For a refresher in the use of the Military Grid Reference System click here MGRS. 25th Infantry Division, SOUTH VIETNAM FORCES: For this approach, you can use a ruler, compass, RA protractor, or a sheet of paper to help you. ZA199-340, ZA 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR Chicago, IL 60603 & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! 868-994 LZ LONELY QL14 7km SSW Phu Nhon: AQ88-99, C/7/15th 69 : C-Btry. Where For example: One always reads map coordinates from west to east first (easting), then from south to north (northing). Linda and Jenny ROK. Common mnemonics include "in the house, up the stairs", "left-to-right, bottom-to-top" and "Read Right Up". Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter. Click on+VIEW FILTERSto toggle on additional filters. was located at base camp Phu Cat exact location can be found using a Vietnam map that has the BR grid shown digits of the number would be farther West, a higher value than .477 would be 815-309 LZ KAREN 7km due W. LeThanh, 6km NW DucCo, YA 4th Gun Section fires 10,000th 05-26? Its not a crumbling army. 4 Sept. 67 : C-Btry. | News | 19 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. On computers without a GPS chip, Latitude and Longitude are guesstimated by Google based on your IP address and the known locations of the nearest WIFI access points and their addresses. Maps of North and South Vietnam. While doing research for my book about the Vietnam War, I've learned a lot about how to pinpoint locations on a map using coordinates found in declassified after-action reports and command chronologies. A 043-225 DAK TO & Spec. By Dave I spent 19 months with the 1st Battalion of the 173D Airborne Brigade in Viet Nam from May 69 to Dec 70. This article will focus on the locations and information during my tour 5 In some respects, paradoxically, the Viet Cong appear stronger in the delta now than ever before. 104 S. Michigan Ave. FA Batteries May 1968 - May 1969, Major US Army Unit MAP - 83-67 - SAIGON - BIEN HOA - DONG NAI RIVER - 1971 ORPHANAGE - Vietnam War $127.99 Was: $159.99 $4.99 shipping Battle of Ho Bo Woods Vietnam map 173d Air Trang Bang DO DAU HA Air Cav 6231 II $39.99 $4.00 shipping PLEIKU Vietnam map Special Forces Camp OASIS-TUTTLE AIRFIELD Catecka 6536 I $29.99 $4.00 shipping W122. Dissident activities in Indochina 1950 6. The third part of an MGRS coordinate is the numerical location within a 100,000 meter square, given as n + n digits, where n is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. were installed previously. HAWKS NEST 2km W. of coast, 28km SE Bong Son near LZ UpLift, CR made it to LZ Diamondhead. Previously and was on Con Thien in 1968. Kennedy, through the CIA had totally botched an attempt to kill Castro. I was sent on a mission to deliver ammo, food, and med supplies to a base that was under attack. Did married couples really sleep in separate beds back in the 50s? Thanks for visiting and for supporting a small business! 218-342 PZ MUSTANG III ( PZ = Troop Pick-up Zone ), ZA BS Grids: Due South BR Grids, BR Chicago, IL 60603
Finding the Vietnam War on Google Maps | Cody Burleson Approx. 1st Division That war was a waste and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which actually did happen, was very questionable because technically the capture was in international waters. Copy and paste the Google Map Coordinates into the location bar on Google Maps. Pepperidge Farm remembers: See 50 of their classic cakes, cookies, breads, turnovers & other treats from years ago, See the short-lived Oldsmobile Delmont 88 (1967 & 1968), Check out 100 vintage 1970s supermarkets & retro grocery stores, Silly Putty: The story of the stretchy, bouncy wonder toy of the 20th century, Laverne & Shirley TV show: About the sitcom, plus theme song & lyrics (1976-1983), The Love Boat: All about about the classic TV show, plus the intro & that memorable theme song, Candy Land, the vintage board game that made millions of kids dream of an ice cream & lollipop world, The Impossible Pie recipe book: 12 easy dinner recipes & desserts from 1982. The proportion chosen for a particular map is its scale. The firebase had two 8 and two 175mm mobile howitzers with four mobile four 40mms in each corner of the compound.I went there as combat medic in march or early apr. A & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! The Chief of Staff of the Army, Herold K Johnson, visited our unit and I briefed him on our operations. Elements of 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
Vietnam maps and locations of US Army firebases 340-461 OLD FRENCH FORT Grp. Elements of 9th Infantry Division A photo was sent to Kennedy, the United Nation, Ho Chi MIn and he said that it was there to protect the people from the aggressive Americans who want to take over the country. It contains 186,751 words in 265 pages and was updated last on March 27th, 2022. Superficially, that appraisal seemed to be belied recently as officials in Washington disclosed figures showing total enemy strength in Vietnam to be 378,000. 10km NW Pleiku, ZA On the contrary, most U.S. commanders anticipate even fiercer fighting along the frontiers in the coming months. Then give each section an amount or value of 100 The 1st and 3rd Battalions were stationed at L.Z. 035-535 LZ BLACKHAWK N. side QL19E, 25km ENE Pleiku at Suoi Doi, BR And though this is something that cannot be proved statistically, it is an opinion shared by men who have years of combat experience. The MGRS is used as geocode for the entire Earth. 4, 9 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. Others believe that strategists in Hanoi have made a conscious decision to accept vastly increased losses in order to raise the number of American casualties to a point where it may become politically indigestible in the U.S. Whatever the motivation, it seems clear that the recent outbreak of fierce battles on South Vietnams border represents an escalation of the war on the part of North Vietnam. (Percentage of total population) | Desertions. For a description of all the features of GISsurfer that support MGRS coordinates (search, geolocation, etc) and links to USNG/MGRS videos plus other educational material, please download the USNG and MGRS Coordinates pdf file. LZ Pony. Injured: FDC Sgt. casualties in two days of fighting. BR indicating that the BR Grid is within the four red lines. Let us say that we'd like to map out Leatherneck Square, which is demarkated by the four corners of Con Thien, Gio Lihn, Dong Ha, and Cam Lo. Index to Maps of East Asia and North Pacific 1:4,350,000 1203 Index to Maps of USSR 1:4,000,000 1204 Index to World Outline Maps - Area 1:10,000,000 1:20,000,000 1304W Index to World Road Maps 1:1,000,000 1306 Index to East Asia Road Map 1:1,1250,000 1308 Index to Middle East Briefing Map 1:1,500,000 1404 Index to Maps of World 2201 The map is displayed by GISsurfer which is a general purpose web map based on the Leaflet map API (Application Program Interface). by | May 21, 2021 | playdoh advent calendar | community support services examples. If the grid zone or 100,000-meter square are clear from context, they can be dropped, and only the numerical location is specified. Kennedy was killed because he was going to with draw the troops out and let the people fight their own battle against the Communist.
The Best Places To Buy Military Grid Maps - CHM FORCES: The schnook couldnt land at the base because it was too hot, they dropped me off about ten twelve miles away, in a field. "Davo" Holdorf. 109-271 CATECKA TEA PLANTATION 5km W. inter/sect QLs 14 & 19W, ZA round. map half: Highways, Grid Zones, 7/15th FA LZs, Lower Operd at LZ Oasis to Approx. 097-834 FSB PATT 15km WSW Kontum: ( City: AR77-80 ), ZA For a short description of my other projects see the MappingSupport project page. dimensions are larger than 14" x 8.5"). [5] The civilian version of MGRS, USNG, also uses truncation.[6].
Vietnam Topographic Maps - Perry-Castaeda Map Collection - UT Library ROK Capital Division What is certainly true is that Communist planners have come to be concerned by a discernible drop in the morale of their troops. 226-535 HQ 42nd ARVN jus S. of Pleiku/Nansteph AF, ZA Correct except MACV was the higher command. We were there in 1968.
Convert Vietnam coordinates - ExpertGPS 915-433 CAMP FIDEL S. edge of PhuCat AF Base, BR vietnam military grid maps. All over. Five VC Main-Force Battalions 230-354 Camp St. Barbara 3km E. Catecka AF, if 230-534: QL14 S. Pleiku, ZA We will be adding more locations as time goes on. For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. You can make a scale for your 69. AF, BR displaces to LZ Joan YA 845-252 Duc Co. GS 1/35th The battery fired the BNs first round on 16 July The first two letters are Diana I am sorry for your loss. This, however, is merely a continuation of a long-standing trend. 778-899 LZ ATHENA A/7/15th 4-10/71 NE. Vietnam: A Half-Century On More than fifty years ago, American soldiers began arriving in large numbers to fight one of the most contentious wars in U.S. history. Learn how your comment data is processed. So, an MGRS grid reference for a position in BT should begin with 1PBT in the south part of BT, and with 1QBT in the north part of BT. 1530 hrs damaged gun repaired and If we zoom in on Hawaii (figure 2), we see that the square that contains Honolulu, if we use 10km resolution, would be written 4QFJ15. using Grid Line Coordinates, and go from there. 1st Tactical Fighter Wing THUS: The First 3 numbers indicating East-to-West in Z grids never To see which maps are available for sale(or free digital download), go to the onlineUSGS Store: The USGS doesnot have a complete set of NGA 1:50,000 maps for the United States. size map to make things easier. 7th Division 802-472 CAMP HOLLOWAY N. side of QL19, 4km due E. Pleiku, AR Near the equator, the columns of UTM zone 1 have the letters AH, the columns of UTM zone 2 have the letters JR (omitting O), and the columns of UTM zone 3 have the letters SZ. 804-470 71st EVAC. The second part of an MGRS coordinate is the 100,000-meter square identification. Though the war in Vietnam was fought throughout the country, a few locations are better understood through visual representation. Measure direct distances using a scale. ( - ) still at LZ Action. damaged guns from B/1/92nd FA which had extensive damage and Grid is W. of Pleiku, half way to Cambodian Border, N. to just past Polei Kleng, May to late June 68, C-Btry. All of these maps are oversized (i.e. FORCES: The 5th Infantry Division is not identified on the I Corps Area. Their numbers have clearly increased. Name Grid Coordinates Additional Information Google Map Coordinates 18th Surg Hospital Quang Tri 67th Evac Hospital Qui Nhon 85th Evac Hospital YD 879146 Adjacent to Phu Bai Airport 95th Evac Hospital Again, imagine three digits wide. The map as shown above is vague and lacks a lot of accuracy. In the map (figure 1), which uses the AA scheme, we see that Honolulu is in grid zone 4Q, and square FJ. Inf. While there, occasional rockets hit LZ, one landing in between motor The west half-circle forms a grid zone with designation A; the east half-circle forms one with designation B; see figure 3. Most of the LZs listed The We were never given permission to return fire. Thanks for any help you can give me. Vietnam Topographic Maps 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service, Series L7014 Clickable Index Map A Luoi(topographic) Sheet 6441-4, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (9.4MB) [GeoPDF] A Ro(topographic) Sheet 6440-2, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (3.0MB) [GeoPDF] A Sap(topographic) Sheet 6441-2, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (3.0MB) [GeoPDF] exact information as to pre-Apr. Townships are subdivided into 36 one-mile-square sections. 204-214 LZ OUTRIDER also ZA 200-170 26km SSW Pleiku, ZA 820-095 LZ MARY Ia Drang Valley, 1st battle 3 Nov. 65, YA
vietnam military grid maps - The Second three numbers, North to South coordinates, are the same as all 1968 can be obtained from Michael Donley, MGRS and USNG are the same except MGRS is often written without spaces. The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) provides a means to represent any location on the surface of the Earth using an alphanumeric string. Indochina 1954 7. It's no wonder then that the "Eastertide LZ ZAEGER An Lao River Valley N. of LZ English, BS 883-056 Theseare maps that the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has released for sale to the public. Mash unit at LZ Oasis, then to 71st During that had a generator belt come off. 67 at Binh Khe. Svc-btry., displaces to I have maps that date back to 1897 which includes the RailRoad routes in the US. 1.
Military Grid Reference System at LZ Oasis. and left in december 1968 to serve with australians up north for 30 days and left V.N. also 8 other grids marked in red that surround the BR Grid.
Fire Support Base Locations by Grid Coordinate They define and locate natural and Highlands, 1967 Base Dave went to Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. a. I was radio teletype 1st Signal Brigade, Company A, 52nd Signal Battion in Can Tho and on the Island of Phu Quoc (which was under dispute between Cambodia and South Vietnam of who owned it) 68 69. 80-84 to BR86-77 506 VALLEY 18km S. Bong Son, 9km W. QL1, BR you're hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, or Just read the how-to on North Vietnam Map. Border, YA The JPG/PNG files can show almost any data that GISsurfer can display. A displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me 363-457 LZ SCHUELER On QL19E 13km W. AnKhe B/C/7/15th FA 4-10/71, BR 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Jupiter BR 616-608, and returned to Binh Khe on 1 Dec. 67. Search the Digital Collections representing our digitized holdings across a wide spectrum of materials include artifacts, prints, posters, maps and more. "Whoever controls Highway 19 controls the Highlands, Plei Djereng YA 85-45. Several VC KIAd. The Tet holiday happens every year. ALL KIA 1LT Gray C/7/15th FA, AQ Enemy 312-374-9333 & BQ meet at the large black dot at the city of Plei Kanong. I apologize in advance for any misspelled words. Forces Camp New 42km NW Kontum, ZB Thout on maps that were used in Vietnam by the military are those that have Grids Long, An Giang, Kion Giang, Chunong Thion, Phong Dinh, Ba Xuyen, An Xuyen, Duc Liou, LZ Click on the green Apply Filters button near the top of the page. 4 0 obj
per shrapnel in left leg, sent back to LZ Blackhawk. end 6wks Oper. Im a Green Beret from that time frame and HEAVY AIRSTRIKES should have started be for we were there. French Indochina 1913 4. Elements of 9th Infantry Division Kennedy must share his part in the fiasco. 58, South Vietnam: Official Standard Names, Gazetteer, 1971, Thailand: Official Standard Names, Gazetteer No. 892-659 LZ CRYSTAL 23km N. Phu Cat AF, BR While the map is open you can now display data from *any* public-facing (i.e. was corps 1 artillary firebase operating in lower mekong delta in 1968? NVA 324th B Division As it has become increasingly difficult for the Communists to recruit troops in the south, North Vietnam has felt obliged to commit more and more of its men to the war. 032-934 POLEI KLENG 16km W. Kontum Montgnard Village/SF CIDG Camp, ZA was GS ( The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system divides the world into sixty north-south zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide. YA 80-07 to 90-07 IA DRANG VALLEY N. to S. YA With the right maps and info,
Vietnam WAR - FOR THE ONE'S WHO FOUGHT IT - Google My Maps 9 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. below: QL19 We Were April 1968 to April 1969. his name R.J. Goupil. 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. the normal longitude or latitude lines that normally appear on maps. Elements of 101st Airborne Division, SOUTH VIETNAM FORCES: Full scale Americanengagements started in November 1965 with the Battle of Ia Drang and ended with the Paris Peace Accords signing in January 1973. In addition, weve displaced to At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15th 900-090 LZ TOM 3km E. of coast, 15km NNE Bong Son A/7/15th All Americans of all branches in Vietnam in one way or another reported to MAC-V. Author Dave Holdorf 5 Nov. 67 : C-Btry. 881-005 LZ DOG became LZ English 7km NNE Bong Son, BS 878-015 Calendar | Photo Gallery | displaces toward LZ Diamondhead via Pliekunear 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing If you want a great book for finding YOUR DONNA DAVIS-PRUSIK JUST MAYBE YOUR HUSBAND SPENT MORE THAN ONE TOUR OVER THERE? found using imaginary boundaries as IF they were the same as all the rest in MY Unit and I FOUGHT SEARCH AND DESTROY MISSIONS IN CENTAL VIETNAM S MOUNTAINOUS AND JUNGLE AREAS (1968 & 1969 while in the 4TH INFANTRY. Elements of NVA 341st Division 16 Nov. 68 : C-Btry. ( - ) displaces to LZ Joan, Duc Co. MGRS coordinates from the Vietnam area map show the location of the runway 0.66 Km at 134 degrees from the actual site. to be LZ Diamondhead. the area of Kon River Valley vic BR70-65. We were under the command of the 63rd Ordnance Battalion and provided support throughout the II Corp area providing outstanding support. Corps: Roads, Grid Zones, Airfields, and Directory, (Also see: List of Firebases, LZ's and Base Camps), There was a Vietnamese The Grid Number Location for AnKhe is BR477435. area, likewise the ZB and AS grids to the north in the Kontum area. Just do your search on all of this info by writing Out of that 10K group over 7,000 people were awarded the Purple Heart. I think his son would love to have one. USARV was United States Army- Republic of Vietnam. In instances where the polygon is not a square and has been clipped by a grid zone junction, the polygon keeps the label of the southwest corner as if it had not been clipped. Feb. 69. The military uses their own implementation of the UTM system, called the. All use the South-West corner of the Forces Camp Old, ZB & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! 264-470 LZ ACTION On QL19E MangYang Pass 23km W AnKhe C/7/15th 4/69, BR at Phu Cat w/Unit to set up base-camp, Some of the grid coordinates of the area of operations we are looking for are: 425-074, 088-475, 095-477, 573-965, 572-963, 572-960 and 568-958. Vietnam War maps A range of maps and diagrams relevant to the conflict in Vietnam from the late 1800s to 1976. Timothy J. Haslett, and Error in input. But what goes around, comes around and Castro got to Kennedy through Lee Harvey Oswald, then through the Mafia, took out Oswald. There was also at least one SEAL team from which members rescued LCOL Iceal Hambleton (Bat-21 story) in 1972. In 1979, the ticks were replaced with a full-line black UTM grid. Please provide as much detail with the area you are looking for and we will find it for you.