Harvest specifications include annual catch limits for a species or species complex. Hemphill Dam after rehabilitation. Therefore, NMFS has classified certain fisheries by analogy to other fisheries that use similar fishing techniques or gear that are known to cause mortality or serious injury of marine mammals, or according to factors discussed in the final LOF for 1996 (60 FR 67063; December 28, 1995) and listed in the regulatory definition of a Category II fishery. on FederalRegister.gov 03/03/2023, 1465 AOLA further states that the 2014 ALWTRP regulations as well as the American lobster fishery management plan regulations, reduced vertical lines and enhanced gear marking in the fishery. Bottlenose dolphin, Charleston estuarine system. We review federal proposals for land and water development to make sure these activities do not further degrade habitat or harm protected species. The Communications and External Affairs Branch creates stories/content, graphics, presentations, brochures, and literature that engage stakeholders, promote understanding of NOAA Fisheries trust resources, convey the science behind our decisions, and advance NOAA Fisheries mission. NMFS is proposing a schedule of RFDs for every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday from July 1, 2023, through November 30, 2023. This consists of a NOAA Fisheries type-approved VMS transmitter that automatically determines a vessel's position. The Magnuson-Stevens Act, along with other federal laws, guides NOAA Fisheries and the Council's development of policy. They state that the M/SI should be distributed between stocks based on the relative proportion of the population of the two stocks combined. William Abadie . They note that the following marine mammal stocks are included on the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery: Killer whale (Eastern North Pacific AK resident); killer whale (Gulf of Alaska, BSAI transient); Northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific); spotted seal (AK) and Steller sea lion (Western U.S). We conserve and restore marine resources on the West Coast. To ensure ESA compliance for the issuance of IHAs, NMFS consults internally whenever we propose to authorize take for endangered or threatened species. Video and sensor data is reviewed after the trip to determine fishing locations and quantify discards. Bottlenose dolphin, Puerto Rico and United States Virgin Islands. Bottlenose dolphin, Northern GMX continental shelf. 2019. should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official The LOF includes three tables that list all U.S. commercial fisheries by Category. Response: As stated above in response to Comments #11 and 15, NMFS retains the Category I classification of the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot fishery. Response: As noted by the Commission, there are four stocks of pantropical spotted dolphins in the Hawaii Islands region: Oahu stock, 4-Islands stock, Hawaii Island stock, and Hawaii pelagic stock. Helker, R.P. 501 W. Ocean Blvd., Suite 4470 Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: 562/980-4080 Fax: 562/980-4084 Email contact list: Kathryn Kempton, Section Chief Deanna Harwood, Deputy Section Chief Sophia Bernal, Program Specialist Julia Caracoza, Paralegal Specialist Christopher Keifer, Attorney Advisor Amy Lubrano, Attorney Advisor Therefore, the EEZ components of these fisheries pose the same risk to marine mammals as the components operating on the high seas. MA DMF states that they are the only state lobster trap/trap fishery implementing the following actions either currently or in the future: (1) Lobster trap/pot fishery closure from February 1st to April 30th (currently in place for the Massachusetts Bay Restricted Area, proposed closure of all state waters beginning February 1, 2021); (2) dynamic extension of the lobster trap/pot fishery closure to ensure Start Printed Page 3038safe passage of right whales from our waters prior to fixed gear being set (currently in place for the Massachusetts Bay Restricted Area, proposed for all state waters beginning February 1, 2021); (3) ban use of vertical buoy lines greater than 3/8 inch diameter (proposed to begin February 1, 2021); (4) ban fishing single traps by the majority of its active fleet (proposed to begin January 1, 2022); (5) universal requirement of 1,700 pound breaking strength line or equivalent contrivance (proposed to begin February 1, 2021); (6) permitting and regulatory scheme designed to reduce participation and effort over time (currently in place); and (7) demonstrated substantial decline in the number of participants and the number of buoy lines deployed (currently in place). documents in the last year, 513 State and regional abbreviations used in the following paragraphs include: AK (Alaska), CA (California), HI (Hawaii), OR (Oregon), WA (Washington), and WNA (Western North Atlantic). Together, they advance sustainable management of more than 90 groundfish stocks. The main types of fishing gear include trawls (which can be in the middle of the water column or near the bottom), longlines, fish pots, and other variations of similar gear. The Public Inspection page may also While every effort has been made to ensure that Estimating juvenile salmon habitat carrying capacities is a critical need for restoration planning. In Comment #14, MLA notes there has been only one right whale entangled in Maine gear in April 2002, and the entanglement was determined to be a non-serious injury. Refer to NMFS No. Bottlenose dolphin, Mobile Bay, Bonsecour Bay. Since 1999, RCO, through the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB), has distributed more than $1.23 billion in state and federal funds to advance salmon recovery statewide, with more than $649 million directed toward efforts in the Puget Sound. NOAA Fisheries works with fishermen, industry, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and academia. Bottlenose dolphin, Barataria Bay estuarine system. MLA states that according to the 2019 North Atlantic right whale SAR, PBR is 0.8, and M/SI for commercial fisheries is 5.55. NMFS acknowledges that, in some cases, these estimates may be inflations of actual effort. The commenter alleges There are zero instances of Maine lobster gear associated with a right whale serious injury or mortality in any data set, and only one known entanglement where Maine lobster was the primary entangling gear in 2002 resulting in non-serious injury determination. We recognize that there has only been one confirmed mortality (in 2012) in identified U.S. trap/pot gear in the past decade. Response: NMFS agrees that the Agency has the flexibility to separate out individual fisheries where it is appropriate; however, the commenter has not presented adequate information to substantiate any difference in risk that Maine state and Federal lobster fisheries pose to North Atlantic right whales, or other large whale species, that would warrant a current change in classification for these fisheries. When these estimations become available, NMFS will solicit public comment through the SAR publication process. Southeastern U.S. Atlantic shark gillnet. For Atlantic fisheries, this information can be found in the LOF Fishery Fact Sheets. NMFS must reexamine the LOF annually, considering new information in the Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs) and other relevant Start Printed Page 3029sources, and publish in the Federal Register any necessary changes to the LOF after notice and opportunity for public comment (16 U.S.C. Guidelines for Preparing Stock Assessment Reports Pursuant to the 1994 Amendments to the MMPA. Hobbs, Y.V. Committed to conserving and protecting our trust resources, the West Coast Region provides science-based conservation and management for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, marine mammals, sea turtles, and endangered species, and their habitats. Atlantic highly migratory species longline fishery from 53 to 45 HSFCA permits; Western Pacific pelagic longline (HI deep-set component) fishery from 145 to 143 HSFCA permits; South Pacific tuna purse seine fishery from 33 to 26 HSFCA permits; South Pacific tuna longline fishery from 2 to 3 HSFCA permits; Western Pacific pelagic longline (HI shallow-set component) fishery from 18 to 11 HSFCA permits; Atlantic highly migratory species handline/pole and line fishery from 2 to 1 HSFCA permits; Pacific highly migratory species handline/pole and line fishery from 41 to 43 HSFCA permits; South Pacific albacore troll handline/pole and line fishery from 11 to 10 HSFCA permits; South Pacific albacore troll fishery from 17 to 18 HSFCA permits; Western Pacific pelagic troll fishery from 5 to 4 HSFCA permits; Northwest Atlantic bottom longline fishery from 3 to 2 HSFCA permits; Pacific highly migratory species longline fishery from 108 to 105 HSFCA permits; and. The species and/or stocks are found, and the fishery remains the same, on both sides of the EEZ boundary. After publication of the final rule, NMFS noted the need for corrections to In some cases, more recent information may be available and used in the LOF. On March 18, 2022, NMFS West Coast Region received a permit renewal request (Permit 16608-3R) from Reclamation to conduct species enhancement activities for CCV steelhead and the sDPS of North American green sturgeon in the SJRRP Restoration Area. Copies of the SARs are available on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources website at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessment-reports-region. Roundfish: The six species are lingcod, cabezon, kelp greenling, Pacific cod, Pacific whiting (hake), and sablefish. Mid-Atlantic mid-water trawl (including pair trawl). Below are links to learn about a few of our West Coast species. Learn more about the work of the West Coast Area Offices. Additionally, unless a rope diameter is explicitly prohibited in an area, rope diameter does not rule out the potential for an entanglement to have occurred in Maine waters, even if it does not represent the majority's normal fishing practices. and services, go to Federal Register issue. Tables 1, 2, and 3 also list the marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured (seriously or non-seriously) in each fishery based on SARs, injury determination reports, bycatch estimation reports, observer data, logbook data, stranding data, disentanglement network data, fishermen self-reports (i.e., MMAP reports), and anecdotal reports.
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