It is clear that the amount of potential energy given at the start is directly proportional to the force and displacement. The results underlines the importance of the precautions which the students are asked to take while performing the pendulum experiment. By knowing the velocity in the second part, you can find kinetic energy and potential energy of the oscillating mass. From your description, the square of the time T for one cycle of the motion should be directly proportional to both the mass value and the spring constant. . That is, if the mass is doubled, T squared should double. Generally speaking, springs with large After graphing forces versus displacement, a value of 3.53 N/m was determined as the spring constant. You can view ourterms of use here. and is given by. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. simple harmonic motion in a simple pendulum, determined the different factors that affect the, period of oscillation. The values of k that you solve for will be plugged into the formula: T = 2 (pi) (radical m/k). For this lab, we defined simple harmonic motion as a periodic motion produced by a force that follows the following equation: F= - kx. /Registry (Adobe) A pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion (SHM), which allowed us to measure the gravitational constant by measuring the period of the pendulum. It is apparent that there is a clear relationship between an increased mass and the amount of force exerted, and consequently the amount of displacement experienced by the spring. It does not store any personal data. This movement is described with a capacity of vibration (which is always positive) and the time the league (the time it takes the body to work full vibration) and frequency (number of vibrations per second) and finally phase, which determines where the movement began on the curve, and have both frequency and time constants league either vibration and phase capacity are identified by primary traffic conditions. A- Timing the oscillation (start and stop) human reaction time error This sensor was calibrated at 2 point, a zero mass and with a known mass. This can be seen in our data because as the value of the mass increases, the F decreases. The conclusion simple harmonic motion lab report should follow some air resistance to an nxt setup that you put into a piece of a fixed lengths. Keeping the mass constant (either smaller or larger bob) and the amplitude (om <10') constant, determine the period for five different lengths (see Eq. body to move through one oscillation. Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Conclusion Eagle Specialty Products Inc. The period that you solved for will be your theoretical period. the system is balanced and stable. of the spring force equals the weight of the body, Conclusion: It is apparent that there is a clear relationship between an increased mass and the amount of force exerted, and consequently the amount of displacement experienced by the spring. James Allison, Clint Rowe, & William Cochran. The law states that F = -ky, where F is in this case Mg and y equals the negative displacement. Available from: [Accessed 04-03-23]. This implies that The body 9: Small weights Keeping the paper taut is the body's displacement. This was done by mapping the max position values of a series of 7 oscillations to their corresponding time value. Group 5. If we assume the two rear When a mass, Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. table #5 working on the Ideal Gas Law experiment would rename their template file This type of motion is characteristic of many physical phenomena. In this experiment, we measured \(g\) by measuring the period of a pendulum of a known length. Each of the reasons for errors Each person in the group Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Lab 3: Simple Harmonic motions Spring/Mass Systems Lab. From your description, the square of the time T for one cycle of the motion should be directly proportional to both the mass value and the spring constant. maximum distance, In this experiment, you will determine the experimental and theoretical period of a spring, the kinetic energy and potential energy by measuring the spring constant and velocity of a spring. oscillating in a simple harmonic motion (SHM). to the minimum displacement We are using the do-it-yourself , simple pendulum as the materials to determine the value of gravitational acceleration and, investigate the relationship between lengths of pendulum to the period of motion in simple, harmonic motion. is the displacement of the body from its equilibrium position (at At the University of Birmingham, one of the research projects we have been involved in is the detection of gravitational . This sensor was set to a frequency of. At the conclusion of the experiment, we discovered that when an object is subjected to a force proportional to its displacement from an equilibrium position, simple harmonic motion results. We will study how a mass moves and what properties of spring give the mass a predictable movement. Since each lab group will turn in an electronic copy of the lab report, PHY 300 Lab 1 Fall 2010 Lab 1: damped, driven harmonic oscillator 1 Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to study the resonant properties of a driven, damped harmonic oscillator. ( 2 ) x = Xmax cos ( t ) The following are the equations for velocity and acceleration. Attached will be the lab experiment we did and the results I recorded. . Back again for example, when the bloc move away from the position of the balance making the spring restoring force even return it back to its former position, and the closer bloc of equilibrium decreasing power restoration gradually because it fit with the shift, so at the position of the balance of the force non-existent on the block, but bloc retains some of the amount of movement of the previous movement so they do not stop at the balance center, but extends and then restore power appear again and b are slowed down gradually until zero speed at the end and up to the position of the balance in the end. to some final position, Procedure. Conclusion From our experiment, I conclude that the period of a pendulum depends on length primarily and agrees with the theory that says for a simple pendulum, . shocks are compressed a distance of 7.0cm. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Projectile Motion Lab Report: Lab Assignment 1, Lab Report about Simple Staining of Microbes. Introduction Day 3: What is a Battery / How Bright Are You. Our final measured value of \(g\) is \((7.65\pm 0.378)\text{m/s}^{2}\). }V7 [v}KZ . @%?iYucFD9lUsB /c 5X ~.(S^lNC D2.lW/0%/{V^8?=} y2s7 ~P ;E0B[f! and This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. /Supplement 0 . As the stiffness of the spring increases (that is, as It is also possible to /Ordering (Identity) Based on the postcode entered, the Find Your Food web serve searches the restaurant master file and, Physics Lab; Mr. Shields Hooke's Law & Springs - PhET Simulation Open the simulation: There are four, Write the kinetic, potential and total energy of a baseball having a mass of 0.145kg held at rest 10 meters above the ground. OBJECTIVES a) To determine the value of gravitational acceleration by using a simple pendulum. Oscillations with a particular pattern of speeds and accelerations occur commonly in nature and in human artefacts. If the mass of the component is 10g, what must the value [2] North Carolina State University Physics. values. Also, whether the up and down motion of a bungee jumper is simple harmonic depends on the properties of the bungee cord. Give us your email address and well send this sample there. My partners and I do believe though that we should've done more than three trials in order to get more precise and accurate data. Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hooke's Law. Available at Ward's Science: use of video brings this investi. Also it was proved to be accurate that the relationship between the period, mass, and the spring constant were in fact, . If the block has not lost its capacity will continue to vibration, so they patrol movement is repeated every period of time and then well show it Simple harmonic motion. for an individual spring using both Hooke's Law and the Subject-Physices-Professor V. Hooke's Law and Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report Introduction: This lab is set up for us to to be able to determine the spring constant with two different methods and the gravitational acceleration with a pendulum. All of our measured values were systematically lower than expected, as our measured periods were all systematically higher than the \(2.0\text{s}\) that we expected from our prediction. we say that the mass has moved through one cycle, or oscillation. a) Conceptual/Theoretical Approach: as shown in Figure 2, Newton's Second Law tells us that the magnitude The time it takes for a mass to go through an entire oscillation is what is known as a period, a the period of a mass on a spring is dependent of two variables. Here the constant of proportionality, in the opposite direction, the resulting motion is known as simple harmonic This problem should be solved using the principles of Energy Conservation. Start with L 0.90 m and decrease it gradually using a step of 0.10 m. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. . , The potential energy is a not only a controled by the initial forced change in displacement but by the size of the mass. is stretched to the 0.320m-mark as shown in Figure 4. Remember. oscillation of a mass-spring system. Report, Pages 2 (368 words) Views. A simple pendulum, is defined as an object with a small mass suspended from a light wire or thread, also known as, the pendulum bob. shocks are made from springs, each with a spring constant value of. What mass values will you use for this experiment? /Length 33985 Additionally, a protractor could be taped to the top of the pendulum stand, with the ruler taped to the protractor. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This has a relative difference of \(22\)% with the accepted value and our measured value is not consistent with the accepted value. The simple harmonic motion of a spring-mass system generally exhibits a behavior strongly . C- Error for parallax Figure 1: This image shows a spring-mass system oscillating through one cycle about a central equilibrium position. These experiments are suitable for students at an advanced level . In part two of this lab, you will attach a spring on either side of a sliding mass on a frictionless air track and have a photo gate measure the period as the mass oscillates. This type of motion is also called oscillation, motion. 3: Dashpot (an oil-filled cylinder with a piston) Market-Research - A market research for Lemon Juice and Shake. Simple harmonic motion is oscillatory motion in which the restoring force is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. We repeat this experiment also 2-3 time, after that we start the calculation and the measurement. All of our essays are donated in exchange for a free plagiarism scan on one of our partner sites. The time it takes for a mass to go through an entire oscillation is what is known as a period, a the period of a mass on a spring is dependent of two variables. For small angle, we can write the equation of motion of the bob as L x a g sin g (1) In a simple harmonic motion, acceleration is . record in order to take data for a Hooke's Law experiment when the spring-mass Thus, by measuring the period of a pendulum as well as its length, we can determine the value of \(g\): \[\begin{aligned} g=\frac{4\pi^{2}L}{T^{2}}\end{aligned}\] We assumed that the frequency and period of the pendulum depend on the length of the pendulum string, rather than the angle from which it was dropped. 7: A ruler We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Download Free PDF. This basically means that the further away an oscillating object is from its mid-point, the more acceleration . This restoring force is what causes the mass the oscillate. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at In SHM, we are interested in its period of oscillation. of the spring constant. Mass on a Spring. The spring constant refers to how "stiff" a spring is. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". From your data and graph, what is the minimum mass. associated with this experiment. Question: Laboratory The simple pendulunm Purpose: investigate how the period of a simple pendulum depends on length, mass and amplitude of the swing Theory: The simple pendulum (a small, heavy object on a string) will execute a simple harmonic motion for small angles of oscillation. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. A pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion (SHM), which allowed us to measure the gravitational constant by measuring the period of the pendulum. The period, T, of a pendulum of length L undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by: T = 2 L g. Thus, by measuring the period of a pendulum as well as its length, we can determine the value of g: Now we start to switch the speed control on, vibrate the beam and start the chard to turn after we make sure that the weight it catch the chard strongly and the recording pen is touching the chard. Another variable we care about is gravity g, and then we are able to change the equation from T to g as follows: =2 (Equation 1) . Based on this data, does a rubber band After we recorded the data, we did two more trials using two more different spring constants. In order to conduct the experiment properly, must you consider the position Hooke's Law and the Simple Harmonic Motion of a Spring Lab. for 14-16. write a lab report with the following components: title, objective, materials, procedure, data, data . We also worry that we were not able to accurately measure the angle from which the pendulum was released, as we did not use a protractor. c. Project works: Research work (survey and mini research) innovative work or experiential learning connection to theory and application, 0.5 credit hr spent in field work. It was, found that a longer pendulum length would result, in a longer period and that the period of the, pendulum was directly proportional to the square, root of the its length. Conversely, an increase in the body's mass the body is 0.300m. Damped Harmonic Motion Lab Report. 21d Simple Harmonic Motion-RGC 03-03-09 - 4 - Revised: 4/8/08 Theory - Spring An example of simple harmonic motion also includes the oscillations of a mass attached to the end of a spring. ;E8xhF$D0{^eQMWr.HtAL8 Write the kinetic, potential and total energy of a baseball having a mass of 0.145kg held 10 meters. , . attach their own copy to the lab report just prior to handing in the lab to your CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES Department of Physics and Astronomy Physics 212-14 / Section 14- 34514 Standing waves On Strings Prepared by: Faustino Corona, Noe Rodriguez, Rodney Pujada, Richard Lam Performance Date: Tuesday,April 6, 2016 Submission Due: Tuesday, April 13, 2016 Professor: Ryan Andersen Wednesday: 6:00 pm. The mass, string and stand were attached together with knots. Simple harmonic motion is governed by a restorative force. What quantities will you plot in order to determine. , and then proceeded to add mass in units of. When an oscillating mass (as in the case of a mass bouncing on a spring) . Furthermore, the derived, equation for calculating the period of any given, simple pendulum was also found to be very, accurate whenever the angle of displacement of the, pendulum is small since only a 1.943% percent. From your data and graph in Objective 1, what is the. website builder. The length of the arc represents the linear, deviation from equilibrium. It is apparent that there is a clear relationship between an increased mass and the amount of force exerted, and consequently the amount of displacement experienced by the spring. 5: A felt-tipped pen attached to the end of the beam motion. * This essay may have been previously published on at an earlier date. When the body Simple Harmonic Motion Equation. This restoring force is what causes the mass the oscillate. Start Now. Why Lab Procedures and Practice Must Be Communicated in a Lab. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. Guidelines for a Physics Lab Reports A laboratory report has three main functions: (1) To provide a record of the experiments and raw data included in the report, (2) To provide sufficient information to reproduce or extend the data, and (3) To analyze the data, present conclusions and make recommendations based on the experimental work. where frequency f the inverse of period T, f = 1 T. Therefore: 2 T = where I = (1/3)mr, so 2 T = . The force that causes the motion is always directed toward the equilibrium . 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The considerable success of Boolean function analysis suggests that discrete harmonic analysis could likewise play a central role in theoretical computer science._x000D__x000D_The goal of this proposal is to systematically develop discrete harmonic analysis on a broad variety of domains, with an eye toward applications in several areas of . follows: For example the group at lab Show the following calculations using the trendline fit equation from the Excel graph of Part 1: The spring constant k = 472 x 0.3304 = 13.04 N/m The uncertainty in the spring, Data and Analysis Part A: Finding the inverse of one vector Make a prediction of the correct weight and direction to balance the given force. 206Conclusion Sample-2004 206ConSam. download the Lab Report Template That means that the force, F, is proportional to x, the distance the mass is pulled down from rest. THEORY An oscillation of simple pendulum is a simple harmonic motion if: a) The mass of the spherical mass is a point mass b) The mass of the string is negligible c) Amplitude of the . is always opposite the direction of the displacement. We achieved percent error of only . experiment (MS Word format): As of now, there are no 1 0.20 5 20.54 17.57 0.156 19 13.45 0.34 Notice the period is dependent only upon the mass of the Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 2 0.20 5 21.82 17.98 0.19 19.57 13.57 0.36 These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 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It was concluded that the, mass of the pendulum hardly has any effect on the, period of the pendulum but the length on the other, hand had a significant effect on the period. Further analysis of our data gives a function of force to the displacement. The IV of our experiment was the changes in the mass we made, the DV was the outcome of the frequency, and the constants were the type of spring we used as well as the amplitude. This is shown below in Graph 1 below is for all the masses. determine the minimum mass. Effects the spring constant and the mass of the oscillator have on the characteristics of the motion of the mass. Tibor Astrab 4 Background Physics Simple Harmonic Motion - SHM A Simple Harmonic Motion is an oscillation in which the acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement from the mid-point, and is directed towards the mid-point. James Allison. This value could be denoted as . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. What is the uncertainty in the period measurements? With no mass the position of the bottom of the spring was also measured with a ruler from the surface of the table our apparatus was resting. is measured with the addition of each mass. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We can then determine the spring constant for this spring: the spring force is a restoring force. The reason why, has a negative value is to show that the force exerted by the spring is in the opposite direction of. b) To investigate the relationship between lengths of the pendulum to the period of motion in simple harmonic motion. 3 14.73 5 2.94 14.50 0.20 5 Amazing as always, gave her a week to finish a big assignment and came through way ahead of time.