At least once a year, at the beginning or end of the sailing season, you should visually inspect all of your running rigging and look for signs of wear. Old turning blocks, padeyes, sheaves and cam cleats as well as genoa tracks and rope clutches are just not capable of handling the loads you can exert using high tech line. But Marissa and Chris Neely on Avocet saw a weather window and jumped, making their first big offshore passage the wrong way from Santa Barbara to San Francisco and loving itmostly. There are some obvious answers to this one for instance, if your wire rigging has broken strands or if its suffering from candy-striping, i.e., rust-colored streaks swirling down the wire. The total maintenance cost varies a lot, depending on the following factors: Still, we want a general feel of what to expect. I dont want be a scaremonger, but standing rigging has so many possible failure points that regular inspections should really be part of every pre-cruise integrity check. You could be setting yourself up for some serious problems, as well a spending a lot of unnecessary money into the bargain. There are other wires out there that are cheaper, but theyre not guaranteed.. A dormant maneuver has both ends fixed at each end. It definitely needed to be replaced. Run the remaining standing rigging. USCG safety regulations require you to replace safety gear regularly. The only thing we can really do is regularly inspect lines to look for wear. Learn all about the dangers of failing to winterize here. That history will affect what kind of life you get out of your standing rigging. Some insurance companies, he says, will require a re-rig if youre purchasing a used boat that has standing rigging older than 15 years. In the US, Sampson, New England Ropes and Yale all make a double braid dacron line very suitable for almost all the running rigging on an older sailboat. Of course, if you have an outboard engine the installation price will be nothing more than a few drops of sweat, swearing, and back pain for a day or two. My belief is that you should be replacing your sailboats standing rigging every 10 to 15 years. But this time frame also is variable, depending on the boats purpose and use. Do disconnect them and inspect them very carefully for cracks on a well-lit workbench. The former need careful scrutiny and often sustain damage from misalignment. These boats have less moving parts and less critical parts. My boat has been in fresh water all its life. Included are halyards, main sheet, headsail sheets, and topping lift. Average installation and setup takes around 30 hours (at $105 per hour), which would add another $3,105 to the bill, bumping the cost to re-rig up to $8,010 for an average re-rig. Liveaboards that don't really sail that much have less maintenance to do in one way, and more in another. Every sailboat has an Out Haul and a Down Haul. Your boat will need bottom paint roughly every 2 years (could be longer, but to be safe, let's keep it at two). I should have changed mine sooner than I did. The Rigging Company gears much of its sales to DIY sailors and is beginning an e-commerce site to cater specifically to handy individuals. You can also use sacrificial covers to protect halyards from clutch damage,. 26' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $1,000 - $2,500. 1. ImproveSailing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A boat spending most of the last 10 years on a trailer with the mast in a cradle has only corrosion to consider. In this article, I'll show you what to expect. Parts total: $600 on average Your costs will range from a couple of hundred dollars for a small outboard up to over a thousand for a large or difficult to reach inboard. Dyneema is especially susceptible to UV degradation. When youre happy everything is in place, its time to tune your rig. How Much Does it Cost to Dock a Boat for a Year? However, they generally cost more than a swaged fitting; Herman says while Hi-MODs newer mechanical fittings are definitely more user-friendly to assemble, theyre twice the cost of a swaged fitting. Some riggers will recommend swaged fittings for the mast end of the rigging and mechanical fittings at the deck level: Corrosion is less prevalent at the top of the mast, and you can more easily and regularly inspect mechanical fittings at deck level, where theyre frequently subjected to salt water. . I found some tests that some SBO folks had done many years ago on the O'Day 25's standing rigging. On sailboats, however, there aren't a lot of non-essential parts. Sailboat Running Rigging You don't want to have faulty sailboat running rigging. For a 26' sailboat, that's just 500 bucks. The mast stayed up, but it sounded like a gun shot and was scary as hell. The boat owner or previous rigger had clearly replaced the old line without looking for the source of the chafe. Please try again. Chafe occurs when line rubs against a sharp or rough surface. What kind of end fittings? . Account. To save you from surprises, here's a full overview of costs you can expect when owning a sailboat. Would you replace this? RIGGING TIP: Why not fit a pair of mast steps a few feet from the masthead to give you a solid base on which to stand while youre working up there, rather than hanging uncomfortably in the bosuns chair? The theory is that youve crushed it so tightly that all the wires inside have just merged into one solid piece of stainless, Madden says. Standing rigging are the cables that support the mast. However, larger boats of 30 feet and up will cost considerably more. Normal rigging knives and hot knives are almost useless, all turning blocks and sheaves must have a diameter of at least 8 times the line diameter, old sheaves, turning blocks and other hardware will probably not be strong enough for high tech line, high tech line can cost up to $10 per foot. It would help if we knew what your boat was! If you do the work yourself, it's more something like $1,000 - $1,500. Ground tackle is a complete system, including the anchor itself, the rode (chain, rope, or some combination thereof, read more, French builder Dufour Yachts has rolled out another new design bringing their line to eight models from 32 to 61 feet. Put together both the pieces of your mast. Read more about the cost of replacing risers and manifolds here. With chainplates its often not the actual hardware that fails, but the structure that supports them. From canvas and cushions to rigging and hardware by top suppliers like Lewmar, Schaefer, Gray, Ronstan, and more. Check out my guide on standing rigging here! The total maintenance cost on a tight budget can get as low as $275 per year, or $23 per month. For a medium-sized boat (30-50 feet), the cost will be somewhere between $2000 and $4000. Read more on boat engine replacement costs here. The theory is that it can take 10 to 15 years of cycling, but this continual motion when its unloaded is what fatigues the wire, Madden says. [1] 2. The idea is you come on deck with this small canvas bag and make it happen, Cockerill says. These specific components likewise reinforce the spars against increased loads when wind interacts . Some of these might not apply to your situation. Deep cycle batteries (which are best for household functionality) need replacing every 4-6 years and will cost roughly $600. Learn More; Reliable Standing Rigging. If you suspect a possible crack, try running some dye over itthe crack will become much more obvious that way. Outboard starters run from about $100 - $500. If youre thinking of buying a used sailboat its probable that your final selection will be a boat that is a few years old and the halyards, mainsheet, backstay, jibsheets and other running rigging will probably look a little old, dirty and frayed. This way you can cut the wire roughly to length and have a rigger swage the tops, fit them in place yourself and terminate the lower ends to suit. Now is a good time to give it a quick spray with some track lubricant as you descend. Lets say you ripped a tang out of the mast; you can use a Dyneema loop to create another attachment point. A stripped cover dyneema halyard is a great way to reduce the splice diameter and weight aloft for racers, however, they do have their downsides. There are multiple combinations and variations: For instance, if your mast has double tangs, most likely the end fitting will be an eye although it can be a marine eye or an aircraft eye, which differ primarily in shape. Included in every new DragonFlight 95 v2 kit : v2 DF95 Rigging Instructions. Whether youre buying a used sailboat thats new to you or youve owned your boat for decades, the standing rigging is what keeps the mast in place, and thus requires particular attention. Similarly, its easier to find usable replacement parts far from busy ports. Most people that own a sailboat will have to replace the sails and rigging at least once in their lifetime. I recently sailed on a boat that had rust around the wire/swage on all the shrouds. They are all full re-rigs from 119 wire with new rigging screws (please note all examples given are for supply only): The new Dufour 37 slots in just above the 32-foot baby of the family, and it replaces the previous Dufour 360 from three years ago. Let me explain. 1. When the rig is tuned the wires are stretched. Read more on the average cost to replace a boat starter here. Some have an extra light sheet for real light winds so the sheet doesnt weigh the jib down. The owner didnt adjust the rigging to compensate for the stretch for several seasons. Its best to slacken them off, giving them a few turns each way and removing any clevis pins for close inspection before re-tensioning the shroud or stay and then locking it off with new split rings or cotter pins. You will most likely also need (or want) to replace toggles and cotter pins, even if you keep the turnbuckles. Any line that you have to handle such as jib sheets, halyards and mainsheet should be about half inch (12mm) diameter for a good grip, and jib sheets and mainsheets should be one of the softer feel products. That cost me $10k. Then we head over to Bacon Sails and Marine Supplies for a tu. SKIRMISH was a 32-footer carrying an Aboriginal motif on her bows, recalling Skirmish Point, where Flinders landed and encountered the local Aboriginal community. A boat with sound supports should not require re-tuning in less than 5 years. I don't like spam - I will only send helpful content. It wears with time due to UV exposure, flogging, strain from the wind, and regular use. Your subscription could not be saved. Replacing your old worn out or damaged standing rigging is a crucial requirement to insure your safety and the safety of others. On top of that, maintaining your boat properly is critical. The Netherlands With a spare mechanical end fitting, wire and the proper tools, you can replace a stay pretty much anywhere. One of the most common areas of rig failure is where the shrouds terminateboth at the mast tang or socket fitting and the wire terminal, toggle or T-ball. Generally, end fittings fall into a few classes: studs, eyes, forks and hooks, each of which comes in a dizzying array of sizes and configurations. Fisheries Supply is your premier supplier of sailing and rigging rope from top brands like Samson, Marlow, Robline and New England Rope. The mechanical fasteners are great in that you can terminate and then look inside to be sure its formed correctly, so you do have a way of inspecting your work, Madden says. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your running rigging. They can provide a higher percentage of nominal capacity than lead-acid batteries, without shortening their life. That said, some sailors prefer wire over rod for a number of reasons. Most recent receipt was for lower stays 10 years ago. [advertisement] Take this opportunity to check out your spars as well. Theres a rule of thumb, but it varies rigger to rigger, says Steve Madden, co-owner of M Yacht Services in Annapolis and the head of its M Rigging division. Why do you want to suddenly replace all your running rigging? Low-cost tension gauges are now available and are a useful addition to your cruising toolbox anyway. Cut a square piece of wood about 3-4 on each side. The cost of replacing the standing rigging is, on average, $4,000 every 10 years. Next check the back and forestay fittings where they connect to the mast, ensuring any clevis pins are straight and secure. There are so many variables in the system types of end fittings, types of masts, types of attachment points that each boat will have its own specific requirements that can affect cost. A rope with a Dyneema core (SK 78 or better) with a polyester cover that can be removed from the working ends would be best. And although rod rigging may be able to last longer than wire, it too needs to be serviced every five to six years to get the most life out of it. After that, you'll need to change them out. Sun wear and constant use will wear down the sails and rigging even more. The average cost of a new cruising sailboat is about $250,000. This is a very serious problem for the average sailor. If you don't have that you may be able to find it on line or on line at your boat class owners' association. We replaced the line AND the sheave box to ensure that the new halyard wont chafe. Although the hull actually read more, It was March, and Id made it through another Maine winter. On this site for example someone posted the specs for a Catalina 27 and they were bang on and agreed fully with the specs I got from the Catalina owners association. Splices should be made by a professional, high tech line is very difficult to cut. Clean and lubricate them, then refasten them, and remember to mouse them with new galvanized wire and tape over the ends to avoid chafe. The simple answer is to measure it. The average price of used sailboats is $111,000, ranging from $19,000 to $518,000. Personally, Im in favor of it, but if you replace the standing rigging frequentlyevery 10 years, saythen it might not be necessary. Do you want to earn money to write on our website? This number is reached by assuming that the average cost for materials is around $1,500, 32 hours to fabricate the rigging, and 30 hours to install the rigging. Tag each line with a sticker noting which line it is. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The golden rule has always been never to work on a rig with the boat out of the water. ImproveSailing is compensated for referring traffic and business to this companies. If in doubt, get your deck buddy to rig temporary stays using the halyards and check each stayone at a timewith it slackened off. How much does a used sail cost? 9034 GD Marsum For dry storage, part of the process can be to shrink wrap your boat. Madden says that cost isnt linear, though; as you go up in size (a bigger boat needs heavier wire and larger fittings), youll spend more. The following resources contain do-it-yourself information on upgrading and maintenance. Read more on the cost of antifouling your boat. The typical sheets for a low-tech, limited budget sailer is single braid Dacron. I can only assume this is due to the risk of rocking the hull off its jackstands. A running manoeuvre has a free end that can be acted upon. The wire itself rarely fails midway along a shroud, so this makes good sense. For docklines a 27 ft. boat would use 1/2 nylon: 25 bow, 15 stern, and 20 spring. Running the halyards Both the Jib and Main halyards are purple , high-load, Marlow Spectra line. If line is properly taken care of, it can last many decades. That was a case of not knowing that the worst thing you can do to standing rigging is have it loose on the leeward side, he says. Sta-Set X is an ideal. But Cockerill says it quickly becomes evident whether an owner feels comfortable enough to do the work. I have got quotes for sails for my 40' boat and they range from $8k for a jib and a main and I replaced the standing rigging on my boat. Standing rigging supports your boat's mast. Over time, the halyard still moved in the wind and the shroud chafed through the cover, exposing the core. The latter is very important, as its a common cause of weakness, so wherever possible ensure stainless steel fittings are insulated from an aluminum mast. You must log in or register to reply here. We offer a full range of sailing lines to replace any or all the running rigging on your boat such as halyards, sailboat sheets or control lines. Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. With the forestay removed, take the opportunity to fully service your headsail furling gear as well. I am going to be getting new jib sheets with will be 7/16" for ease of handling. If the existing is frayed and faded - then a decision should be made to contract a rigger, preferably to x) inspect and give a written report on the condition of all the running rigging; to y) provide a written quotation to supply and fit new line; to z) provide a written quotation to replace sheeves and other running rigging components with new. The Out Haul can be simply a single line the pulls the foot of the sail toward the free end of the boom or the Out Haul can consist of an elaborate arrangement of blocks. This process . Chafe usually happens gradually over long periods of time and it is only a serious problem when it goes unnoticed. The condition of this halyard is likely due to UV degradation. Here's the average cost to shrink wrap a boat. But here are some things we could do out to save some big bucks: Winterizing your boat yourself can cost you as little as $50 for antifreeze and an oil change afterward. Most insurance companies reckon you should replace your standing rigging about every 10 years. I won't go into detail, but I have written an in-depth article about the cost of new sails (opens in new tab). Youre out there offshore and theres a squall coming and you start worrying about the craziest of things, and you dont want to have any unknowns. Thats especially true of the system that keeps the mast and sails up. Redoing the running rigging on a cruising sailboat involves measuring, measuring and measuring. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. ImproveSailing is compensated for referring traffic and business to this companies. 34' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $3,000 - $5,000. The number one destroyer of line is chafe. Have a feel for any rough or sharp edges, especially cotter pin ends that might chafe lines or sails. Perhaps a rogue cotter pin sticking out of a turnbuckle. One part of sailboats and yachts that must be inspected, maintained, or even replaced when necessary is the standing rigging. The Average Cost to Shrink Wrap a Boat (per foot), seasonal maintenance, hull, engine, rigging, don't set aside money for long-term recurring maintenance (rigging, sails, hardware, and batteries), don't outsource engine maintenance, instead do oil changes ourselves, seasonal maintenance - yearly recurring jobs. If your standing rigging is . Just tell us the best email address to send your tips to: Improve Sailing You should be able to get the specs off the internet. Replace this after pinning the shroud as it is a safety device if the main pin happens to come loose (It happens!) I just replaced all the rope running rigging on a Catalina 27 for about $300. To avoid excessive wear, make sure your halyard sheaves are the proper type for whatever line you select. Whether you want to replace aging and questionable rigging, be able to handle a wider range of weather conditions, or add sail trimming upgrades for more speed and better pointing to windward, this ebook will show you . How do you know when its time to re-rig? Swaging is a strong and durable way to attach end fittings to wire rigging. Although anyone can walk into a local chandlery and buy wire, that doesnt mean the wire is of the highest quality. Do a few turns on one side before going to the other and applying an equal number. So here are some tips and things to look for so that you can replace your running rigging before it breaks. Many boat owners are reluctant to replace their running rigging, and for good reason, it can be expensive! The customer had had the boat re-rigged, and during a trip to the BVI, the new wire stretched. As a basic rule, the replacement of the standing rig should be done every 10 years, except for multihulls or regattas, and rod or composite fiber rigging. But Malizia is far from the only team struggling to keep their boat in good read more, Get your ground tackle setup right, and youll sleep much easier while youre cruising. The average annual maintenance cost of sailboats is between $2,000 - $3,000. Free shipping on $90+! The cover on core dependent dyneema line normally acts as the first defense against UV rays and chafe, but when you strip it back, the dyneema has to fend for itself. Much depends on where it is manufactured; Herman and other riggers say the best wire today is coming from South Korea through a manufacturer called KOS, making wire to military specifications. Its when the leeward side starts flopping around that youre asking for trouble., Stainless steel has a finite number of cycles essentially, movements, whether fore and aft or side to side. A swaged fitting is a terminus thats attached using a machine called a swager. Likewise, if you already have wire with fittings that accommodate your boat and mast, stick with wire. On this page you will find both rigging hardware and rigging tools. You should have the boat itself (the hull), the dagger board, the rudder and tiller, your mainsheet, both mast pieces, boom, boom bang and sail in one place. Installing the new standing rigging is simple for a trailer sailor after the mast is unstepped. For that reason, its difficult to give an accurate estimate of the cost of making the switch, even for an average 40-footer. The life span of rigging depends on how heavily a boat has been sailed and on the care taken with tuning. Here's a full overview of all the recurring maintenance from most to least frequent. And if you see evidence of wear, ask yourself (or your local rigger) What could have caused this? The cost of having a professional rigger inspect your running rigging can save you more money down the road. Mount the masts. Replacing the running rigging on your sailboat seems like it should be fairly simple, and a decade or two ago, it was. Preparing The Boat For Rigging. Headed by Dona Bertarelli, the Spindrift team has been on a mission to set a read more, In some stunning footage from onboard reporter Antoine Auriol, Boris Herrmann and his team aboard Malizia decided to cut their Code 0 free after it came loose and got tangled in the keel last night. From knowing the parts of the sails to understanding the need for tension, I'll go over everything you need to know about rigging sails. Probably the trickiest will be the forestay and backstay, as these carry the greatest loads, although all the standing rigging can be loosened to some degree when at rest. The biggest thing we like to have is the history of the boat: what kind of boat it is, how its been sailed and where has it been sailed, says Jay Herman, owner of Annapolis Rigging. (This is true anywhere there are stainless fittings by the way, so be wary of putting too much tape or tight-fitting covers on them.). Running rigging is the rigging of a sailing vessel that is used for raising, lowering, shaping and controlling the sails on a sailing vesselas opposed to the standing rigging, which supports the mast and bowsprit. The breaking strength of this line is now significantly reduced. If your running rigging has seen better days, now might be the time to replace it. Depending on the answers to those questions and others, a professionally done re-rig for a 40-footer could be closer to $6,000 or more. The first decision is whether to tackle the job with the mast up or down. A sailboat doesn't have to be expensive if you know what you're doing. Ensure swivels are working and remove any shackles. Rig inspections, rig replacement and rig upgrades is how we can help. Maybe dying or some other high tech test would. Assuming you have decided to replace the rigging wire as well as a number of other components, the first decision is whether to do it with the mast up or down. The diameter of the sheets and halyards will depend on what fits the blocks that you have. By taking on the labor yourself, youll probably save as much as $2,000 on the re-rigging cost, he says. For an average 40-foot boat, Cockerill estimates about $100 per foot to re-rig with wire rigging ($4,000), as well as the round-trip cost to haul and launch the boat and unstep and step the rig (an additional $2,500 or so). The deciding factor of how much will this cost exactly is whether you can simply bolt the new engine in or whether you have to adjust all other parts, including shaft logs, exhausts, electrics, and so on. Saltwater is a lot more corrosive, and the stress on your rigging and sails will be higher. Rigging is a significant part of building a model ship. You can see that the chafe is only occurring on one side of the line, the side that comes in contact with the sheave. Replacing the mast is uncommon, but if you're unlucky and get demasted, it will need to be fixed. Too narrow for equivalent ropeshould be 10% wider than the diameter of the rope. You cannot use a mechanical fitting on rod rigging. Copyright 2023 Cruising World. If in doubt, get a professional opinion. Did you find the answer to your specific question? For a small boat (under 30 feet), you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2000 for standing rigging replacement. Good question. Winter storms and ice can damage the hull and mast as well. Do you hire a pro or go it alone? Replacing your Standing Rigging with Jimmy Green Marine. Seems like a lot for a 40' boat. The mechanical terminals most commonly used by DIY riggers are Sta-Lok and Norseman terminals. How exactly do you determine how much line you need for a given size sailboat? This line wont last long in these conditions. The masthead is a good place to start, and while youre at it, its worth looking closely at the mast as well as the rigging, to see if any corrosion, cracks or weld defects are evident. Take a look at your mast stepparticularly if your mast is keel-stepped, as bilge water can cause serious corrosion at the foot of the mast. I would think at the first notice of a few broken strands in more than two of the wires. Replacement of the rigging components is more frequent and based on inspection. Note wire and pin diameters and measure the wires as accurately as possible between pin centers with the rig fully tensioned. Cleat the jib off on the port side of the mast and the main on the starboard. Start by digging out the bosuns chair and finding a trusted (and hopefully fit) buddy to help you. Listing Results for Shore Support & Services, Sailing & Rigging and ENG1 Medical Certificate in Marans, Levallois Perret and Cap D'Agde LittleSister said: Re-rigging my 27 footer in 2017 cost me about 860 (though I was something of a captive audience, and didn't shop around - presumably both the boatyard and the riggers made money out of it). The 150 Genoa sheets were 35 feet each as Faster suggests but my halyard lines, which are wire and rope were only 40 feet of rope. I'll pull the standing rigging and as much hardware as reasonably possible (tangs, bolts, pins, turnbuckles, etc) and drop it off to a local rigger. Today, with the advent of super-strong synthetic line such as AmSteel and Dyneema, the need for that extra wire and gear is eliminated. It's a really helpful post (with a formula) if you want to know what to expect. It was this mistakefailing to untie the read more, After four long months poised to spring into action at the first sign of the right weather window, Spindrift has announced that its record-breaking circumnavigation attempt wont be possible this year. A forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Replacing Running Rigging on an Older Sailboat If you're thinking of buying a used sailboat it's probable that your final selection will be a boat that is a few years old - and the halyards, mainsheet, backstay, jibsheets and other running rigging will probably look a little old, dirty and frayed. The average maintenance cost will be roughly $255 dollars per month for boats under 30' or just under $3,000 per year. If you live on a boat in a location where it falls below freezing temperature (good luck!). A smaller loop is a makeshift chainplate attachment you can attach it to a neighboring chainplate and attach the stay to it. Do this by placing a wrap of tape 3 up from the upper chainplate pin hole on each upper shroud. All standing rigging, whether rod or wire, has to end in a fitting that attaches to the deck and mast. The fastest route to crevice corrosion is to cover the metal with plastic or leather turnbuckle covers or to coat the fittings in tape. Most engines will last you about 20 years, depending on the amount of use and whether you use it properly. A prudent sailor should inspect his or her standing rig at least once each season and should know when the time comes to replace most or all of it. For instance, for an offshore bluewater boat, Madden recommends 10 years, and for a serious coastal cruiser, more like 12. NEW FLAT SCREEN 36" TV IN THE V-BERTH - 2019 Replace Running Rigging, Lifelines and Engine Repairs 3/2018. The biggest problem with rigging and older sailboat with high-tech lines to control the sails is that the lines are too strong for the boat. They also would carry a piece of wire as long as the longest stay on the boat coiled and stowed, which undeniably was sometimes easier said than done as well as spare end fittings and the tools needed to replace a broken shroud or stay.
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