Thats why we started the Times of Israel ten years ago - to provide discerning readers like you with must-read coverage of Israel and the Jewish world. Over the years, Nadia has made several efforts to seek a bit of mercy from Syrian officials. He was taught high-speed evasive driving techniques, Weapons proficiency (especially with a wide variety of small arms), topography, map reading, sabotage, and, most importantly, radio transmissions and cryptography. Learn more. Israels defense planners urgently needed reliable intelligence on the scope of the water diversion project engineering plans, diagrams, maps, and other data and up-to-the-minute assessments of Soviet influence in the Syrian capital, as well as detailed information on plans for the modernization, equipping, and retraining of Syrian forces. Eli Cohen was the man for the job. When the Baath took power in 1963, Eli was firmly entrenched in Syrian high society. While there are reports that Cohen hosted parties that would devolve into orgies at his apartment, in order to gain the trust of high-level people in power, there's no concrete evidence that he played a role in the March 1963 coup. The husband hunters among the Damascus rich and influential flocked to the handsome Taabet, hoping that their almond eyes, Byzantine beauty, and olive skin would secure a future of wealth and power: He became the most sought-after bachelor in the Syrian capital. Eli's second instructor Yehuda taught him how to use a small, sophisticated radio transmitter. His widow mentioned that the watch was up for sale months earlier, and Mossad managed to capture it. HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - A Netflix drama about Israeli spy Eli Cohen, who infiltrated the Syrian government in the 1960s and was later executed, has received a . Syria has not even disclosed the location of Eli's grave. Given their history of a paper trail, its fitting but heartbreaking to learn that their final exchange also took place over written correspondence. He then moved to Damascus in February 1962, under his new identity, Kamel Amin Thaabet, to extract classified information from Syrian military officers. [9] The governments of Belgium, Canada, and France tried to persuade the Syrian government to commute the death sentence,[25] but the Syrians refused. References ^ Eli Cohen Knesset ^ Eli Cohen Ministry of Economy and Industry ^ Kulanu list Central Elections Committee Eli Cohen was the man for the job. He organized several protest campaigns against the British rule. Sign in to stop seeing this, Sara Netanyahu accosted by protesters at Tel Aviv hair salon, extricated by police, Brides joy turns to sorrow after Elan Ganeles killed driving to her wedding, Hiker discovers 2,500-year-old ancient receipt from reign of Purim kings father, Netanyahu compares Tel Aviv protesters to settlers who set fire to Huwara. [12], He was then given a false identity as a Syrian businessman who was returning to the country after living in Argentina. Monthir Maosily, a former bureau chief for Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, claimed in 2007 that Hafiz and Cohen were not as close as was made out and that stories of Cohen infiltrating the very top of Syrian politics "had been exaggerated to undermine Syria, as if he was a spy who had transmitted Syria's deepest secrets.". The actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has a . He died in 2009. Incorrect password. He was interrogated and tortured. Concentrate on yourself; look forward to a better future!I send you my last kisses to you and to the children: Sophie, Irit, and Shaoul, and to the rest of my family, especially my motherPlease pray for my soul. She has pleaded for years and is still waiting to receive Eli's body. Ben-Dor was pessimistic that Israel would soon be able to retrieve her fathers body from Syria. At first, he refused. [24], Following the 1963 Syrian coup d'tat, newly appointed Syrian Intelligence Colonel Ahmed Suidani disliked Cohen and did not trust figures close to the Second Syrian Republic. "His parents, Syrian Jews from the thriving town of Aleppo, had always instilled in their educationally minded son the traditions of the Jewish people, of Zionism, and of the culture of Syria's Jewish community, in particular." one evening he met one gentleman, Abdel Latif Hassan, editor in chief of Arab world magazine publish in Argentina. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Eli Cohen was an Egyptian-born Israeli spy best known for his espionage work in the 1960s in Syria, where it was alleged he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy and became the chief adviser to the country's defense minister. Despite this, however, Israeli intelligence asked him to return to Syria one more time. At the same time, Israeli officials devised escape schemes and appealed to international organizations. As Intelligence Chief Meir Amit said, Eli succeeded far beyond the capabilities of most other men.. No film or video was previously known to exist of the execution. In the short periods he came home he wanted to absorb all the love from his children, he even smelt their scent to stay with him, and he wanted to give all the love possible, like a father to his children. Al-Gamal was born in 1927 and aspired to become an actor. On August 31, 1959, he married a beautiful Iraqi-born Jew, Nadia Majald. Since 1992, the Golan has been up for discussion in the peace talks, but it strikes a very emotional chord among Israelis due to its historic and strategic significance, in addition to its natural beauty. The Syrian project to divert water from the headwaters of the Jordan away from Israel was mentioned already in the above introduction. Cohens contacts, nurtured through a string of lavish dinner parties, social occasions, and friendships with those in high places, led to invitations to visit Damascus and to set up a business venture there. [9], In 1959, he married Nadia Majald, born circa 1935,[10] an Iraqi-Jewish immigrant and the sister of author Sami Michael. Israel has for decades worked to retrieve his remains. The 2019 'Netflix' miniseries 'The Spy' had actor Sacha Baron Cohen portraying Eli. At times before the civil war, the Syrians used Israels northern border with Lebanon to harass Israel the way they used to from the Golan Heights. He says the spies wanted him to try and talk to his father's close friends or provide insight. Altogether, he returned to Israel three times between 1962 and 1965. The three major tributaries of the upper Jordan River the Dan, the Baniyas, and the Hatzbani all originate in the Golan. Meir even appealed to the Soviet Union. He had three brothers. But the intelligence officers convinced him to go back one last time. The Golan Heights defenses were top-secret and closed only to top military staff. In 1949, his parents and three brothers moved to Israel while Eli remained in Egypt to coordinate Jewish and Zionist activities there. [7] Cohen is married, has four children and lives in Holon. Thanks". She understood from him that he would be working for the Ministry of Defense, but she didnt know where or in what capacity. Eli told Nadia that he got a job with a company that works with defense and foreign ministries, he needs to travel to Europe to buy tools and equipment, and materials for Israel's military. Eli was caught in the act and there was nothing he could do. They had three childrenSophie, Irit, and Shaiand the family settled in Bat Yam. This version contradicts that of Israel's secret service. His first assignment was to infiltrate the Jewish community of Alexandria. The Syrians have consistently refused to do so. they suspect on a tablet but they verify the Tibet's transmission two times at 8 am precisely they broke into the tablet home, Eli was caught red-handed in the transmission. Reports earlier this year said a Russian delegation had removed his remains from Syria in an attempt to bring them to Israel. You're not alone. Various reports say that Biton was unveiled and offered the option of becoming a double agent. Thank you, David Horovitz, Founding Editor of The Times of Israel, 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved, Sophie Ben-Dor (Screen capture: Channel 12 News), This undated photo shows Israeli spy Eli Cohen in Syria wearing a wristwatch recovered by the Mossad in 2018. A year later your sister 1947 all of you arrived in Argentina. Nadia wishes to be buried beside Elis grave. He is best known for his espionage work in 196165 in Syria, where he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy.[1][2][3]. I want him (Yossi Cohen) to clarify what hapepned," said the 84-year-old. But what happened next apparently deviates from the way it appears in the show. click the link in that email to complete your registration. Please use the following structure:, Send me The Times of Israel Daily Edition. It also provides 30% of Israels water sources. The unit bombed unoccupied American and British installations, expecting that this would be considered the work of Egyptians. Qudsi was ousted from power as a result of the March 8 coup, but Hafiz did not take power until months later. Eli could watch the entrance to the Syrian government officials' guest house. Eli's handlers were continually persuading him to return. If you've already watched all of The Spy and are curious to know more about Cohen, then these accounts of the real-life Cohen might make for curious reading. Despite being away from home for months at a time, he fathered three children, Sophie, Irit and Shai. Cohen was convicted of espionage. Israel tried to obtain the cooperation of her Arab neighbors for the plan, but the Arabs would not agree, even when the United States tried to use its diplomatic leverage for the furtherance of the plan. ", "Sacha Baron Cohen To Star As Eli Cohen in Netflix Limited Series 'The Spy', Cohen's widow asks for his remains to be returned, PM's speech at the ceremony marking 40 years since the death of Eli Cohen, Our man in Damascus: Eli Cohen of blessed memory, Exhibition in the IDF & Defense Establishment Archives, Eli Cohen, moments after the execution (part 1), Eli Cohen, moments after the execution (part 2),, Egyptian people convicted of spying for Israel, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 15:41. I beg my wife to forgive me, to take care of herself and our children. They had three childrenSophie, Irit, and Shaiand the family settled in Bat Yam. in Israel, he found the job of translating weekly and monthly magazines for a man after a few months he was fired. In early 1964, Eli was able to radio Tel Aviv that the channel was being dug along the entire length of the Syrian Heights to receive the diverted flow of the Baniyas River - one of the Jordans major sources - and empty into Jordanian territory. Eli carefully spelled out all the details of the project and passed them on to Israeli Intelligence. Speaking to Cohen's brother, and to Israeli and Syrian intelligence experts, Sputnik has pieced together a new look at the superspy's incredible life story. I think as long as Bashar Assad is in power I dont see the word progress,' she said, referring to Syrias dictator. Eli Cohen, Israels most famous spy, also happened to be a hopeless romantic. Decades after the Eli Cohen affair there are still many questions, some minor, others major - among them, the way in which Syrian counterintelligence identified the Israeli spy (from the archive). children: Irit Cohen, Shai Cohen, Sophie Cohen, place of death: Al Marjeh Square, Damascus, Syria, See the events in life of Eli Cohen in Chronological Order,, On May 15, 1965, Eli wrote a final letter to Nadia, requesting her not to mourn his death and stating that she should hold her head high, as her husband had done nothing wrong. But Sophie was born without seeing his father. According to an unconfirmed but widely believed story, he feigned sympathy for the soldiers exposed to the sun and had trees planted at every position, placed to provide shade. Israeli foreign minister Golda Meir led a campaign urging Damascus to consider the consequences of hanging him. Get email notification for articles from Yossi Melman, Reproduction of an Israeli stamp being issued to honour the Mossad intelligence agency spy Eli Cohen who was hanged in Damascus. The complete trust Cohen enjoyed among his unwitting informants is illustrated by the following incident, which might have serious consequences for the Israeli agents. In 1954, Egyptian authorities arrested Eli for being a terror suspect. He remembered and passed on to Israeli Intelligence the positioning of every Syrian gun, trench, and machine-gun nest in each Golan Heights fortification; tank traps, designed to impede any Israeli attack, were also identified and memorized for future targeting.. he goes abroad for business and meets Nadia and Sophie in Bat Yam. Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on December 26, 1924. Eli Cohen was an Egyptian-born Israeli spy best known for his espionage work in the 1960s in Syria, where it was alleged he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military. One day they took Eli to visit the Syrian positions along Israel's border. They had three children, Sophie, Irit, and Shai. He emigrated to Israel with the assistance of the Jewish Agency. [6] Cohen spoke five languages fluently. Likud MK Eli Cohen Federation of Local Authorities conference in Tel Aviv, December 8, 2022. Eli's first instructor Yitzhak learned to memorize things, he throws a dozen objects on the table and Eli observe them for a second and described them. The president was ousted from power a year later in 1966. In 1963, new Ramdas replaced Meir Amit for a few months in charge of both a man and Mossad. Last Friday marked the 53rd anniversary of the execution of Eli Cohen, the Egyptian-born Israeli spy who burrowed his way so deep into the Syrian state apparatus he nearly came to head it. For a while, Cohen tried his hand at civilian life. Eli expressed his fear and wish to terminate his assignment in Syria during his last visit to Israel in November 1964. Others have attributed the carelessness to an almost suicidal tendency perhaps, it was later surmised, he had been in the undercover world too long, but knew he couldnt get out of it. [11], The Mossad recruited Cohen after Director-General Meir Amit, looking for a special agent to infiltrate the Syrian government, came across his name while looking through the agency's files of rejected candidates, after none of the current candidates seemed suitable for the job. Out of fear of being caught, Eli expressed his wish to visit Israel in November 1964, to pass on information and also witness the birth of his third child. Scheffeldt said that her husband never revealed his true identity, and she learned of it only after a television series aired in Egypt that described him as a national hero. The leading figure in the break-in was the head of Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Suedani Elis nemesis. children: Irit Cohen, Shai Cohen, Sophie Cohen Born Country: Egypt Spies Israeli Men Died on: May 18, 1965 place of death: Al Marjeh Square, Damascus, Syria Notable Alumni: Cairo Farouk University Cause of Death: Executed By Hanging City: Alexandria, Egypt More Facts Recommended Lists: Israeli Celebrities Male Spies Israeli Spies Capricorn Men he supplies Eli with inside information about the political and military situation. This week, KAN 11 began broadcasting a documentary series "Lochem 566," (Fighter 566, Cohen's Mossad codename). For 19 years, Jewish settlements in the north were under constant threat of Syrian guns. The daughter of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen said Sunday "it hurt" to watch the new Netflix series about her father's life and execution in Syria, lamenting some historical inaccuracies in. This article was originally published in May 2005 and republished to coincide with the release of "The Spy" - a Netflix series about Eli Cohen's life. love of country, sacrifice and about his life and my life, my children." . A number were only released 14 years later, after the 1967 War. Eli Cohenarrived in Buenos Aires and checked into a hotel .a local teacher would get in touch with him and teach him the Spanish language. That is, until Meir Dagan took over as chief. In 1960, Cohen was recruited to be part of a dangerous mission to Syria. [5], His parents and three brothers left for Israel in 1949, but he remained to finish a degree in electronics and coordinate Jewish and Zionist activities. Cohen established his contact quickly, his letter of recommendation opened the gates to high society. They further said that the use of the term "partner" is generic and is applied to all those agencies with which we have contact. Eli's wife Nadia, played by Hadar Ratzon Rotem, has to deal with raising two children without her husband, who disappears for up to a year at a time without being allowed to tell her what he's actually doing or even where he is. Last year, Israel was able to retrieve Cohens wristwatch from Syria and return it to his family. [7][9], Israel staged an international campaign for clemency, hoping to persuade the Syrians not to execute him. [32], John Shea played Cohen in the television film The Impossible Spy (1987),[33] and Sacha Baron Cohen played him in the Netflix miniseries The Spy (2019). In the interview, she said that her husband left behind memoirs, notes and other evidence. They even started to organize a ceremony for Eli at the 'Mossad' headquarters in Glilot. Eli seemed to have completed the final stage in establishing his network. Thus, he wished to terminate his assignment in Syria. Returning to Nadia is Cohens ultimate goal. Thats when he met Nadia Majald, an Iraqi-born Jewish woman who lived near his brother and his wife. Maurice Cohen told his brother he had a new phone line installed in his house and "gave the number of his apartment in Damascus, which I had received in a message just before he'd come home.". In 1960, the national intelligence agency of Israel, 'Mossad,' approached Eli for a classified mission in Syria. had succeeded in friending a Saudi entrepreneur who had been contracted to plan and dig canals, the name was his friend was bin Laden, little Osama's father. "He began writing the number but stopped abruptly and, looking flushed and flustered, mumbled under his breath about needing to run out to the supermarket before it closed. By 1960, however, Israeli Intelligence was ready to take another look at Eli Cohen. Prior to the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, Cohen was arrested and interrogated over his Zionist activities. "Concentrate on yourself; look forward to a better future!". So now we have a request. He worked as an accountant. His training was extensive and exhaustive. On May 18, 1965, Eli was publicly hanged at the Marjeh Square in Damascus, Syria. In the show, Cohenas Thaabetbefriends Hafiz in Buenos Aires and later in Damascus helps Hafiz's Ba'ath party seize power. Israel could not survive without Jordan's water. One day in 1960 Israeli Intelligence approached him about working for them again. Warning: This article contains spoilers for all six episodes of The Spy. The Spy, which was released Friday, tells the story of Cohen, who spied for Israel in Syria during the 1960s, providing valuable intelligence that was said to have greatly assisted the Israeli military in the 1967 Six Day War. The Spy, a six-part Netflix miniseries about Cohen's life, showcases the legendary Mossad agent's relationship with his wife, Nadia (Hadar Ratzon Rotem). In January 1965, Syrian government officials announced that Eli is an Israeli spy. Sophia Cohen the 26-year-old daughter of billionaire hedge funder and Mets owner Steve Cohen is no longer engaged to her financier boyfriend Jason Levine, Page Six has confirmed. Asked to pinpoint what she found not to be reflective of her familys experience, Ben-Dor cited the ethnic gap, noting her mother was never a maid as was portrayed in the series. Al-Hafidh wanted a million dollars for his services, texting: "1M for the minimum for kick start. Eli Cohen was sent to Syria as an undercover agent, and he turned out to be the greatest spy to date. [27] Syrian authorities have repeatedly denied family requests for the remains. Recalling Elis final days, Nadia states he was in Bat Yam, with her and the three babies. The following year, Syria found out about Cohen by tracing his intelligence transmissions to Israel. The Israel Defense Forces were alleged to have used the trees as targeting markers during the Six-Day War, which enabled Israel to capture the Golan Heights in two days. The news spread everywhere that the Syrian leader is a spy, a president friend, a millionaire. children: Irit Cohen, Shai Cohen, Sophie Cohen, Kamal Amin Taabet (also called Tabas in some sources) was born in Beirut, Lebanon, to Syrian Muslim parents. [4] His father had moved there from Aleppo in 1914. "Soon after, my commanding officers summoned me to my base and informed me that Eli had spoken to them about the phone number incident. Cohen (Sacha Baron Cohen) was the kind of guy to leave his wife spontaneous love letters throughout the house. The agent replied: "Will do, thanks K". Do what you must, don't deprive the children of a father. He was promised support in any venture he might wish to undertake, and the generous sums of cash which he appeared to possess appealed to the unscrupulous who thought he could provide grease to their financial ambitions, as well as patriotic Syrians who hoped for an infusion of foreign capital into the Syrian state. "There was great excitement because it is essentially the only item of dad that came back, we have nothing. [5] He studied at Cairo Farouk University. later he handed with Syrian passport in name of kamal Amin tabet, he advised to open a bank account in that name and start visiting Arab restaurants, the cinema where Arab movies are shown, and political club. Also in Episode 5, viewers see Hafiz assume power after demanding the resignation of Syria's then-president, Nazim al-Qudsi. It says this "does not imply any special relationship or endorsement". Cohen went undercover in Syria as Kamel Amin Thaabet in the early 1960s, aligned himself with key military and government personnel and fed intel back to Israel. [16][17] Mossad had carefully planned the tactics that he was to use in building relationships with high-ranking Syrian politicians, military officials, influential public figures, and the diplomatic community. Eli was, however, persuaded continuously by Israeli intelligence agencies to return to Syria. 4 Min Read. His successes couldn't be vocally shared with his family, however. one after the other 69 people were arrested. Still, Israeli Intelligence asked him to return to Syria one more time. [7], In January 1965, Syrian officials, who used Soviet-made tracking equipment and were assisted by Soviet experts, increased their efforts to find a high-level spy. Before he was executed, Cohen met with a rabbi, as per his request, and sent his wife a letter. they made great efforts to locate the secret transmission to Israel with help of Soviet-made equipment, in January 1965 they got success. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, Antoni Porowski Talks New Cookbook, Recipes and Tradition in Cooking, Netflix's 'The Spy': Eli Cohen's Remains Still a Mystery, How to Watch True Crime Series 'Unbelievable' on Netflix. After his execution, a white parchment filled with anti-Zionist writing was put on his body, and he was left hanging for six hours. Israel has had a quiet northern border on the Golan with the exception of some occasional fallout from the Syrian civil war for more than 40years. For as little as $6 a month you can help support our quality journalism while enjoying The Times of Israel AD-FREE, as well as accessing exclusive content available only to Times of Israel Community members. Nadia, widow of Israeli spy Eli Cohen, reacts during an interview with Reuters in Herzliya, Israel October 6, 2019. . Once Cohen had established his background, he was inserted into the "target country," Syria, and operated with great success for four years until his capture. [8], Israel's secret police recruited a sabotage unit of Jewish Egyptian citizens in 1955 which attempted to undermine Egypt's relationships with western powers in the "Lavon Affair". Saif calmly replied, Theres nothing to worry about. After some months, Abdel Latif Hassan introduces Eli to General Amin El-Hafez, the military attache at the embassy. He soon became accepted, well-liked, and respected, and made contacts with politicians, diplomats and military officials working out of the Syrian Embassy. How is it that you dare allow a stranger to read a classified document? he angrily asked Saif. I beg you my dear Nadia do not spend your life weeping for what has passed. At the age of 41, Cohen was hanged in Damascus in front of a crowd of 10,000. In January 1965, Syrian security services broke into Eli's apartment, where he was caught while he was escaping to Israel. Source:The Pedagogic Center, The Department for Jewish Zionist Education, The Jewish Agency for Israel, (c) 1992-2007. He also held parties at his home for high-placed Syrian ministers, businessmen, and others.