use these in the various configs below Allo Baryonyx Rex Trike Spino Stego Dilo Kentro Therizinosaurus Sabertooth Raptor Yutyrannus Megalosaurus Para Carno Andrewsarchus "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Monkey/Badass/Fire/Monkey_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Monkey_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Monkey_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" AlphaMeat Affinity Effectiveness x20 + 600 affinity. "PrimeSaber_Character_BP_GNS_C" "GoldDodo_Character_BP_GNS_C" "Mammoth_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" Click the copy button to copy the spawn command to your clipboard. Paleo ARK has several config settings that need to be put under this header in your, The Paleo ARK Variants (Spawn codes included! the Y (vertical) coordinate to spawn the creature at relative to where youre currently standing. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Argentavis/Badass/Snow/Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Beelzebufo Click the "Copy" button to swiftly copy the spawn code to your clipboard. Below Click on Copy Button to Copy on the clipboard. I'm not sure what the problem is but I can't seem to get any paleo Raptors, Carnos, Sabers or Paras to spawn on Lost Island. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Rhino/Alpha/Baby/Rhino_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS.Rhino_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Alpha Direbear Spino Creature ID. "PrimeBigfoot_Character_BP_GNS_C" 2021 Spinosaurus' four legs and large sail make it fairly swift on land and incredibly fast in the water. Click the copy button to copy the admin spawn command to your clipboard. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/DodoRex/PrimeDodoRex_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeDodoRex_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Primal Gorilla "ArmorPygmy_Character_BP_GNS_C", Weapons Monkey(Red) use the above table to find the creatures specific Entity ID. "Raptor_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Gorilla/Prime/PrimeGorilla_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeGorilla_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Primal Wyvern "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Spino/Alpha/Baby/Spino_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS.Spino_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Alpha TerrorBird "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Mammoth/Alpha/Baby/Mammoth_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS.Mammoth_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Alpha Raptor Ark Survival Allosaurus Spawn Coode Tamed And Wild Level 150 And Custom Level on pc and ps4 and xbox one by Console Commands. "BossGorilla_Character_BP_GNS_C", Mormaw, Warden of the Depths "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Doedicurus/Badass/Poison/Doed_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Doed_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Doed_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS_C" Spinosaurus can also be found at coordinates 37.3 and 75.3. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Procoptodon/Badass/Mountain/Procoptodon_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Procoptodon_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Procoptodon_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" On PlayStation, press L1+R1Square+Triangle at the same time. Past Spino Saddle blueprint to your clipboard for use in the Ark game or server. "ApexCarno_Character_BP_GNS_C", Apex Tyrannosaurus Alpha Dragons are spawned by killing Elemental Dragons. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A complete, up-to-date list of all Ark Alpha Predator IDs. "PrimeSpino_Character_BP_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Ankylo/Badass/Fire/Ankylo_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Ankylo_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Ankylo_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Pachy/Badass/Mountain/Pachy_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Pachy_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Pachy_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" For hunters who wish to have a well-rounded mount, Spinosaurus may be the ideal choice -- if they can acquire one. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. -dino id's. -What saddles the dino's take. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Raptor/Alpha/PrimeRaptor_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeRaptor_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Tyrannosaurus "Dodo_Character_BP-Elite_GNS_C" To spawn a Spino in Ark, use any of the commands below. They may look weird, but they really do work. "PrimeDodo_Character_BP_GNS_C" But that is what the dossier says. "Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Ice_GNS_C" The Ark ID of X-Spino in ark is Bog_Spino_Character_BP_C. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. "Plesiosaur_Character_BP-Champion_GNS_C" A complete, up-to-date list of all Ark Alpha Predator IDs.To use our more advanced 'spawn dino' command generator, click the More Information button for your desired creature.Click the copy button to copy the admin spawn command for a creature to your clipboard. Ark Cheat. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Spino/Badass/Fire/Spino_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Spino_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Spino_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dodo/Elite/Dodo_Character_BP-Elite_GNS.Dodo_Character_BP-Elite_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Elite Oviraptor This is the spawn command of X-Spino creature. In my travels I have seen many different and brightly coloured sails, as every Spinosaurus appears to have a slightly different palette. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Direwolf/Badass/Snow/Direwolf_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Direwolf_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Pulmonoscorpius Note:- You can Bookmark this page for regular visit. In this post we have provided complete guide Related to Spino creature Id and spawn command with Entity ID. "Rex_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS_C" Copy the command below by clicking the Copy button and paste it into your Ark game or server admin console to obtain. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Bigfoot/Badass/Snow/Bigfoot_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Bigfoot_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Doedicurus "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Mosasaurus/Champion/Mosa_Character_BP-Champion_GNS.Mosa_Character_BP-Champion_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Champion Plesiosaur "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Raptor/Badass/Snow/Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Carno Enter a spawn command from the list below into the command field and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Raptor/Badass/Mountain/Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Bat/Badass/Mountain/Bat_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Bat_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Bat_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" The spawn command for Spino in Ark is provided below. You also can use our more advanced filters. Once corrupted, you can not uncorrupt your dino! "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Megalodon/Alpha/PrimeMegalodon_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeMegalodon_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Raptor "PrimePlesiosaur_Character_BP_GNS_C" Click the copy button "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Gorilla/Gorilla_Character_BP-Uber2_GNS.Gorilla_Character_BP-Uber2_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Gorilla_Character_BP-Uber3_GNS_C" Quantities and items vary per kill, there is also a chance instead of the item the blueprint would drop. ARK: Survival Evolved. The Ark ID for Spino is Spino_Character_BP_C, this is commonly referred to as a creature ID. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Quetzalcoatlus/Champion/Quetz_Character_BP-Champion_GNS.Quetz_Character_BP-Champion_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Champion Mosasaurus "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Toad/Badass/Snow/Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Procoptodon This is the Official guide for the Paleo ARK: Legends Expansion mod on the Steam workshop. Spinosaurus is an incredibly well-rounded apex carnivore. "Direbear_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" Before a player can enter ANY command, they must first make sure they have the right permissions on the server they are playing on. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP_GNS.Gigant_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Odracir, Warchief of the Ark < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . If something on this page isn't working or seems incorrect, please let us know via the button below. This command uses the "SpawnDino" argument rather than the "Summon" argument which allows users to customize the spawn distance and level of the creature. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . "PrimeRex_Character_BP_GNS_C" "FlyingAnt_Character_BP-Elite_GNS_C" This is also known as the creature ID or the entity ID. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Ankylo/Badass/Snow/Ankylo_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Ankylo_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass TerrorBird Games are owned by their respective publishers. These IDs are used to spawn creatures while playing. On PC, these spawn commands can only be executed by players who have first authenticated themselves with the enablecheats command. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID. "Dilo_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Rex/Alpha/PrimeRex_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeRex_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Sabertooth 2022 ArkGFI, Ark All GFI Codes Designed By Apex Utahraptor Spino Spawn Command The spawn command for Spino in Ark is below. All rights "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Toad/Badass/Mountain/Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" Click on copy button to copy on the clipboard. "Gigant_Character_BP_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Ptero/Badass/Snow/Ptero_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Ptero_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Ankylo At the same time, press L1, R1, SQUARE and TRIANGLE on the controller. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Argentavis/Badass/Poison/Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS_C" Included is detailed information on .ini configs and spawncodes! I'm assuming for the saddles they unlock as engrams? Entity ID: You can use the Entity ID with the command admincheat Summon EntityID. Hi, does anyone know the command to summon an alpha giganotosaurus? "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/TerrorBird/Alpha/PrimeTerrorBird_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeTerrorBird_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Triceratops "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Carno/Badass/Snow/Carno_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Carno_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Tyrannosaurus Now you need to bring up the command bar. Copy You can find a list of creature and dino spawn commands on our spawn command list. "PrimeMosa_Character_BP_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Plesiosaur/Alpha/PrimePlesiosaur_Character_BP_GNS.PrimePlesiosaur_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Stego Generally 500 is the distance most used, however you can choose a closer (smaller) or farther (bigger) number to meet your preference. "PrimeGorilla_Character_BP_GNS_C" What value should I set VariantLevelMultipliers= to for the Paleo Ark variants to get them up to 228? "Procoptodon_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Direwolf/Alpha/Baby/Direwolf_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS.Direwolf_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Alpha Dodo The spawn command for Spino in Ark is below. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Rex/Badass/Mountain/Rex_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Rex_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Rex_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" This information can be found in the servers settings or by using an admin password. Spino Advanced Spawn Command Builder Use our spawn command builder for Spino below to generate a command for this creature. "CaveBoaFrill_Character_BP_GNS_C", NOTE: Cannot be tamed! "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dodo/Alpha/PrimeDodo_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeDodo_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Doedicurus Raw Prime Meat Affinity Effectiveness x20. "Monkey_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS_C" Ark Spino Saddle Spawn Command (GFI Code) This is the admin cheat command will be used to spawn Spino Saddle in Ark: Survival Evolved. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Megalodon/Badass/Snow/Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Pteranodon The first location is located at coordinates 43.5 and 06.4. The Ark ID for Alpha Carnotaurus is MegaCarno_Character_BP_C. Enter a spawn command from the list below into the console and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Raptor/Badass/Poison/Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Argentavis/Badass/Fire/Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Argent_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Bat/Badass/Snow/Bat_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS.Bat_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Badass Spinosaurus However, after recent updates (v.757 on Xbox One and v.510.3 on PS4), the admin command bar can only be accessed by entering a combination of keys at the same time in the start menu. Mods could conflict with these GFI codes. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Giganotosaurus/Alpha/PrimeGigant_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeGigant_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Mammoth The Eternal Alpha Allosaurus, Eternal Alpha Beelzebufo, Eternal Alpha Dire Bear, Eternal Alpha Pteranodon, Eternal Alpha Ravager and Eternal Alpha Rex can be evolved into Alpha Poison and Lightning Elemental variants. This site is not affiliated with Ark: Survival Evolved or Wildcard Properties, LLC Broodmother "Toad_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Bigfoot/Alpha/PrimeBigfoot_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeBigfoot_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Carnotaurus DodoRex_Character_bp-Toxio_GNS_C Click the "Copy" button to copy the entity ID to your clipboard. "PrimeDirebear_Character_BP_GNS_C" Type dino's name or spawn code into the search bar to search 12 creatures. "Plesiosaur_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" "Stego_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" If the spawn command using the entity ID does not work, try spawning using the blueprint path. Several Have Evolutions to Prime version activated by putting 25 prime blood in their inventory Riding and hitting. But that is what the dossier says. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. "Gigant_Character_BP-Alpha_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragon/Wyvern_Character_BP-Uber_GNS.Wyvern_Character_BP-Uber_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Gorilla "PrimeBroodmother_Character_BP_GNS_C" 1Immune to Normal Tranqs requires Elemental Tier dino or above to KO or Alpha Tranq and above. This command gives you much more control over what youre spawning. admincheat Summon MegaCarno_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon Alpha_Leedsichthys_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon MegaMegalodon_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon Mosa_Character_BP_Mega_C, admincheat Summon MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon MegaBasilisk_Character_BP_C, admincheat Summon MegaCrab_Character_BP_C, MegaXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface_C, admincheat Summon MegaXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface_C, admincheat Summon Basilisk_Character_BP_Summoned_C, admincheat Summon Crab_Character_BP_Summoned_C. This command uses the "SpawnDino" argument rather than the "Summon" argument which allows users to customize the spawn distance and level of the creature. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Raptor/Badass/Fire/Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Raptor_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" There are two ways to spawn a creature in Ark. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Spider/Uber/Prime/PrimeBroodmother_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeBroodmother_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Primal DodoRex Find a searchable list of all creature IDs on our creature ID list. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Direwolf/Badass/Fire/Direwolf_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Direwolf_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Direwolf_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS_C" owned by, "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spino/Spino_Character_BP.Spino_Character_BP'", admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spino/Spino_Character_BP.Spino_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 110. Click the copy button to copy the admin spawn command for a creature to your clipboard. Although its movement speed is slower in a biped stance, it gains considerable attacking strength and mobility in this form. Rider Weaponry No Humans Can Carry No Data Drops Apex Hide Apex Blood Raw Meat Raw Prime Meat Special Loot Chance 100% Feces Size Large Drag Weight 550 Can Damage DodoRex_Character_bp-Frosty_GNS_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Megalodon/Badass/Mountain/Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS.Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Mountain_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS_C" "Spino_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Mosasaurus/Alpha/PrimeMosa_Character_BP_GNS.PrimeMosa_Character_BP_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Prime Alpha Plesiosaur "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragon/Badass/Poison/Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], NOTE: Cannot be tamed! Find all Ark creature IDs on our creature list. Some of the stuff is still a WIP but all the spawn commands have been tested. Use our spawn command builder for Alpha Rex below to generate a command for this creature. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Megalodon/Badass/Poison/Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], "Megalodon_Character_BP-Badass-Snow_GNS_C" This site is not affiliated with Ark: Survival Evolved or Wildcard Properties, LLC. Alpha Creature Spawn Codes | Extinction Core Wiki | Fandom in: Spawn Codes, Alpha Creatures Alpha Creature Spawn Codes View source Alpha Creatures Main Wiki Page NOTE ;; Although Spawnable, the Alpha Pirhana is unrideable. "BossMosa_Character_BP_GNS_C", Perdition, Warden of the Plains "PrimeDirewolf_Character_BP_GNS_C" "WeaponPygmy_Character_BP_GNS_C", Kibble Monkey(Black) The third location is located at coordinates 84.2 and 33.4. This command gonna spawn a gig with a random level you can force the level but the command is a bit more complicate and i don't remember it. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragonfly/Elite/Dragonfly_Character_BP-Elite_GNS.Dragonfly_Character_BP-Elite_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Elite Boa use this to select how far away the creature should spawn relative to your current location. Blog Network. "AmmoPygmy_Character_BP_GNS_C", Armor Monkey(Blue) "Rex_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" "Sauropod_Character_BP-Champion_GNS_C" To open the command console, press Tab on PC. Description:Spawns the selected creature of the specified level into your world at the target distance and location. Creature IDs. This site is not affiliated with Ark: Survival Evolved or Wildcard Properties, LLC. Please see the. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Giganotosaurus/Alpha/Baby/Gigant_Character_BP-Alpha_GNS.Gigant_Character_BP-Alpha_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Alpha Mammoth "Trike_Character_BP-Alpha-Baby_GNS_C" You can click on the copy button. So, You can use easily it in your server console. "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Ant/Elite/FlyingAnt_Character_BP-Elite_GNS.FlyingAnt_Character_BP-Elite_GNS'" 1 1 1 [LEVEL], Elite Dilo
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