Norlite, they said, tear-gassed them in their own homes. Like so much else in the Trump Administration, the reckless rush to burn AFFF unfolded almost completely out of public view. The reserve components are the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Biden and Obama both attended a funeral service for former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in August and appeared together at the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in New York in the fall fall. After the briefest moment of practical utility, PFAS compounds come to haunt life with roving mobility, torpid toxicity, and a monstrous immortality. Interview. which opposed the implementation of a military draft in the . But sadly, many will not give, so we need the ones who can and who will give to be generous. Gospel, What Gospel? Thats despite the fact that there is no evidence that incineration actually destroys these synthetic chemicals. Passport cards - wallet-size travel documents - allow U.S. citizens to enter Canada and return to the United States only by land or sea. LGBTQIA+ Affirming Pope Francis Says That Gays Should Be Welcomed Into The Church And That God Loves Them Just The Way They Are, But Does He? 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administrations litmus test for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The question that launched the military underground. Through the previous years when Americas global peacekeeping role was being secretly debated in Washington, scenarios repeatedly lead to one specific question if the US government cant or wont use foreign UN peacekeepers to suppress the American people on US soil, can the American military be relied upon to actually fire on their own citizens? Manage Settings In 2019, U.S. military expenditure increased by almost 5.3% to $732 billion. )Mother Earth! One of the most enduring, indestructible toxic chemicals known to man Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), which is a PFAS forever chemical is being secretly incinerated next to disadvantaged communities in the United States. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;Titus 2:13 (KJV), Thank you very much! Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB. But dont be too hard on Kenyan Barack Obama as he engages in his real religion, Gaia, hes only following the Roman Catholic pope who preaches and teaches the same damnable gospel. US citizenship, and who is considered a citizen, is a complex topic. 2018: THE 5 ISLAMIC TERRORISTS FREED BY OBAMA IN EXCHANGE FOR US ARMY DESERTER BOWE BERGDAHL HAVE REJOINED TALIBAN IN AFGHANISTAN. But that hasnt stopped the Pentagon from going ahead and quietly burning the chemical anyway. Dear Earthshows us the latest in innovation, technology, and the sustainable revolution thats about to take place., Weve all had to adapt to cope with a pandemic. Once manufactured, this carbon-fluorine bond is virtually indestructible. Even though they live within miles of each other, Obama and Biden have rarely seen each other since Biden took office, sources say, including privately. In a case that would define the limits of the First Amendment's right to free speech, the Supreme Court decided the early 20 th -century case of Schenck v. United States. In addition to the weapons listed above, previous United States assistance committed to Ukraine includes: Over 600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; Approximately 2,600 Javelin anti-armor systems; Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Michelle Miller, Tony Dokoupil, and Nate Burleson of CBS Mornings. Garrow posted this allegation on his Facebook page and it has gone viral. The United States and South Korea will conduct more than 10 days of large-scale military exercises in March, including amphibious landings, officials from the two countries said on Friday. Here are the questions that caused a commotion at the time: Commence large scale United States military operations. That said, even those countries may place limits on certain types of firearms, such as when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a temporary ban on certain assault rifles and high-capacity magazines from 1994-2004. The modest homes and nearby elementary school have become home to appallingly routine emissions of dioxins, furans, heavy metals, and now PFAS. Buffoonish mobs desecrating the U.S. Capitol building, tanks parading down the streets of Washington, running battles between protesters and militias, armed rebels attempting to kidnap sitting. Mexico, Guatemala, and the United States have gone one step further and made gun ownership a constitutional right. Founder Of the God Made Millionaire Show TC Bradley Rejects A Gospel That Does Not Produce Large Sums Of Money For Its Followers, No, The Biblical Messiah Is Not Preparing To Make An Appearance To The Jews Just Yet, But There Is A Tantalizing Potential Prophetic Nugget Here Anyway, Jesus Paid For The Sins Of The Whole World On The Cross At Calvary With The Blood Of God, But John MacArthur Denies These Bedrock Bible Truths, Watch As Heretic Paula White And False Teacher Larry Huch Deny That Jesus Christ Is The Only Begotten Son Of God, Plus Myriad Other Heresies As Well, At Davos 2022, All The Talk From The Global Elites Centered Around The Coming Metaverse Digital Prison They Have Planned For Us All To Enjoy, Citibank Says That By 2030, The Metaverse Will Be A $8 Trillion Dollar Business With Over 5 Billion Users Logging In On A Daily Basis, The Metaverse Will Be A Full-Time Tracking And Surveillance Platform That Records Your Eye Movements, Facial Expressions And Biometric Data, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Matrix Was A King James Bible Term Long Before It Was A Movie On The End Times Dystopian Metaverse Theyre Building, United States Navy Pilots Are Baffled As To Why The Pentagon Shows So Little Interest In Finding Out Exactly What The Recurring UFOs Actually Are, Pentagon Releases Stunning UAP Footage Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Captured During Army Apache Attack Helicopter Training From 2018, In Dramatic Testimony, Director Of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray Admits To 400 UFO Sightings And 11 Actual Encounters With Unidentified Flying Objects, For The First Time In Half A Century, Public Hearings Will Be Held On Capitol Hill To Present Evidence Of UFO Incursions And Alien-To-Human Contact, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu To Meet With Emmanuel Macron In Paris Thursday To Discuss Ways To Expand And Accelerate The Abraham Accords, Chairman Of The World Likud Danny Danon Says Its Only A Matter Of Time Before A Leader Steps Out From The Shadows To Create Middle East Peace, European Parliament Passes Wide-Ranging Resolution Demanding That The New Netanyahu Government Commit To Two-State Solution For Palestine, The Israel Air Force This Week Will Conduct Massive Drill With United States Military Simulating A Strike On Irans Russian-Built Nuclear Program, Global Banking Conglomerates To Join With Federal Reserve Bank of New York To Conduct A 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot Program, Leaked Documents Show That Major Social Media Conspired With Biden Administration To Suppress Free Exchange Of Information During Pandemic, Elon Musk Wears Halloween Costume Called The Devils Champion Complete With An Upside-Down Christian Cross In The Head Of Baphomet, Man In England Becomes First Ever To Have Microchip For His Bank Card Implanted Into The Back Of His Right Hand From Biotech Company Walletmor. Climate change will force far harsher changes on our kids. READ MORE. 2008 Places like East Liverpool and Cohoes are the destinations of AFFF that we can track. In domestic democide, such as lynchings, the American government was probably indirectly responsible for around 2,000 killed since 1900. As information percolated back into communities near the incinerators, spirited advocacy helped push the crackpot logic of the entire operation further into unflattering visibility in Ohio and New York. So with foreign troops and foreign officers being ruled out, the question kept coming back, Would US soldiers fire on unarmed US citizens if given the order to?. In reality, the question, would you fire on unarmed American citizens was put to Navy Seals, US Marines, Army Delta troops and who knows how many others by now. Report busts News Outlets pushing War for Profit, NY Stop and Frisk Ruling blocked, Judge removed, SHADE the Motion Picture exposes Metallic Chemtrails. According to the report, Smith answered in the affirmative., Ret. Have No Doubt America. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday the two speak on the phone regularly and are real friends, not just Washington friends. The presidents will also have lunch together on Tuesday, she said, carrying on their tradition of weekly lunches during the Obama White House. Mixing shoddy burn operations with fire-resistant toxicity, this multi-million-dollar debacle did not so much eradicate the militarys AFFF problem as redistribute it. But even well-meaning sites like attempt to discredit the rumor while simultaneously confirming its authenticity. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. In its initial survey of military bases in December 2016, the Armed Forces identified 393 sites of AFFF contamination in the United States, including 126 sites where PFAS compounds infiltrated public drinking water. The retired Navy Seal had been insisting the US government is administering a type of litmus test to military personnel asking if theyd be willing to disarm the American people. Those who will not are being removed. Even all the way to South Africa. You can join the US Military as a non-citizen, but there are some extra requirements that you may have to complete. Two Americans Arrested on Charges of Selling Tech to Russia. All of us should follow the young people whove led the efforts to protect our planet for generations, and demand more of our leaders at every level. Ukraine is calling on its citizens to join the fight against Russia, and its military says all they need is ID. Now Obama is at the White House today to check on the progress of how his third term is going, and to see what he can do to spruce it up a little as we edge closer to the 2022 Midterms. As we now know, exposure to trace amounts of these forever chemicals is strongly linked to a host of cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility. Garrow has been personally involved in helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death. He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing. As the US Armed Forces became the largest consumer of AFFF in the world, troubling questions about what happens after the fire were brushed aside. Parts of TPP Trade Deal leaked by WikiLeaks, rally to free oscar lopez rivera after 32 years, Celestia Vega Net Worth 2019, Biography and Career, What You Should Know about Arizona Registration Renewal. of the Myler Ski resort near Aparan is operational, and many people are already trying it out! This article contains all 100 of the civics questions from the current citizenship test and their answers, as taken from the U.S. Noting the strong flame inhibition effects of the carbon-fluorine bond, a 2020 EPA report concluded, It is not well understood how effective high-temperature combustion is in completely destroying PFAS., In a 2019 technical guide for incinerators, the EPA wrote that our grasp of the thermal destructibility of PFAS is sparse, thinly extrapolated, and currently inoperable. November 4, 2013. Is anyone surprised by this? In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for "Civil Disturbance Operations" dating from 2006. As the EPA and states around the US begin to designate AFFF a hazardous substance, the militarys stockpiles of AFFF are starting to add up to an astronomical liability on the militarys balance sheet. Let his daysbe few;and let another take his office. Psalm 109:8 (KJB). The Pentagon is effectively conducting a toxic experiment and has enrolled the health of millions of Americans as unwitting test subjects. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new litmus test in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Chinese military orders US Navy plane to stay away from its airspace Biden says he won't send Ukraine F-16 fighter jets 'for now' Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired this month as commander . An influential interstate environmental council refused to endorse burning AFFF last year, noting incineration is still an active area of research., Nor was such hesitation restricted to environmental agencies. 2 Peter 3 shows us that day when God will blow Earth to smithereens after setting it on fire, hows that for global warming? Continue with Recommended Cookies. We have contacted the Department of Defense and are hoping to hear back from them soon.updated 01/24./13. As the military was sending AFFF to incinerators around the country, the EPA, state regulators, and university scientists all warned that subjecting AFFF to extremely high temperatures would likely conjure up a witches brew of fluorinated toxins, that existing smokestack technologies would be insufficient to monitor poisonous emissions let alone capture them, and that dangerous chemicals might rain down on surrounding neighborhoods. Feb 24, 2022, 11:22 AM. In the event you don't think the US Military would take a stand against citizens, read a little History The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest organized armed uprising in American labor history and led almost directly to the labor laws currently in effect in the United States of America. Last year during a CNN town hall, Biden acknowledged that while he had been in the Oval Office many times as vice president, I had never been up in the residence while Obama was president. In his speech to Congress, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was "a date which will live in infamy." The attack launched the United States fully into the two theaters of World War II - Europe and the Pacific. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The United States established diplomatic ties with Afghanistan in 1935. Instead, Dr. Martin Luther King, the greatest civil rights leader America has ever known, was assassinated in 1968- supposedly by a garden variety racist named James Earl Ray but who really knows It's about handcuffing Israel while Iran gets the bomb. Its, you know, we dont have a one hundred percent track on it. BBC News retraces the leaks by ex-CIA contractor Edward Snowden, which led to the revelation of America's extensive surveillance programme. Naturalization Through Military Service. Yep, as it turns out, Walkaway Joe Biden truly is completing the work started by the Obama administration. He also was the governor of western Herat province between 1999 and 2001 and was known as one of themajor opium drug lords in western Afghanistan, US military leadership found. Historically, once the demonization of the targeted group has been successfully cast as ethnically inferior, invaders, criminals, or domestic terrorists (to use the modern buzzword), the military is deployed under the guise of keeping the peace or protecting the people from themselves. In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. "WAR DECLARED ON AMERICAN & WORLD CITIZENS #RUSSIA - #CHINA - #IRAN - #SYRIA - #NORTHKOREA - #SCO - #BRICS BY The PSYCHOPATHIC Military Industrial Complex/The United States Government, a U.S. Military Contract (See Profile for Our Contracts & Testimony" In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Many people became famous for using Twitch and one of those people is Celestia Vega. What he discovered from the survey was that 23.66% of the soldiers taking the survey would swear to that code and 26.34%, with 11% saying they had no opinion, said they would fire on American citizens. The two also recorded a Zoom conversation last summer to promote sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act. Others expected to participate in the program include Google CEOSundar Pichai,Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Brazilian singer Anitta, Tinashe, and rapper-actor Lil Dicky. In 2012, the United States and Afghanistan concluded the Strategic Partnership Agreement to strengthen our bilateral relationship, support Afghanistan's capabilities as a partner, and improve the lives of the Afghan people. But Rwanda denies this and says it is being scapegoated for Congo's military incompetence. The answer to that question is yes! Synthetic carbon-fluorine chemistry, now classified as per- and poly- fluorinated compounds (PFAS), are coming into focus today as fuelling an unprecedented environmental crisis. Over the past four years, residents told me of paint peeling from their cars and waking some nights to searing pain in their eyes. Army Special Forces are called Green Berets for their headgear. Afghan outletTOLOnews published a list Tuesday of members of the new caretaker government, which features several familiar faces who helped run the war-torn country between 1996 and 2001 when the Taliban were forced from power by US-led NATO forces following the 9/11 attacks. We didnt get any answers, Alonzo Spencer told me. Certain groups of non-citizens are not included in this ban, including: Persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States (for example, natives of American Samoa and Swains Island). Asia - Pacific S.Korean military ups readiness to counter N.Korea's 'provocation' ahead of drills with US Military prepared to fire artillery shots into 'buffer zones' in North as deterrent if . On July 28, 1932, the U.S. Army used bayonets and tear gas to rout them. Now go the other way. March 15, 2010 There were more than one hundred dead and wounded, including children and babies,in 1932 when US troops dispersed a camp of WW1 veterans demanding only what had been promised them. In the shadow of the smokestack lies the Saratoga Sites Public Housing, a squat brick complex where emissions routinely cloud the playground. While much remains out of public view, there is good reason to think the military continues to burn AFFF. Nearly 20,000 World War I veterans came to Washington to demand bonus payments. Among new recruits, almost 90% give the same response. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2 (KJB). This site uses different types of cookies. FROM BREITBART NEWS: Obama is expected to deliver a keynote address as part of Dear Earth, which will include 100 minutes highlighting how we should be solving climate problems, and will be sprinkled with musical performances, according to YouTube Originals. Commander Ron C. Fairbanks, United States Navy, is a Senior Military Fellow at the Atlantic Council's Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. The fifth member of the Taliban Five, Mohammad Nabi Omari,was appointed governorof eastern Khost province last month. Among those aghast at the price paid for Bergdahls return was Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who told CBS Face the Nation that the Taliban Five were thehardest of the hard-core and the highest high-risk people. In 2015, Bergdahl wascharged by the military with desertionwith intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and one count of misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of his fellow soldiers. Would US Troops Fire on Americans? Even as it was sending tanker trucks of AFFF to incinerators in 2017, the military itself noted the high-temperature chemistry of PFOS [] has not been characterized (PFOS is the major PFAS ingredient in AFFF), and many likely byproducts will also be environmentally unsatisfactory.. Bonus Army marchers confront the police 28 July 1932. AFFF was invented and popularized by the US Armed Forces. Describing rising rates of cancer in his community and worried about the close proximity of the facility to schools, Spencer doesnt understand why the military and the incinerator would try to burn AFFF, nor why they are so secretive about it. Remember way back when Barack Obama was trying to convince people to vote for him, how he would always talk about his white mother and his Christian faith? Alex Jones: Now, thats bombshell and I want to quantify that. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out atnocharge. Apparently, these were two things that were highly meaningful for him, and we were constantly seeing photos of him going to church and talking about his walk with the Lord. Refusing to become fuel, this herculean bond overpowers and tames even the most incendiary infernos. When will their government hear them? Residents call it what it is: environmental racism. The list of jobs below are open to non-citizens. While you have to be a United State citizen to become an officer in the Air Force, it is not required for some enlisted jobs. And if you say no, youre sent to the worst hell hole, or basically kicked out. Lt. Cmdr. So "troops" in this context must be identified properly. This video will be live starting at 1:30 PM EST this afternoon. Its none other than the US military. And, because AFFF is a forever chemical that doesnt break down, that pollution could likely plague communities for generations. In 2017, hepleaded guilty to both chargesand was sentenced to a dishonorable discharge, a reduction in rank and a fine. Could The US Citizens Fight Off The US Military? Almost from the moment they started using AFFF, the military amassed worrisome evidence about the environmental persistence of synthetic carbon-fluorine compounds, their affinity for living things, and their impact on human health. Their reunion, Democrats say, will be a full-circle moment of sorts, invoking nostalgia and a longing for the Obama era while marking one of the most significant legislative accomplishments in years. Here are 5 Features a Person in the Market for a Car Needs to Consider During their Search. They just dont seem to have any incentive to be truthful about what theyre doing to this community, he said. Only thing scarier than the question is the response. Just Like In A Dan Brown Novel, Vatican Conservatives Have Launched A Secret Plan To Remove The New World Order Evangelist Pope Francis, Will It Work? The below exchanged aired on October 22, 2013 on the Alex Jones Show radio program as well as Infowars Nightly News: Ben Smith: Going back to the beginning of this administration, Ive had friends within the community talking about how they were brought in and questioned with people from more towards the top side and the questioning resulted in, kind of, where it was pointing was, Do you feel comfortable disarming American citizens. And you can see that now with the shedding of a lot of the officers and stuff like that.