We offer a broad range of primary and . Youwill continue to have yourfollow up visitsat your GP surgery where the midwives work as part of the multidisciplinary team. While working in the Feto-Matenal Unit he obtained the Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasounf (DDU - 2008). Visitors (4 per bed): 1:30pm-4:30pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm. C23 - our maternity ward visiting hours: Support partners only: Open hours. This care is provided across three locations by obstetricians (doctors who specialise in the care of pregnant women) and midwives with areas of expertise in a particular field. Alternatively you can call us on 0151 702 4328 to arrange your first appointment. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - Information for you Your care begins with your General Practitioner (GP) who will; confirm your pregnancy, taking a comprehensive healt h and medical history, order your blood tests and an obstetric ultrasound.. Self-referral by telephone assessment on 0151 702 4140 Clinical assessment in the Emergency Department EPAU is located on the ground floor via the entrance to Gynaecology Emergency Department (GED). Cheshire and Wirral - 0151 488 8434. There will be a full antenatal assessment and a membrane sweep if you wish. Outpatients If you receive a referral letter from your doctor for a consultation at Liverpool Hospital outpatient clinic, you will need to contact the clinic directly to make an appointment. Held in the Antenatal Clinic at the Aintree Centre for Womens Health once a month on a Tuesday between 2pm and 4pm. Mersey Care (Liverpool and Sefton) - 0151 702 4012 Outline the screening and diagnosis options, and discuss the difference between screening and diagnosis;4. Having completed his postgraduate training in India, he joined the Feto-Maternal Unit as a Fellow in High Risk Obstetrics from 2004-2007. Self refer online today and book an appointment that's convenient for you. What will they deliver? If you are worried about your baby, have pain or are bleeding call Maternity services. GP Shared Care This is shared antenatal care with the hospital and your GP. Antenatal Clinic/Outpatients Department - 028 961 51166 Health Visiting helpline: 028 9504 0846 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Advice and guidance for the most commonly asked questions Held in the antenatal clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Wednesday between 9.30am and 11:30am. Held at the Aintree Centre for Womens Health on a Tuesday between 9am and 12pm. Dr Dalal is a Staff Specilaist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals and conjoint Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney. If you have not received your appointment within 7 working days, please call us on 020 3910 7279, 8am to 4pm. You will also have a Cardiotocograph (CTG), bedside ultrasound and a vaginal examination to assess cervix. Your partner / support person is welcome to attend theappointmentwith you, however in the first part of theappointment, we will ask to speak with you without your partner / support person. He also leads the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Clinic. Women who contracted COVID-19 >14/40 that suffered moderate, serious or critical COVID-19 (requiring hospital admission) >14/40. You must be referred by your general practitioner (GP) to access antenatal care. At the end of this eLearning course, you will be able to: GL2021_019 Care pathway for women concerned about fetal movements. Healthdirect Australia has launched the expanded Pregnancy, Birth and Baby service (external site) to support parents on their journey from pregnancy through to preschool. Support people are identified as those individuals who will be actively involved in supporting women during your labour and provide direct moral support. Visit the Telehealth website to join these classes is listed below and the Class code will be provided to for your allocated classes. Staffed by a specialist midwife and a consultant for obstetric review, this clinic has also been recognised for its dedication and innovation. Director Feto-Maternal Unit,Conjoint Associate Professor University of NSW, Senior Staff Specialist SWSLHD. This will impact on the running of a number of services across the Trust including our reception and patient appointment teams. This should ideally be done before by 14 weeks to allow for 18 week appointment if required. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust | Redcliffe Hospital (07) 3883 7777. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust | Once stable these patients will be internally referred to the EPAS Clinic for ongoing assessment, treatment and support. [PDF]. The Birthing Unit at Liverpool Hospital provides care for women over 20 weeks gestation with any pregnancy related problem, through to the birth of their baby. Where possible, for any routine appointment enquiries, please wait until Thursday 9th March when normal service will resume. He is affiliated to the Feto-Maternal Unit at Liverpool Hospital and is a visiting faculty member. Reception: CC2A Having a baby is a life-changing event that is different for everyone. There is a range of classes to choose from, for more information see Childbirth & parenting Education Classes or you can email WSLHD Parenting Classes, Healthy recipes and meal plans on a budget, Multicultural Services for Women at Westmead, Mandarin Speaking Positive Birth and Parenting Workshop, Childbirth and parenting education resources, Perinatal Advice, Referral and Liaison Service (PEARLS), Westmead Institute for Maternal Fetal Medicine, referral letter for Womens health clinic by mail or fax, initial antenatal tests, e.g blood tests, early dating scan or Nuchal translucency ultrasound, Please click here to check if you are within the Westmead Hospital pregnancy care access area, if you need an interpreter, please ask your Doctor to write this on your referral, stating the language you speak, for enquiries call Women's Health Clinic on 02 8890-6508, proof of address (e.g. Antenatal Care and Schedule of Appointments Your antenatal care starts when you have found out you are pregnant and have filled in the online pregnancy referral form to notify your midwife. Dr Hollis received his primary medical degree in South Africa. The Early Pregnancy Clinic helps . Explore how best to communicate with women about prenatal screening, including how and who to refer families to, to support informed decision making; and5. Just click on the service you're interested in, then . As soon as you know you are pregnant you should contact your GP to organise your antenatal care or call us on 0151 247 4747. These items are available upon your request. Please review the referral instruction document to ensure you are following the new pathways. Whether this is your first baby or the next one, every woman needs to decide if she will have public care or private care. Those unable to attend the classes on weekdays can attend two weekends each month where all four sessions are covered. This will now be achieved with the majority of womens first face to face contact with maternity services being with their "named midwife". As well as a pathway of care created to suit each individual, other support networks include parent education and parenting classes each week before clinic and a weekly sexual health clinic. This Unit actively encourages staff to participate in regular education and training to facilitate their professional growth, skills and competencies. This includes providing continuity of carer by a midwife and advocating on your behalf, with access to perinatal mental health and social work input as required. Simply register with My Pregnancy Notes and follow the online instructions. 41/40. Can COVID-19 vaccines be given at the same time as influenza or other vaccines? Our Next Birth after Caesarean Clinic (NBAC) provides information and support to pregnant women regarding their birth choices following a previous caesarean section. L8 7SS Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust If you need to rearrange or cancel your appointment, please contact outpatients on 0151 702 4352 or 0151 702 4328, between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Each lady will be assessed and assigned a plan of care.Location and clinic times. This is a weekly support clinic for ladies who are more than 10 weeks pregnant and have a history of recurrent miscarriage, usually three consecutive miscarriages. If you have a very high-risk pregnancy, we will arrange for your referral or transfer to the closest and most appropriate hospital. Please ask them to wait for phone calls from you and/or your support people. Held in the Antenatal Clinic at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Tuesday between 1.30pm and 4.15pm. London North West University Healthcare . If this does not occur, please contact the Antenatal Clinic on (08) 9391 2901 or via email at ArmadaleANC.AHS@health.wa.gov.au for bookings. Your GP needs to be accredited by the hospital to care for women during pregnancy. GPs are to organise a patient's blood tests, first trimester screening, dating and anatomy scans. Doctors clinic These clinics are Monday Friday from 8.00am 12.30pm and 1.30pm 4.00pm in the Womens Health Clinic on level 2. Entrance: L - Campbell Street Caseload provides continuity of care with a midwife known to you. Patients are eligible for free NHS treatment at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching hospitals NHS Trust if they are: Ordinarily resident in the UK or: Overseas visitors, but entitled to free NHS services under the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations Meet the team We are confident that women and their babies will benefit from having access to maternity care sooner. Referral and booking in is preferred prior to 14 weeks gestation. You will need to bring all your blood test and ultrasound results to your booking in appointment. South Western Sydney Primary Health Network and South Western Sydney Local Health District are working together to enhance diabetes care in the area. This will facilitate the child's preparation for the birthing process. Please click here to check if you are within the Westmead Hospital pregnancy care access area. We provide antenatal parent education classes for all women and their support persons awaiting the arrival of a new baby. ADVICE FOR PATIENTS: Industrial action Wednesday 8th March 2023. It is important that you bring: The timetable of appointments for pregnancy care will depend on your individual needs. This has resulted in an overall improvement in birth outcomes, fewer unbooked women birthing at the hospital and reduced birth risks. Please click here to check if you are within the Westmead Hospital pregnancy care access area. Being able to access maternity services directly has been recommended as a way to ensure women access care as early as possible. Held in the Fetal Medicine Unit at Liverpool Womens Crown Street site on a Thursday between 1.30pm and 4.15pm. St Mary's Hospital. If you have chosen to have your maternity care at Liverpool Womens you will be invited to attend our antenatal clinic before the twelfth week of your pregnancy, where your individual plan of care will be discussed with you. The pregnancy booking-in appointment is for discussing and recording your previous health history, family health history, choices for pregnancy care and blood and ultrasound results. If any of your women suffered moderate, serious or critical COVID-19 (requiring hospital admission) >14/40 please direct them back to the hospital antenatal clinic for ongoing care and management. Unison members of staff at Liverpool Womens will be taking part in industrial action on Wednesday 8th March 2023. Our Department also provides service to a broad geographical area, with inpatient care to Liverpool, Bankstown, Campbelltown and Fairfield Hospital and Braeside Rehabilitation Hospital. Videos are not to be taken during the birth of your baby without the approval of the staff present for the birth. This is a monthly clinic for women with heart transplants or known heart problems for review and plan of treatment and care by an obstetrician and consultant cardiologist.Location and clinic times. You can register for most of them online. After review by an obstetrician and a consultant haematologist a plan of treatment and care will be agreed.Location and clinic times. Providing the patient does not require immediate treatment, please send EPAS Clinic referrals via the Central Referral Service (CRS) by fax 1300 365 056. Post. Some women may need more visits and other women less visits. Outpatient services, medical admissions, A+E services and non-cardiac surgery for babies, children and teenagers with congenital heart disease. Although we will have a limited staff presence on this date to deal with patient enquiries, we kindly ask that anyone with appointment enquiries only contacts the Trust if it is urgent. L8 7SS Further information Gestational diabetes. 4253 4284 (have your GP (doctor) referral letter with you) To change appointments - Ph. 2018 South Western Sydney Local Health District, Yellow antenatal card - women should carry this at all times during their pregnancy, Letter from your doctor (if you have one), Any test or ultrasound results you may have that you have not already given to the hospital, Clothing and toiletries (if you think you may need to stay in hospital overnight). Check if the woman lives within the hospital postcode boundary. L8 7SS Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. This is a weekly clinic for women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. The service won a National Deadly Award for Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in 2012. Qualifications: MB, Bch, MSc, FRCOG,FRANZCOG, DDU. Outreach Clinics these Midwife clinics are located in the Community Health Centres of Castle Hill, Wentworthville and Greystanes. Specialist antenatal services for women with medical conditions (including diabetes, maternal cardiac disease, raised BMI, haematology, renal, HIV, neurology, maternal medicine) Antenatal appointments information Community based antenatal clinics Checks done at my antenatal appointments The Pregnancy Book Your partner, a relative or a friend is welcome to attend antenatal visits with you. Liverpool Hospital Genetics department has recently updated their referral form into the service. LIVERPOOL NSW 2170. Outpatients Clinics Antenatal Services Werribee Mercy Hospital 300 Princes Highway Werribee Vic 3030 03 8754 3390 View our maternity services Share this page Last reviewed September 20, 2017. Tel: 0151 708 9988, Copyright 2017 Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust | Liverpool Shared pregnancy care; Westmead Midwifery Caseload Practice; Westmead Dragonfly Midwifery; Westmead Midwifery PAPOOSE; Doctors clinic; Midwives clinic; Breech clinic; Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC) Day Assessment Unit (DAU) Immunisation clinic; Perinatal Advice, Referral and Liaison Service (PEARLS) Post dates clinic; Women's Health Ward Research Qualifications: Preterm Fetal Behavioural States and risk of SIDS-awarded a Doctorate of Medicine University of Bristol. On immigrating to Australia Dr Hollis accepted his current postion as Senior Staff Specilaist in Obstetrics and commenced private practice obstetrics. If yes, follow early or urgent high risk referral process. During that first telephone call a number of screening questions will be asked which will direct you to the most appropriate care for you. To make an appointment telephone the antenatal clinic at the hospital where you want to have your baby. GPs must send the completed referral form for antenatal care and delivery to the Armadale Health Service Referral Office by emailing akg.referrals@health.wa.gov.au. As soon as possible, you need to go to your GP to have your pregnancy confirmed. With the new referral form also comes amended referral pathways. Could we kindly ask that you discard any old referral forms and replace with the December 2021 update. Alternative contact numbers for the Maternity Unit.