Now, with this ornament, STAR TREK fans can spend the holidayswith phasers set on fun!QXI1242, 053. There, theyll confront the biggest threat to the Star Trek universe the Borg, whose actions would alter history and turn Earth into a Borg colony. QXI3669, 098) I.S.S. Enterprise, a 23rd-century Federation Starship. This is the complete list of Star Trek ornaments (and snow globe) available at Hallmark stores in 2022. Warp to the year 2399 with this Christmas tree ornament featuring La Sirena, the non-Federation cargo freighter hired by Jean-Luc Picard and owned by former Starfleet Commander Cristbal Ros. Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the original Star Trek television series with this authentic representation of the first ship to boldly go where no man has gone before.To see this ornament come to life, place it on the included display stand. Hikaru Sulu chiefly served on the bridge as helmsman, controlling the starships speed and relative position, as well as weapon and defense systems. Each of the ornaments in this new series will feature a different character from the original STAR TREK television series. Mirror, Mirror In Mirror, Mirror (1967), a transporter mix-up switches Captain kirk, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, and Lt. Uhura with their evil twins from a Mirror Universe. The crew members masquerade as their ruthless counterparts on the barbaric I.S.S. Overview; Governing Council; Organization; Origin of BIS; 207th near 35th Dr condition: new make / manufacturer: Hallmark model name / number: 30 Years STAR TREK - 30 YEARS - NIB VOICE MAGIC - Voice of Captain Kirk BRAND NEW IN BOX Keepsake Ornament - Hallmark Set of 2 ornaments with display case Die-Cast Metal Star Dated - 1996 Highly collectible Non-smoking home Enterprise in the original STAR TREK television series. QXI3343, 089. Voyager was stranded and its medical crew killed, the ships emergency Doctor answered the call. Qty 3,350. When later drafts swapped Klingons for Romulans, the ships designation as a Bird-of-Prey remained and the craft was redesigned to reflect Klingon technology. QXI5544, 013. Legends Series #6: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, 076. Press the button on the ornament to hear Spock and Captain Kirk speak and see CaptainPikes light flash. Overthrown during Earths Eugenic Wars, he and his followers escaped in a hastily launched sleeper vessel and drifted in space for more than a century before being discovered by the U.S.S. Entdecke Hallmark Wahrzeichen Weihnachtsschmuck Special Friend 30 Jahre Sammeln 2003 in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Enterprise NCC-1701 embarked on its historic five-year mission in 2264. Mankinds existence is in the balance as the ships and crew from different eras join to battle the enemies of the Federation and the forces that caused their convergence. Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments A Collector S Guide 1994 1998 By Clara . 2023 Miniature Ornaments 2022 Miniature Ornaments 2021 Miniature Ornaments 2020 Miniature Ornaments 2019 Miniature Ornaments 2018 Miniature Ornaments 2017 Miniature Ornaments Tendra Colony, 2348. Commander of the 24th-century starship, the U.S.S. QXI4094, 038. Famous words: Please state the nature of your medical emergency. Long-range Starfleetvessels are equipped with an EMH, or Emergency Medical Hologram in humanoid form, capable of treating any known disease or injury. We take deep pride in helping individuals connect in just the right way. in 1973 with 6 glass balls and 12 yarn figurines. Item location: Colfax, California, United States. QXI7533. Written by series creator Gene Roddenberry, the award-winning episode incorporatespre-Kirk footagefrom an unaired installment that was originally set to be the pilot episode. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Blown Glass) Features a low relief version of the USS Enterprise on one side, and the Star Trek title on the reverse. This anniversary-edition Keepsake Ornament comes complete with a display base, so you can relive the excitement felt at hearing the opening music year after year. In the classic Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Yesterdays Enterprise (1990), this Ambassador-class starship entered a temporal rift, providing a view of an alternate reality that transformed Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew into bitter and weary warriors in a decades-long conflict between the two space-traveling powers. Hers is often the first human voice to be heard by alien races in unexplored star systems. Danbury Mint porcelain dolls from the 1990s resell at a wide range of . I feel what you feel. There, theyll confront the biggest threat to the Star Trek universe the Borg, whose actions would alter history and turn Earth into a Borg colony. There are many various designs for many different taste. Logic or loyalty? Here is an Alternative to Powering Your Old Ornaments! ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-A was pressed into service to replace its namesake that was destroyed on a previous mission. Enterprise, Montgomery Scott played a key role in executing Starfleet missions with Captain James T. Kirk. Unable to open the shuttle doors, their only means of escape is for Captain Picard to pilot a Scorpion through the twisting interior of the ship to freedom. James T. Kirk has repeatedly proved himself to be the man for the job. Hallmark Ornaments for 2022 come in approximately 400 different designs in each recent year. But the brash Capt. This magic ornament commemorates the 1967 Star Trek episode, The Devil in the Dark, where Mr. Spock communicates with a Horta. Connect this ornament to Hallmarks Keepsake Power Cord (sold separately) to see the continuous light effect. The Naked Time Having succumbed to the planet Psi 2000s intoxication, bare-chested Hikaru Sulu, a swashbuckler at heart, challenges Captain Kirk and other crew members with a fencing foil. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit Carrying its crew on all-new voyages, the refit version of the U.S.S. Shields up, and red alert! Press the button to hear music and sound effects from this iconic scene with the Gorn! Born: Annika Hansen. Legends Series #7: Ensign Pavel Chekov In his command gold uniform, the young navigator of the U.S.S. Beam up holiday adventure with this metal Star Trek Christmas tree ornament. To see this ornament come to life, place it on the included display stand. Legends Series #7: Ensign Pavel Chekov, 078. The fate of Earth and all the peoples of the Federation are at stake. 2021 Storyteller Mirror Chekov Red Box QXI7005105a. Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk the starship U.S.S. Franklin Discovered half-buried on an alien world more than a century after its launch from Earth, the U.S.S. Light flickers when the Guardian speaks. Enterprise NCC-1701 embarked on its historic five-year mission in 2264. Also, Live long and prosper. U.S.S Discovery A 23rd century Crossfield-class ship, becomes one of the most important weapons in the war between the Federation and Klingons as the crew journeys across the galaxy. THF177020 In 1973, Hallmark Cards, Inc. decided to venture into the world of producing Christmas ornaments. Expressly designed for war, the ships are equipped with powerful weaponry and defense systems including disruptors, photon torpedoes, and cloaking devices. Enjoy your Holidays. Event editionlimited to 3,450. Attach ship to base and press button to hear Captain Picards monologue and music from the opening credits of STAR TREK: The Next Generation. Although the colorful doctor has the best sick bay in all of Starfleet at his disposal, he seems most comfortable being a simple doctor and genuinely seems to help healing the sick although his comments about the 1990s being the dark ages in Star Trek iV were quite humerous when he spoke to a patient about kidney dialysis. Communicating with flashing lights controlled by his brainwaves, he can only answer yes or no, and Spock in the only one who can help him! Enterprise Christmas tree ornament lights up at the touch of a button (battery-operated). In order to make buying Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments as easy as possible, we have our Keepsake Ornaments sorted by the year in which they were issued. Six of the Star Trek Storytellers ornaments have been available in the past two years but 2022 is the last year the Star Trek Storytellers series will be available in stores. Together they battle their way through the corridors of the huge vessel into a shuttle bay, where they discover a fleet of Scorpion attack flyers. Look for Commander Rikers counterpart, Mr. Spock, from the original STAR TREK television series, in the 1996 Keepsake Ornament Collection at your Hallmark retailer. Rank: Captain, assigned to the 22nd centuryFederation starship ENTERPRISE NX-01. Assimilated: Became a Borg drone at the age of six. Father: Sarek, A Vulcan diplomat. Under the command of Captain Jean-LucPicard, the crew of the 24th-century, is traveling back in time to the 21st century. Official Keepsake Ornament Series. 2020-21 Storyteller Enterprise NCC-1701 Red Box QXI6004102A. QXE3161, 077. 2011 USS Defiant Addendum: from Star Trek Price Estimate: $1200 - $2500 Source This unique piece is arguably one of the most sought-after Hallmark ornaments in the country, and it is not hard to see why. This anniversary-edition Keepsake Ornament comes complete with a display base, so you can relive the excitement felt at hearing the opening music year after year. The Doctor Emergency Medical Hologram, U.S.S. The glowing lights of the U.S.S. Repaint of the Uhura sculpt first released in 2007. Unexpectedly, she chooses Kirk as her champion, pitting the friends in a traditional Vulcan battle to the death! Chosen to serve as Number One aboard the Enterprise by Captain Jean-Lu Picard, Cammander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) delights in taking on challenges. The Delta Flyer was originally intended as a space-faring hot rod by a crew member known for his keen interest in 20th-century automobiles. THF177017 "Holiday Barbie" ornament, 1993. Sculpted by Hallmark Keepsake Artists Lynn Norton and Anita Marra Rogers. On Ornament: 2022. Press the button on the base of the ornament to activate the sights and sounds of an epic battle scene from one of the most action-packed, Hailing frequencies are open.From the command deckof the Starship Enterprise, Lieutenant Uhurabreaks the silence of deep space. Light: No. Enterprise Gold metal, Walmart exclusive. The 1994 Klingon Bird of Prey Hallmark ornament is modeled after the imposing Klingon space vessels from the hit television series: STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. 717 Caboose - $10 DanburyMint has a consumer rating of 1. U.S.S. Transporter Water Globe Of all the 23rd-Century technological wonders aboard the U.S.S. To boldly go where no man has gone before is not a task for the timid. QXE3743, 073. Tendra Colony, 2348. 103. Purchase Includes: One 2022 Keepsake Ornament in gift box for easy gift giving, preservation and storage. Each one is showcased in its own unique frame that enhances the artwork and the enjoyment of the familiar images. Commanded by Admiral William T. Riker, the refitted Enterprise and officers are reunited with the former captain, Jean-Luc Picard. Containsa ceramic reproduction of US Postal Service USS Enterprise postage stamp. Sculpted by Hallmark Keepsake Artists Lynn Norton and Anita Marra Rogers. She is cautious and guarded around humans like other Vulcans, she considers them to be primitive and irrational. Plastic Christmas tree ornament is lead-free and measures 2.75 W x 4.62 H x 1.84 D. Legends Series #4: Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, 069. Vengeance This powerful ship was created for times of interstellar war rather than for the exploration of strange new worlds. Kelvin just like during the battle with Nero and the Romulans that were from the future in the J.J. Abrams feature film, Star Trek. Spock (Decoupage)Walmart exclusive 092. Shuttlecraft Galileo Includes lights and a voice clip of Spock. Human, daughter of noted scientists. Although its distinctive features are powerful energy plasma torpedoes, a cloaking device rendering it all be undetectable by Romulan enemies, and a hull decorated with a colorful bird from which the ship gets its name. Includes light features. Qapla! (The expression Qapla! Hallmark Channel's Share A Little Love Sweepstakes Rules. Voyager remind us that hope shines brightest during the holidays. the 1973-2006 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Value Guide sells at auction for $20 to $30. Responding to an enigmatic call for help, Captain Spock offers his ship and eager but inexperienced crew to veteran commander Admiral James T. Kirk. 2018 Spock Head Red Box Priced 2HCM4848 085c. 2022 Storyteller Mirror Kirk White Box QXI7873, 101. This special event edition repaint of the2007 LieutenantUhura limited quantity ornament was created for exclusive distribution at major collector events and conventions. If you have any questions feel free to, 1980 Heavenly Minstrel Tabletop *Slightly Damaged Box. Defiant. With the help of the Voyager crew, Seven gradually regained a nearly human appearance and adopted more human values even taking pride in her own individuality and becoming a member of the crew. Connect this tree topper to the power adapter (included) to see the continuous light effect. Includes the same audio clip as the more widely available gold edition. Inspired by the Legends series. This Star Trek Hallmark Ornament features sound: A starfleet communicator as it is opened, as used by Enterprise crew members on the hit television show, followed by the voice of William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk, and his famous opening for the show: Space the Final Frontier. . This ornament was originally available for purchase in limited quantities exclusively at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International (July 18-21, 2013) and New York Comic Con (October 10-13) events. This repaint of a 2015 Keepsake Ornament has a total production run of 3,325 and sales will be limited to 225 per day. Press the button on the ornament to hear music from this exciting scene! Kelvin engaged a hostile Romulan vessel as it emerged from a black hole. Enterprise, none has proven more useful and more captivating than the transporter chamber. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Blown Glass), 055. Click on any image for a larger view and more information and on the shopping cart link to purchase. Kelvin features a heavily battle damaged U.S.S. Home > Hallmark Ornaments - Series Hallmark Ornaments - Series A Celebration of Angels A Pony for Christmas A Visit From Santa African American Ornaments All God's Children All About Mickey All-American Trucks American Girls Angels Around the World Through the Years with Hallmark Ornaments November 11, 2019 Archive Insight "Classic American Cars Series: 1966 Mustang" ornament, 1992. Voyager in Delta Quadrant. Rank: Sub-commander, Science Officer, assigned to ENTERPRISE NX-01. Worf, like most Klingons, values of honor and loyalty above all else, as demonstrated by his most famous quote from Star Trek: The Next Generation, where he said: If winning is not important, then why keep score? spoken like a TRUE KlingonQXI4139, 020. Connect this table decoration to the power adapter (included) to see the continuous light effect. Set of six Hallmark Keepsake holiday ornaments from 2004-2005 - perfect for your train enthusiast! Now burned and paralyzed from an accident, Pike can no longer walk or talk. Captain Jonathan Archer ENTERPRISE NX-01. Reliant Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan finds the crew of theU.S.S. U.S.S. 100. With this fierce battleship orbiting around your tree, you had better notify Starfleet Command to send help immediately, just in case the Klingon commander has something up his sleeve. Famous words: Please state the nature of your medical emergency.. Crown Rewards are registered trademarks of Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, Missouri. Famous Words: I am superior, Sir, in many ways, but I would gladly give it up to be human.. Event editionlimited to 3,450. Rank: Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One, assigned as Borg liaison to Starfleet Captain Kathryn Janeway in early 2374. See the 1988 Miniature Ornaments. Enterprise NCC-1701 with the iconic Starfleet insignia and shiny metallic gold accents. They do a matching ornament for each year's Holiday Barbie, and vintage reproduction ornaments (usually several) each year. QXI8349, 034. Attach ship to base and press button to hear Captain Picards monologue and music from the opening credits of STAR TREK: The Next Generation. Seven of Nine was the only surviving drone of the Borg Cube that attempted to assimilate the Federation Starship Voyager. in 1998, the United States Postal Service issued its largest-ever series of commemorative postage stamps. Nearly identical to its predecessor, theENTERPRISE-A was prematurely launched to intervene in a hostage situation on planet NIMBUS III, forcing the crew to complete vital systems while en route. Plastic Christmas tree ornament measures approximately 3.65 x 2.56 x 1.75. Hallmark History | Hallmark Corporate Information History On January 10, 1910, a teenager from Nebraska stepped off a train in Kansas City, Mo., with little more than big dreams and two shoeboxes of picture postcards. His friendly Southern manner masks an intense curiosity and his thirst for adventure when encountering alien cultures and technologies often leads to surprising consequences. Defiant, and as Emissary of the Prophets for the people of Bajor. . Here are the most valuable Hallmark ornaments you can buy today. With unparalleled artistry and exceptional detail, Hallmark Keepsake Christmas ornaments are perfect for preserving precious memories, commemorating special milestones and celebrating individual hobbies and . Enterprise NCC-1701-D For twenty-five years, science fiction fans have enjoyed watching the 24th century adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Home delivery to elderly or disabled 07906 474654, 1.49, 07906 474654.C. We are on a mission of peaceful exploration.To hear Captain Janeways message, press the sound button located beneath the front of the ship. QXI7509, 033. . You can plug this ornament into any miniature light bulb socket on a miniature Christmas tree light string, or plug it into the Hallmark Legacy Cord (sold separately). Features lights. Captain James T. Kirk frequently relied on her calm demeanor and sharp intellect for important missions away from the ship as well. Born on the Klingon Homeworld, the eldest son of Mogh, Worf was raised by humans because his family was killed at the Battle of Kittamer when the Romulans destroyed the Klingon outpost because they were betrayed by the Duras family. The ship and crew introduced Star Trek viewers to the final frontier with unparalleled adventure, life on new worlds and unimaginable technologies. Sound: Yes. Our Hallmark Online is inclusive of Ornaments from 1973 thru current day. Browse Hallmark Ornaments by Year by choosing a year from the selections below. Commander Data Born: Omicron Theta Colony. Over time, the Doctor developed a unique personality and came to be regarded as a valued member of the crew. Authentic reproductions of six noteworthy designs are featured in the 1999 Keepsake Ornament line. This mirror universe Imperial Star Ship Enterprise featured dagger-and-Earth symbols as decr, armed soldiers in every corridor, and torture chambers called agony booths to keep crew members compliant with command. Shuttlecraft Galileo His computer program ran continuously and adapted to new situations. And even though this takes up a considerable amount of his time, as does the shannanagins of the local bar tender, Quark, Captain Sisko still has time to enjoy his favorite pastime baseball. To hear Spocks message, press the button labeled Press Here on the bottom of the shuttlecraft. 1997 Hallmark Ornaments 1996 Hallmark Ornaments 1995 Hallmark Ornaments 1994 Hallmark Ornaments 1993 Hallmark Ornaments 1992 Hallmark Ornaments 1991 Hallmark Ornaments 1990 Hallmark Ornaments 1989 Hallmark Ornaments 1988 Hallmark Ornaments 1987 Hallmark Ornaments 1986 Hallmark Ornaments 1985 Hallmark Ornaments 1984 Hallmark Ornaments QXI3326, 088. This Keepsake Ornament features dialogue between Locutus and the Borg queen. 2019 No Image Red Tag2HCM5368, 093. The Ornament Factory, LLC new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write(new Date().getFullYear());. Press the button on the ornament to hear music from this exciting scene! U.S.S. The North Pole Village Musical Ornament With Light and Motion is worth a good bit of cash, landing at the top of the list for $59.99. Keepsakes 50th Anniversary! QXE3042, 054. When did Hallmark miniature ornaments start. This 2013 Comic-Con exclusive U.S.S. 114. Tribble Features motion and sound. eBay item number: 385441989640 Item specifics Back to home page Return to top A flagship of Starfleet, U.S.S. Mr. Spock Born: Planet Vulcan. These are the famous words of Dr. Leonard Bones McCoy, the Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Put the fearsome-looking ship on display with this meticulously detailed Christmas tree ornament. Voyager: This is Captain Janeway of the Federation Vessel Delta Flyer. 2021 La Sirena Hear scenes from the show! (Friday Updates), 020. Voyager:This is Captain Janeway of the Federation Vessel Delta Flyer. Enterprise NCC-1701 Star Trek Pilot Version Fully Painted Edition A fully painted version of the gold edition available at the San Diego Comic Con, New York Comic Con, and Star Trek: Mission New York. Engines such as the Union Pacific DD-35 is understandably smaller in scale due to the inherent size of the prototype unit! This 2001 Star Trek Hallmark ornament is a battery operated ornament with display base that features sound and light. A small scout ship can be seen, docked in the aft section of the fuselage. To see the light feature, press the button next to the battery compartment on the bottom of the ornament. Legends Series #5: Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu One of the most versatile and reliable officers aboard the U.S.S. Year Manufactured: 2019. Saddened by Ilias disappearance, Decker ultimately sacrifices himself and joins with the Ilia probe in a successful attempt to save the planet. QXI6215, 040. All sales are final. Youll hear the voice of Strategic Operations Officer Worf (Michael Dorn). This ornament was issued in limited quantities and first available at the 2014 Keepsake Ornament Premiere event. The bridge is lighted, and blue panels glow from inside the propulsion ring. Voyager A unique ornament! Famous words: Highly illogical. Enterprise seen in the movie is the sixth starship in the history of the Federation to carry the proud name Enterprise. Putting up the family Christmas tree is a tradition for many
101. Both Uhuras name and her spirit reflect the Swahili word for freedom.This special edition ornament was issued in limited quantities and first available at the 2007 Keepsake Ornament Premiere event. Yet privately, he struggled in his efforts to suppress the emotions of his half-human heritage in keeping with the ancient, logic-based teaching of his home planet, Vulcan. You may also search for Hallmark Ornaments by Series. Enterprise in 2016s STAR TREK BEYOND. Add this ball of fuzzy love to your Christmas tree to keep away Klingons or simply to bring memories of the classic episode The Trouble With Tribbles from the Star Trek original television series. This Keepsake Ornament is a ship from the Vulcan fleet that features their characteristic sleek dagger-like hull and upright ring design. This special edition ornament was issued in limited quantities and first available at the 2007 Keepsake Ornament Premiere event. If a Hallmark ornament is out of stock, just click on the ""add to the waiting list"" link, and we'll notify you as soon as we have it back into stock. During their exploration, the ship and crew introduced us to life on new planets and unimaginable technologies. Enterprise NCC-1701-C Battle DamagedInspired by the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Yesterdays Enterprise, depicts the iconic starship with a battle-damage paint scheme as it appeared on screen. Enterprise. QMP001, 085. During their exploration, the ship and crew introduced us to life on new planets and unimaginable technologies. The words spoken by the two crew members and the Guardian are printed inside the box.
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