0000017889 00000 n 0000030918 00000 n The new guide for masonry-built homes provides evidence-based technical best practice on the design, structural requirements, fire and acoustic performance, weather protection and safe installation of spandrel panels. 0000037591 00000 n 2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements 2.2 Models3 General 3.1 Concrete and its reinforcement 3.1.1 Compliance 3.1.2 Provision information 3.1.3 Storage materials 3.1.4 Site mixed concrete 3.1.5 Ready mixed concrete 3.1.6 Concrete specification 3.1.7 Admixtures 3.1.8. 0000041112 00000 n Spandrel panels require lateral restraint at rafter level and along the base of the panel. Timber ledger to be fitted between last truss and blockwork to pick up plasterboard. 00:00. in stewartstown, nh restaurants. page 1 of 9 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE SPANDREL PANELS TO COLD ROOFS 7.2 /25 January 2018 (First Issue) NHBC NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK5 8FP Tel: 0344 633 1000 Fax: 01908 747 255 www.nhbc.co.uk QUESTION ANSWER Spandrel panels are generally factory-made, transported to site in one or more sections, and craned into position on to timber framed or masonry support walls. 0000033325 00000 n 0000040199 00000 n nhbc spandrel panel technical guidance. Trussed Rafter Association Trussed Rafter Association. 0000036835 00000 n Our free monthly e-newsletter, Clicks & Mortar includes all the latest information on the NHBC Standards and Building Regulations as well as details of NHBC training, webinars and other events. 0000032535 00000 n 0000008603 00000 n Definition: Spandrel and infill panels to window, door and curtain wall systems. Click here to access the document in full. Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Includes:Basements, Foundation Depth Calculator app, Approved Document Regulation 7, Construction Products Regulations, Juliette balconies and British Woodwork Federation Stair Scheme. They do not constitute professional advice. 0000015558 00000 n 0000040669 00000 n Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK5 8FP. 0000009622 00000 n windows and spandrel panels (January 2016) (First issue) TECHNICAL GUIDANCE 6.9/01 Page 2 of 2 * For the purposes of this guidance the curtain walling is made up of door/window frames and spandrel panels which are coupled together to form arrangements as shown in Figures 1 and 2. A Technical guidance on spandrel panels and gable wall installation. 0000020949 00000 n 5aR mp"c45=nf4xh%GR},"}ZpDh9hkr 8R^AUw4PH^d/5`N/)[)upxE~?d{=T MH\6o 4)[1ViYNFUpP.V`P?\,9}ux~U#b>YZaNH\'NP\.^KxW\`K(2/3pJUkB M;hAES]#'O3Uv(M2 90!19For-c ^2fcpsCc%8x n,"^Y W@'hO\u9pl+P- ~r&d7 Mh{nwUL*7$F9,HY(`eD4rDLD?iW"O1\>OR[De-@.I5U;:/wXR>}xVWM#6Qg;,/< 8CZu2&LB+E:iyuwioWoL"$Ngy$3#,y#@C0"h4uq{qd"|]|xB6x$]9ODw`":TALJ kBi f>"{. 0000015310 00000 n Spandrel panels used in cold roof voids to create separation between dwellings or to form the inner leaf of gable walls should be designed, manufactured and installed to provide satisfactory performance. Includes:external render in NHBC Standards, wall lateral restraint straps, British Standards for installation of gas in apartments and in-situ concrete toppings/suspended floors. hbbb`b``3 0h endstream endobj 352 0 obj <>/Metadata 31 0 R/Pages 30 0 R/StructTreeRoot 33 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 353 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 354 0 obj <> endobj 355 0 obj <> endobj 356 0 obj <>stream Spandrel panels should be designed by the manufacturer in accordance with the building designer's details and requirements and manufactured in accordance with guidance from the Structural Timber Association (www.structuraltimber.co.uk) or Trussed Rafter Association (www.tra.org.uk). Technical guidance on spandrel panels and gable wall panels. 0000047477 00000 n 0000012017 00000 n 7.2.24 Spandrel panels in cold roofs - NHBC Standards 2023 NHBC Standards 2023 Cookie Policy Home 1 Welcome 1.1 Contact us 1.2 What's changed 2 Introduction 2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements 2.2 3D Models 3 General 3.1 Concrete and its reinforcement 3.1.1 Compliance 3.1.2 Provision of information 3.1.3 Storage of materials 0000038665 00000 n 0000032072 00000 n 0000039132 00000 n All Rights Reserved. They also leave little or no site waste. 0000040283 00000 n 0000032150 00000 n Pre-fabricated panels that are lifted directly into place, they are designed by following the building designer's details and requirements and are manufactured in accordance with guidance from the Trussed Rafter Association (TRA). 0000030531 00000 n 0000019352 00000 n This unique fibre gypsum building board combines superior fire resistance, acoustic insulation and impact strength. 0000033784 00000 n 0000009108 00000 n 1st September 2017. 0000035593 00000 n 0000025914 00000 n Trussed roof manufacturers report increasing interest in these offsite components, especially from large and volume housebuilders building low-rise housing and apartments. Technical Training - Pitched roof coverings 1. To help you interpret and apply the NHBC Standards we produce the following Technical Guidance Documents. Note that only certain parts of NHBC's products and services are within the scope 0000013970 00000 n 0000032410 00000 n 0000035309 00000 n 0000004161 00000 n The main points to be aware of are as follows: The minimum build up of blockwork below panel on traditional build must be 300mm but must always be higher than the top of the insulation. 0000016023 00000 n 0000040582 00000 n 0 . C FhH9vi 'Ej 9_ynWZDo8,*`utsUG{H%wi(uxZuqw>FzxU|qQk/bI{~XO>_}*wM1vF?ZSGvOG|I*kpa98g\%_p)u^7i Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Spandrel Panels Context Around 8000 sites surveyed Approx. 614 104 0000047025 00000 n Includes:A detailed summary of the key changes in NHBC Standards 2013. They provide an ideal solution to the skills shortages in housebuilding and roofing, and they help to improve safety on site, as they require less time working at height. 0000037523 00000 n 0000025557 00000 n 0000032564 00000 n page 01Gable %PDF-1.4 % News Make a product enquiry 0000012481 00000 n Regulation Authority in respect of carrying on its insurance business and its 0000004795 00000 n 0000039507 00000 n 0000014866 00000 n Standards 2018 - what's new? Spandrel panels to be restrained on both sides by bracing fixed to noggins secured to panels. 0000050597 00000 n NHBC - How to build compliant Spandrel Panels. 0000029561 00000 n They are designed for use by competent construction industry workers and are for general guidance only. 0000002048 00000 n 01:54. In a recent NHBC survey of 8,000 new homes . Items to be taken into account include: fire resistance Factors to be taken into account when designing and installing spandrel panels over party walls and gable walls with cold roof voids. of UK financial services regulation. 0000009727 00000 n All information relates to circumstances prevailing at the date of publication and will not be updated to reflect subsequent developments. 0000035376 00000 n 0000001889 00000 n 6.1 External masonry walls 6.2 External timber framed walls 6.3 Internal walls 6.4 Timber and concrete upper floors 6.5 Steelwork 6.6 Staircases 6.7 Doors, windows and glazing 6.8 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 6.9 Curtain walling and cladding 6.10 Light steel framed walls and floors. Weathering details and fixings, 2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements, 3.2.6 Rendering, plastering and screeding, 3.3 Timber preservation (natural solid timber), 4.1 Land quality managing ground conditions, 4.1.2 Initial Assessment desk study (all sites), 4.1.3 Initial Assessment walkover survey (all sites), 4.1.5 Basic Investigation (sites where hazards are not identified or suspected), 4.1.6 Detailed Investigation (sites where hazards are identified or suspected), 4.1.7 Managing the risks (sites where hazards are found), 4.2.4 The effects of trees on shrinkable soils, 4.2.8 Design and construction of foundations in shrinkable soils, 4.2.9 Foundation depths for specific conditions in shrinkable soils, 4.3.8 Sloping ground and stepped foundations, 4.4 Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations, 4.5 Vibratory ground improvement techniques, 4.5.4 Confirmation of suitability for treatment, 4.5.6 Compatibility of the ground, design and treatment, 4.5.12 Verification of completed treatment, 5 Substructure, Ground Floors, Drainage and Basements, 5.1 Substructure and ground-bearing floors, 5.1.18 Laying the ground-bearing floor slab, 5.2.7 Construction of suspended concrete ground floors, 5.2.9 Thermal insulation and cold bridging, 5.3.7 Design to avoid damage and blockages, 5.4 Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures, 6.1.20 Protection of the works during construction, 6.3.3 Supporting load-bearing internal walls, 6.3.8 Partitions: internal non load-bearing, 6.3.10 Construction of steel framed partitions, 6.3.11 Construction of proprietary systems, 6.4.6 In-situ concrete floors and concreting, 6.4.11 Joists supported by intermediate walls, 6.4.20 Floating floors or floors between homes, 6.6.12 Staircases made from timber and wood-based products, 6.8.3 Solid fuel fireplaces and hearths, 6.9.11 Electrical continuity and earth bonding, 6.9.19 Insulated render and brick slip cladding, 6.10.4 Structural design of load-bearing floors and walls, 6.10.10 Construction of load-bearing walls and external infill walls, 6.10.12 Fixing floor decking and ceilings, 6.10.20 Cladding, lining and sheathing boards, 7.1.4 Flat roof, terrace and balcony general design, 7.1.6 Flat roof, terrace and balcony structural design, 7.1.9 Profiled self-supporting metal decks, 7.1.10 Profiled self-supporting metal roofing, 7.1.11 Thermal insulation and vapour control, 7.1.12 Waterproofing layer and surface treatments, 7.1.13 Green and biodiverse (brown roofs) including roof gardens, 7.1.17 Accessible thresholds and upstands, 7.1.18 Parapets and guarding to terraces and balconies, 7.2.10 Strutting for attic trusses and cut roofs that form a floor, 7.2.15 Ventilation, vapour control and insulation, 8.1.7 Electrical services and installations, 8.2.11 Electrical installation requirements, 8.2.12 Pipes, insulation and protection from cold, 8.3 Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, 9.1.7 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes, 9.3.5 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes, 9.4.3 General provisions cupboards and fitments, 9.4.6 Airing cupboards, cupboards, worktops and fitments, 9.4.7 Ironmongery, prefabricated items and other materials, 9.5.4 Conditions for painting and decorating, 10.1.10 Permanent prefabricated garages and carports, 10.2.4 Freestanding walls and retaining structures, 10.2.8 Garden areas within 3m of the home. 0000030995 00000 n Weathering details and fixings, 2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements, 3.2.6 Rendering, plastering and screeding, 3.3 Timber preservation (natural solid timber), 4.1 Land quality managing ground conditions, 4.1.2 Initial Assessment desk study (all sites), 4.1.3 Initial Assessment walkover survey (all sites), 4.1.5 Basic Investigation (sites where hazards are not identified or suspected), 4.1.6 Detailed Investigation (sites where hazards are identified or suspected), 4.1.7 Managing the risks (sites where hazards are found), 4.2.4 The effects of trees on shrinkable soils, 4.2.8 Design and construction of foundations in shrinkable soils, 4.2.9 Foundation depths for specific conditions in shrinkable soils, 4.3.8 Sloping ground and stepped foundations, 4.4 Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations, 4.5 Vibratory ground improvement techniques, 4.5.4 Confirmation of suitability for treatment, 4.5.6 Compatibility of the ground, design and treatment, 4.5.12 Verification of completed treatment, 5 Substructure, Ground Floors, Drainage and Basements, 5.1 Substructure and ground-bearing floors, 5.1.18 Laying the ground-bearing floor slab, 5.2.7 Construction of suspended concrete ground floors, 5.2.9 Thermal insulation and cold bridging, 5.3.7 Design to avoid damage and blockages, 5.4 Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures, 6.1.18 Wall ties and bed joint reinforcements, 6.1.20 Protection of the works during construction, 6.3.3 Supporting load-bearing internal walls, 6.3.8 Partitions: internal non load-bearing, 6.3.10 Construction of steel framed partitions, 6.3.11 Construction of proprietary systems, 6.4.6 In-situ concrete floors and concreting, 6.4.11 Joists supported by intermediate walls, 6.4.20 Floating floors or floors between homes, 6.6.12 Staircases made from timber and wood-based products, 6.8.3 Solid fuel fireplaces and hearths, 6.9.11 Electrical continuity and earth bonding, 6.9.19 Insulated render and brick slip cladding, 6.10.4 Structural design of load-bearing floors and walls, 6.10.10 Construction of load-bearing walls and external infill walls, 6.10.12 Fixing floor decking and ceilings, 6.10.20 Cladding, lining and sheathing boards, 7.1.3 Flat roof, terrace and balcony general design, 7.1.5 Flat roof, terrace and balcony structural design, 7.1.8 Profiled self-supporting metal decks, 7.1.9 Profiled self-supporting metal roofing, 7.1.10 Thermal insulation and vapour control, 7.1.11 Waterproofing layer and surface treatments, 7.1.12 Green and biodiverse (brown roofs) including roof gardens, 7.1.16 Accessible thresholds and upstands, 7.1.17 Parapets and guarding to terraces and balconies, 7.2.10 Strutting for attic trusses and cut roofs that form a floor, 7.2.15 Ventilation, vapour control and insulation, 8.1.7 Electrical services and installations, 8.2.11 Electrical installation requirements, 8.2.12 Pipes, insulation and protection from cold, 8.3 Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, 9.1.7 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes, 9.3.5 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes, 9.4.3 General provisions cupboards and fitments, 9.4.6 Airing cupboards, cupboards, worktops and fitments, 9.4.7 Ironmongery, prefabricated items and other materials, 9.5.4 Conditions for painting and decorating, 10.1.10 Permanent prefabricated garages and carports, 10.2.4 Freestanding walls and retaining structures, 10.2.8 Garden areas within 3m of the home. 0000036071 00000 n National House-Building Council (NHBC) is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Southgate Centre Expansion, hbbbd`b```%F8w4F|x U* endstream endobj 615 0 obj <>/Metadata 365 0 R/Pages 364 0 R/StructTreeRoot 367 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 616 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/PieceInfo>/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -297.638 -420.945]>>/PageUIDList<0 204>>/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>>> endobj 617 0 obj <> endobj 618 0 obj <> endobj 619 0 obj <> endobj 620 0 obj <> endobj 621 0 obj <>stream good practice. nhbc spandrel panel technical guidance. 0000044789 00000 n No spam. 0000040205 00000 n 0000046998 00000 n For more information or to discuss how this new NHBC Technical Guidance may affect your build, please call our Design team on 01933 279597. /l\bg0d8+C/)|E4PVA?TA?~BMm Curtain walling and cladding systems that do not conform to the descriptions in this chapter will not generally be acceptable. 0000038363 00000 n 0000004459 00000 n 6.1.18 Wall ties - NHBC Standards 2021 NHBC Standards 2021 External masonry walls 6.1 6.1.18 Wall ties Wall ties of the correct type shall be installed where required, and be suitable for their intended use and location. 0000043200 00000 n The revised Chapter came into force for all new homes with foundations concreted on or after 1 January 2012. Spandrel Panels. Gable Wall Spandrel Panels This guidance relates to pitched trussed rafter roofs above masonry with an unoccupied, cold roof space and insulation at ceiling level. 614 0 obj <> endobj xref Items to be taken into account include: structural stability. 0000030224 00000 n Spandrel panels used in cold roof voids to create separation between dwellings or to form the inner leaf of gable walls should be designed, manufactured and installed to provide satisfactory performance. 0000035994 00000 n 0000018396 00000 n Items to be taken into account include: fire resistance acoustic transfer structural stability. Andreas Andrianopoulos Net Worth, TECHNICAL GUIDANCE SPANDREL PANELS TO COLD ROOFS 7.2 /25 January 2018 (First Issue) NHBC NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK5 8FP Tel: 0344 633 1000 Fax: 01908 747 255 www.nhbc.co.uk QUESTION ANSWER Spandrel panels are generally factory-made, transported to site in one or more sections, and craned into . 0000017177 00000 n nhbc technical guidance spandrel panels to cold roofs 7.2/25 jan2018 (first issue) gable panel for masonry wall gable panel. 0000032945 00000 n Click here to access the document in full. 0000056876 00000 n Discover all the benefits and technical specs of fermacell single-skin cladding for spandrel panels. 0000002376 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Wet mortar work essentials, Technical Training - Pitched roof coverings 3. 0000003462 00000 n 0000031498 00000 n 0000020474 00000 n 8.1 Internal services. 0000033022 00000 n 0000034089 00000 n Includes:Chapter 5.4 'Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures' | Guidance and good practice - an industry perspective. 0000021263 00000 n Includes:Spandrel panels on gable end walls; external ground levels; water ingress issues; use of combustible materials in buildings over 18m; and more. 0000037205 00000 n 0000023587 00000 n 0000034930 00000 n 0000029841 00000 n Includes:The importance of correctly installing cavity trays and DPCs | Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations | Code of practice relating to slating and tiling for pitched roofs and vertical cladding. Spandrel panels should be suitably designed to transmit the loads to the roof . NHBC - How to build compliant Spandrel Panels. *E*"rED$(#h;/ VUZO[[e~mw=~8&a8?5srr AYT1jMRJ' 5),S5r,7ULVrzRjA!e4LWRR,cJmHsSS 9i"`.1(&cT6<0KbZi)WI0)6[mb%=kD(VT!z ^(Nl8H2$Ub The Spandrel Panel Guide is available now as afree download from this website. timber frame spandrel panel - horizontal 47x72 timber, studs typically @600c/c, one layer of 15mm fermacell on both sides (optional 38x89 studs with 18mm fermacell . Benefits of spandrel panels Large-format panels with exceptional flatness A wide variety of material finishes and textures are available All panels are assembled at our factory and pre-finished for rapid installation on site Composite construction can be broken down and fully recycled April 22nd, 2019 - NHBC Standards 2013 NHBC accepts the use of Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board provided it is installed used and maintained in accordance with this Certificate in relation to NHBC Standards Chapter 6 1 External masonry walls and Chapter 6 9 Curtain walling and cladding Current NHBC guidance precludes the use of faade 0000042822 00000 n NHBC is registered in England and Wales under NHBC's registered address is NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK5 8FP. 0000033707 00000 n nhbc spandrel panel technical guidance . A Technical guidance on spandrel panels and gable wall installation. 0000073962 00000 n We discuss the use of spandrel panels, and the range of guidance available, in this edition of Technical Extra. 0000013205 00000 n Become a TRA member. 0000073051 00000 n The main points to be aware of are as follows: The minimum build up of blockwork below panel on traditional build must be 300mm but must always be higher than the top of the insulation. 0000011042 00000 n 0000041363 00000 n 0000062223 00000 n 0000008257 00000 n Currently, NHBC Standards define costal sites as those within One 15mm sheet of fermacell can replace two sheets of plasterboard on either side of the panel to achieve the fire and acoustic requirements of a spandrel panel. Includes:Articles onbasements and waterproofingand details of the updatedCode of Practice (CoP)on 'The Definition of Waste'. Strutting should be provided: in accordance with the design . 0000044516 00000 n Introduction This chapter gives guidance on the forms of curtain walling and cladding acceptable to NHBC. As well as the latest technical information, Technical Extra will, where relevant, tell you what actions you need to take and by when. new edition is the introduction of Clause 7.2.24 'Spandrel Panels', incorporated into Chapter 7.2 'Pitched Roofs'. You can unsubscribe at any time. Factors to be taken into account when designing and installing spandrel panels over party walls and gable walls with cold roof voids. . National House-Building Council (NHBC) is authorised by the Prudential Regulation How Does A Difference In Cultural Contexts Affect Communication?, NHBC is registered in England and Wales under likely to be the most appropriate scheme, nhbc standards introducing chapter 5 4 waterproofing of basements and readers will be aware that in 2013 nhbc launched a basement campaign for technical advice and support call 01908 747384 or visit www nhbc co uk guidance and good practice guidance an industry perspective who should read this technical and 0000032183 00000 n 0000034166 00000 n Lamborghini Club Singapore, 0000056915 00000 n Home. 0000037217 00000 n We've produced a range of downloads with the latest technical advice on spandrel and gable panels. Become a TRA member. 7.2.24 Spandrel panels; 8 Services. NHBC TECHNICAL GUIDANCE - Spandrel Panels to Cold Roofs Click here to access the document in full. Fermacell - Fermacell Single Skin Solutions installation guidance. 0000037982 00000 n g ,wENXBDMM9r5~M9?bsp/5~x_Be^2zC/+1 KC/K!R Includes:Pitched roofs, protecting steel from corrosion and new MVHR standards. WARRANTY POSITION. 0000019233 00000 n 0000020787 00000 n The spandrel panel may be a window frame containing infills, a NHBCs registered address is NHBC House, Davy Avenue, 0000040591 00000 n 2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements 2.2 Models3 General 3.1 Concrete and its reinforcement 3.1.1 Compliance 3.1.2 Provision information 3.1.3 Storage materials 3.1.4 Site mixed concrete 3.1.5 Ready mixed concrete 3.1.6 Concrete specification 3.1.7 Admixtures 3.1.8. Technical Training - Pitched roof coverings 1. Emily Rand Leaguepedia, NHBC TECHNICAL GUIDANCE 2018 - Spandrel Panels to Cold Roofs Click here to access the document in full. 0000040964 00000 n of a single-skin cladding solution for spandrel panels. 0000005091 00000 n The main points to be aware of are as follows: The minimum build up of blockwork below panel on traditional build must be 300mm but must always be higher than the top of the insulation. 351 53 0000018674 00000 n 0000044989 00000 n 0000019701 00000 n Your data is kept private and is not provided to third parties. . 0000008572 00000 n Learn more at: www . Is standard bracing acceptable? The TRA recently presented at the NHBC Building for Tomorrow roadshows, speaking to more than 700 housebuilders, addressing issues and providing guidance on spandrel panel design, manufacturing, handling and delivery, and installation. Get in touch with our qualified, highly-skilled team today to find . 0000027388 00000 n A Technical guidance on spandrel panels and gable wall installation. Technical Training - Pitched roof coverings 2. Note that only certain parts of NHBC's products and services are within the scope of UK financial services regulation. Find out more. trailer <<28BED8DCF7814489B2C280FC9058895E>]/Prev 357340/XRefStm 1705>> startxref 0 %%EOF 403 0 obj <>stream 0000046564 00000 n Copyright 2023. It is available now as a free download from the TRA website.The guide has been developed by the TRA in association with the NHBC and the Structural Timber Association (STA) and will receive further updates following the outcome of further fire testing, currently being undertaken with the STA.
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