With the exception of the City of Sydney, these councils are wholly within SLHD boundaries. In some cases Council will require the developer provide facilities eg car parking spaces. Following receipt of your request a council officer will phone you to arrange the meeting. In Strathfield (NSW), 16.5% of households had a weekly household income of less than $650 and 28.4% of households had a weekly income of more than $3000. Council is required to review all development control plans and update these to comply with state regulations. [Note: - flood affectation is indicated on zoning certificates issued under Section 149(2) of the EP&A . If you do not include your Certificate when you lodge your application, Council cannot accept or start to assess your proposal. See the sold price and property insights for 30 PRINCESS AVENUE NORTH STRATHFIELD NSW 2137 . Strathfield Council. This Plan applies to any development (other than the exemptions listed on page three) within the Strathfield LGA that is not subject to the Direct (s94) Plan, including knock-down/rebuild or houses, house extensions and alterations and industrial, commercial or retail redevelopment that does not involve increasing the floorspace. Strathfield Council was established on 2 June 1885. The expansion reflects recommended zoning outcomes for Housing Investigatio n Area's included in the Strathfield Local Housing Strategy . Under the new code, blocks must be either 400 square metres or the minimum lot size required by council, whichever is greater. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation are also included in this classification. Contact. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and the contribution they make to the life of this City. Strathfield Municipal Council. Customer Service Centre. Intensive livestock agriculture is a type of. Cooking Fundamentals Book, Land & Development Property for Sale at 474A-476 Liverpool Road, Strathfield South NSW 2136. Key Topics. Public Mapping Service. This may range from Council notifying the community, to the community actively participating in different projects. The map viewer on the NSW Planning Portal also provides access to spatial datasets for certain planning maps that may not be regulated under an environmental planning instrument made under the EP&A Act. Councils adopted policies are to be read in conjunction with theStrathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012andStrathfield Consolidated Development Control Plan 2005. strathfield council zoning map. Sport Photographer Melbourne. STRATHFIELD LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2012 - Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 17 July 2020 - Reg 115 of 2013 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.1.Name of Plan 1.1AA.Commencement 1.2.Aims of Plan 1.3.Land to which Plan applies 1.4.Definitions 1.5.Notes 1.6.Consent authority 1.7.Maps 1.8.Repeal of planning instruments applying to land 1.8A. Categories . 1.4 Definitions. See clause 5.4 for controls in certain zones relating to the retail floor area of an artisan food and drink industry. LEP. As part of Councils Floodplain Management Program, Council has completed the following flood studies: Click on the PDF links below to view Councils Flood Study documents. In the summer holidays, over 600 schools will turn their school grounds into community spaces for everyone to share. Powells Creek Catchment Floodplain Management Study & Plan. Council has prepared a number of development control plans (DCPs) that set out in detail policies and codes relating to the development of land in the Strathfield Municipality. Click on the PDF link below to view Councils Interim Flood Prone Land Policy. - New LGA boundary as proclaimed on 12 May 2016 - Latest street detailed map The term is defined to include any excavation, structure or vessel in the nature of a spa pool, flotation tank, tub or the like. the Council. The urban design proposed includes substantial improvements to public amenity along the foreshore as well as . 3 Beds. Any such development that provides for a certain number of guests or rooms may involve a change in the class of building under the, Heritage items (if any) are listed and described in Schedule 5. Udon Noodle Recipe Vegetarian, . 1. .site area. 229 Homebush Road, Strathfield. The Burwood Council area is located in the inner-western suburbs of Sydney, about 12 kilometres west of the Sydney GPO. Council and Committee Meeting agendas, reports and minutes are provided on Councils website for a period of at least twelve months. Strathfield station unfortunately has suffered from fragmented planning due to it being divided up amongst three different council territories (Canada Bay, Burwood and Strathfield councils). - New LGA boundary as proclaimed on 12 May 2016, Maptopia is a large online map shop based in Sydney and shipping right across Australia. Council and Committee Meeting agendas, reports and minutes are provided on Councils website for a period of at least twelve months. The maps adopted by this Plan are to be made available on the NSW Planning Portal. View more recently sold homes. Get Directions Street View. View on Facebook. Exempt development may be carried out without the need for development consent under the Act. A cost summary report will be required. New South Wales Operating address: 65 Homebush Road Strathfield, New South Wales 2135 : Mailing address: . The Plan outlines who, when and how Council engages the community. auburn lga 5 3 5 2 2 ar t h u r s t t a vi s t o c k r d e x et e r r d c e n t e n a r y d r i v e k e s s e l a v e m a r l b o r o u g h r b a t e s s t ri c h m o . 28 de mayo de 2018. The LEP is the primary planning instrument for a local government area. Title: 7100_COM_LZN_005_010_20121126 The Community Participation Plan applies to anyone living or working within our Strathfield Local Government Area. Public viewing of plans for any residential parts of a proposed building other than plans that show its height and external configuration is restricted under schedule 1(3)[2](a) of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009. STRATHFIELD LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2012 - Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 17 July 2020 - Reg 115 of 2013 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.1.Name of Plan 1.1AA.Commencement 1.2.Aims of Plan 1.3.Land to which Plan applies 1.4.Definitions 1.5 . All land in the City of Lethbridge is zoned under one of the following zoning districts: DISTRICT (ZONING) MAPS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD. Cowgirl Hardware Toddler Jacket, Refer to Part D for a sample report. How do I find out the zoning for my property? Schedule 2 sets out exempt development (which is generally exempt from both Parts 4 and 5 of the Act). ClairevilleFederation weatherboard house, FlorencevilleVictorian Italianate terrace, GoongirwarrieFederation house, garden and front fence, Strathayne and Gowan BraeVictorian villas, RothesayVictorian Italianate villa and garden, BroughleaVictorian Italianate style house, Homebush Boys High Schoolschool and trees, Lots 16, DP 11542; Lots 310 and 1722, Section 15, DP 400; Lots 3 and 4, DP 338712, StrathfieldHomebush Uniting Churchchurch, fence and trees, MarlboroughVictorian Italianate style house, BillesdonFederation bungalow and garden, 80 Park Road (formerly 80 Wentworth Road), Railway bridge with Arnotts sign over road, Parramatta Road (south side) and Bridge Road (east side), Commercial buildingtwo storey inter-war stripped classical style building (shops), Lots A and C, DP 183313; Lot 4, DP 655966, Former butcher shoptwo storey Federation Free Style shop, Knobs and KnockersFederation Free Style shops, Station Masters HouseFederation house, Lot 1, DP 222777; Lot 28, Section 10, DP 400; Lot 28, DP 1108796; Lots 1 and 2, DP 533104, Homebush Public Schoolvarious school buildings, HolywoodFederation house and garden, SurreyVictorian Italianate house, Manx Cottageweatherboard cottage, MorindaFederation timber cottage, garden and fence, War Memorial, Melville Reservegate, bridge and fountain, St Sava, Serbian Orthodox Churchchurch, trees and front fence, 45 Hampstead Road (formerly 2 Tavistock Road), Former Homebush West Post Officepost office and house, Former Ford factory building (brick facade), WarragongVictorian Italianate villa, Strathfield Education Centre, former Federation house and garden, Arnottholme, KintoreFederation Queen Anne style house, BrierbankFederation Queen Anne style house, EloueraFederation Queen Anne style house, OsdoraVictorian Italianate house, Catholic Institute of SydneyFormer Australia Post training centre, Korean Uniting Church, former Homebush Congregational Schoolchurch and school, GlenfarneVictorian Italianate house, Edgebaston ValeVictorian Italianate villa, KareelaVictorian Italianate house, DurelliFederation bungalow style house, HalsburyFederation Queen Anne style house, garden and front fence, DelavanVictorian house, garden and front fence, DarenthFederation Queen Anne style house, HighclereFederation bungalow style house, WawonaCalifornian bungalow, garden and front fence, Lots 43 and 44, DP 7343; Lot 1, DP 725159, Lyndoch PlaceInter-war Old English style house, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield Campus (includes former Mount Royal)various buildings and landscape, 25A Barker Road (formerly 179 Albert Road), HillcrestInter-war Californian bungalow, WairunaVictorian Italianate style house, MontescaVictorian Gothic house and trees, TalofaArts and Crafts style house and garden, NovebaVictorian Italianate style house, Old English style house, garden and front fence, EyreFederation Queen Anne style house, Society of Saint Paul, Victorian Italianate villa (formerly Ethelstone), OakdeneVictorian Italianate style house, RoystonVictorian Italianate style house, IllemongFederation Queen Anne style house, WychwoodFederation house, garden and fence, ArcadiaFederation house, garden and front fence, Mozart HouseFederation Queen Anne style house, InglewoodFederation Queen Anne style house, Glennifer BraeFederation house and garden, CotswoldInter-war Californian bungalow, Lots A, B and D, DP 330272; Lot 1, DP 329846, St Patricks CollegeBrother Hickey Building, WarringtonInter-war bungalow style house, Norwood and WrexhamVictorian villas, garden and front fence, Californian bungalow, garden and front fence, NangurFederation house, garden and front fence, HuntingtowerFederation Queen Anne style house, St Annes Anglican Churchchurch, school hall and rectory, WaratahFederation Queen Anne style house, DagworthFederation Queen Anne style house, Tarry-Hie-HieFederation Queen Anne style house, RavenswoodFederation house and garden, Strathfield Council Chambers and Town HallCouncil Chambers and memorial, St Marthas Catholic Church and Schoolchurch, MorningtonVictorian Italianate style house, QuisisanaVictorian villa, trees and front fence, LyndonVictorian Italianate house, HarmsworthVictorian weatherboard house, WeymssFederation Queen Anne style house, HalcyonCalifornian bungalow, garden and fence, Brockby HouseGeorgian revival house, ThaddeusInter-war bungalow style house, TusmoreInter-war Californian bungalow, Strathfield South Public Schoolschool and trees, RoubaixFederation Arts and Crafts style house, KamaArts and Crafts style house, planting and front fence, YerondaInter-war Californian bungalow, EllesmereVictorian Regency house, RadstokeFederation Arts and Crafts style house, LingwoodVictorian house and garden (formerly Branxton), LumeahInter-war Californian bungalow style house, SironaFederation Queen Anne style house, BrantwoodVictorian house and trees, VirginiaFederation Arts and Crafts style house, AllertonVictorian Italianate villa, InglethorpeFederation house and palm tree, AlbemarleVictorian Italianate villa, LauristonFederation house, Santa Maria Del Monte School, BrunyarraVictorian Italianate villa, Santa Maria Del Monte School, Lot 3, DP 1588; Lots 20 and 21, DP 1075911, MilvertonArts and Crafts style house and Trinity Grammar Preparatory Schoolschool building (former house), Trinity Grammar Preparatory School (school building, former SomersetGeorgian revival house) and garden, Trinity Grammar Preparatory Schoolschool building (former LlandiloVictorian mansion), BelcuthaInter-war Georgian style house and garden, BellevueArts and Crafts style house (formerly Win Bin), GlenconaVictorian house and garden, BalnagowanArts and Crafts style house and garden, CrosbyInter-war Old English style house, WaldenVictorian Italianate style house, Weston MillingNB Love building and administration blockold flour mill and administrative building, Corner of Coronation Parade and Plymouth Street, Liverpool Road (corner of Braidwood Street), Former Leigh College including E Vickery Memorial Hallschool, BrundahVictorian Italianate villa, Original St Annes Catholic Churchchurch, school and trees, Shown by red hatching and labelled C2, Albert Road Central Conservation Area, Federation Queen Anne style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C7, Albert Road West Conservation Area, Inter-war California bungalow style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C8, Birriwa Avenue Conservation Area, Inter-war California bungalow style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C1, Broughton Road Conservation Area, Federation houses group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C9, Churchill Avenue Conservation Area, Federation houses group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C10, Shown by red hatching and labelled C11, Marion Street Conservation Area, Inter-war bungalow style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C12, Meredith Street Conservation Area, Victorian Villa style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C4, Merley Road Conservation Area, Inter-war bungalow style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C13, Pair of Federation Queen Anne style houses, Shown by red hatching and labelled C3, Shown by red hatching and labelled C14, Shown by red hatching and labelled C15, Shown by red hatching and labelled C16, Village of Homebush Retail Conservation Area, Shown by red hatching and labelled C5, Welfare Street Conservation Area, Inter-war bungalow style group, Shown by red hatching and labelled C6, Shown by red hatching and labelled C17.