Once the one on one interviews are over they will then come back and call out numbers. Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge. They then introduce themselves and talk about their company and throw in some cheesy jokes. Aero Crew News is a pilot-hiring magazine designed for pilots by pilots. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO), 8 hour interview of role playing, standard questioning and drug test. Showtime was 0800, but everyone was early. Required fields are marked *. What does the Frontier Airlines Brand mean to you? The process took 4 weeks. Seven of the 15 major airlines are accepting pilot applications. Brief the ATL ILS 26L approach. I hit the brakes and we stopped short. Fourteen scheduled for the day and all showed well in advance of 0800. We are in search of the best and the brightest to join our dynamic team of aviation and people enthusiasts. Mention you are passionate about the travel or aviation industry. It was a professional environment that felt as though it operated like a family. A recruiter will first call you to do a phone screen, if you complete the phone screen successfully they set up a virtual interview. It is divided into three sections, a records review, a two person panel interview, and a Line Oriented Interview (LOI). Frontier Airlines headquarters are in Denver Colorado. The statistics very rarely corroborated the gouge. In my last job, I gained valuable work experience as I was able to demonstrate I was able to work well under pressure, multitask, all while providing excellent customer service. By joining Breeze, you are joining in our mission to be "The World's Nicest Airline"! Tell the interviewer the truth but if you are willing to relocate make sure you sound enthusiastic. If I knew they fly a one flight attendant plane and I said yes because I researched the company and I have worked on a one flight attendant flights before when I worked for Mesa. During the F2F interview, you should prepare to be in attendance for at least 6 hours if you are successful. The flight attendant has exceptional communication skills and is always friendly to customers. Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. (Or live in a full crash pad for 2 months while studying and find transportation?). They will be having
Its definitely a group discussion to see how you work as a team. If they approve your responses, you will interview in person in one of two cohorts of the day morning or afternoon. Candidates interviewing for My First Interview and Flight Attendant GoJet rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for A&P Mechanic and Wingman roles were rated as the easiest. Why should Frontier Airlines hire you? Current Southwest Airlines Gouge/Experience (2017)? Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Frontier Airlines as 73.0% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.56 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). The question bank here is Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 15, 2023 First was a company overview with HR, an FO volunteer, and intern answering questions. Below are specific Frontier Airlines Flight Attendant Interview Questions. Anticipating 128 hires from Sept 13 through June 14. If you want to become a pilot with any of the worldwide airlines, including Qat WHAT'S YOUR. 3. The interview is as advertised. My uncle was my flying mentor. When misused, relied on exclusively, or considered as absolute fact, interview gouge can be a detriment to a pilot's efforts of landing a dream job. all I can recall. Over the years, I've heard that different airlines didn't hire certain types of pilots (younger, older, those who hadn't interned with the airline, low time, high time, et al.). Yes, I did not have the bandwidth to deal with the engine failure on takeoff and catch the mistake of the first officer. What is the interview process like at GoJet Airlines? Any help or links appreciated!! START YOUR CAREER GROWING AIRLINE We are rapidly expanding with over 200 new aircraft on order and network expansions now covering 90% of the US. All Log books Current Resume Signed copy of your Airline Apps GoJet Interview Supplement Form Pilot licenses Current First Class Medical Certificate and SOAP letter (Statement of Demonstrated Ability) if applicable FCC License Passport How would you describe your ideal candidate for this position? I was placed in the pool
Each employee can only take one shift and each shift needs only one employee. Copyright Recently completed an interview for the RTP program. Copyright There were no surprising questions or anything overly difficult. Expect to be there all day (left around 4-5pm ish) and to be fed twice, coffee and bagels in the morning and Jimmy Johns (or pizza) at lunch time. How would you deal with an upset customer? Hangar Talk; Safety; Aviation Technology; The Boneyard; Aviation Law; . Content Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
Had an Employment Interview recently? Say you have excellent communication skills which will allow you to work well with the customer and other crew members. They spend hours on end searching the Web, talking to friends and acquaintances, all in an effort to learn as much as possible so they will be prepared when the airline calls to offer an interview. If you have a pilot interview coming up, preparation is key. I hope this helps the next group. 6. Become a Member Post a Pilot Job Home Pilots Employers Blog The problem that pilots sometimes have is that they memorize the process and are so obsessed with emulating the answers made by somebody who received a job offer that they forget employers--yes, even conservative airlines--don't want robots for employees. Explain a time where you had a co-worker that was not doing their fair share of work, how did you resolve the situation? Powered by vBulletin Version 4.2.3 Copyright 2023 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. There were so many people in my morning group who wore things differently than was told, that is automatic dismal in my opinion. It's okay to talk about your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. Additionally, Trans States' route map is shifting west, and its growing Denver crew base has been very popular with its pilot group. The bottom line is that, when used properly, gouge can be helpful to pilots as they familiarize themselves with airlines, conduct research, prepare for interviews, simulator evaluations and the like. While information on the process used by an airline can be helpful to pilots preparing for an interview or simulator evaluation, the collection of gouge should come with a warning label for several reasons. Frontier Airlines First Year FO Pay: $7,500 mo / $90,000 yr Reply 02-25-2023, 03:44 PM . classes from February through October 2000. why do you want to leave your current employer? Chris Fair: Chief Pilot, Todd (unknown last name #30 seniority), Director of HR-Mary Tunnel. Be the first to find this interview helpful. I felt that an 8 hour long interview should require a lunch break. Interview process at Frontier Airlines Overall experience Poor Excellent Easy Difficult Interview process length About a day or two 40% About two weeks 17% About a week 16% About a month 14% More than one month 12% Most reported steps On-site interview 77% Background check 61% Drug test 57% Phone call/screening 50% Group interview 38% Have you ever had to take the plane from a superior, and how did you handle it? After that you will break for 5, come back which begins the individual 10 minute, 4 questions. I was hired as part of the RTP program. I applied online. If you study this gouge you will do great! 1. Any unauthorized use of material found within is strictly prohibited. A Frontier Airlines pilot has been arrested over allegations he spied on a Florida college student. How would you encounter a difficult customer on the aircraft? He will
Why do you want to work for Frontier Airlines? After that video Interview, you will Receive a F2F interview. I applied through an employee referral. My HR panel was just before lunch so sitting Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 09, 2023 Below are the shift preferences each employee submitted. Good luck and hope to see you at Continue reading this interview experience. They pull out the Midway airport diagram, What is the minimum vis you need to take off 31? Even though I didnt get an offer, I think they could change this process a bit to make it shorter on the interviewee. DO. It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB. Many know Frontier Airlines as a low-cost carrier. The interview process is pretty lengthy, initially, you should expect a video interview, next step you will be invited for a F2F interview. The candidates that are left in the room continue with round Robin questions being asked 4 of them to be exact. A recruiter will collect all of your documents and logbooks. muy amables pero deseaban otra cosa y no era lo que buscaba. The CA called for the After Landing Checklist. HR questions Alaska airlines gouge. Yes, we were just clearing Rwy 4 in HOU at night in moderate precipitation. 21 PILOT INTERVIEW Questions and Answers guide: https://passmyinterview.com/pilot-int. Why do you want to work for Frontier Airlines? The alternative of going to DEN makes for a much longer day and potential for an SBI to get thrown your way. Just another way that Pilots are Helping Pilots. Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted. My "training date" is based off of being released from military service. All the TMAAT and HR questions they had asked were on this site as well. After that the recruiters change tables. at least 40 pilots. Capt. How you prepare for a pilot job interview is different than a non aviation job interview.Pilot Shortage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5aE97LGgOw\u0026t=163sBe Part of the 74 Crew:IG: https://www.instagram.com/74gear/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/74gearFacebook: https://facebook.com/74gearFlight Simulator Gear I use:Yoke: https://geni.us/SimYokeComputer: https://geni.us/GamingComputer Flight Gear I use:Aviation Headset: https://geni.us/AviationHeadset Backpack: https://geni.us/PilotBackpack Traveling headset: https://geni.us/DHheadset Video Gear I use:Camera: https://geni.us/VideoCamera Action Camera: https://geni.us/ActioncameraFlight Audio Connector: https://geni.us/FlightAudio ND Filter: https://geni.us/NDFilter I may receive a commission on some of these links but it will not change the price you pay for the items.Music: Raven \u0026 Kreyn - Muffin [NCS Release] I did NOT use interview prep, I would recommend just preparing on your own, as Frontier wants to interview YOU. Login with Yahoo! Phone interview with a sweet lady that went great, I was sent an email right away for the VI and had to chose the date and time. It was a long day. I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Newark, NJ) in Feb 2022. The interview call often kicks off another round of even more information gathering, which can include a lot of "gouge," particularly about the company's recruitment process. And, although the FAPA.aero staff will do all it can to weed out information that is incorrect, this service is gouge--based on feedback from pilots--and is not subject to the more stringent editorial guidelines used in FAPA.aero written features. Is it just me or do others also think Frontier airlines is the best airline even better than Delta or United? I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. One example of this mindset is (insert yours). After the virtual interview they will email you to let you know if you are invited to training or not. First, pilots often can find themselves "informed" with dated or incorrect information. (one year, $7500). Ill take the risk, I trust pilots union will find the way to improve all that and more. All the usual situational questions you have come to love and expect and yes, you are rated on everything to say (or dont say). The Frontier Team really made the process comfortable, with minimum surprises, and had a down to earth/family feel. Do not state a weakness that is critical for the job. Frontier Airlines Endeavor Air interview Northern Air Cargo Us Airways Interviews Horizon Air Interview Gouge (April 2014) Omni Interview CAAC Chinese ATP Uni-Top? If you make it past those questions then you get your 1/1 interview. The 25 question ATP test they said was not weighted, just to gauge where we were. I'll never forget the look on his face when I told him Northwest was hiring pilots with similar qualifications as his and asked him if he had submitted an application during the recent window of opportunity. Quick and simple so far waiting on my third and final interview this week. I hope you can do something with this info. ask you a few more questions and if that goes well you will be placed in a
Denver Post article, Alaska Airlines Welcomes Frontier Alaska As New Partner, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. If the first portion goes well you will be turned over to the DO. they asked scenario questions, made me read a in flight announcement, went over the job perks, benefits and position explination. Quick very straightforward questions were very specific to answers that they wanted and what they were looking for Do your homework on the aircraft . He said yes, and proceeded to try and pass it. strait forward, nice People , h/r and tech questions. Search for Missouri flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal. They want you to put in order of importance and explain why. Hey Facebook FriendsLet's talk about training failures! You can view the new contract details in The Grid under Delta Air Lines profile. There is a recruiter sitting at your table to observe. Does anyone have Gouge for the Southern Air Inc interviews. parecia bueno pero no hasta que aplique me di cuenta de la realidad, good flight crew to work with but CEO is about the bottom dollar and careless about the crews. Tuesday is my VI with them hope I get it wish me luck!!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. I know they discontinued their official help number recently. On the Landr Arrival DEN, you are at FL350, when do you have to start down to make Landr at 250kts and 17000ft. Everything on here is accurate. Most airlines do a phone interview as flying in for an interview is costly. Find Interviews To filter interviews, Sign In or Register. How do you feel about relocating to a different city? Started by Anonymous, 05-24-2017 09:30 . At 0800 we were walked to a conference room. For example, in my last job, I worked at a popular restaurant where I waited on customers. Say you are physically fit and will not have any issues standing for long periods of time. Daily work doesn't often present a major opportunity to stand out, but if I'm always looking for the little things and consistently doing those, the positive impact is great over time. I know it's not much but it is
And yes I did get the job. I initially thought the CA had seen the other aircraft but the our speed was very high I said "Brake" he hesitated and so I applied them fully to prevent us from having a collision at a significant speed. This is not an emergency situation but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur. Forgot your Username or Password? Why do you want to be a flight attendant? There is a lot of free information on the Web, and some of it is inaccurate. Appointment respected, they were ready on time. That said, I would not hesitate to take the aircraft in a situation where the Captain did not respond to my verbal inputs and the situation became urgent. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. Those providing feedback on recent pilot interviews may be eligible to receive a one-year free membership to FAPA.aero. You'll be given a briefing about our company and have an opportunity to ask questions about the company or the interview. Definitely know how to do the descent and Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 21, 2023 Airline Pilot Central Forums > Airline Pilot Forums > Major > Southwest > Any former F9 at SWA here? Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Can anyone suggested an interview prep company for Allegiant? 2) Several complex word problems like we used to get in math class, where you have to figure out several answers by reading the paragraph of text and then looking at your options (more on that below). At Breeze, we want to empower and support our Team Members so they can, in turn, empower and support our Guests every step of the journey. Sometimes I airline late on my last day off, sometimes on my first day on. Login with Facebook! Listen, Think, Pause, and Respond, these are not trick questions folks. They will then do a presentation followed by a group activity and group interview. Best gouges ever for every airline I was interested in. follows the following brief profile. But most continued on in the process. Fourteen scheduled for the day and all showed well in advance of 0800. Our group was pure RTP candidates and we had a show of 0800 and found out by 1230, then did compliance paperwork til 1500. The February class date had been filled, and they were hiring for March and April. What is the interview process like at Frontier Airlines? All the questions that are posted are spot on and will prepare you. 5. Even today, some pilots are not relying on credible sources for their career information. The recruiters are there to do a round Robin Q & A to each person at your table, you will be asked a total of 3 questions with 1 minute to answer each question. After those were complete, I got an email with a link to do a recorded interview, there was very little turn around time-I think from the time of the email, I had a 4ish day window to complete it. Answer questions honesty because if you dont you wont be happy with the role, Going through the process now via group interview with others and maybe a interview alone if they like me I really hope I get the job they are a good airline Ive heard good things. The interview is as advertised. The interview process now lasts 4 hours. I applied online. State you have the ability to push or pull moveable carts weighing in excess of 250 pounds. RVR goes below mins when inside the marker, can you continue? I sat and conversed with other applicants at my table during this time getting to know everyone. Thanks. Given the number of pilots on furlough and a fresh supply of up-and-coming pilots from regional airlines, corporate aviation and the military, airlines that are recruiting get inundated with resumes. Here we will discuss Frontier Airlines Interview Questions and Answers. Interviewers were very nice and overall it was a great experience. Get started with your Free Employer Profile, Customer Service/Ground Security Coordinator (1), The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. Customer service questions and always speak on safety. Copyright © 2023FAPA.aero - All Rights Reserved, Objective & Independent Advice for Professional Pilots|. One on one with chief pilot and director or training. One way pilots often look for a competitive edge is to research prospective employers with incredible zeal. Tell me an emergency you had. Fly from Baltimore on Frontier, Spirit Airlines, American Airlines and more. Applied on 12/18/22 For IAD, got a call to set up a interview on 12/19/22 got my CJO 12/20/22. Login with Facebook! Mental Math for Pilots gouge for Technical Interview. Opens the Fishbowl by Glassdoor site in a new window. The interview will consist of an HR evaluationand a Technical evaluation. "The Premier Information & Networking Resource for Professional Pilots"
Ultra-low fare carrier Frontier Airlines . "Jim, a convenience store manager is putting together his weekly shift schedule for his employees. Tell us about Frontier. My experience was much quicker and much simpler. Spirit Airlines Pilot Salary Pilots at Spirit Airlines earn an average of $107,348 per year and this pay scale can range from $62,235 per year for a fresh First Officer to $175,839 per year of a Senior Captain. Some information, including some found on popular message boards, is opinion and in some cases can be sour grapes or rumor but presented as fact. Attending the hiring event was a good way to learn more about the company and helps determine if the company is right for you. They were all over the place but mostly customer service and coworker questions. Terms of Service Statement
Relaxed process and approach from the interviewer. Questions: What do you know about Frontier. Each person in the group will need to explain why a particular skill is important. Is it bad like Spirit? It consisted of 5 questions. I usually get home 1 or 2 days early off my trips. Gouge, which can be obtained in various formats, including word-of-mouth, is also often outdated before it makes its way to a pilot's ear. What makes you a good leader. GOUGE BUSTER ALERT! Can anyone suggested an interview prep company for Allegiant? The airline was bankrupt, he laughed. Yes, I asked the ca if he could see the taxiway to hold short of. The process of interviewing is consistently changing so the best advice I can give is to make sure you fully understand STAR-formatted responses. Any new Frontier interview tips? They seat you at a particular table. Customer service oriented questions. We can all agree interviews are stressful and competition is intense. I preceeded with my flow and out of my peripheral vision I saw a citation taxing with out any lights on. You will brief a Jepp chart. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines in Jan 2023. 123 rule and read a taf. If your group finishes the group activity early, this is a good time to connect with the recruiter, ask questions and make a good impression. What will you do if a major calls tomorrow? Contract 2023. Its very awkward if someone finishes their question before the minute is up, you sit counting down the minute. Get 20 more Delta Air Lines interviews and 215 more Delta Air Lines study guide questions Comments When you can accept little or no delay, not an emergency situation, just an advisory to atc, +/- 1 hour, 2000' Ceiling, 3sm visibility.
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