1: Hostile World, Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. This is by far the smallest of the comic orders containing between 5,000 and 7,000 comics. Also featured is the excellent Man of Steel limited series and the Post-Crisis origins of many of the biggest DC superheroes. Price: $3.99. 3: The Gathering Storm, All-Star Western Vol. Still, keep in mind that as you change character perspectives, you may move slightly forward or backward in time. 2: The Face and theBrute, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Event alert! 4: Gods and Monsters. Sins of Sinister Part 4: Immoral X-Men #1 in Review! We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Stories published by DC, but taking place outside the DC Universe, will not be listed in the Chronology. 5: What Lies Beneath, Justice League United Vol. It is also currently going on but it is also not canon. In the aftermath of Green Lantern: Lights Out, Highfather learns that ring-wielders stole secrets from beyond the Source Wall! After New 52 came Rebirth, and the reading order of that period is here. 2 #18, Batman and Robin Vol. 3: The Voice in the Fire, our full reading order dedicated to Convergence, Earth 2: Society Vol. The lights of the Lanterns are fading as the emotional spectrum is being drained. A legion of teens is putting on the yellow R and following in the footsteps of their crime-fighting icons. 2, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. 1: Faces of Death, Suicide Squad Vol. Welcome to the DC You Reading Order. It only features the most important moments from the highest profile characters in the DC Universe. Event alert! complete dc reading order. Part of Crushing Krisis's Crushing Comics. The Controls: There are five different control selectors that can be used to filter and search the chronology. 2: The Fearsome Fangs StrikeAgain, House of Mystery Vol. After the event all characters were given new and updated origin stories. 2, Legion of Super Heroes: Vol. I always advise reading his two trade paperbacks from the New 52 era together, as it is not impacted by other Bat events. Powered by WordPress. This thread was lurking at the end of the forum and has 1300 ish comics listed. The Batman: Contagion event marks the beginning of a series of events that will culminate in Batman: No Mans Land several years later. The Justice League, Justice League of America and Justice League Dark will take it to the next level! The Flash: Rebirth addresses the return of Barry Allen, The Red Circle explains the arrival of Red Circle Comics characters into DC continuity, Milestone Forever is a limited series that explains theincorporation of Milestone characters into DC continuity. 3, The Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives Vol. 5:Heroes, Green Lantern: Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage1+2, Green Arrow: Connor Hawke: DragonsBlood, Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space VolumeOne, Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space VolumeTwo, Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side ofGreen, Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume1, Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume2, Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. I'm kicking off my own Indie Comics Month with a guide to the comic that started the Image Revolution (but has become a curious piece of somewhat lost media). 2, DCs Greatest Imaginary Stories Vol. Superman, Superboy and Supergirl go head to head with a powerful Kryptonian being known as Hel in Superman: Hel on Earth. 1: God Particle, Superman: Action Comics Vol. For example selecting 30th century for the start year would
Krypton Returns is a follow-up to the events of HEl on Earth. The DC Comics Quick List This is a quick reference page that lists every DC bookshelf format release in reading order with simple text links. DC Rebirth Reading Order - Complete Issue by Issue and Trade Reading Orders DC Rebirth Reading Order Reading Orders Welcome to our gigantic DC Rebirth Reading Order page. Dark Nights: Metal Omnibus. 2, The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. DC Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Third Season $23.99When purchased online In Stock Add to cart About this item Specifications Movie MPAA Rating: Nr Movie Studio: Warner Bros. Movie Category: Television Movie Genre: Film + TV + Radio Run Time (minutes): 1080 Software Format: Blu-ray Language: English Subtitle Language: French, Spanish 2, Wonder Woman: Diana Prince: Wonder Woman Vol. Gotham City is miraculously transformed into a bright and happy utopia where most Batman Family members have new identities in Gothtopia. 1986-2011); Earth-S (featuring Captain Marvel's Golden Age adventures). 5: Gothtopia, Worlds Finest Vol. Your Favorite Television Super-Team isBack! Event alert! And so are DCs Trinity; Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as they fight to find the truth of who could pit them against one another in this lead-up to a bigger event known as Forever Evil. 1: United They Stand(Digest), Justice League Unlimited: Worlds GreatestHeroes. 1, Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. Following the conclusion of the Flashpoint limited series (see Reading Order), all titles set in the DC Universe were canceled and relaunched with new #1 issues. Stories may contain multiple events (known as sequences) which occur during different time periods. It has repercussions on the Bat-Family. Event Alert! , This site is a great starting point Comic Reading Orders. This has been carefully curated by ourselves to be complete and in chronological order for those wanting to either start reading it fresh or to find a suitable place to jump in. 2: Cycle of Violence, Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 4: The Beauty ofDecay, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. Justice League of America Vol. 1, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Rotworld The Red Kingdom, Swamp Thing Vol. It also focuses on new or reintroduced characters, while allowing writers more creative freedom in telling their stories. Its up to Hal and the Green Lanterns to rally the Corps if they are going to survive in Green Lantern: Lights Out, a crossover that involves the four Green Lantern books. Crisis on Infinite Earths is the first universe redefining crossover comic book event ever. It's a RuPaul''s Drag Race anniversary ball! First appearances are marked by the earliest issue the character appeared in, not necessarily their earliest chronological appearance. It can then be used to advance quickly through the list. These drag artists range from beauty influencer pop stars to veteran va-va-voom show girls to YouTube rockers. 2: Death of aDream, JLA Classified: That Was Now, This IsThen, Gotham Central: Volume 4: The Quick and theDead, Justice League: Justice League Elite Volume2, Superman / Batman: The Greatest Stories EverTold, Teen Titans / Outsiders: The Death and Return of DonnaTroy, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: The OMACProject, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Day ofVengeance, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Rann-ThanagarWar, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: VillainsUnited, Green Lantern: The Greatest Stories EverTold, Green Arrow / Black Canary: For BetterOrWorse, Superman/Batman: Superman/Batman:Vengeance, Seven Soldiers of Victory Book 1(Hardcover), Seven Soldiers of Victory Book 2(Hardcover), JLA: Volume 19: World Without a JusticeLeague, Green Arrow: Volume 7: Heading Into TheLight, Supergirl and The Legion of Super-Heroes: Strange Visitor From AnotherCentury, Supergirl and The Legion of Super-Heroes: AdultEducation, Supergirl and The Legion of Super-Heroes: DominatorWar, Supergirl and The Legion of Super-Heroes: The Quest for CosmicBoy, Green Lantern: Revenge of the GreenLanterns, Infinite Crisis Aftermath: Battle ForBludhaven, Superman Returns: The Movie and OtherTales, Green Arrow: Volume 8: Crawling Through TheWreckage, Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis: Once andFuture, Superman and Batman Vs. Aliens andPredator, DC Animated: Justice League Unlimited Vol. A vengeful Ocean Master returns and the war for Atlantis triggers a battle between Aquaman and the Justice League in Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. . Issues: Action Comics #6 to Legionnaires #4, Events: Jack Kirbys Fourth World, Aquaman: Death of a Prince, Crisis on Infinite Earths, First Appearances: Batman, Big Barda, Bizarro, Brainiac, Catwoman, The Creeper, Deathstroke, Doom Patrol, Jimmy Olsen, John Constantine, Joker, Krypto, Metal Men, Metallo, New Gods, Parasite, Solomon Grundy, Supergirl, Swamp Thing. After going all-out fighting a brutal battle to stop Doomsday, Superman undergoes a transformation that puts the world and all those he cares about at risk in Superman: Doomed. As said in our full reading order dedicated to Convergence, this limited series happened while the publisher moves its offices from New York City to Burbank California. It is where our New 52 era starts! Combat, Worlds Finest, Ravagers and Batman Incorporated (placed later on this reading order). We have also some new titles during that time, including Justice League of America, Katana, Constantine, Batman/Superman or Superman/Wonder Woman. Learn why I call my Guide to Uncanny X-Men in the 00s "The Trade Era" with this overview of the period and the six authors who steered the original X-Men flagship book through its final decade. 1, Superman: The Worlds Finest Comics Archives Vol. Flashpoint happened and we enter a new phase in our favorite characters history. Khalid Nassour is the new Doctor Fate during the New 52 era and the star of his own series. ), Green Arrow: Volume 2: Sounds ofViolence, JLA: Volume 11: The Obsidian Age BookOne, The Flash/Superman: Superman Vs. 6: Universes Finest, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 6: The Hourman and thePython, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. The New 52, DC You, and DC Rebirth reading orders only contain in-continuity comic issues. The Mutants FromHell, Elseworlds: Batman: The Brotherhood of theBat, Birds of Prey: Black Canary/Oracle: Birds ofPrey, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC ComicsCollection, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel ComicsCollection, DC Animated: Batman: The Collected Adventures Vol. This is a reading order for all DC comics published in the Rebirth era, beginning with DC Universe: Rebirth #1 and currently ongoing. 2 #18, Batgirl Vol. You have one week to make your voice heard on what books should go back to press (and we KNOW Marvel actually listens). 1: TeenageRevolution, Legion of Super Heroes: Vol. This allows the selection to be sorted either chronologically by in universe events or
1, DC Comics Classics Library: Superman: KryptoniteNevermore, Wonder Woman: Diana Prince: Wonder Woman Vol. We will try to help you navigate the history of DC Comics and provide you with several options on how to tackle the enormous number of comics. Vous tes ici : breaking news cass county mi; bp trading and shipping development program salary; complete dc reading order . Fast Track Guide to Classic DC Comics (1942 to 2000), Fast Track Guide To the Modern DCU (2000 to 2011), Frank Millers Batman Year One & Dark Knight Returns, http://www.comicsbackissues.com/comic-book-reading-order/batman-reading-order/, https://www.comicbookherald.com/the-best-comics-of-all-time/. 3, Showcase Presents: The Brave And The Bold: Batman Team-ups Vol. Brilliant answer. return nothing since no comics have been published in the 30th century. 8, Justice League Of America Archives Vol. The 1st Modern Age events and storyline are worth reading in my opinion, but it's a big storyline and not necessary to understant the current storyline. Youll find other approaches on the web, some with more Phase/Part and some with less. 3, Superman: The Action Comics Archives Vol. The end of an era. Event Alert! It's my way of sharing my borderline obsessive addiction to the comic book medium, and I hope you like some of what's going on here. 3, The Marvels -- which recently pushed its release date from July to November 2023. Superman and Superboy stories will be mixed together. Featuring weekly comic release discussions, creator AMAs, a friendly and helpful userbase, and much more! After the events of Batman Eternal, the Joker makes his return, following his disappearance in Death of the Family, in the story-arc Endgame. 2: A Matter of Death and Life, Superman: Action Comics Vol. This is the most slimmed down version of the DC order. 4, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. Welcome to the New 52 Reading Order. Phase 4 - don't know the order, not out yet. 1, The Green Lantern / Green ArrowCollection, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. It's a major update to the Crushing Comics guide that started it all - my Guide to Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont! 1: The Magnificent Seven(Digest), DC Animated: Justice League Adventures Vol. The Infinite Crisis event in 2005 is a sequel to Crisis on Infinite Earths and the aftermath of the event is a good place to start reading. You'll find the complete reading order since the relaunch right here. Plus, Sabretooth, Captain Britain | Comic Book Herald Live! As a consequence, the full line-up was relaunched after the crisis, including the Justice League. 2, Justice League Of America Archives Vol. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Legionnaires Annual 1 Afuturistic Knights of the Round Table. Each new era was the result of some event. Comics from the Golden and Silver Ages are contained in Part 1 of the reading order. Infinite Crisis - composed of multiple mini-series important to read: 52 - story of the lost year after Infinite Crisis - good but no a must for Final Crisis, 7 Solders of Victory - prequel to Final Crisis, Justice League by Geoff Johns + Forever Evil (to read alongside Justice League: Forever Heroes), Superman: Lois & Clark + Final Days of Superman, Earth-2 - event on another univers - not that important, Year of the Vilains: The Infected - it's different from Superman/Batman: The Infected, Justice League by Scott Snyder - up to Doom War.
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