The 5-year recommendation would address any new development that could impact school capacity. Parents are homeschooling, choosing private and charter schools, and exercising their right to find the best education for their children. My door is always open please never hesitate to submit any questions, concerns, comments, or accolades you have about our schools or school district to me. Last evening the School Board reviewed and discussed an eighteen-page spreadsheet prepared by Staff regarding ESSER II and priorities. The board devoted most of this workshop to a presentation from the Gehring Group outlining the principles of self-insurance. It is even more puzzling that the District is building needed replacements for two elementary schools (Jensen Beach and Palm City) using the very models that are proving obsolete. It seems food trucks will dominate, and movies will be shown under the stars. The state is making more and more conditions where parents can become involved in their childrens education. Neither George nor Spellman were given a copy of the draft prior to execution. Nothing was decided and again it seems that they are building something to be used for the limited time that school is in session. Perhaps the children may be affected if there are tipsy smokers outside of these establishments. DiTerlizzi then motioned for Anderson to be vice-chair which was seconded by Powers. This group of items will be woven into the 2021-22 Operating Budget that the Board has been working on for the last three months at Budget Workshops. In my opinion, the board should decrease the subsidy they pay depending on costs. It has been said that no effective learning can occur without a relationship. We also added an item at the top of page 7 splitting out the Pre-K expansion for Port Salerno adding two classes (40 students) with VPK voucher reimbursement bringing the $190,000 cost down to $100,000 to be added. Another good idea. I feel very privileged, excited, and humbled for the opportunity to serve as your Superintendent of Schools. I can be reached at (772) 219-1200 ext. Teachers should have the right to negotiate the highest pay and benefits that they can. I have written that the district itself should have a charter in the TCCA mold. Why is the district hiring a 17-year-old boy to coach 17-year-old children? Society has changed due to the pandemic and that included our schools. Yet what those children did is just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps there is a bureaucratic reason. Is this more than what the elected superintendent was receiving? It can be found here. Laurie Gaylord has now finished her 2ndterm. The state already dictates to districts how much millage to charge and recaptures part of it to distribute to other districts. It is all of us for thinking that the racist political speech, theories, and invective that fill our airwaves and screens are acceptable political and social ideas for discourse. Although CTE fell out of favor in public education, it is now back with a vengeance and many entities want a piece of the action. Yet, by innovative design those indoor and outdoor facilities can be made so that using them when school is not in session is possible. I can just hear board attorneys, district staff, and the board members themselves stating that they cannot comment on a pending matter before them. Federal and state law prohibit the District from disclosing student education records, which include any specific students identification or any discipline imposed. For those of you who want to take a look, go here, INDIANTOWN BUSSES AND WHAT IT SAYS ABOUT US. Several new public charters may be looking to open in the county in the next few years which would change the dynamic of the district. It is probably something that should be tried. The Insurance Committee of the board meets monthly for most of the year to find plans that are good for board employees but also affordable for the taxpayer. It is too early, and this should be decided closer to the start of school. There is a shortage of work force housing for teachers. At these meeting, we hear about a students scholarship or that a sports team did well. Literature needs to be placed in context not only to our own time but the time in which it was written. The board should do that at the next meeting. Change is always hard to sell. Without those simple facts it is hard then to understand our constitutional evolution. To conserve funds, that policy makes sense. That would require much less time to change the facility from a middle school to a high school. This myopic vision of what a school should be is becoming less and less relevant especially with declining enrollment. It is as if we the people that pay for these facilities to be built are somehow barbarians that need to be kept out by locked gates. And, we moved the ChalkTalk item on page 15 at a cost of $35,000 because this was Summer programming. The board has spent the money as they said they would, and since the new referendums language gives the board the discretion to collect less than the mill, will they keep the millage at .45 mills. However, he has had a challenging year dealing with COVID, and I for one believe it is too early to judge whether he will be that agent for drastic change. That is the result of rapidly rising supply and construction expenses. The item was probably (though not always) at least briefly discussed at a workshop. I hope there is something more going on behind the scenes. (During COVID-19) School Board Meeting Archives; Nassau County School District; School Board Members; Nassau County School Board . Director of K-8 and Title I. There was not even a site plan attached to the proposal. We need to give the customer (parents and students) what they want. Things have changed and Covid has accelerated the pace of that change. If not, even the districts claim of having A rated schools may begin to sound hollow. I sometimes feel that clarity is not the aim of these public explanations since they use nomenclature that only those in the system will understand. A ten-year-old is different from a senior in high school. I just had hard working people who believed in me., She called her win over Andersona vote for the people., I think the people spoke and they are very concerned and want our schools to be better. Should uniforms be allowed? Parental involvement goes hand-in-hand with supporting our teachers. A few other facts were mentioned. Without substantial cuts to other programs, it is obvious that the increased amounts for teachers and others cannot be sustained without the continuation of the half mill. She wants to brand schools. In both passed plans, the playgrounds stay where they are. Therefore, not a real sticking point in my mind after a decade. Once again, congratulations to this chair and vice chair. Children and their parents have a big stake in the outcomes, and to them, all of this is much more than validating experts theories. In 2020, Tallahassee stepped in with a new program called the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation (TSIA). This would be the time to make sure it is designed to meet state mandates and be used by the public. Sorry. How would you expect that district to flourish if you remove the patron organization? Everyone is great and the person either exceeds expectations or is making acceptable progress. The Calculus Project was an initiative in several districts to encourage minority students to enter STEM career fields thinking that passing the Algebra I in Middle School would create the opportunity to take Calculus in High School and pave the way for a STEM career. Two things ought to be considered. I hope to learn more about her. Beginning on March 1st through March 31st a parent may enter a computer lottery system for their child to attend any of those schools instead of their designated school. Perhaps with better outreach, a better outcome could have been realized. The way you achieve housing for all income groups is to free up older stock. The school board is a larger employer than the City of Stuart. I even asked several times if those documents were posted and if so just send me a link. There were a few who spoke in favor of the proclamation who were mostly students. No dates for when things would happen. If their board were as involved as Martins is, they would do nothing more than act as a big HR department. From what I know of their recommendations, there was no change in elementary and middle schools and only slight tweaks to the high school boundaries with no student currently enrolled being forced to switch to a new school. Defenthaler made a motion to begin the process of negotiating a contract with Millay. Bernstein, meanwhile, spent $56,722, which far outpaced the $40,188 Russell had spent by Election Day. The district should try the app, but ultimately it will not make much difference to those parents searching out charters, virtual schools, and home schooling. DiTerlizzi moved that Plan B be approved in Jensen Beach with the paving of the rock roadway in the rear using as much stabilized turf as possible. You can see Mr. Morrisons presentation here. While only 10 years old, our son performs at a 7th grade level and therefore has special educational needs to keep him engaged and thriving in school. Dr. Millay said that when something that is happening in the schools, an investigation cannot occur without knowing that the problem exists. He wants to know what the district is going to do about the teacher. The first group of funds include an estimate of funding to charter schools; namely $859,211.94 for 1,238 charter students. Since she has chosen not to run again, I believe much of what she stated contributed to her decision. Like Defenthaler, it is caught in a time warp where parents knew their place and educators were the only ones knowledgeable enough to call the shots. Mr. DiTerlizzi took a similar track but threw in a few acceptable progress checks. And to some extent it isexcept when it is not. Superintendent Millay and Spellman discussed the matter, but Spellman was not asked to review anything. Diversity training is different from sex education in any form. Indian River County School Board members on Monday heard students, parents and activists voice their thoughts about racial equity and what books will be allowed on school campuses. He has become a highly respected member of our community. The school system will need to shake things up if it is to compete with new schools with different education models which appears to be what parents and students want in education. If a vaccinated student or school employee is considered a close contact of someone testing positive, then they do not have to quarantine unless they are showing symptoms. Not only by paying 4% more in claims than it collected but much more when you figure in the 20% in administrative costs assigned. She has a heart to serve and help prepare todays kids to lead us into martin county school district org, Url: Go Now, Get more: Martin county school district orgView Schools, Schools Details: WebJennifer Russell for School Board, District 3. This was referred to several times by this years Florida legislature when legislators were dismayed to find large pots of money unclaimed by districts. This does not preclude a return to a stricter policy if circumstances change. If the referendum is defeated, what happens? SUPERINTENDENT SELECTION MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2020. It was the equivalent of an A for the course. I looked at the screen shots that were included in the email to board members that were supposedly about CRT and the Covid module. In 2009, I graduated from Boston University with a masters degree in Economic Policy. No school board member addressed that comment as to whether it is true or not and if the change was made it was for that purpose or for some other reason. It is so profoundly anti-American that we, as a nation, should be ashamed of those acts. The board adopted the countys district lines for their own election districts. Russell being elected vice-chair was a bit unusual. It is up to the superintendent to carry out their policy within existing law. The position of chair is supposed to be shared among the board members. Martin County School District has initiated its own COVID-19 website that tracks cases in the schools. I feared and wrote that schools could be a hot bead of infection. You can read the brief one-page memohere, Board member Roberts did an excellent breakdown of elementary school population by race and ethnic group. While expertise is important when it comes to the education of our children, it should not be the decisive factor for the school board. Theories are fine, but how much do you want to disrupt families to follow theories? Three plans are offered. Will the district ever be able to just use their other funds to cover the shortfall, or will this tax need to be ongoing indefinitely? They are going to follow Tallahassees lead. She continued in this vein. Parents want a say and, in our district, they do not want to have their children being indoctrinated. Powers sums up my philosophy on education. It is about the public, his constituents. Eddie Diaz seems quite intense, and I can understand some people not liking him for that. Though I think at this point even if he wanted to, Millay could not rescind his resignation. Perhaps the 1000 students on their waiting list could then remain in the district system. He also has decided to have an executive cabinet. Most of the public would think that it would be appropriate for teachers to receive a raise and a bonus. 30510 Email: Term Expires: November 2026 2022-2023 Committee Assignments: Budget Committee At Gertrude Walden Child Care Center, the quality of instruction is high and teachers with the assistance of financial tuition from the TEACH program are able to obtain their AS degree and higher. Many of our residents are familiar with this problem as they have come here from Long Island and other places that experienced exponential growth. Russell, 38, won with56.26% of the vote, compared to Bernstein, 37, who got 43.74%. It was not addressed further. She will support the resolution. Ms. There is a reason that government should not be involved in the private sector. I have yet to hear what the problem is. In this case, the evals were at best perfunctory. Parents should consult and weigh any advice they recommend. There also would be a drop off and pick-up loop for the kids. Pritchett, who moved to Martin Countyfrom New York sixyears ago,also raises parental involvement in the curriculum and reading scores as points of concern she'd like to address. The interesting part of the meeting had to do with enrollment. He touched on the war over desegregation when he was child of 9 or 10. Kathleen Price; Micky McCoy ; Steven Gauze ; Bowie Clark Anderson and the other school board members are not going to challenge DeSantis authority regardless of their own personal beliefs. She will explain how you or your business will be featured in the newsletter and on our websites. Unfortunately, Mr. Anderson said the district had experts to determine where to place students. One thing is for sureshe cant adequately represent her members and at the same time report to Mr. Villwock who she is sitting across from in negotiations and union matters. So, these actual numbers are all preliminary and there is still a state of flux until the actual formulas are revealed from Tallahassee. Two political newcomers Elizabeth Bernstein and Jennifer Russell are seeking that District 3 seat. He is a Martin County success story rather than someone who should be maligned. How about this as a discussion item. "Our reading proficiencies are 51%, andobviously, that's not acceptable," she said. My impression is he thinks that Defenthaler is correct, but he realizes the uselessness of fighting. That probably has to do with their pedagogical Martin School District origins. Name. As traditional enrollment has continued to shrink, several elementary schools have more capacity than needed. If that had happened this year, then if the millage passed, it would not become effective until the following tax year. The actual competition comes from the way curriculum is being introduced and taught. So far this year, Florida Blue has paid 104% in claims. It makes one wonder why given what appeared to be a parental return to school board control, this would pass. Thelma Washington who is the executive director of Gertrude Walden also wrote regarding pre-k and childcare: Thank you, concerning the Early Childhood Program at Jensen Beach High School. The others simply did not want to have the presentations. For Palm City, DiTerlizzi moved that Plan A be approved. They also voted to keep the recommendations of the committee for school re-districting. One was from the human resource department on hiring and other departmental issues. She was probably helped by the lack of a campaign by Anderson. This is only for half the year but that doesnt mean the board can wait six months to decide on any changes. Four years ago, the original gap in pay for teachers between Martin County and other nearby counties was $9 million. Open and transparent government has an obligation to make the information available in a timely manner. (You can see ithere. Some research has indicated that the lasting student attachments that are formed in the early years are good for the transition from school to school. I think it is a good idea to explore the possibilities that self-insurance can mean. As supply is increased to meet demand prices may rise for the top of the market but those units that are in mid to lower tiers have price drops. The newsletter asked each candidate to provide a statement on why they wanted to be elected or re-elected. They knew that what they were doing would result in some form of backlash. The school board should encourage Dr. Millay to continue meeting with not only those who agree with him but also those that do not. In the old days, it was known as vocational education. Another item under discussion is the combining and outsourcing of legal services including labor negotiations. Most pre-k classrooms are not in the public schools. It seems CTE are the new watch words in education. There is a definite place for technical learning so that kids who are not going to college have relevant skills for jobs in todays world upon graduation. The School Board has the least of that going on. In a host of matters, the school board cannot act independently. By not having so many infrastructure changes, it is less expensive to convert Anderson. You can see the proposed revisions under the Martin County Commission Section. Some of the speakers, though were a bit uncivil One speaker threated the members with someone running against them. That makes sense since unlike history you need to master one step before going to another. As we shared earlier this week, we are extremely saddened to confirm that the photographic is authentic and was not photoshopped or otherwise manipulated. It is my honor and pleasure to officially introduce myself to the Martin County School District community. Then of course he mentioned the anti-masking side. We may not think we do, but it is there. There are other more effective ways for kids to continue with virtual learning, such as Florida Virtual. One of the boards quieter members, Anthony Anderson, gave a big speech that I am afraid is being misconstrued by the very people he was speaking to. When students study Shakespeare, they read his works rather than an explanatory synopsis in an English book. That should give him time to work with Gaylord and the rest of the administration to understand the District. Last year, the legislature gave $600 million to the districts to bring starting salaries to $47,500 and to boost veteran teacher pay. It seems that DiTerlizzi and Powers want to make sure that LGBTQ+ students are covered but, if necessary, every other non-LGBTQ+ student with a problem would also be taken care of. Sophie will be on NBCs Lester Holts broadcast. We can argue about what is vulgar and what is not. Millay has a steep learning curve when it comes to Florida and especially Martin County. Well, no one had to attend and those who did seemed to have a good time. Dr. White gave a presentation on the new Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking- B.E.S.T. She also received $1,000 from Vero Beach podcaster Dennis Lynch. Parents & students want choices that meet their academic needs. She was backed by Moms for Liberty, which in July donated $250, and finance reports show in May radio and TV political commentator Dan Bongino, of Palm City, donated $1,000. More:Stuart commissioner, Martin School Board member not seeking reelection; others qualify for ballot, More:Florida school board races are supposed to be nonpartisan; keep them that way | Our View. Realtors you need to stop using that in your sales pitches. Governor DeSantis and Education Commissioner Corcoran issued a new order stating that schools will have in person classes no matter what for the rest of the year. . Waters and the Arts Council attorney will be working out the particulars to be presented at the February board meeting in two weeks. Please click here to email the Martin County School Board. The district projects to have 18,942.4 students this school year. I am also one of seven school board members who serve on the Board of Directors for the Florida School Labor Relations Service which provides services related to public sector bargaining in Florida including collection and dissemination of information, education and training of administrative personnel, research, analysis and evaluation assistance.