If I knew Y/n was out there, right now, alive, I wouldnt do it. Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. As you lied strewn across the sofa of your small apartment, you could see buckets and buckets all of water pouring down outside. #philza When she had finally woken up, she found Tommy and Tubbo sleeping in chairs by her side, each holding one of her hands. Glatt: he/it 18 Blade: she/they 19 (icon by cinnipup on insta! After many hugs and some tears. Her hair bounced behind her with every large step. I laugh lightly, linking our pinkies in a promise. The book isnt going anywhere! you responded, turning back to him. It had all three members on itPrussia, France, and Spain, looking as great as they always did. I would say so, hed get kinda defensive, although some of its just joking with his friends, sometimes its serious. Honestly, I dont think I can handle this type of mission right now. That is when he's sober. Fluff alphabet courtesy of @magical-warlock <3. Bbh: The sweetheart cradle/head on chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 years old~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? "I should kill you where you stand. But shes not there, shes gone. I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. Turn that off! Hell give you things in minecraft and small things irl here and there. Whats wrong? Cap asks. At least twice a day Peter would ask me to get him something. I do, all the time. But the good news is, their base is about to be completely destroyed! I say breathlessly as I run up the fourth flight of stairs, 20 more to go! And what made you come to that conclusion? I ask back, trying to sound more confused than annoyed. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. You've never done this before, but there's always time for a new experience. knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 1)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 2)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling!reader) (pt 1), wilbur (tubbo's older sibling! Purpled made this for you. Everything about this nation leads to death, and it has to be cleansed. ! [CH] : Hey! Hov could you think zhat?. Just as I reach about the 20th floor a giant piece of cement lands on the right of the stairs I was just about to begin climbing. And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! Do they love to kiss and cuddle? Though thats probably because I play and sing them nonstop when on a call with him. He always believes in you, and he is willing to do anything to help you. The week had been busy, and you were happy that it was finally over. So, youre telling me that that giant rock made it all the way to you on the lower level? Peter asks. Lets go before we miss the party. With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door. This is so you can see what Im working on at the moment! Y/n lived off of the woods and villages that . If I press it, it might do nothing. I GOT WAY TOO BUSY WITH WORK AND SCHOOL AND STREAMING THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT! you thought he'll make a comment about your awful mascara . Wait, were you guys texting me from the same room? Explosions ring out across the whole nation, some even flinging me across the room. Im scared of loud noises.. Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. He immediately ends the stream, but doesnt disconnect from the discord call. What? I say quietly. This idea was originally supposed to be for the Two Ghosts fic but I think it went to far off track, so I separated it with the intention of writing it out as a stand alone fic. Should be. Well, Mujer Bonita, we dont have our set up with us at the moment, I heard Big Q say through the call. That was it, my decision was made. #tubbo In 1157 Henry the Lion, duke of Bavaria, granted the monks the right to establish a market where the road from Salzburg met the Isar River. You looked up at the poster. And everyone else sitting on the couches and chairs that surround the fire. Here have some blue, he said. "Exactly y/n, you start with your heading, you say dear and then the person you are talkin. He slowly stood from his chair towering over her. Niki was the first person to react when she heard her best friends voice. Prompt: "This used to be a great country but you are destroying it.". Preventing him from injuring himself. #karljacobs The one thing that stood out to me the most was the crowd of people all talking outside of the tent. #ranboo #minecraft ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? He had been through a lot. #bbh Multiple byes and see yas can be heard from the call before Tommy logs off. K iss - Are they a good kisser? But he did. like if you just crawl onto the bed behind him & hug him? I think the only secret quackity would have is the secret gc with karl and sapnap in it lol. You should knov that I love you more than life itself. Is it obvious for others? Warnings: Reference to tits as a joke, slight innuendo, cursing, a single mention of k*lling, but overall just fluff fun! Tommy grabs hold of my hand and pulls me around the bend. You made your way over to your couch, turning on the television as you did so. Everyone had signed the plaque to show their love and flowers were planted and placed all around the memorial. irl!mcyts having a long-distance relationship w you! #quackity x male reader. My phone begins vibrating. Especially if those people have never met you in real life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUACKITY I HOPE HE HAS THE BEST DAY EVER (also out there gettin old/j) OKAY ANYWAY WE KNOW THE DRILL PICTURES. I never zhought zhe day vould come.". But as I reach the stairs and begin to climb them, the flight below me collapses. How do they deal with it? Youre my son! I stand there, staring at the one thing that controls the fate of this. #jschlatt You should be grateful you still have a fucking job.. Nothing helps, not even taking sleep meds. She was wearing a flower crown that Tubbo always made for her each spring morning, holding what people called Her Book of Dreams, and she was wearing her spring dress. J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? Feel free to check that out if you feel like it. Note: In 1st person. G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? I cant do this! Can you build a fucking Eiffel Tower?" It goes on like this for a while. Hov could you think zhat?. You scowled, impatiently tapping your foot. Both laying on your sides face to face. Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you dont want to? I ask, tilting my head to the side. "I don't know. Watching as she turned on her heels and walked away. We stayed like that until Tommy had run out of fireworks to light. What happens when she wakes up to find her lover gone and a ghost in his place? Its also loosely based on the song Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes. This is it, its over, I say reaching for the button. And if he holds you close like this no one can hurt you. Are you saying you like the book more than me? you mockingly gasped melodramatically. Mhm, I say quietly, still looking at the wall. I promise. He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine. Like, he can be a real asshole sometimes! History. All he knows is he wants to live with you and spend his days with you, he hasnt really thought about the finer details like kids/marriage and all that crap. It was hard to think of marriage and love. Pass Me That, Would You? | Peter Parker. Why are all of you so sad? He likes to look at you. I scan the file, eyes widening. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. To our dearest Y/n, throughout all the years, we have been grateful for everything you have done for us. Y/N straightened her tie. reader) (pt 1), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3.5)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling! When Y/n was back on her feet, Phil called Techno, letting him know that she was going to be okay. Cw: use of Gods name (not sure if it needs to be here, but just in case ofc), just Quackity being a simp. At first, I couldnt understand a word hed say, but now I know bits and pieces. Werent you playing on the SMP?. Hes always holding your hand, or is touching you somewhere, it comforts him. He feels like he's protecting you. Knowing (name) she was probably being bullied or chased again by his older bruder and his dummkopf friends, since she was the youngest of the Vagras brother Lovino and Feliciano. Y/N straightened her tie. Tommy looks over when he hears me laugh at the boys reaction. Techno had a plan in place in case something were to go horribly wrong. What do you two think you are doing on the ground? Tommy called out from the distance. I dont know, but its going to be okay. sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! 1,221 notes Mar 4th, 2021. Tommy, the lady has a point, Karl jumps in. Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? I dont like that! The hospital. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. Pass me that, would you? Peter asks, pointing to the cup of water on the counter. Are they empathetic? Pleassseeee! (see the dream team & co. through my eyes! He has too much pride to want to cuddle. You should see the look on her face, Tommy says, somewhat annoyed. Maybe Nat should do this one.. #tommyinnit They had jerked awake when she squeezed their hands, both letting out sighs of relief and then calling to Phil. He'll wrap his arms around you and lightly stroke your hair. Yup, I do, Phil says with his arms crossed. You okay mi amor? Alex asked, walking back over to me. I gave him a pouty face while trying to get his attention. This is my first ever Y/n so I hope I did okay. Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? "Can you stop that-" Sam started, monotoned. He visibly flinched with every stifled crunch his shoes would create in the hardened, frozen ground, and at every snap of a twig beneath his weight as he continued almost wading his way through the depths of the freshly fallen snow, picking his feet over the mounds and observing them vaguely. it always seems to help. Well, his singing definitely comes in handy, whether it be you had a bad day, cant sleep, etc. So, youre releasing anger about using your abilities, by using your abilities?, Woah, sorry, geez! When I first met him though, I almost fell out of my chair because I jumped so hard when he yelled out his welcome.. -- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering chumHandle [CH] -- Im reading, Ludwig answered, turning a page of his book. His hands were warm on my ears, and I couldnt seem to make myself look away from his eyes. The broken and battered buildings loomed over you like the remains of a shattered nation. #dreamwastaken The man he was before the alcohol and power got to him. He runs outside, everyone else following. Y/n had taken the news surprisingly well, but what was unknown to everyone but Y/n, was that Y/n had already expected this outcome. N/n and I have to go. But, Im an agent here, I knew what type of work Id have to do if I joined. Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. Big Q immediately answers this and Im not surprised. (technoblade), let me tell you a story (romantic for wilbur, older sibling for tommy), just say hi! But I cant live in this place knowing that she she died here. Well, well, well, I knew you could do it. Hes my best friend, but hes just irritating sometimes. I cant be reminded of her shagged breaths, pained whimpers, or scream of pain as the blade pierced her skin. Look up idiot, I hear Peter say from both my earpiece and from above me. You had 3 weeks to complete that essay and you put it off until the night before. But he thought she lost her last Canon Life, he snapped and blew up L'manburg. Its 16 hours long and full of amazing songs that will help while you write or do school work. You told me you would be done 25 minutes ago.. But Itll be done sometime this night! Because I couldnt figure out how to tell you. reader) (pt 2), head cannons! This bend was conveniently wide enough for me not to be able to see the other side. Im tired, physically and mentally, I just want a break. Somehow, HYDRA had caught on to what Ive been doing. Your shoes clicked against the ruined streets of Berlin with each step. after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! Alright, calm down! Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. You haven't even given him a name yet so you started thinking about the. I look at all their faces, theyre horrified that I would do something like this. I pull out my phone, opening Discord to find absolutely no messages from my main SMP friends. Sam left the room, Charlie following to see him out of the area and make sure he would finish the tower. But now he just yells for the fun of it. Techno quickly made his way to her, pulling her into a tight hug. Most people honestly would have lost any hope for finding it, lost all belief in the idea of true love, but not him. Wilbur went to get some food and find shelter. #callahan Hes upfront about the relationship and he likes to brag! Ludwig bookmarked his page and set it down on the table near. But the past is in the past. I say. Munich, or Mnchen ("Home of the Monks"), traces its origins to the Benedictine monastery at Tegernsee, which was probably founded in 750 ce. But to his surprise, he found Y/n laying on the couch, where Techno had left her. Schlatt stood in shock. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. Wed like to preface this with a huge THANK YOU! Tears threatened to spill. Make your way into the build, Tony says. Holding you close. simping. Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID GET ME MORE ALCOHOL! Schlatt screamed. ), Remember the rules & who/what we write! What would the marriage be like? A couple of weeks went by and nothing changed. When chat first started spamming it, about a year ago, Tommy had freaked out. not entirely a cuddling thing but still a soft hugging thing: he loves it when you back hug him while hes playing guitar. Karl, a close friend to Y/n and Niki, made his way to the girls and wrapped his arms around them. so heres a filler inbetween fics, im currently writing 3 and im trying to take my time, so in the mean time i whipped up this, im also posting an nsfw one later :), The fluff alphabet hcs! If you know the artist, please tell me and I shall give proper credits and link back to the original picture.). I laugh and put on a headset, pulling the extra microphone over to me. He loves giving you forehead kisses and being the big spoon! There is a lot of TNT, potentially connected to that button, he reminds me, gesturing to the button on the wall. Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? Happy Fourth of July everyone! Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed. Bringing the whole ceiling crumbling down. quackity had invited you to a spontaneous getaway to who knows where.. wherever really. In the area around L'manberg I reply, knowing damn well he knows where we are. She was gone Now, there was no one here to stop me from my reckless thinking. Im so sorry its taking so long! What would they do to make their s/o happy? (Fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock !! I reached out my hand towards the ceiling and pulled in a downward as hard as I could with my mind. I meant to bring a pipe to me and instead I brought the whole bottom floor ceiling down on itself. With the ram man! Karl: The honeymoon hug. He loves for you to lay your head on his chest. Once given the news, Techno rushed home to find Y/n walking through the garden. Look how pretty Y/n is!" he giggles and fixes his beanie. You said it would be done and now we are set back.". All you wanted to do was smother him in hugs and kisses, but it didnt seem like enough because you loved that boy more than any words or little actions could explain. Not gonna lie, hes kinda a dick sometimes. Quackity was going through an entire deck, flicking the cards closer and closer each time to see how close he could get it to Sam's face before the creeper hybrid would snap. But- I cut in before Peter could interrupt. #nihachu Theyre both really good :D - Blade, Request from the lovely @inkyynki ! You weren't surprised when you saw your good friend Feliciano springing along amongst the snow like an over excited child, his small brown curl bouncing slightly with every leap of faith he took to get further into the thickening snow. Tommy where are we going? I ask for about the third time during our little night drive. I havent heard that voice in over 3 weeks. A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. He wanted to start over. What do you think youre doing? He leans over and looks at my screen. There is nothing here. And were you in a call with Tommy from the same place?. "Oh whatever Y/n.". Its to help you not feel sad anymore.. Ur my boy/girlfriend now ha. I turned a corner while I was running and ran straight into a group of fucking guards. I cant read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that theyre worried.. That's what this was, what Las Nevadas is supposed to be, and as soon as it is finished, he'll be free. Schlatt: Back to Back. It was still a little crooked, but it would have to do. The beeping sound found its way into your head, it was anno, Why cant you just pick me? S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Im so fucking stupid, I knew better than to leave my room at that hour. Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled. Bye!. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. His office, located smack dab in the center of Las Nevadas above the Casino was illuminated by the lights. But it is there, you just won it back Will, he replies, stepping closer. #lmanberg
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