Thats huge, right? A palm tree, which can be four to six feet, can cost $145 to $325. It is the time of year when live oak trees begin to drop their leaves. Matures to 25-30 tall and wide.
Big Trees 4U - select-your-tree How tall is a 15 gallon crape myrtle tree? For example a 20 ft tall palm can weigh around 1,000 lbs! Blow molded 25 gallon nursery pots Plastic 25 gallon pot dimensions: 22.83inch / 58cm (Top Diameter) x 18.11inch / 46cm (Bottom Diameter) x 18.11inch / 46cm (Height). For example, a 5 gallon pot will fit 5 gallons of soil. Treeland Nursery 1208 Sharp Rd. 30 gallons is 113-114 liters, or a cube 48 cm on a side. Enter minimum price . 3 Gallon, 3 Gallon Flowering Trellis 36", Plants. The Natchez crape myrtle is resistant to Powdery Mildew. A pine tree might weigh around 20000 pounds if it is 80 feet long and the diameter is 24 inches. Use the third stake only if needed and put on an open side of the tree. You can optionally check your estimate by looking online or at the library for the average number of leaves or needles on a mature, healthy specimen of the same kind of tree as the one you are weighing. TWENTY/TWENTY-FIVE GALLON POTS They weight anywhere from 125 to 150 pounds with their soil. Texas Red Oak trees are medium-sized and rarely grow to 75 feet tall. You should also provide your pot tree with regular light and air exposure. The easiest formula to calculate the weight of a tree is (density*volume)+leaves. Derive the weight of the tree sans leaves or needles. Real nice tree with blooms and Lemons. Nelly R Holly 30-Gallon. how heavy is a 30 gallon treechristopher lee height, weight. Find a link in References to the ScienceProjectIdeas site, which contains several excellent suggestions as to how you might estimate a tree's height. For example, a birch tree that fits a 15 gallon pot will be much larger than a Pinus in a 15 gallon pot. Gunter, TX 75058 (972) 372-4737 The third method, which is discussed here, is to estimate the tree's volume and density, from which you can derive its weight. How long would it take for a 65 gallon tree to reach the size of a 100 gallon tree. Valley Crest Tree Company: Valley Crests tree nursery division with specialty moving services. Sold and shipped by Spreetail. Best Fiber Optic Tree: Holiday Peak Northwoods Greenery Christmas Tree.
How Much Does a Japanese Maple Tree Cost? | These small bushes are cheaper than bigger shrubs. Once you surpass a #25 Container size, shrubs and evergreens measure by height (in inches or feet), and trees measure in caliper. Account.
These shrubs are more mature than 1 gallon shrubs often by a couple of years. ::3- to 5-gallon container; tree 3 to 5 feet tall; caliper (diameter) less than an inch; less than $40. 200$ to be delivered and planted in your yard for this size tree in all Florida Citrus varieties. There will be some variations on how much they will weigh but you can expect them to weigh somewhere over 300 pounds. *To create the perfect growing environment: We recommend using Biotone Starter & Organic Potting Mix at time of planting.
How hard is it to plant a tree? - Alldor Garden That equals about 14.4 pounds per bushel.
45 gallon oak trees | Lawn Care Forum Gravity-feed design with adjustable flow baffle means no batteries to charge or electronics to worry about. So yes, if the fruit starts weighing down a branch dangerously . It grows up to 30 ft. tall. We also grow trees and shrubs in 24 boxes, which are constructed of wood and are com- parable in size to a 25 gallon container. If you want to include the roots of the tree, multiply the value by 1.2 to derive your estimate for the volume of the entire tree both above and below ground.
65 gallon live oak tree - Useful Gardening Tips FlexGuard Unscented Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - 13 Gallon - 25ct - up & up. (0) Only $ 4899.99. The dull, dark green, lobed leaves are 4 to 8 inches long and 2 to 5 inches wide. Enter a tree or your zip code and we'll help you . A 15 gallon pot will have 15 gallons of soil in it, this stunts the tree's growth so that you can plant it at home. by. They can produce a plant larger than the 15g, typically 8 to 10 feet. How to Calculate Trees Per Acre By Shelley Hoose DBH = circumference / pi where pi=about 3.14 Step 2 Measure or estimate the height of the tree. It will directly help you determine the tree weight. Adding salt to the wound, the big avocado tree has spent its entire life tied to a stake for support.
How Much Does A Tree Weigh? - . Indoor Plant Guides: Things Every Indoor Plant Parent Should Know. ::15-gallon container; tree 8 to 12 feet tall; caliper 1 to 1 1/2 inches; $78-$120.1 thg 11, 2008, Take for an example a 10? These plants have a more developed root system and sturdier thicker trunks and branches. Pinus strobus. 15 Gallon $200. A metal 55 gallon barrel can make a great central support for a large round dining table. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The Destructive Nature Of Termites: What To Know About Their Behavior And How To Protect Your Home. how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: recent fatal car accident in florida today; Beitrags-Kommentare: . Best of all, Crossbow has little to no impact on grasses. Avoid cooking or smoking in the house for 12 hours beforehand to avoid contaminating your plant with toxic chemicals. 3 gallon, 7 gallon, 15 gallon, 30 gallon, 45 gallon. Heights vary 10-20. From Amazon. 10.00 + Postage. The larger the pot means the larger the price. Unit. 24 Box: Smallest common box size (the box size represents a 2 x 2 x 2 box), the 24 box is more mature than 15 gallons with heights of 8-15 and callipers of 1-2.5 depending on species. You should only need to do this once every two years or so for a small-sized pot tree. how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. LIVE OAK TREES 15 Gallon Trees Height approx.
how heavy is a 30 gallon tree - Measure or estimate the height of the tree. Dimensions for pot: 20 in.
Tree Price List - Dallas, TX - Treeland Nursery 10-gallon. 65 Gallon $850. Now Lets consider something huge; how about a redwood tree? You need to add it along with the volume and diameter as per the formula. Adding salt to the wound, the big avocado tree has spent its entire life tied to a stake for support. This answer is pretty simple roots. 2 gallon plants are usually between 10 inches to 2.5 feet tall and 10 to 22 inches wide. So the length here decides what the tree weighs. 1 to 2 ft size trees are great for an inexpensive hedge where you may need larger quantities. One of the main jobs in a plant nursery is keeping tabs on which plants need to go up a pot size. You should also open all windows to avoid severely reducing your plants air flow. You can also search the Internet or your local library for the density of a specific kind of tree, making sure to get the values for green wood and not dry wood, since the water in a tree comprises a great deal of its weight. Low growing spreading plants tend to be shorter and wider. 3 Gallon, 3 Gallon Tropical Foliage, Plants. - $40 for 3-gallon tree At Lowe's , for example, a 3.25-gallon red Japanese Maple tree retails for a pinch more than $20. #1 Home Improvement Retailer. What are the advantages in each size? As the poster above mentioned, I'd be more concerned about the more mature trees not handing the transplant very well. If your plant doesnt seem happy, try reversing the process to increase your air and light levels. Its often the case that trees are actively kept in smaller pots when being sold. A pot trees size depends on how much water it receives. trunk) on 15 gallons are typically . Since there are different palm trees available, the weight will be extra. If oak wilt occurs, mature leaves can turn pale green, dark green, or even bronze in color. how heavy is a 30 gallon treejobs in jersey city for 17 year olds. Step 4: Use your clamshell digger. Leaves weight plays a significant role in calculating the perfect tree weight. Tree heights and calipers vary among species, but here are some general ranges. Shopify Patent Infringement, I was wondering what would one charge per tree for a hole big enough for a 45 gallon tree. Whats the total weight of a 100 gallon tree? Snowy Bottle Brush Tree 7 Inches, Vintage Inspired Green Bottlebrush Trees with Snow, Large Bottle Brush Christmas Trees for Tabletop . That means 12.5 pounds per cubic foot. per cubic foot based on 10-15-inch diameter. For example, the three-gallon dwarf lemon tree at Lowe's costs about $48. Height is 15-18 ft. and spread is 15 ft. How tall is a 10 gallon arborvitae? ::30-gallon container; tree 10-plus feet tall; caliper more than 1 1/2 inches; $178-$250. 30 gallons of water weighs 250.36 lbs (113.56 kg) 35 gallons of water weighs 292.09 lbs (132.49 kg) 40 gallons of water weighs 333.82 lbs (151.42 kg) 45 gallons of water weighs 375.54 lbs (170.34 kg). Smaller sizes adapt to the local conditions better than older trees, grow faster, and wind up bearing more fruit.
C.SCOTT LIVING ESTATE | Brewer Auction Service When watering, you want to turn your hose on between a trickle and the halfway point and place it near your tree's trunk to allow for a good soaking. Plant Hardiness Zones 6-9. Latching Lid. These trees weigh about 25 to 30 lbs . christy mathewson death cause; how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. Their new growth emerges as slender, light green flat leaves which turn darker green in Summer, and reddish brown in the fall. how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. 1. Inspecting For Subterranean Termites: A Step-By-Step Guide, The Stench Of Love: How Pepe Le Pews Signature Scent Has Been Used To Control Termites, Protecting Your Home From Termites: How To Safeguard Your Straw Bale Walls, Exploring The Causes Of And Solutions To The Mysterious Death Of Termites, The Threat Of Trichonymphas Disappearance On Termites And Our Global Ecosystem, Protecting Your Home And Business From Termites In South Florida, Does Citronella Really Work To Repel Termites? A Look At The Science Behind The Natural Remedy, The FLIR TG165: An Infrared Camera For Detecting Termites In Homes And Buildings, Act Quickly To Control And Eliminate Termites In Your Apartment, Finding The Right Professional For Termite Control. Amendments include your own compost. SKU 400000021232. . The weight of the palm tree would be around 30 to 1000 pounds per foot. Thats the density of your tree. baptist ordination service. Our Tree heights do not include the height of the container (12") You will receive a true 5' to 6' ft tree. Seven gallon container size trees are easy to handle, and to plant. acrylic is more expensive than glass and a 30 gallon aquarium built with acrylic could cost at least $120. The easiest way to make your own estimate is to photograph the tree from a distance sufficient that any perspective bias is trivial. There are several methods that can be used to calculate the weight of a tree, but to give you an example of how much trees can weigh, A 50-foot tall pine tree with a diameter of 12 inches (30cm) can weigh up to 0.9 tons or 1,800lbs (816kg). Your tree might be 20 to 50 feet tall. How big is a 30 gallon tree container? . Repotting refreshes your plants blood supply and keeps it healthy. This native North American deciduous tree is capable of reaching 100 to 120 feet in height but is more often seen at 60 to 80 feet. Dimensions for pot: 20 in. 7 Gallon Green Giant Arborvitae Trees Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae 7 Gallon Trees average 4 to 5 feet tall, and are nice and full. This size is a great size to get started with, not too small and not too hard on the wallet. Then calculate the area of the the entire picture, square it, and multiply that number by the percentage (in decimal form) that is occupied by the tree. $329.99. Because the roots are packed in soil, the trees don't need to be dormant for shipping. SKU 400000070216. Product Details. How much is a 100 gallon live oak?
how heavy is a 30 gallon tree - Of course, that is all relative to compression, moisture level and degree of leaf chopping. At the same time, the Pindos will weigh around 500 pounds per foot. Brown. Dilute Crossbow in water and treat any heavy brush area that is below your shoulders. The Berry Heavy winterberry provides an explosion of beautiful color, with red berries loading its branches in the fall and winter months. For More: It's size is 15 to 16 inches wide and 16 inches deep. trunk) on 15 gallons are typically .5 to 1.0 depending on variety. As we said, you need to find out the entire tree area. A tree in a 15 gallon pot has likely been growing for up to 5 years so is . Out of stock.
Public Auction Sale: Boonville Estate Auction - Constableville, NY Affixing a large wooden circular top to the table, and perhaps some stabilizing wooden feet around the base of the barrel, you can make a practical and attractive dining table to seat the whole family. If you are planting a large plant, keep it in a container that is at least a gallon long. 15 Gallon: One of the most common tree sizes installed, this size balances the desire for a tree that may be 6-12 in height, depending on species, with budget considerations (box trees because they have spent anywhere from 1-5 additional years in the nursery are much more expensive). They can reach 200-350 feet tall and weigh 6500 tons. 1. One major reason that peoples potted plants die or their growth is stunted is due to the plant being in the wrong sized pot. 1 gallon shrubs establish and grow quickly once planted in the ground and watered properly. There should be at least 5-10 gallons per frog for territory to keep sanitation correct and keep the frogs healthy. In stock . Storage & Organization; Storage Containers. You can easily relocate your tree if you change your mind about where you want it. Lets see the best formula that you can apply to calculate the weight. ::15-gallon container; tree 8 to 12 feet tall; caliper 1 to 1 1/2 inches; $78-$120.. How do you plant a The trees are already bought and will be delivered. Redbud 30-Gallon. 24 Chinese Pistache with flowering fruit trees in the background, 36 Box: This tends to be more mature than the smaller sizes. YouTube, Will insurance cover tummy tuck with hernia repair, Will insurance cover hernia repair and tummy tuck, Will car insurance pay for transmission repair, Who is responsible for sidewalk repair in ohio, Who is responsible for sidewalk repair in nyc, Who is responsible for repair of water pipes in condo, Who is responsible for fence repair in texas, Which tequila is better blanco or reposado, Which is better olay regenerist or neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair, Where to send costa sunglasses for repair, Where to buy aquaphalt permanent pothole repair, Where can i buy miracle foot repair cream, Where can i buy adamia therapeutic repair lotion, Whats the difference between blanco and reposado tequila, What is the difference between blanco and reposado tequila, What is the best glue to repair vinyl fencing, What is the average cost of hail damage repair. Wax Myrtle 30-Gallon.
- $40 for 3-gallon tree At Lowe's , for example, a 3.25-gallon red Japanese Maple tree retails for a pinch more than $20. Unit of Measure. A standard 30 gallon fish tank will measure 36?x13?x16?. These shrubs are usually 1 to 3 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide, but this varies depending on the type and variety of plant. On, a few highly rated trees range from $30 for a one to two foot tall Japanese Red Maple to $35+ for a floating cloud Japanese Maple. 16.875. Slope the sides of the hole so the top of the hole is several inches wider than the bottom. W x 17 in.
how heavy is a 30 gallon tree - Plural Of Lieutenant General, Add to Bag. Excellent as a landscape specimen. Heights vary 10-20. According to the US Department of interior and national park information, a normal tree can weigh 55lbs per cubic foot. Valley Craft Heavy-Duty Powered Drum Truck with Fiber Chime Hook and Solid Rubber Wheels 800-Lb. This doesnt really dictate the size of the tree at all, the final weight or height of the potted tree falls within a range but is generally going to completely depend on the variety of tree and how mature it is. Cherry laurel ( Prunus laurocerasus) is an evergreen cherry tree with deep green leaves and fragrant white flowers. A 15-gallon tree will weigh around 60 to 90 pounds. How tall is a 100 gallon live oak? . There are three methods by which you might estimate a tree's weight. While some roots can be short and thin, others can be large and invasive. Quantity: 1. . On the fact of adding another reptile, we never cross contaminate the habitats. Great choice for smaller to mid sized spaces and matures to 15 tall and 15-18 wide.
How Much Do Trees Weigh? - Theyardable How much does a tree weigh per foot? It depends on the age of the tree and the size as well. Copyright 2023 Bella Rae Blabber | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Crossbow is one of the best products that you can use for cleaning up heavy brush. 15 Gallon Arbutus marina (Strawberry Tree) surrounded by 1 Gallon shrubs. 'Free' : item.price ]]. The depth of the hole should be 2 or 3 inches less than the height of the rootball. Get free shipping on qualified 30 GA-Gallon Storage Containers products or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Storage & Organization Department. When choosing a pot for your plant, choose a pot that is 1-2" (2.5-5 cm) larger than the current size if the plant is currently in a 10" (25cm) pot or smaller. For small trees larger than 1" in diameter . Different size pots allow you to accommodate not only different types of plants such as trees all the way down to seedlings, they also accommodate for how mature a plant is. Adding salt to the wound, the big avocado tree has spent its entire life tied to a stake for support. We planted it in a location that is full sun, however we do get the Santa Ana winds. This is because, depending on variety, a tree with a soil capacity like this can only really reach a certain height. where do you file a complaint against a hospital; failure to pay full time and attention va code; bones angela and hodgins in jail; mirabella svadobny salon dubnica nad vahom Though there are several species of pain trees, not too many grow over 100 feet. A tree close to 10 feet can cost $250 to $575. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please call 513-835-1935 or email Balled and burlapped deciduous trees are measured by their caliper inch. 1 to 2 ft size trees are great for an inexpensive hedge where you may need larger quantities. Includes planting, initial mulching, staking, fertilizing and one time watering at planting.
How Much Do Palm Trees Cost? - Bovees, where the growing begins! Height is typically 2-5. Young plants often establish faster than older plants. The main difference between the sizes lies in the long term health and vigor of the tree. How does it vary from other types? The volume of this tree is around 1487 cubic meters. Consider it a 100-foot tall pine tree with a diameter of 35 inches. Minimum root ball diameter on fabric container grown trees. 0 . In the garden center, the most popular size is a 5 gallon tree; there are other sizes, but the 5 gallon tree is the most popular. This may not seem like the easiest way, but the alternative would be to perform a difficult series of measures and calculations. Does your yard get below 30 degrees often in winter? 5 to 1.0 depending on variety. It will be the total leaves weight. Department. Square. Monterrey Oak, with a broad rounded crown, is a semi-evergreen tree which can be found growing in nature throughout Mexico and along the Devils River in Val Verde county, grows about 40 feet tall. Bottlebrush tree 30 gallon (544 Results) Price ($) Any price Under $25 $25 to $250 $250 to $500 Over $500 Custom. When Do Peonies Bloom? Keep in mind that not all plants tolerate pots well. A pot trees health depends on proper care, so follow these suggestions to keep one happy and healthy. Another option is to use 1/3 peat moss or mushroom compost to 2/3 of your original soil. The botanical name for Little Gem Magnolia is Magnolia grandiflora Little GemLightFull sunSize 20 x 10-12 wideZone 7 / 6-10F. The cost to plant a single small tree is, on average, $100, including transport, labor, and materials. Regular water needs in well-drained soil once established. This is very different from the original southern magnolia, which is very wide-spreading, and that can be wider than it is tall. Free Postage. Height is typically 2-5. Larger trees taller than 11 feet can cost anywhere from $500 to more than $2,000. Use a soft material, like canvas strapping or tree staking straps, to attach the stakes. Height of mature tree: 50 feet.----- Eating quality (as provided by the experts at Fairchild Tropical Gardens, Miami, Florida): Excellent----- Fiber content of fruit: Little----- Miscellaneous: Seedling of Brooks planted in 1932 at the home of Mr. Leith D. Kent of Coconut Grove, Florida. We supply 25 gallon pot with good quality and competitive price.
25 Gallon Pots - Wilson Garden Our 4 to 5 feet trees are mature and well branched. how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. Bear in mind that your estimate will almost certainly be fraught with inaccuracy. how to screen record on snapchat android heritage golf club membership cost hilliard, ohio how heavy is a 30 gallon tree. tannins in acorns can cause upset stomachs, and, though uncommon, they can lead to kidney failure and death. Prices. how heavy is a 30 gallon treesouthwest cargo phone number. Beside above, how big is a tree in a 15 gallon container?
how heavy is a 30 gallon tree - You can divide your entire trees area by 10000 meters sq to get the average density of the tree. Actual costs will depend on job size, conditions, and options. how heavy is a 30 gallon tree 051 831415. mcgill click funeral home obituaries. One gallon plants are going to be the most inexpensive way to purchase shrubs. Does your yard get below 30 degrees often in winter? In addition, the 5 gallon tree is simple to transport and move. Our 4 to 5 feet trees offers a variety of different colors, mature sizes, and looks to give you just the right style for your yard and home. Botanical Name. Posted . -5-gallon ? For example, sells three-year-old or four-year-old ones for $70 each. A 15 gallon pot will have 15 gallons of soil in it, this stunts the trees growth so that you can plant it at home. Estimating (45*20) +leaves to (55*20) + leaves a range that is effortless. Multiply the volume of the tree by the density of the wood to derive the weight of the tree sans leaves or needles. Either way, we can make some relatively accurate approximations of the size of a tree that is in a 15 gallon pot due to the level of growth that is being stunted.
How Big Is A Tree In A 15 Gallon Pot? - Botanic Box Here is a breakdown of common tree sizes: 5 Gallon: Most trees are installed in larger sizes, some small trees (including multi-stem trees) and specimen trees like Japanese Maple are often found in this size. You will find Shade Trees, Flowering Trees, and Privacy Trees in this tree size. A 40 gallon fish tank is about the size of a refrigerator. The dull, dark green, lobed leaves are 4 to 8 inches long and 2 to 5 inches wide. X 4 Heavy Duty 30 Litre Plastic Plant Pots With Handles and drainage holes. If the plant has grown then so has its roots, the plants roots need more room to grow, when kept in a pot that is too small the plant wont grow anymore. How much does a 30 gallon container weigh? See retail pricing and ordering information. . However, in general, 30 gallon live oak trees are relatively large trees, with some specimens reaching heights of over 100 feet. How much does a 20 ft tall tree weigh? The formula of the tree weight is (Volume*Density) +Leaves Weight.
how heavy is a 30 gallon tree - White flowers bloom in early spring and again in late summer. 15 gallon Ficus Nitida grown in the standard black plastic nursery container is the most popular size planted because theyre already 6 foot tall when planted and will immediately create a privacy screen, while not being terrible expensive. Given their size, these trees are often used as shade trees or as part of a windbreak. It is critical to avoid trimming during oak wilt seasons (February through July). Use fresh soil when repotting; old soil can damage your plants roots. ::15-gallon container; tree 8 to 12 feet tall; caliper 1 to 1 1/2 inches; $78-$120. Copyright 2023 Bella Rae Blabber | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. 48 Box Arbutus marina, these trees make a significant visual impact, Large Boxes 60 and up: These are for almost full grown specimens of smaller trees, and very well established specimens of larger trees. What is the ideal Plant Pot size? Answer: When planting balled and burlapped and container-grown trees in well-drained soils, dig a hole that is 2 to 3 times wider than the diameter of the trees rootball. On average, add another 50 percent for planting. . 1 gallon shrubs grow and acclimate quickly once planted in the ground. Motion To Modify Conditions Of Probation Texas; Sue Randall Last Photo; Williams County Nd Court Records Different leaves carry different weights. On average, a 3-gallon palm tree is going to cost anywhere from $15 to $45. Startseite > Uncategorized > how heavy is a 30 gallon tree.
If you're not one of them, you may be interesting in knowing how to do it. These trees will give you a great start on a beautiful landscape. sedgwick pay schedule 2022
We provide a large selection of trees and shrubs, these are only our most popular. The term "gallon" is a moniker carried over from the past when growers used to grow plants in milk jugs. wooden planter. As a result, it is simple to plant a dense crop. The alternative is to make a rough estimate by yourself. You get the diameter of the tree. Transporta tree from nursery to your garden on a truck (a 24" box tree, well-watered, can weigh 300 lbs or more) Excavate a planting hole (a planting hole for a tree is usually the same depth as a tree's root ball and twice the diameter of the rootball, which would be 24" deep and 48" arounda big hole to dig!) 30 gallon Pygmy date palm. This size tree is nicely developed and has a mature root ball that will establish quickly in your landscape. How heavy is a 25 gallon tree? Bird of Paradise Orange. * Drought tolerant once established * Feathery soft texture * Magnificent pyramidal form It combines two products that kill vines, briars, and shrubs. Your order has qualified for FREE shipping! . In simple terms, while many dont realise this, the size of the pot is about how much soil is in each pot rather than how heavy a plant is. ::30-gallon container; tree 10-plus feet tall; caliper more than 1 1/2 inches; $178-$250. (About 337 pounds per cubic yard). In this way, a thousand weight estimation can be shown of different species of trees. The tree first fruited in 1938 and was named in 1945. ::30-gallon container; tree 10-plus feet tall; caliper more than 1 1/2 inches; $178-$250. The new leaves which are 5 long, emerge peach colored in the spring, growing . Measure the circumference of the tree at breast height. Empty cart. Reed fruit gets so heavy that it can break branches, and its branches often grow long and unforked. Then derive the tree's diameter at breast height (DBH) with the formula: Measure the height of the tree, if feasible, or estimate its height. $249.99. The answer is pretty simple but simply requires some knowledge of pot sizing and what that means for the plant that is within the pot. it is a pleasure to hear from you formal.