Who could ever figure out any of this and who has a hundred years to do it? if I want him fr keeps and I want him to fall fr me too??? And I said I wouldnt do it again. I guess this is how people feel about me haha! He might not admit it, but social clout is important to him. guy from work first initiates "us" going out. While the Sun sign does lend its light to the entire personality, it's only one factor among many. As you would expect, they have sizzling personalities. He disappears which isn't really a huge deal to me because I am VERY busy these days and he kinda gets on my nerves so I need a break too lol. Thats why I say they some kind of complementing one another well. Good luck! She finds him clever and interesting; that explains she ends up joining him in most activities. To find out that over the 10 years he has regretted disappearing on me was confusing. They can be at times very unpredictable due to being a fire sign. I love this man more than love could love itself. However, over the coming months we chatted. So, if he makes you a part of it or suspends it even for a little while for you, you're important to that man. 2. Cause still to this day he still the same non caring attitude just for his self only. So if they already make up their mind, dont bother to talk them out or slow them down. Accept her way of doing things, especially in the beginning. i think maybe he can wait to hold me and it's just all a load of bullshit!! They are very career-oriented and are focused on whatever they do. When an Aquarius man doesnt like you, he will keep the conversation tame and wont ask anything about your life. I had to leave the state for some time and all of a sudden became distant and cold. But it wasn't good enough. Being a fire sign, Aries people are confident and intense. So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. If he says hes not into you, take your inquiry a step further. I told him I would leave him alone. Generally, an Aries characteristic pops in females when they are in love. Communicating is the core of the connection of Aquarius and Aries. And you wanna get as far away from them as you can. I called and left 1 message, a couple of texts and an email..and no reply. Don't let anyone take you for a ride and then leave you on the highway. After the first couple months I expressed to him that he wasn't making enough time for me, and I backed off a bit. From mid May onwards, the interaction changed in the sense, we used to go out for one on one movies and shopping etc once in a while for every weekend till July start.And,he was being nice and everyone in office has been speculating that there is something fishy about us. I mean who does that to someone? At work, Aries put others in shame with their efficiency. My family are struggling with his decision what are we too dowe are in too deep.. As a Scorpio woman this seems like so much work. I feel the same way. But, I am afraid he will just try to hide the other girls from me since I don't go out of my way to text or call him. Why do people hate Aries? Astrology can let you learn more about someone you recently met. They are the worst men in the zodiac for relationships, so don't get caught up with one. Theres nothing wrong with being competitive. Yes, LeeLeeits much better to move on. I'M not opposed to taking it slow, but I've been trying to just be open with him and not have any walls up. Ive never told him the true depth of my feelings bc I dont want to overwhelm him. He seems to be very sweet one day but may become hot-tempered on the next day his moody behavior frustrates you because you dont know what youve done to him. It's Sunday. He has suffered from depression and his mum died last year which he had been grieving and trying to come to terms with. what matter is, the most important thing is the connection that even if you guys are not talking, you know once he finds out you are talking with another, the cheating starts. Every wknd he call it quits. A week after that he asked me to marry him and we've been married for 27 years. He has been distant but drill there and when i wanted to see him before he turned on me.. he asked me why so even though i respond to his messages with no more than a simple answer and I answer his calls and do not indulge in conversation.. Period. Pisces Man Disappearing Act. ;(. There's a difference between a person who keeps putting in work because they care about you and another who's just using you because he's aware you'd be available. Let go and Move on. Is it true that he is really pulling away from you or just focusing on other matters? Aries and Virgo Compatibility - 28 days. i got frustrated like everyone else, i thought what a jerk! And again called me up like nothing. I noticed a lot of questions were asking about why their Aquarius men are disappearing or doing 180's in the personality department. They usually have a big group of friends because they are very quirky. He said, he is seeking clarity as to whether he wants to push forward in this or not. He can definitely fall in love with the Aries female. Goodmorning texts every morning, on the phone all the time, spending plenty of time together. I can't keep taking the initiative (he has asked first a couple of times though to be fair or am I just making excuses for him?!). Even if youre not clingy, they still run away. They are radical self-lovers and they seldom compromise. The key to an Aquarius man is to not take any crap from them. He has now moved to London and we met for a date. Luckily, Aries never stay mad for long or holds grudges. Well it wasn't that he was disappearing while we were together that was in the beginning when we where friends. Theres a moment he focuses only on his private space in which he can accomplish all of his unfinished projects or simply rethink of what just happened. Every relationship Ive been in the other person is unwilling to step outside of their comfort zone for me. An Aries woman is someone who always needs attention from her friends and family. But its not fair. Should I consider us over? I've decided that I am not going to text him at all anymore, and if he wants to be with me, then he's going to have to step up to the plate because this Aries is done playing these ridiculous cat n' mouse games! Yes, sis, he can change. Wow! When he changes, if he changes, it'll be because he decided to, not that you made him. At a deep level, I feel that this beautiful Aquarius man that I love needs my rock solid commitment to him and needs me to be able to hang in even through the occasional times when he seems rather immature and selfish. NOTHING. This is the first step in his anger cycle. I'm pretty sorted in my mind & he knows it pretty clear too that i'm not looking for anything romantic with him. They need people around them who are strong because of their childlike attitude towards everything. Why are there 12 signs? Only to just turn it off. He was very controlling person, set in his ways, i couldn't wear this, calling me all the time thinking i was doing wrong. I have known this man for 31 years, we grew up together. Ive been dating this gorgeous guy for 9 months, we hit it off straight away, met each others kids and he recently met my parents. Terms and conditions | Privacy policy | About | Contact, Definitely a perfect description of what i am going through with my Friend/boyfriend who knows Aquarius. They need someone exciting and who can keep her excited all the time. Leave your comment below if having any question about this topic! Aries Man with Sagittarius Woman: Are They Really Soulmates? I have been in relationship with Aries man for six months he told me he would never leave me . Some men just want to keep tabs on you and the only way for them to do that is to be close to you, don't let yourself be vulnerable. Be the person to make his tie and coffee and telling him "Go get em tiger" when he leaves the house. Any Aquarius men with Aries women? Keep your mind open for stories because he's going to rain them on you just to gain your empathy. He told me during this time that he was dealing with some stuff. Aquarius Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Cancer Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Sagittarius Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Capricorn Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility, Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility. Big mistake. he tells me how much he loves my company. Your email address will not be published. Aries like to act tough, but behind those horns, Aries can be very sensitive. Are you feeling crazy right now as your Ram partner is on his ignoring spree? When the Aries male really likes a woman, he will approach her quickly but later will regret that he didnt take things slow this is the reason for his pulling-away act. WTH? Taurus is like Aries after an emotional evolution. We will go 2 weeks without seeing one another. Cancers are highly emotional and sensitive people and will not be able to understand the cold behaviour of an Aries in difficult situations. But in this post, Ill be covering all the signs that the Aqua mandoesnt like you. It doesn't make you worry or wonder, it gives a sense of belonging. Her "just do it" way of living sparks him to act on his dreams and imaginings. The Aquarian man is pretty fickle with his time and attention. Additionally, both individuals are more than their Sun signs. Not only giving and taking, but each side also needs to guide, mellow and heal their significant other. And I have been in agony all week. An Aries woman is determined to take the lead, and that includes making the first advance and inviting the charming but seemingly shy Pisces man on a date. I can't talk for all of them, of course, and I'm not saying that this is even the right answer. Spontaneity runs in their veins, so if you are associated with any Aries then be ready for sudden outings or vacations. In the beginning he would always call, text and come around. There is always talk of marriage, putting a ring on my finger (even how many carats), taking me on trips, the whole nine yards, but nothing has come of it, haven't seen jack and I'm okay with thisjust that I sense a lot of talk but not a doer in that aspect so I take everything he says with a grain of salt and not rely heavily on the "good" talk because I know it's just talk, but that mess has got to stop, I hate bs. Just let me know. That's when we feel a need to be committed to that person so that she'll never leave our side. And then it becomes a sudden realization that my partner might be reading more than simple friendship or affection into it and, in order to fix and think about this, I cut off and take a break. He says he loves me, but not on the same level that I love him. Trust me, he's got a flock of them wanting him just as bad as you do. Something that can be seen in their temper tantrum, especially if they don't get their way. Maybe the first or 2nd time, but it really is a sign of immaturity no matter how old they are. I completely shut him out of my life - did not take calls, refused to see him when he showed up, sent back letters he sent to me, shut him out like he didn't exist. If youre still unsure about his feelings for you and its tearing you up to know, just ask him. One step away! I feel like he is trying to hint at me that he is not gone, but he knows I'm off this week and I have heard nothing more. Thus signs like Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius work well with an Aries. They are the first ones to submit their homework at school. Required fields are marked *. If your path is to build more attraction, I recommend you read my guide on how to attract an Aquarius man. Never sell yourself short. Love is not made of uncertainty and if you want your aries man back, he will likely come. I hate Aquarius men they are cruel and i hope and pray every day that he will feel the way I did. Good luck,gf, and try not to get too frustrated with him, and just go about your business, and what happens, happens! Notice how he acts when around you. We have done the break up thing 5 times. If you want someone that can feel what you feel, go to Cancerians. Being a fire sign always indicates a woman who is creative in unique ways. Jealousy is a by-product of Aries competitiveness. So hes likely not that into you once he displays his disappearing acts. Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman: Are They Compatible? Lmao). we are beautiful people, this could be our dream come true, or at the least we will inspire each other as great sexy friends, cheer us on!!! he isn't returned my one phone call (its been over a week but I'm not going to blow up his phone) or any of my three texts. How do I get through to him? I'm not in a hurry to be in a relationship with him. yo arian female advicer, but doesn't truly believe on astro anymore. If I like a guy, he knows it. His subtle jabs are intended to give you a hint and teach you a . They have leadership qualities and are very courageous in every situation. I haven't had the total disappearing thing yet, it's more the detachment thing going on rite now and it's driving me crazing cos I just don't know if he's simply distracted or disinterested. We declared our love for each other and I felt I would be with him for the rest of my life however, he would not add me as a friend on Facebook, met his ex girlfriend for dinner and went missing for long periods of time! What do you think of that Aquarius man who wrote this article? please. Articles and advice on relationships, love, dating, and marriage. Anyway, we started spending a lot more time together & the sex was amazing. I have been accused of things, constantly, like I have to reassure him I am not cheating or even thinking about cheating, we have had terrible arguments about this and it stems from his past relationships. Aries have their own toxic traits. I'm just too fond of him & care a lot bout him. The Aries and Taurus relationship has two heady and stubborn creatures at the helm. Everything is a competition. Instead, make him wonder where you were, who you were with, and what you've been doing. Surely a person gets tired of always going back to a passive interest. And me messaged me right away apologizing that he has so much going on and he still wants me in his life. He is my comfort zone, and funny. Like - you can't make time for me, well I'm going to give you all the time in the world, - like forever. i did all the research i possibly could on aquas and kept seeing be patient, be independent, and don't demand from him. We've never even kissed, but the anticipation is killing me sometimes.