with canned pork and beans. We would take the white bread can open a tiny hole in it and put a few drops of water in ithold it over a ball of C-4 to instantly steam itopen the can cut the bread add peanut butter and jelly, and wow warm peanut butter and jelly sandwich on hot bread. Wait until they run out of cigarettes and trade them for C-Rats. C-Rations - vietnamgear.com Thank you for taking the time to write this article. The C-Ration, or Type C ration, was an individual canned, pre-cooked, and prepared wet ration. Keeping the Troops in the Field. Part 1: Rations - Australia`s Vietnam War Last time I tried to replace my Cs the price had gone out of sight. About C-Rations. Im writing a book which is fiction loosely based on my real experience for ages 10-14. With its flip-top box, Marlboro was the most popular brand in Vietnam, despite COMUSMACV General Creighton W. Abrams' penchant for cigars, a preference dating back to his World War II service as a tank battalion commander.