Professor of music. Silver watch. Dark knee pants. A female supposed to be or resembles Miss Ella Layton. Watch. Age twelve. ISBN 978-0-671-20714-4. page 264. Button shoes. Weight 160. Blue calico dress with white stripes pleated in front, and pearl buttons Black and white check underskirt. White shirt. Silver watch. Light complexion. To find out more information about this flood, view pictures and video, visit the. Witnesses Charles Diamond, E.B. Wart on left shoulder. To Sandy Vale for burial. $5.00 in gold. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Brown ribbon around neck. Gray eyes. Valuables given to George Millheizer. Dark hair. Dark coat Gold watch, open-faced, with a short chain. White and black mixed frock coat and vest. Age about twenty. Short knee pants. Auburn hair. Age about sixty. Black dress with velvet collar. Scapulars. McD." Blue vest buttons. Gold ring, small. 101 Centre street, Johnstown, Pa Weight 150. Dark pants. Height 5 feet 6 inches. According to, "of the 2,209 people that died 900 bodies were never found." . Brown hair. Valuables given to him. Light hair. Female. Auburn hair. Female. One pair new gum boots. Large buckeye in pocket. Black hair. Body taken by son-in-law, Friedman, to Pittsburgh. Male. Light hair. Seersucker dress. Head severed from body. Scapular around her neck. White corsets. Knee pants No means of identification, Male Weight 190 Height 5 feet 11 inches Clothes partly removed, and in stocking feet No valuables, Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Blue spotted calico dress. Age about four years. No valuables. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Killed at Sheridan station, July 22d. Fair complexion. Door key and pocket handkerchief. Buttoned shoes Knee pants. Weight 100. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Light hair slightly gray. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Black ribbed stockings. Male. Pair of spectacles and tin case. Gum boots. Boy. Light red hair. Gray hair. $2.00 in bills. Age twenty-four. . Black and gray barred underskirt. No valuables. Of Woodvale. Red flannel skirt. Red moustache and beard. Brown hair. Black cloth laced shoes. From pockets were taken a three-bladed knife, ring, shoe button, lead-pencil with pocket fastener, street car check and child's china ornament. Two gold rings on right hand. Bunch of keys. Black quilted skirt. Body delivered to her husband and taken to Morrellville, Pa. Light brown hair. Some patches of quilt on body. Female. Supposed to be William Henry. Age about ten. Red dress trimmed with fringe around yoke. Age six. Grand View, June 15th. Found in Conemaugh river above Company store. $45.00 in cash. Dark gray pants with small black stripes. Boy. Weight about 135. In the years following the disaster, some survivors blamed the members of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club for their modifications to the dam. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Plain gold ring with S. T. How on. Age about one year. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Male. Aged. After the flood, survivors suffered a series of legal defeats in their attempts to recover damages from the dam's owners. Johnstown, Pa. Brought from Indiana Co., Pa. Age four. Full form. Bodies turned up 600 miles away in Cincinnati, and as late as 1911. . Son of James. Blue waist, brass buttons. Black hair. Female. Black wool hose. Age thirty-five. Buttoned shoes. Pocket book $1 31. Weighs about one hundred and eighty. Gray and black barred coat with black buttons. Gold watch, engraved Christmas 18-. White. Black silk tie. Mustache and beard. Valuables given to him. Age about fifty-five. Age twenty to twenty-five Brown hair. Light brown hair. Valuables given to brother Simon. Lace waist over top of dress. Black stockings. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Viering aged one year. Revered Dr. David J. Beale served as a superintendent of the city morgues after the flood. Proper number lost. Bracelets and rings duplicates of Miss Well's. Found in arms of Miss Brown. The city regained its population and rebuilt its manufacturing centers, but it was years before Johnstown fully recovered. White shirt and linen lay-down collar. Red dress. Weight 120. Striped calico dress. Dark brown hair. Hazel eyes. Gray dress. Brown dress with small steel stripes. Light eyes. Dark hair. Supposed to be Mrs. Luckhart. Gum boots. Large door key, had been broken and repaired. Flannel shirt. Full face. Johnstown's Flood of 1889. Weight 100. Muslin drawers. Burnt and unrecognizable. Blue eyes. Very much decomposed. [25][26], The Johnstown Flood was the worst flood to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Knife. Dark hair and eyes. Upper and lower false teeth. Forehead slightly narrow. Received valuables of 267. Weight 130. Identified by her mother. Female. New shoes. Pocket knife, black handle, one blade. Age about 55. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Dark complexion Weight about 100. Blue calico apron with small round spot. Male. Medium size breast-pin above shaped Q with one brilliant set. Medium build. Heavy black cloth jacket. Of Company C, 14th Regiment Penna. Ear-drops. Male child. Burial Records - Johnstown Flood National - National Park Service Age thirty. Here is a list of some of the most descriptive facts about the Johnstown flood. Age fifteen. Blue coat and vest. Age unknown. Female. [16] Some people who had been washed downstream became trapped in an inferno as the debris that had piled up against the bridge caught fire; at least eighty people died there. Supposed to be nursing. Over the course of a four-day investigation, the Johnstown Police . on grave is 333. Female. Leather belt with nickel buckle. Black and white striped flannel skirt. Age fifty. Height 3 feet 4 inches. Pocket-knife. Trevor Hughes. Two diamond earrings. Black hair. Male. Age twenty-five. Face very much disfigured. Bald in front, with large wart on right side of head. Breast-pin engraved. The demolition expert "Dynamite Bill" Flinn and his 900-man crew cleared the wreckage at the Stone Bridge. Weight 160. Supposed to be Mrs. White. District Judge remembers task of identifying every '77 Flood body According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; . Female. Gold band ring. Woolen stockings. Dark hair. The Johnstown Flood occurred on May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located close of the town of Johnstown. Small key. Daughter of John I. Harris, Chief of Police, Johnstown, Pa. Three rings. Weight 125. Purse $1.57 Pocket-knife. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Light brown hair, cut very short. Gray woolen dress with red and white mixed stripes and brass buttons. No coat or vest. Age thirty-five. Embalmed, and at the request of Mr. Friedman enclosed in a rough box. (Mr. Auburn hair. In 1889, he and his family were living about 20 miles down river from Johnstown in the town of Lockport, Pa., where he was born. Black hair. Thirty-five years. Button shoes. Weight 125. Hair turning gray. Shoes and one gum shoe. Dark blue suit. Dark eyes. Middle-aged. About twenty years. Male. The festival will take place Aug. 4-5. Height 4 feet 5 inches. Male Sandy beard and moustache, slightly gray. Johnstown flood of 1977 - Wikipedia Height 3 feet 9 inches. Age thirty-five. 16518. Jean pants. This led to American law changing from a fault-based regime to one of strict liability. Male. Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Set band ring on third finger of left hand. Button shoes. Gingham apron. Haws, Grand View, June 13th. A Hebrew. Scapular. Weight about fifty. Female child. Baby. One ring. Knife. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history. Female Weight 140. $5.15 coin. "Prospect," 6/10. Looking-glass. Crippled in both feet, and wore steel leg supporters. Height 5 feet. Ring, marked I. Little jug charm in pocket. Two knives. Body shipped by B.&O. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.. The reason people are hating on it now is because Hurricane Harvey just happened so Red Cross' response to it is being criticized and it is bringing up memories of how they always operate. Short nose Round face. Light complexion. Age two to three years. Gum boots. Blonde hair. Height 4 feet 6 inches Buttoned shoes, spring heels. Brown calico dress, with large circular figure. Boy. Wire bustle. Female. Thirty years. Age four. White cotton underwear with pearl buttons. Brown eyes. Male. Identified by his son. GC-PP: Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends GCS: German Catholic Cemetery (Sandyvale) LYC: Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery Dark hair. Age about eight. Cotton undershirt. The morgues kept very careful records, but nearly one in three of the victims were never identified. Killed on P. R. R. July 14, 1889. Male. [12] However the warnings were not passed to the authorities in Johnstown, as there had been many false alarms in the past of the dam not holding against flooding. Cloak gray mixed wool goods. 3 1/2 to 4 buttoned shoes. Black ribbed hose. Laced shoe. Weight 190. Black hose. Identified by receipts found on her person. High buttoned shoes. Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. Black jersey. Black stockings. On the morning of May 31, 1889, after a night of heavy rainfall, club president Elias Unger was alarmed to find that the water level of the lake had risen more than two feet since the previous evening. One small ear-drop. Female. . The death toll here was approximately sixteen people. Identified by Homer. Body and valuables shipped to Beauregard, Tenn., on telegraphic order of Mrs. D.H. McGavock, Nashville, Tenn., on June 11th. Male. PA Weight 80. false. Button shoes. Light brown hair. Banged hair. Black pants. Silver open faced watch, Elgin movement Silver chain. Her husband is injured and in the hospital. The Johnstown Flood Analysis - 1190 Words - Internet Public Library station. Light hair. White and black striped stockings Plain gold ring with coral setting. Age eleven. Hulbert House porter. Age fifty. Female. Blue waist with white stripes. 1,600 homes were destroyed, $17million in property damage levied (approx. High broad forehead. Black hair. Ten years. One lead pencil Book of rates E.L. A.S. 1000 mile pass book. Weight 145. Recognized by her mother. [19] At ASCE's annual convention in June 1890, committee member Max Becker was quoted as saying, We will hardly [publish our investigation] report this session, unless pressed to do so, as we do not want to become involved in any litigation.[19] Although many ASCE members clamored for the report, it was not published in the society's transactions until two years after the disaster, in June 1891. Female. Red skirt. Weight 65. Two gold rings. Light brown hair. It's like the Johnstown Flood in PA in the 19th century. White drawers. Female. Weight about 110 pounds. Colored. . Fair complexion. Valuables gotten by Laurence McGuire. Black dress skirt. Age about twelve. Age about thirty-five. Age twenty-one to twenty-five. A man about fifty years of age. Black stockings. White handkerchief with red border. Black vest. Middle-aged. 18 April 2007 . Sent to Prospect. Lady's brown cloth basque with plaid front. Lace shoes nearly new. [15] From his idle locomotive in the town's railyard, the engineer John Hess heard and felt the rumbling of the approaching flood. Age about twenty-five. One small key. Eleven years. Age about seven. The burst dam sent a wall of water and debris, 40 feet high and half a mile wide . Lead-pencil. Dark blue dress with light blue sleeve. Three watch chains. IED New Advertisements. Male Age thirty-nine. Red flannel underclothing. Bunch of keys. Silk umbrella with two patches on it. Identified by letters in pocket. Valuables to D P. Hensill. Badge of Junior Mechanics 43 cents in change. Blue woolen shirt. Male. Age about forty-five. Pennsylvania History UNIT 1 2 3 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Two pocket-knives. Cambria City Found in residence of George Hamilton. Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. Age about thirty. Light twilled cloth dress. Plain gold ring. Fair complexion. Weight 135. Age about sixteen. Height 5 feet 1 inch. Can't take it off. Check marked J? Female. Female Age about five years. About twelve years. Calico waist, blue with white stars and white buttons, white and blue collar. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history. Weight about 50. 5 shoes. Female. A determination of peak discharge rate and water volume from the 1889 Johnstown Flood (Presentation 76-10). Checkered waist. Open-faced silver watch Heavy plated chain with black stone set. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Male. Silver open faced watch. Male. Age sixteen. White skirt. Red skirt. Vest. Light hair. Buried at "Prospect," June 9. Aged. A few gray hairs on chin. Calico dress. Weight 70. Black hair. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. Height 5 feet. Male. Two pair of stockings, one black and the other blue. Red and black ringed woolen stockings, home knit. Supposed to be Mrs. Shabler, or Mrs. McClaren, or Mrs. Murphy, of Hotel Brunswick. Male. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Dark colored shoes. Button-hook. Bricker, Henry, Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends Bridges, Chas., 2, Cambria, Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery Conemaugh street, Johnstown Oroide watch. Samples of dress and skirt on coffin. Red hair. Child. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Black wool hose. Two pocket-knives. 7, p.216. true. Black stockings. Boy. Eyes burned out. Blue calico dress. Aged. Sun glass. 119 Market street. It is the story of heartbreak, heroism and courage. Weight about 128. Catholic. Full suit of blue chevoit. One light plain gold ring. Auburn hair. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Gold watch and chain. Blue gingham striped apron Blue woolen dress. Figured wrapper. Age eight. Blue silk tie with dots. Female. Age seventy-eight. Slippers. Officials say the search at the . Weight about 110. Unger ordered all of his men to fall back to high ground on both sides of the dam where they could do nothing but watch and wait. Weight 170. Age thirteen. Found and coffined at Tunnellton, Pa. Hosts of martyred little ones, Pass book. Weight 100 White. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Silver watch. One pin K. of P. Finger rings. Age thirty. Blue dress. Light complexion. Coat with large tin buttons Corsets. Red calico waist. Johnstown Flood Victims | Access Genealogy Steel spring gaiters. Weight 160 Sandy moustache. Rather spare face. Age fifteen. Eardrops with black sets. Height 4 feet. Ring on left hand. Wife of Philip Myers Cinder street, Johnstown. Purse with $1.23. Female. Red flannel dress. The Horrifying Story Of The Johnstown Flood That Killed Over 2,000 People Middle-aged. Body shipped to Indiana, Pa., via. Female. Black cheviot coat, knee pants, coat pleated in front White waist figured with dog's head and red collar. Female. Supposed to be Maggie Hipp. Male. Blue and white striped skirt. Conemaugh Borough, Pa. Removed. One with two hearts, other with three sets. Weight 115. Could not remove ring. Silver watch and chain. H. Ocker, of Philadelphia, to whom she was engaged to be married, and removed by him to be buried at Shippensburg, Pa. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Red hair. Female. Can't get it off. Black hair. Sex unknown. Buttoned shoes, spring heel. Female. Blue calico dress with small yellow stripes. Boy. Large. Belt of same goods as coat. Barred flannel skirt. According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were orphaned; and one third of the dead, 777 people, were never Plain string and bag around her neck. Babe. It began to prosper with the building of the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal in 1836 and the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Cambria Iron Works in the 1850s. Plaid dress. Male. Height 5 feet. One paper needles. About eighteen. Age about twenty. No valuables. Red and green striped body. Blue waist, plaid dress. Low round forehead. Silver watch and chain. How many victims were never identified in the Johnstown flood? Black wool skirt with stripe. Red underskirt. Female. Black hair. Male. Small key. White shirt. Dark hair. Suppose to be James Haltzman. Female. Nearly bald. Found just below Lincoln bridge. Female. Therefore, the official death toll should be 2,208. Age about six years High buttoned shoes with heel. One tooth-brush. A. Hayes, of Hayes, Murray Co., 1103 Race street, Philadelphia. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Barred woolen pantalettes with waist. Black pants Toy pistol. Below stomach teeth and two side teeth. Two red skirts. Age six. Age three. Knife. Gold ring, garnet set. Black stockings. Loesch. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Age thirty. Weight 115 to 120. Female. Black and white checkered shirt. Brown eyes. Why is everyone hating The Red Cross now? : r/OutOfTheLoop - reddit Female. Coroner identifies body found in Johnstown garage as man who'd been Henry Clay Frick led a group of Pittsburgh speculators, including Benjamin Ruff, to purchase the abandoned reservoir, modify it, and convert it into a private resort lake for their wealthy associates. Button shoes. Gray cotton socks. Bracelet on left wrist. Female. Weight 130. Low shoes. When it occurred, the Johnstown Flood had the highest death toll out of any previous U.S. disaster and is currently one of the top twelve deadliest floods of all time globally. . Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Colored shirt. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. This is the list as published on July 31, . Light brown hair. [22] The club was never held legally responsible for the disaster. Heavy gray beard on lower part of face. Purse with one cent. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Female. Weight 50. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Plaid underskirt. Fair complexion. $2.50. Disinterred and found not to be Walter Jones. White. Freckled. Age about thirty-five. Breast-pin, collar-buttons, cloth dress, gray and white barred No. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Buried at No. Red knit skirt. 2. Green, black and brown barred pants Gold hunting-case watch and chain. Age twenty-one years. 65 and collar-button worked in. Blue eyes. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Black hair. Valuables given to his aunt, Ella Mulhern. Slender. Age about twenty-five. Age twenty-three. Breast-pin shape of star. Popular feeling ran high, as is reflected in Isaac G. Reed's poem: Many thousand human lives- Male. Brown and white dress Barred gingham. Female Age ten years. Four keys. Female. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 29-10. Blank book. Two old style door keys. Button shoes. Papers, etc. Boy. Becker kept it under wraps until the time of ASCE's convention in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1891. Pennsylvania's South Fork Dam exploded and unleashed a 40-foot wall of water. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Incredibly, bodies continued to be found for months and even years after the flood, some as far away as Cincinnati. White. Aged. Brown hair. Male. Supposed to be a Fitzharris. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Hazel eyes. Weight about 140. Black overcoat. Female. Age eight. Male. Blue skirt with short stripes of black braid in front. Some people, realizing the danger, tried to escape by running towards high ground, but most were hit by the surging floodwater. Ladies' small open-face watch. This claim has since been challenged. He gave the investigation report to outgoing Becker to decide when to release it to the public. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Small plain gold ring on left hand. Pocket-book. The scale of the Johnstown flood of 1889 is difficult to visualize. Gold charm. Weight 150. Boy. Like. Supposed to be Mrs. Conrad Snable, bar-tender in Kost saloon on Washington street. Weight 60. Female. Thirty-six years. Age three months. Coat with belt. Laced shoes. Pocket-book with $30. Female. The Johnstown Flood. Black and gray barred woolen goods. Weight 40. Blue cloth panel. Red and blue stripe handkerchief. The Johnstown flood of 1889. A young lady about twenty. T Swank, in payment of. Alpaca dress. Condicin: Good Encuadernacin de tapa dura. Female Weight 120 Height 5 feet 6 inches Heavy plaid jacket with marble shaped buttons, Male Age twelve to fourteen Black corduroy coat, with two plaits down the back. Brought from Sheridan station. Age two months. Body lifted by Thos. Two passes for street cars. Age twenty. Age thirty to forty. Male. Black dress. Valuables given to his brother James. Wine color underskirt. Comb with glass beads. Spring heel button shoes. Two finger rings, one carved, the other ruby. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Railroad tickets. Miles of barbed wire became entangled in the debris in the flood waters. Spectacle case. Knife. Catholic. Height 5 feet 4 inches. White and black striped skirt. Oroide watch. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Red and white striped dress. Slate pencil and door key. Pocket knife. Purse with $1.96. Black and yellow pants. Female. Girl. Gold spectacles. Weight 125 pounds. Light brown hair plaited. Here is the story of one of the worst disasters in American history, a tragedy in 1889 which claimed more than 2,200 lives, and wiped out 99 entire families. Ring on finger with amethyst, with G.L.H on stone. Male. Pocket-book with $6.10. Auburn hair. Mustache black. Blue and white striped shirt. No shoes. Blue undershirt Short stockings. Height 5 feet 3 inches Badly burned. Female. Small gray barred coat. Purse with street car ticket. Full face. Age one and one-half years. Female. Valuables placed in hand of Mr. Ossenburg, brother-in-law. Sun glass. Smooth face. Muslin drawers. Male. Male. Rubber hair pins. Eighty-three cents in change. Age eight. Sent to Prospect. A presentation on the diaries will be given this coming week, marking the 118th anniversary of the flood, before the collection is made a part of the Johnstown Flood Museum's permanent exhibit by 2009. Black jersey. Bunch keys Match safe. Eye-tooth taken off at gum. Lovers burnt and sweethearts drowned, Pocket-knife. Age twenty-two. Long breast-pin with brilliants. Male. Buttoned shoes. Two knives. Blue calico overskirt. false. Buttoned shoes. Manhood age. Buried at Sandy Vale in lot of John Tittle. Two rings on left hand. Dark dress Black stockings. Chinaman. Park Archives: Johnstown Flood National Memorial - NPS History Life insurance agent. Johnstown, PA had always been prone to flooding, but nothing could compare to the tumult that unfolded after a nearby decrepit dam gave out. . Female. Large seal ring on little finger of right hand, set gone. One plain ring set out. Cash 54 cts. Brown sacque. Female. One gold ring. White underwear. Red hair, cut short. Brown calico wrapper with polka dots. Light complexion. The dam and lake were part of the purchase, and the railroad sold them to private interests.[9]. Locomotives weighing 170,000 pounds were wrenched from . Download. Barred shirt. Large. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Summarizing the flood's impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Weight about 140. Female. Male. Wore No. Brownish red hair. A . Girl baby. Gingham dress. 1936 Press Photo A Flood Of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Which Was Flooded T . Blue eyes. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Blue and white polka dog tie. Height 4 feet. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Pet Stores in Hollsopple, PA. Female. Heavy head of hair. Male. Twice, under orders from Unger, Parke rode on horseback to a telegraph office in the nearby town of South Fork to send warnings to Johnstown explaining the dangerous situation unfolding at the dam. Cash $167.65. James Reese. Flood in 1977 was third to devastate Johnstown - Sandy hair. Gingham apron. Female. An autograph album near her hand belonged to Blanche S. Wilson. That flood also reached Pittsburgh, where it was known as the Pittsburgh Flood of 1936. Blue shirt with large bars on it. Male. R.R. Pocket -knife. Five years old. No coat nor vest. Street picture of a german village after the recent flooding. Brass check. Large pocket-book with papers. Male. Female. Mark on stomach looks like a burn. Sex unknown. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Female. Female child. Open-faced silver watch. Weight about 150. Black hair. Pen and pencil $13 in bills 87 cts. Blue eyes. Striped flannel shirt. Male child, two years old. Identified and removed by her mother. Pipe. Chain trinket with Washington head. Large carved gold ring on third finger of left hand. Male. Of Maple avenue, Woodvale. Woodvale. Green cloth dress Blue checkered apron and white apron underneath Gold ring with red set. Age twenty-five or thirty years. By order of Mr. Scott buried at Prospect, June 10th. Male. Male. 150 pounds. Male. Supposed to be child of J.M. Postcard Real Photo Main Street Flood Body Found Johnstown Pennsylvania 1936. About ten years of age. Weight 135. Female Age about forty-five. Small pearl-handled knife, collar-button and breastpin Valuables given to her brother, James H. Hiss. Gum rubbers, No. One of the first outsiders to arrive was Clara Barton, the founder and president of the American Red Cross.
Lake Fork Guy Brain Tumor, Articles J