You will go through a tough time when you will not be able to make people understand your true emotions. If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. The planetary excitement for the month winds down on February 21 when Mercury in Aquarius engages with Uranus in Taurus. During the first half of the month, we will run into situations that will bring us to a vulnerable place, perhaps bringing back painful memories from the past. You're frequently involved in collaborating, compromising, and balancing. Mercury is the planet of communication and has been retrograde or on go slow since May 10th. WebVirgo Monthly Horoscope By Helen Adams last month this month Month of February 2023 Work and Wellness Having had prudent Saturn in your sector of work and wellness for some time, Virgo, youve likely explored all the possible ways to Your monthly horoscope refreshes your energy for successful seasons ahead. The motto for Mercury in Pisces this year is: I am at home with myself, and I lead my life with intention. However, with the move of Mars into your first house of identity and appearance, you'll be more eager to pop out! Click on a star sign below to see other monthly horoscopes: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. Sun transits into Pisces at a favorable time on 15th March 2023. If you are feeling frazzled by the time Aries season rolls around on March 20, find some time to sneak away for a mini vacation. What parts of your identity are you ready to embody? Tensions at work might pick up on February 4 when Venus in Pisces clashes with Mars in Gemini. Walk regularly to avoid build up of bacteria in your body. No body and nothing seemed to solve this problem. During this romantic transit, those of you who are partnered may find yourselves engaged or taking your relationship to the next level. Think back to whatever boundary-pushing event took place earlier this month around February 3. Your March 2023 Horoscope Wants You to Get Sh*t Done, Image Sources: Image Source: Getty / Shutterstock / Unsplash and Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras, This New-Moon-in-Aries Bao Will Help You Climb to New Heights, The March 21 New Moon in Aries Is Your Cosmic Reset, Your Feb. 26 Weekly Horoscope Is Encouraging You to Celebrate Your Wins, Pluto Is Entering Aquarius and It's a BFD, What People Get Wrong About Pisces's Personality Traits, According to an Astrologer, Your Feb. 19 Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Look Within, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Heres your March 2023 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo Mar 2, 2023 (Mar 2, 2023 to Mar 19, 2023) Mer 7th H. Mercury passing through the House of relationships: Seek a meeting of the minds. Your undivided attention towards your work will yield best results to you this month. In other words, what does wealth look like to you, Libra? With Mars in Cancer hanging out in your security-focused second house until May 20, lean into the chance to improve your income and home environment. This month, you'll be shedding old fears and insecurities regarding your professional dreams and endeavors, Gemini. On March 16, your ruler, Venus, will return home to Taurus, bringing beauty and magnetism to your first house of identity and appearances. Sunsign Horoscope (Saturday Mar 04th, 2023), This is an overview of the Monthly horoscope for all Virgo Sun Sign born. Last month was about celebrating your achievements and growth. If finances are on your mind this month, research innovative ways to increase your income and manage your funds. However, your theme this month is learning how to trust in your process. Your present financial condition will also enable you to make certain changes in your life, allowing you to achieve mental satisfaction in no time. Discover your weekly love forecast, monthly horoscope or relationship compatibility. Youve got a lot going on the next few weeks. According to our astrologer, this is what a Virgo can expect for your March 2023 monthly horoscope. General Remember, there is no limit. Monthly Horoscopes By Areas of Life Love and Relationship On March 21, the first of two Aries new moons occurring in 2023 will take place, bringing increased focus to your professional goals and objectives. If you're searching for the best time to initiate new projects and celebrate the next phase of your journey, look no further than the activating Aries new moon on March 21. Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 11, adding more on your plate. WebVirgo March 2023 Horoscope. Instead of chasing behind your goals, use Aries season and the March 21 Aries new moon to spend time with your family and make improvements to your living space. This suggests that youll be getting together with family or be opening your doors to other people in the run-up to the festiveRead more, Ruling Planet. Get all the best cosmic advice for your sign, love and career predictions, and important dates. Virgo (Born August 23 to September 2) AND Virgo Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Virgo: December 2022 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends December 2022 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until December 21st: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. These crystals are perf for anyone looking for a little help this Pisces season (especially our favorite fishies!). Great things take time, so you must focus on your pending work to get a promotion this month. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Hence, results or final Health Aug 23 - Sept 22 . He is resting on his horse, and looking at his pentacle almost as if he is meditating on it, or more aptly, considering his next move. For those looking for the best time this month to start a hobby, plan a vacation, explore new artistic mediums, or catch up with friends, the Aries new moon on March 21 is a good option. It is your indomitable nature which is going to help you achieve great things in life. This will allow you to avoid negativity and continue working hard. WebVirgo Monthly Horoscope Monthly Horoscopes Daily Weekly Love Overview Love Career February 2023 Virgo Overview Horoscope Better late than never! To end the month with a bang, Pluto will begin its once-in-a-lifetime ingress in Aquarius on March 23. Freaking! While full moons typically represent a turning point, for you, this nostalgic lunation brings forth a full-circle moment regarding a job, business, or longstanding relationship. The next chapter of your life and career awaits. My popular horoscopes have appeared in many top publications, including TVTimes, Sunday Express magazine, Daily Star, BBCi website. Virgo Monthly. All that to say, be patient with yourself as you rediscover what it means to live in your undeniable power and truth. With Venus in your third house of communication and self-expression from March 16 until April 11, consider attending a cooking class or hosting a night out with close friends. The intensity will begin to wane on March 20, when the sun makes its annual transition from Pisces to Aries, marking the beginning of a brand-new 12-month solar cycle. Nevertheless, your shy nature cannot get in the way of you achieving massive success both personally as well as professionally. It is important for people to understand that you want the best in your life, and you will not shy away from achieving it. The start of the month will be prosperous for the Virgo sun sign natives. Mars enters Gemini on 13th March 2023. WebVirgo In 2023, major planets Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu will transit from your 6th, 7th, and 1st houses, which may create issues in your marriage life, mental health, and job. Mark your calendar for March 7; it's one of your most pivotal days all month. WebVirgo Monthly Horoscope By Helen Adams last month this month Month of February 2023 Work and Wellness Having had prudent Saturn in your sector of work and wellness for some time, Virgo, youve likely explored all the possible ways to Romance/ relationship A Full Moon lands in your sign on March 7, which will help reveal where you might be a little bit too hard on yourself. Luckily for you, on March 25, Mars will begin a new chapter in Cancer. You will need to be sharp-witted and alert in order to identify potential (or even actual) threats to your welfare/progress. It's time for that promotion, and the scales are tipping in your favor. Share. Until then, you must work hard to achieve your goals and set your target accordingly. Last month was about celebrating your achievements and growth. On March 7, a Virgo full moon will touch down in your 10th house of public image and career. Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for February Fix those imbalances. Those of you looking to level up your funds and decrease debt may receive good news about a recent job offer or receive a favor from a friend. This means prioritizing your quiet time to heal, rest, save up, and reflect. For those who have been navigating life while anticipating and hoping for change to happen, March will more than likely be the month that begins this process as the pressure in one area of your life will begin to ease up. Virgo Monthly Horoscope : February 2023 | Virgo Horoscope Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly 2023 February 2023 - Youll feel high energy this month, dear Virgo, as the sun moves through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs efficiency and wellness. Stop playing it safe this month, Libra. As with all Chiron transits, the only way is through! WebVirgo Monthly Forecast Work, Unpaid Work, Academia March is the most important month of the year, Virgo, as Saturn leaves your work, unpaid work and academia sector and Pluto enters. While making tiny adjustments to how you work, when you work, and who you work with may not seem like much at first, you'll be surprised at how much lighter you feel by the Virgo full moon on March 7 when you get your affairs in order. Commit to strict boundaries around your timeits more limited than normal. This month will be an excellent time for you, no matter what. Virgo Horoscope for March 2023. On Thursday, March 23, mighty Pluto takes a dramatic turn and enters Aquarius. Situationships be gonein matters of the heart, youre addressing unhealthy power dynamics that no longer serve you. For instance, instead of analyzing and critiquing how something functions or appears, pay attention to how it makes you feel. Read your sign's monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Virgo personality profile. Instead of pushing through the chaos and broken systems, take a step back and analyze the circumstances. US Edition. On March 7, Saturn, the planet of governance and authority, will begin a new three-year cycle in your joint-resources sector until 2026, bringing new lessons and opportunities to attract mentors and business partners who can scale your empire. When it comes to career, exciting collaboration and contracts may be underway. Keep going because the stars are aligning to lend you more cosmic support than normal. This means that although you're embarking on a new season of growth and development, you may also encounter endings and redirections along the way. Full Moon/MercuryRead more, Your ruling planet Mercury is in Sagittarius and your home and family sector as December begins. Because you tend to try to control outcomes, you may run into issues with anxiety and internal frustration around this time. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Therefore you need to carry on with the good work that you are doing and avoid the negativity around you. Get all the best cosmic advice for your sign, love and career predictions, and important dates. Aries season brings your attention to an intimate area of your chart and encourages vulnerability. JupiterRead more, Aries & Money. Share. You generally channelise your energy in There is an exception to every rule and you must consider differences that may keep you detached or even hiding from certain people. With Mercury in Pisces moving into your seventh house of marriage on the same day, be open to blessings the universe is sending your way. It is your indomitable nature which is going to help you achieve great things in life. On March 20, your vision will crystallize once Aries season and the new astrological year officially begin. Ltd. 2001-2023. The Sun is here as well until the 20th which means theres peak planetary energy in your joint finance sector. Your growth will be consistence as you will succeed in leaving an impression on your superiors. Last month was about celebrating your achievements and growth. Virgo (Born August 23 to September 2) AND Virgo Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Virgo: December 2022 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends December 2022 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until December 21st: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. This means that the next three years will help you build an aligned lifestyle that supports you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to figure it out all at once. Choose a b-day candle personalized for your exact b-day (and yes, you can get one if youre not a Pisces too). WebVirgo Monthly Horoscope (February, 2023) Select your sun sign Aries 21/3 - 19/4 Taurus 20/4 - 20/5 Gemini 21/5 - 20/6 Cancer 21/6 - 22/7 Leo 23/7 - 22/8 Virgo 23/8 - 22/9 Libra 23/9 - 22/10 Scorpio 23/10 - 21/11 Sagittarius 22/11 - 21/12 Capricorn 22/12 - 19/1 Aquarius 20/1 - 18/2 Pisces 19/2 - 20/3 Career MARCH 2023. Spotlighting your 11th house of community and technology, don't waste a chance to get out and network. Think about your childhood. Although this full moon occurs annually, this is the first full moon where Saturn, ruler of responsibility and limitation, will enter Pisces on the same day. Since Full Moons represent completion and manifestation, say goodbye to the parts and pieces of you that no longer serve you. The only thing you need to do is remain honest with your emotions and communicate regularly. Todays Remedy for you Virgo rules the nervous system and you can be hyper-active, curious & critical. Your March 2023 horoscope unlocks new levels personally and professionally, but first, you need to get things in order on the home front. Youll find your monthly horoscopes for 2022 below. There is always a tent dedicated to wine instead of beer at Oktoberfest. Freaking! Therefore, its a big deal when your planet turns direct after three weeks retrograde. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your 2023 horoscope. Some of you may be playing both sides to keep the peace, but it's time to cut ties with bad vibes. Pace yourself as you adapt to the changes. This is Virgo season when you have the Sun in your star sign Virgo until the 23rd. According to our astrologer, this is what a Virgo can expect for your February 2023 monthly horoscope. At times, especially on March 16, when Mercury in Aries enters your 10th house of career and public reputation, you may feel pressured to prove yourself or rush your progress before you're ready. This charming celestial meetup deepens your desire for independence and romance. Visualize your plans for the next 12-month solar cycle. A Full Moon lands in your sign on March 7, which will help reveal where you might be a little bit too hard on yourself. Youll find your monthly horoscopes for 2022 below. Happy new year, Virgo. Say what's on your heart this month, Cancer; someone needs to hear it. has done some wonderful work. While most signs get caught up in the emotional web Pisces season and transit present, you thrive in the water. Exchanges and interactions with others seem magnified, and sexual attraction is strong. It is the only way by which you can get rid of the negativity and improve your life in general. Using the power of astrology, you will get a much-needed opportunity to recharge your batteries this month. With Mercury slipping into your sign on the same day, you're more comfortable saying what's on your heart and asking for what you need, so don't waste a good opportunity being modest and shy. Responsibility, boundaries, and karma have a new face! Pisces season is your season to bask in the softness and sensitivity this energy embodies. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Monthly Horoscope For March 2023 Say what's on your heart this month, Cancer; someone needs to hear it. This is elevator pitch energy, so dont dim your shine! Virgos with children may find this transit awakens their love for cooking and gardening. Use this ego-boosting energy to treat yourself to a makeover or shopping spree. We see no sudden movement in this card. Click here for a more personalised reading. WebVirgos born August 23 to September 2 Virgos born September 3 to 12 Virgos born September 13 to 23 Overview for this Month: Virgo (All) February 2023 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Virgo: February brings special attention to your habits, routines, health, work, and closest relationships, dear Virgo. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. You will need to be sharp-witted and alert in order to identify potential (or even actual) threats to your welfare/progress. If you've been on the market for a new job or looking to make a career shift, this new moon is ideal for planting the seed. Early next month (March), Saturn arrives in your opposite sign and you will then likely have to apply the financial brakes - and heavily. March's mantra, "I am a pioneering leader of my community. Whatever you start then will expand during the April Aries solar eclipse, so manifest with integrity and clear intentions.
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