NJIT Syllabi partners, which include Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson and NASA. | | Personal Opinion | I took this the 2nd semester of my freshman year and this is the only course that's made me reconsider CS. As the largest computer science department among research universities in the New York metropolitan area, the Department of Computer Science is a bustling stomping ground for students looking to explore computer science on both a technical and liberal arts level. Really good opportunities to get an internship or a co-op. Many technologies have been developed due to the interplay between World-Wide Web development and databases on one hand and the growth of database applications in e-commerce on the other hand. As more and more programming languages become obsolete, it really is more important to learn how to adapt to a new language by applying things you already know. About | I think only one topics from CS241 transferred to the following course, CS341, and even then, the topic wasn't even difficult to learn on your own. The students are expected to implement basic algorithms and experiment with existing widely-used ML software libraries on real datasets. Prerequisite: CS115 with a grade C or better. you may Download the file to your hard drive. CS491. Students will learn how to set up and program their own 3D graphics based game engine using OpenGL. Guide to CS at NJIT (My personal opinions). 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Dass goes really in depth with all the queries she has and would often times make one that's more than 400 characters, which she will follow up with a breakdown of what each part is doing. I wish I had paid more attention in this course because it would've saved me in the long run. Try making some. Like I said before, I think only 1 topic from this course was used in the following course, CS341. Interactive Computer Graphics. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Students are required to do programming assignments, complete a programming term project and review case studies. Students will work on their own game projects utilizing the professional game engine. Sounds Perfect !. Programming for Bioinformatics II. This course introduces fundamental concepts of interactive graphics oriented toward computer-aided design systems. LISP and Prolog programming languages are used extensively. As for my group, I was fortunate enough to have a 2 friends that I've taken classes with before to be on my team and we were able to complete all of the tasks on time. A study of advanced programming topics with logical structures of data, their physical representation, and the design of computer algorithms operating on the structures. This class is heavily reliant on a good team and that's why I would highly recommend taking this course with people you can trust to get shit done and people that have good working habits. Students will learn how to set up and program their own 2D graphics based game engine. CS280. Computer Science and Applied Physics - B.S. A GPA of 2.7 is required to enroll in co-op. The unique characteristics of programming for a mobile environment are introduced and explained. I can send you the markdown text for the formatting to be cleaner. Prerequisite: CS280 with a grade C or better. The breadth of computer science is all encompassing. The department also offers a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Homework. CS439. I had almost nothing to present during the midterm except wire frames/concepts of what I was supposed to be doing. I usually finished all of the projects a week before so I have some time to iron out bugs if they show up and confirm with some classmates that the project is working as intended. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). He really shows you what it's like to be in a company and be thrown on a team with varying skill sets and personalities that you may not like. I managed to graduate with 1 internship, 1 co-op and a few personal projects I worked on in the meantime. This course provides an introduction to computer networks, with a special focus on Internet architecture and protocols. Free Elective: Two courses any level. CS370. And to state the obvious : This is a summary of how I felt about the courses, and it is entirely my opinion. Projects are provided by faculty members or industry partners, or proposed by students who wish to become entrepreneurs. Doing some problems in 241 felt pretty good after knowing how to solve it, but more often than not, it's just regurgitating an answer for a similar question but with different numbers. The question is usually not something you would have to calculate, usually it would be a 1 word answer, but he would still just sit there and wait for someone to give a proper answer before continuing the lecture. Foundations of Computer Science I. dean1ryanl. BNFO135. Bell, Sohn, C. Number of courses: 154 All Courses Documents Q&A Popular Courses CS 100 1,204 Documents 128 Q&As CS 631 Student projects involve the use of a DBMS package. This course provides an understanding of the architecture of bioinformatics toolkits and experience in writing small bioinformatics programs using one or more of the scripting ("glue") languages frequently employed for such tasks. To view the content in your browser, please download Adobe Reader or, alternately, CS350 Intro Computer Systems - Syllabus Class Web page: http://web.njit.edu/~sohna/cs350 Homework submission page: http://canvas.njit.edu Instructors Andrew Sohn, GITC 4209, (973)596-2315, email: sohna _at_ njit _dot_ edu Do NOT send email on Canvas. Data Science this is a great opportunity for CS students. Prerequisites: CS114 and (MATH226 or CS241) with a grade C or better. If you tookMATH333Probability and Statisticsyou may take any of the following: CS337Performance Modeling in Computing. The Java language is introduced and used to highlight these concepts. The MS CS degree can be completed online. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). CS106. New Jersey Institute of Technology . CS301. All you need is a nice mid-range, $500 to $1000, laptop that can handle basic programs. CS350. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). The course also includes the organization of shells, editors, utilities, and programming tools of the UNIX operating system. The Administration and Faculty of the Department of Computer Science The indexing process and inverted indexes. > At the end of the course, students will be able to modify the Linux operating system to create their own. |, | CS280 | Programming Language Concepts | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Gerard Ryan | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | Gerard made every single class interesting. Data Mining. What do Computer Science majors do? Speaking of laptops, you should also consider dual booting or installing a linux distro on your laptop full-time. A lot of your exams will be similar to previous exams. Kleinberg's HITS, Google's PAGERANK). Do not spend thousands of dollars on a "gaming PC" with epic 2090938108TI GTX FTW SC GAMUR P E R F O R M A N C E ed1id1on. Despite what people think, I think Sohn is an excellent professor. 3 . 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Computer Science Syllabi CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management Tanweer Haroon Instructor Haroon Document Type Syllabus Course Semester Spring 2020 Department Computer Science Course Number CS 331 Course Section 104 Recommended Citation Haroon, Tanweer, "CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management" (2020). and Ph.D. degree programs in computer science and evolving interdisciplinary programs like telecommunication, bioinformatics and computing and business. Prerequisites: CS100 or CS115 and MATH333 or ECE321 with a grade C or better. First-year students are placed in a curriculum that positions them for success which may result in additional time needed to complete curriculum requirements. Read more about the online option. Topics include computer data structures for representation of two- and three-dimensional objects and algorithms for definition, modification, and display of these objects in applications. What I did in order to learn the material and also understand linux more, was I installed Linux on my laptop. Computer Programming and Problem Solving. He's one of the few professors in this school that made the class fun and enjoyable to listen to for more than an hour. 2. CS434. Show that NL is closed under the operations union, concatenation, and star. Princ of Bioinformatics II. A full-time credit load is 12 credits. I think CS114 was pretty challenging but it was also a great opportunity to learn Data structures and Algorithms. The course instructor will mentor and evaluate all projects in conjunction with an entrepreneurship board of industry, faculty, and alumni advisors. Overall, I wouldn't say it's a depressing campus because they are clearly working on it. You'll probably get scared by the emails about robberies on campus but more often than not, it's usually a person that's roaming around NJIT at 3 am with some beats on their head. CS458. Performance evaluation, discrete-event simulation, classification and optimization are covered. cs 110: intro to computer science a cs 111: intro to computer science b cs 113: intro computer sci i cs 252: computer org & architect The course also presents an overview of selected "big idea" topics in computing. Computer Science Syllabi. and just dismiss him/her. https://digitalcommons.njit.edu/cs-syllabi/85. I used the laptop for note taking on linux (linux made the experience much nicer for obvious reasons), and light programming. It really pains me to see that 241 is thought of as useless, because for most other schools it's just as important as 114. Introduction to Cybersecurity. | | Usefulness | I haven't used any Data Science in practice yet, but I'm sure I will eventually with the way things are going. Prerequisite: CS288 with a grade C or better. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). provides a more technical exploration of computer, science and is excellent for students planning to pursue advanced study in computer, science while the B.A. My Account | Introduction to Computer Networks. The way I utilized these operating systems is by using Windows for playing games and random stuff, and Linux for productivity. Prerequisites: CS280 and CS241 with a grade C or better. CS104. In DS Capstone II, teams of project participants will refine their design, implement and integrate component techniques into a complete software solution, present data analysis results, evaluate the system performance, and validate the proposed solution. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). I would also like to mention the added benefit of doing research with professors. It really teaches you how to take a complex problem which will seem daunting at first, and break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Guess I was wrong. | | Personal Opinion | This is a really easy course to grasp and understand fully. BNFO340. The project involves investigation of current literature as well as computer implementation of either a part of a large program or the whole of a small system. This course introduces students to the basic concepts of game programming and development. The campus is being improved upon everyday and there is (obviously) a lot of construction going on. Topics include remote access security, web security, wireless security, e-mail security, spam and spam filtering techniques, computer viruses and internet worms, honeypots and honeynets, security liability issues and compliance. Computer Science with Business Problems. didn't learn anything of note |, | CS301 | Data Science | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Senjuti Roy | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | I took this professor when she taught it for the first time to undergraduate students. Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, algorithm design, programming languages and data abstraction. Prerequisite grade requirement for Computer Science majors: Students are expected to earn a grade of B or better in CS 100. (how did I set up that thing in the build.gradle? The Computer Science Certificate is designed for professionals seeking to expand their technical skills and competencies for tackling the latest challenges in computer science and related areas. Theres also the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom via the Senior Capstone Program, a semester-long course that gives students the chance to draw on their years of studying and apply said knowledge to one of NJITs 200 industry sponsors and partners, which include Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson and NASA. Major & Degree Finder. Data Analysis for Bioinformatics II. I remember that he would ask the class if there are any questions on the previous lecture and if someone were to ask a question, he'd say something like "it was in the textbook, did you not read it?" I do remember a lot of people complaining about how he only taught a small portion of what is on the exam in class, but most of the topics were in the lecture notes. Topics include basic strategies for problem solving, constructs that control the flow execution of a program and the use of high level data types such as lists, strings, and dictionaries in problem representation. Real-life big-data applications and workflows in various domains are introduced as use cases to illustrate the development and execution of emerging big data-oriented solutions using HDFS, HBase, MapReduce/Spark, etc. Also, that's good advice, I'll put it in the thread soon, vraj you are so cute ;) kevin is also still an ape. Dunno, I'm pretty sure I remember Shu Lee saying it was his first semester teaching CS114, but it was so long ago I probably don't remember too well. Prerequisites: CS114 and (MATH333 or MATH341) with a grade C or better. Students will work with C extensively. Typically I would do Mediums for CS114 difficulty equivalent questions | | Useful links | Facebook professor's course material | | Study tips | Try to do all the homework by yourself and do not cheat off of other people. FAQ | This is really nice because you won't have to wander around the campus to find an empty room that could potentially have a class in it in 30 minutes. Covers concepts and principles of data mining in bioinfomratics. Prerequisites: CS100 and CS280 with a grade C or better. Software tools such as Tableau and programing languages such as Python will be used to represent and interpret information in various visual forms, and volumetric visualization algorithms such as marching cubes and ray casting will be used for big data visualization of 3D datasets in scientific domains. | | Personal Opinion | Morty made class pretty interesting with his stories, but it would sometimes be annoying because he would take up a portion of class talking about why street signs have the green color on the bottom and red on top and would often rush the actual material since there is less time. for students looking to explore computer science on both a technical and liberal arts level. CS116. GitHub is totally necessary, and maybe a personal website (which you can host for free at NJIT). Do not spend thousands of dollars on a "gaming PC" with epic 2090938108TI GTX FTW SC GAMUR P E R F O R M A N C E ed1id1on. It also taught me how to make an outline as well as how programs should run. Second, this course will help students gain knowledge of the applications to computer systems and communication security. Some general career advice that I can give you is : Pay attention to the CS 114 lecture and do leetcode before and while you are applying for your internship/co-op/first job. It's best to get familiar with linux sooner rather than later. CS490. Processing text (tokenization, stemming, stopwords, link analysis). But during every other semester, parking was a bitch which spawned this thread, Don't be afraid to go off campus to get food or drinks. Introduction to UNIX Operating Systems. It's more important to understand the basics of Computer Science and build on top of that. | | Usefulness | Never used anything I learned from CS 252 in practice, but it did build a foundation of what other courses are built on. | | Usefulness | Because CS 100 exposed me to Python, I found this class to be really useful in practice. Roadmap to Computing. People say NJIT is a really depressing campus and you won't find a social life. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Database system architecture; data modeling using the entity-relationship model; storage of databases; the hierarchical, network and relational data models; formal and commercial query languages; functional dependencies and normalization for relational database design; relation decomposition; concurrency control and transactions management. Programming for Bioinformatics. The course covers the UNIX system kernel including initialization, scheduling, context switching, process management, memory management, device management, and the file system. CS366. I honestly think it'd be a good idea to just retake this course while in your final semester here so you can practice common coding questions asked on interviews while you're looking for your first job. > Introduction to arrays and lists. It ranges from theoretical studies of algorithms to practical problems of system implementation involving both software and hardware. Computer Science Syllabi. He makes it pretty obvious what will be on the exams (Usually it's a copy pasta of the homework but with different numbers) and will explain things if you ask. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. CS492. Difficulty = How difficult I found the course to be. No dual booting. Case studies (e.g. This course provides a broad coverage of topics on big data generation, transfer, storage, management, computing, and analytics with focus on state-of-the-art technologies and tools used in big data systems such as Hadoop. I've made many different Python scripts that automate simple tasks that otherwise would've taken me hours. Topics include basics of cryptography, access control, malware, software security, storage and file security, operating-system security, database security and secure communication protocols. Students may take any combination of face-to-face and on-line courses or entirely online. Emphasis on programming methodology using a high level language as the vehicle to illustrate the concepts. Press J to jump to the feed. Home | Technologies-Network Security. This course introduces mobile application development for the Android platform. Exams are most likely going to be exactly like the homework. Google cluster architecture). Today, practically every e-commerce application has at least a Web component and a database component. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Listed on 2023-03-04. CS/IS/IT Elective: Two 3-credit CS/IS/IT electives (200-level or above). 90 terms. Besides the theoretical foundations, students acquire practical experience by programming reduced versions of real Internet protocols. Guided Design in Software Engineering. Go Highlanders! Data Science Capstone I. The course also presents an overview of selected topics in computing, such as networking and databases. CS350 Intro Computer Systems Homework 1 Homework 1 on Reality Check Write C programs to implement the reality we discussed last week. Prerequisites: CS288 and CS301 with a grade C or better. Students receiving degree credit for CS114 cannot receive degree credit for CS116 or CS505. BNFO236. The first part of the course focuses on learning models, formalism, and algorithmic techniques that are popular in data science and heavily used in practice. The thesis committee is composed of a Computer Science tenure-track committee chair and two other tenure-track members of the Computer Science Department or Faculty holding a joint appointment to the department. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Also, I remember him not handing out PowerPoint slides because he wanted everyone to go to class (Which i think is dumb). They must have a networking course before taking CS357. NJIT CS 332 CH 2 Summer 2020. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Computer Science Department, Illinois Institute of Technology If I remember correctly, I had a hard time following his projects/lab instructions and I had to go out of my way to ask Shu Lee or other classmates to understand what he meant. This course introduces students to the core concepts and skills necessary for the development of games utilizing 2D graphics. Pretty easy class, but you have to read a lot and if you get stuck on something, try to refer to old class material. Algorithmic analysis is also discussed. He's a great person and although most of the course is handled by his e-team, he'd always be willing to help you out. Undergraduate Tutoring Spreadsheet. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (0;0;3). All you need is a nice mid-range, $500 to $1000, laptop that can handle basic programs. I found this course to be the most challenging I've taken at the time because I was just a big noob back then. CS337. This course is an intensive study of the fundamentals of image processing, analysis and understanding. 85, CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management, Haroon, Tanweer, "CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management" (2020). | | Usefulness | Although CS280 exposed me to Linux, CS288 helped me understand the real power of using a linux distro.
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